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Huh, they cooked that egg to death.
The yolk doesn't turn that color unless it's overcooked.

Conservatives be like
>15/hr is nothing lol just stop being poor
Stupid conservatives.

Wasn't there a bunch of people who got fired, after succeeding in making their fast-food employer raise the minimum wage to $15/hr though?

Considering seattle has had that minimum wage for years now im sure plenty of people have been fired. Thats bottom of the barrel employment for you, regardless of min wage

Maybe if they actually got paid enough to cover rent they would give enough of a shit to make your shitty breakfast right

Is that MOLD on the yolk?

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Shits burndt yo see

McDonald's food doesn't mold.

Oh. Still. I ain't paying anyone $15/hr for that bullshit.

Yeah, you're right. "Super Size Me" comes to mind.

I dunno about the rest of you guys, but if a substance doesn't succumb to mold eventually, I wouldn't really consider it food.

it's long shelf-life slave feed.

Yeah, but even MRE's go bad eventually, this stuff doesn't.

Yes, we know you arent the mcdonalds ceo in charge of the sesttles store's wages

Yes it does dipshit

I have never heard anyone say either one of these. Do you have a source for these quotes or do you work at CNN and just makeup your story?

What's with the animosity?
McDicks food is known to outlive twinkies.

this, its not mold

its funky egg shit

No it isnt. You newfags just believe everything you read once as long as it coincides with your own narratives.

Iron sulfide to be specific, it's the iron content in the yolk reacting to the hydrogen sulfide in the whites.

Mcdicks 'goes bad' before they even serve it, let alone 3 minutes later.
Mold resistance is out of the park though.
My mom had some McDonald's stored in jars from an experiment in college.
Found it like 20 years later, looked like jars of fat.

Where does mold come from mr smartypants

That was probably your aborted brother, your mom just lied and said
> McDonalds experiment

yeah women can't do anything right, if you put it a jar then all the moisture would also stay in there, ofcourse it's gonna rot eventually but if you put a mcdonalds on a shelf in your house, it would dry out and would never spoil essentially



you sure showed him who's the boss

This retarded negress at my mcdonalds literally just stares at you, mouth open, doesnt even say anything. Doesnt ask if you want large. Just asks for here or to go. Then says ur total "nigh seh wun (9.71)" in retarded nigger speak. Fucking 15$per hour mu fucking ass.

I have also seen the dried out "burger" experiment.
A puddle of goo was much more interesting.

this tbh

OP the mcdonalds people are supposed to be for kids needing their first job after they quit highschool.

it was never meant to be a career.

calm the fuck down bro, you can't say yourself you want large?

I thought they put a pickle on a breakfast sandwich

You dont know shit about mold quit larping

Nah, they add those to hamburgers to avoid having to classify them as a dessert.

making sandwiches is not a career.. it is either a stepping stone or a dead end job for people who failed miserably at life... people with no ambition. these are skill-less jobs that any trained monkey can do. no disrespect.. a job is a job.. but suggesting that someone who never wanted to invest in themselves with school or training... both of which cost money... deserves to be paid as much as someone who sacrificed for it? no way. just giving crybaby liberals another handout.

i agree fight for fifteen, so shitty bottom o the barrel adults can push teenagers out of one of the few jobs they can get because they can work more hours and care less.
then lets watch the prices skyrocket because

faggots cant into basic economics

then lets watch as all those jobs get replaced with convenient ordering machines while the prices still cost four times as much because why would the company lower its prices now after the dipshits gave them an convenient excuse to raise them in the first place

You are paid to do a fucking job - cook breakfast in this case. Whether you can afford rent or not should not influence whether you di your job properly.
If it does, then your ass is fired and onto the scrap heap you go.
Fucking hell you whiney fucking maggots make me sick.
Cook the food right, or fuck off and get another job

if that guy made 15 bucks an hour your sandwich would look like it came straight out of the advertisement

>implying this isn't the direct path to socialism/communism we are all looking for

He shouldn’t have to, the overpaid retard is paid to do it for him. Clearly they can’t, and won’t be able to if you paid them $1 an hour or $100.

