When are you eurofags gonna realise that you have no freedom?

When are you eurofags gonna realise that you have no freedom?

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>hurr durr,me just elected the first republican in a decade who actually supports gun control but hurr durr you eurofags have no freedom

go back to your hamburger kid

Mad europoor

not europoor,you have fun with cadet bone spurs and the democrats and your fake "freedom"

telling americans they have freedom is true doublespeak

also,lets not forget the tantrums he threw because of nfl kneelers.because you know,living in a free country means to kiss the cops ass's 24 hours a day instead

American studying abroad in europe for 1 year reporting in.
99% of people actually go the speed limit here. Almost everyone is cautious and courteous. I couldn't believe it when I first got here. everyone are great drivers, the roads are nice, I feel safe.

Compare that to what it's like driving in America: Everyone are massive assholes, everyone is speeding and distracted driving, giant potholes. Every time I drive in america its like fucking madmax for fucks sake. Here in europe I don't dread driving. I hate the thought of having to go back this summer.

what kind of moron studys in europe? you think the retarded socialist eurocuck's are gonna give you any better education then ameritards,LOL

also,have fun with the muslims over there idiot.the only people with guns in europe are the police

tbh (to be honest) it's not really so different here. College is general is weird anyway- classes are just teachers talking about the stuff you already read about in homework. The difference is in America teachers are much more friendly and available to help, whereas here they just fuck off as quick as they can after class.

Also they grade like motherfuckers here. In America its easy to get A's by just moderate studying, but here A's are reserved for like 2 people per class that really pushed the boundaries of the topic and offered a new take on stuff. I don't like that part so much

the police in my town don't even have guns lmao. there are actually muslims, that's true, but the young ones are pretty much integrated and just normal people that hang out with their white friends. It's weird because I'm mexican and actually kinda feel more comfortable here because people don't care so much what your color is here. Whereas in America I would often have white people act differently/awkwardly towards me. Here they just don't really care and treat you like anyone else. It actually seems like the population is more diverse here than in America. Maybe its because I live in a cosmopolitan city, but let me count. I have friends from 6 different countries, just off the top of my head

The older muslims are more traditional yeah, and you'll see some people in hijabs, but they're actually polite and pretty much just normal people so fuck I don't see the problem. There aren't as many as the internet make it out to be

When will you amerifags understand...
There is nothing like freedom

>freedom is being able to speed like a dumb fuck and cause a crash killing innocent people.

>Slavery is someone else making all your choices for you

they didn't have governors before?

freedom is being able to make your own choices retard

America has those too they're called "governors" and they're put in every car. Police cars have them taken out so they're not limited in chases. How dumb are you?

Yeah, like how people choose to be killed by reckless driving.

mad eurofag detected

Nigga they already have speed limit my car is limited to 250 km/h they are not gonna limit it to something below 200 belive me
Its just for fast cars so ppl don't do stupid things causing harm to innocent

lmao keep lying man

Then punish reckless drivers.
Oh, wait we already did that.

kek, nice bait

The issue is what freedom means when you have to share the world with people, not whether the dead can be avenged. I mean, a court case doesn't really change the fact that you apparently think the right to kill is more important than the right not to be killed.

also recently, Europe is really trying to destroy the free internet as we know it. can't use more than a couple words of something you link to without paying, and much worse, all uploads have to be scanned for copyright infringement, with the site liable for anything that gets through. just look how horrible youtube is with their copyright tyranny... europe just mandated that even their system isn't going far enough.

burger who never stepped foot outside his basement...

where in europe, because you know a lot of places have cameras set up that time you at two points, calculate your average speed, and mail you a ticket if it's over the limit
and of course there's license plate readers tracking everywhere you drive-- but america's LPR network is quickly catching up

Literally everyone who's ever driven on a road speeds, and the vast majority of them haven't kiled anyone. You're punishing everyone for the behavior of the few. That's tyranny.

I have only seen one of those. But the funny thing is that the cameras are very very clearly marked, and there are even warning signs about 500 meters before them to give you a chance to slow down lol. The only time I saw the kind that calculates the speed, it was also clearly marked and stated that in that area it would be calculated. Otherwise there are just normal speed cameras.

Also I've only seen a handful of cop cars on the road here- they don't seem to need speeding tickets to make up their income

but regardless of you being able to speed as much as you want and just slow down in time for the speed cameras, almost no one does it. There are only a few assholes in BMWs that drive super fast like they have something to prove. Otherwise most people are exemplary defensive drivers. I don't understand why its the case, but they are. My only hypothesis is that its a result of their ubringing and social pressure to follow rules and norms.

Speeding was already illegal in most places.