>Implying that we are all looking for that.

15 bucks an hour isnt shit. And thats only in one city. Highest minimum wage on a statelevel is 12 bucks. In my home town the people who worked for 20 years to be making 12 bucks an hour are managing the mcdicks and still live in trailers. Spending time doing something doesnt automatically guarantee you jack shit.

Yeah, 15 bucks magically makes retards into master chefs.

overpaid? so mcdonalds worker earns too much already?

If they can't make a fucking mcdouble correctly, then yes.

honey is literally incapable of molding

Fucking commie - I'll do the job you pay me for, nothing more. If you think you owe your employer more when they aren't giving you a proper wage, then you're anti-capitalist

Former Seattle McDonalds Employee here,

That egg was not cooked correctly. We're supposed to break the yolk before cooking it.

Also: the store was managed by a hispanic immigrant who barely spoke english, and half of everyone there barely spoke english. I will say, they took the job much more seriously then the native-born americans. This one middle-aged hispanic woman was always on my ass about how to mop correctly.

The place was run horribly. I was never told what I should be doing, I did the closing shift and I'd often just stand around looking like a dumbass when the store closed because I had no idea what to do, until whoever the manager on duty was told me what to do, or one of the other "crew members" did. I received no instructions on how to do anything.

Wage doesn't affect quality. Minimum wage workers will always act like minimum wage workers.

That's because it contains mold killing enzymes.

Wait until automation takes all the service industry jobs away and half the population is on UBI welfare. Fucking conservatives always trying to pretend we're still in the 1950s or some bullshit.


Wage cucks who think people who are "below them" making $15 will do anything but raise their own wages

Congrats on shilling for the (((business owners))), cucks

Pic related, DD CEO (((David Hoffmann)))

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>Wage doesn't affect quality. Minimum wage workers will always act like minimum wage workers.

I think this is the important takeaway. So why pay them more anyway? Why throw money away?

Well ideally all people in a single country should be able to speak the same language in addition to native tongues. I think this is more of an exception, those fuckers can work real hard but the language barriers make them suck in other ways.

>Be me
>Working shitty ass jobs when I was young into my early 20s
>Hated life
>Realized that no one owes me shit because I'm a fucking adult and I was choosing to work in shitty jobs with shitty pay
>Worked my ass off, saved up for a car and got into an entry level web development job
>Now work for a German company remotely managing an entire department of people making far more than I could envision when I was younger

Shut the fuck up with your #FIGHTFOR15 nonsense. No one's forcing you to work at shitty minimum wage jobs. A machine could do your job and slowly, machines are overtaking those tasks. Get into a trade skill or develop a real skill, take an entry level position and do something with your life. Or stay stuck, wishing you could get the Ocasio Cortez treatment.

So they can have a higher quality of life, and actually be able to afford their own housing and food.

no dude it's because the low moisture environment is inhospitable to bacteria and molds. If you don't store it properly it can become compromised.

>Minimum wage workers will always act like minimum wage worker

So much this. Most of them are junkies and complete fucking retards.

Oh okay... That makes sense. People who do nothing to work for those things should just be given those things. If you give minimum wage workers more money, all they'll do is buy more lottery tickets, more booze and more drugs.

The problem is that folks think these meaningless minimum wage jobs are going to be around forever.

Many McDonald's locations already have order kiosks that allow you to pay at the end without ever speaking to a cashier. What makes these retards think a corporation wouldn't rather invest in more kiosks than pay a retard to push buttons on a register?

Source: was a McDonald's cashier when I was 16&17. You have giant fucking pictures. If you fuck that up then you need to off yourself.

Turnover rates in the fast-food restaurant are high regardless of pay.

Unless you can factually show that there was a decline in the number of staff after across the board wage increase, then "a bunch of people getting fired" really doesn't mean shit.

Not my problem. They're suffering for a reason.

You think I’m a commie.
You need to read my post again...

I don't really give enough of a shit, I don't eat at those places and I don't work there either.
Automation will remove their jobs soon anyway.

Being this stupid wtf, I'm a 'Con" and both of those statements are retarded, go away

Why should we work at all... the government shoild just give us all houses

That's a pickle you fucking faggotts

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They work 40 hours a week in a busy kitchen. The Mcdonalds was staffed by people in their 20s, immigrants, and ex-cons. Just because they didn't luck their way into a position with actual upward mobility, or had a parent who could pay for their college/rent, doesn't mean they're lazy.

>Just because they didn't luck their way into a position with actual upward mobility, or had a parent who could pay for their college/rent, doesn't mean they're lazy.
You poor poor fool... There was no luck about where most of these people ended up. Most of them are fucking degenerates. You are not "stuck" at one of these jobs.

It's kind of hard to argue with that.

You want some maths? Because you're gonna get some maths.

Imagine you run a small business, say contracting. You employ 20 people. Ten of them make $10-$14 an hour. Five of them make $15-$20, five make $20-$25. Last year you made $200,000 in profit.

Now there's a minimum $15 wage, so the first five get pushed up by five bucks. The next ten are now all asking you for raises because they've known their job for 5-10 years and are now making the same pay as the green help. So you've got to bump them up to what the 10-20 year guys are making. And then the 20 year guy who is running projects is going to start complaining that he's not making any more than the 10 year guy who has no management responsibilities. So now you've bumped all 20 of your guys up by $5/hr for an average of 2,000 hours per year. 5x20x2,000 = your entire profit margin just went away.

What will actually happen is that people who make *near* $15, the ones who will only equate to a $1 or $2 raise will get bumped up, because then the guys above them only have to be bumped up $2. Seven of those 10 people who were below $15 are just going to get laid off.

Big corporations have the overhead to ride out this adjustment until prices go up to even it out, but small businesses will be dropping like flies if they don't drop low-end employees off at the unemployment line.

There is nothing stopping them from looking for a better job, but why should they have to? All full-time jobs should pay enough for a person to live in an apartment, buy food, etc. 15 an hour is barely enough to do that in Seattle.

Maybe they'd work harder if their employer didnt fuck them over every day. Maybe the food would look better if their employer didn't cut corners and used processed foods. Maybe the quality would be better if the employees were happy and the food wasn't 2 cents to buy and 4 dollars to sell for the employer.

>Most of them are fucking degenerates
The last shitty job I worked was Arby's. My coworkers

>A woman named Trinda whose thong was always showing and all she did was complain about fuckboys using her for sex (she was disgusting)
>This dipshit named Joe who kept getting into fights at bars for using the N word and spent everything he had on a Russian bride
>Some cracked out looking girl named Ashley who would smoke crack during her breaks behind the dumpster
>A manager named Ben who did cocaine in the office when no customers were in the store
>A guy named Blake who wanted to start a mafia and thought he was a hacker because he bought a couple of books

Yeah, let's give that crew more money.

seattle minimum is like 12.50

If those jobs started paying more than EMS make more than factories make and so on, a lot of people would quit to work in fast food.

>Whether you can afford rent or not should not influence whether you di your job properly.

objectively false.

it magically makes people actually care to do their jobs right

We had a guy who was just fired last week because he was smoking weed in his car in the parking lot on his first day then refused a drug test. These people are fucking morons.

Way to go commies. You've turned your shitty, dead end jobs into non-existent jobs. jolly well done.

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Why would they want to work somewhere, where the workload isn't less, and the wage isn't more, and the field isn't the one they're interested in?

>I know I accepted this job at the pay that was offered but I'm not going to do the job right unless I'm paid more money

>implying this is a bad thing

Robots should do all the work for us. Basic income WHEN

>Removes bs register jobs
>Creates real engineering jobs
R u autist?

I don't understand.

>Automation will remove their jobs soon anyway
Yang gang 2020

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Obviously you've never worked at McDonalds. They rope you in with benefits and offers and hey! free lunch! And then work you and demoralize you and one day 8 months in you wake up and realize you really don't get paid for the work you put in.

I used to work overnight stocking at whole foods as a full timer with benefits starting at 15 lol not the easiest job at times but I was happy. When shit like this gets posted it just reminds me of how entitled and lazy people in this country are. Mcdonalds employees by far are the worst, they forget that fast food restaurants are not supposed to be permanent jobs because the nature of the business is not a staple of society. Junk food has always been considered a splurge food, something to chew on every now. It is not supposed to be the staple of your diet. This is a byproduct of public education and to an extent it is the will of the government, keep the sheep happy slaving away for pennies while the ambitious and intelligent reap the rewards.

FUCK those things. It's like ordering your food from ebay. I've been drive-thru-only since they started that shit.
>implying the number of engineers who worked on that comes anywhere close to the number of cashiers laid off

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paid for by who? guess who the government gets its money from... and I don't men the giant corporations that hide their shit offshore either.

I work in a hospital and one of the new girls was going around bragging in front of nurses about how she smoked a joint before work. The entire department had to be drug tested, and her retarded ass was fired.

>They rope you in with benefits
No they fucking don't. No one with an IQ of over 80 thinks they're walking into McDonalds and getting good benefits, the fuck?
>Free lunch
That's... that's a benefit for you?

You chose to work there. Fucking do something about it or shut the fuck up.

No but thats the future, like it or not. Hey- I didn't come up with it.

minimum wage should be abolished

If you don't like how much you're getting paid, fucking quit and get a different job

it'd essentially be a socialist state. income tax would be like 80% for the rich. granted, for it to work, the US would actually have to get rid of the loopholes that stop rich people from paying their taxes, and actually appropriately punish rich people who break the law.

mcdonalds gives you half-off meals, not free lunches. they have no other benefits lol

Dawww did the baby get triggered because people want to live with any semblance of comfort? does he like being a wittle pawn to his corporate overlords?

lol this thread. Let me put this into perspective. No one is going to give you a better life. If you're someone who hates where they work, do something about it then. If you spend 8 hours sleeping, 1 hour commuting and 8 hours at work, then that's 7 hours when you are awake where you could be doing something about your situation. I have no sympathy for you, any of you.

I lived on ramens for a year, I slept on a friend's floor for a year and did a lot of shitty things I didn't want to do. I drank all day and worked, that was it. I had to light a fire under my ass when I was 30, had no credit score and no money to my name to do something about it. No one's going to hand you a better life. Do something about it and stop bitching on a NEET board.

Not that user, but actually, McDonald's offers a very extensive and reliable benefits package. The problem is they act like it's easily obtainable but if you're a crew member (90% of the employee staff) you don't get it, or you do and they deduct roughly 40% of your check.

Their hamburgers contain enough sugar to be classified as a dessert, unless they add the pickle.
Yang is espousing a bunch of the shit AOC is, only slightly more eloquently. Those ideas don't stop being bad for being espoused by him though.

I work at Mcdonald's, you're wrong.

I make 90k a year and I work from home most of the time doing something I love. How does that make you McDonalds workers feel? I can take off any time I want. Also, can you useless fucks please put some hustle under those uncomfortable work shoes when I get Egg McMuffins in the morning?

As long as they have customers there’s a profit to be made, even if the margin shrinks with as wages go up. If more people have money in their pocket, more people will be able to afford goods and services. If there are more buyers, companies will have to hire enough employees to meet demand. Profits will still grow, just more slowly. That’s the plan but I’m sure the fat cats at the top will find a way to avoid giving back to their workers. They always find a way.

I'm only at 50,000+ bonuses based on sales but I'm working on it. Feels good honestly. I love lurking shit like this.


Okay so what job do you get after working at a McDonald’s for two years? Daddy’s not going to pay for you to go to college.

Well McDonalds avoids paying taxes in my country, for some odd reason their profit and expenses even out and place them at zero every time the tax man comes around.
The odd thing is that their expenses come from buying stuff from themselves in other countries, it's almost like they are avoiding to pay into the places they have franchises in.

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I just checked and McDonald's states that's not true - it's just for flavor.

I don't understand honestly why people feel entitled to their own housing right out the gate.

I moved out right after high school and took shitty ass jobs, but I also balanced that out with living with roommates, and not living beyond my means. I sure as hell couldn't save any money, but I certainly had no worries about paying rent and car insurance. Things like that. Why can't people of similar interests and circumstances move into apartments or houses together to lessen the burden on each other?

When I turned 21, I went out and became a truck driver. It's not a great job, but it pays well and I don't have to worry about money anymore. Even in this situation, I still choose to live with my friends because they work shit jobs, and it makes my bills less expensive in the mean time.

Everyone is screeching about needing the minimum wage raised to a 'living' wage, but the thing is you absolutely can live on 7.25 an hour (depending on your cost of living and other factors. I'm from SC so our cost of living is quite low but I know in big city areas obviously it would be a lot higher). I just find it a bit asinine and pointless to boost up minimum wage when it would just cause companies to raise the prices on everything else to cause inflation to raise.

Suck it up and find a trade to get into, or find some roommates to shoulder the burden with.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Not him but you know there's McDonald's all over the world right? There's a good chance it varies from franchise to franchise.

"Fight for 15" is already out. Now the thing is "livable wage", which is more convenient because it's essentially a euphemism for "more than I make now". It's an intentionally unreachable target in place of a set amount like $15.

I work at a place where food service staff are unionized. They start around $16-17 plus benefits, and the union still spews constant rhetoric about "poverty wages".

Also this

Ideally, as the demand for labor starts shrinking, cost of living should also come down enough that people can work less- either fewer hours per week or retiring earlier.

It's a strange thing though, as the businesses using automation will be more inclined to increase their margins instead of lowering prices. So, the conservatives will have to choose between more regulation, or the use of a band-aid like UBI.

>2 cents to buy and 4 dollars to sell
Hyperbole. But yes, the margins in fast food (or any food service) look quite high when you just look at the food product. Depending on the type of operation, a restaurant usually needs to get its food cost to around 25% of revenue.

The reason it looks so high is that those food sales need to cover everything- the lease (commercial rents are insane), maintenance/utilities, and yes, paying a team of losers to cook and serve said food.

>I don't understand honestly why people feel entitled
Generation Z and Democrats filling their heads with these ideas for easy votes.

It really concerns me how they think in a country like America with such huge gaps in demographics, they assume we can just have a one size fits all situation for everyone. Social programs can certainly work in very small countries that tax the hell out of their citizens, but I don't believe it'll be successful here.

Hurr Durr Fox news told me I'm just a temporary embarrassed millionaire and have nothing in common with the working class

>thoughts of a 19 year old that’s seen and been thru it all
>they don’t get paid well so they do there job in a similar light
>if they were making 20$ an hour to take an order and or cook some food they’d do a better job

Here’s a tip little bud, they wouldn’t, now get your ass back in line and work hard. That’s how you succeed you doofus.

when workers aren't respected, including making a liveable wage, they put in less effort. basic psychology

with what experience? most jobs with anything approaching liveable pay want a minimum of one year of experience.

>I had to suffer so everyone else should too

That's when they get fired and someone else is hired.

That's not strict for most places. Go in and show your competence. Quit making excuses.

you won't even get through the door to be interviewed in most fields without a resume showing some relevant experience.

someone else who will also put in minimum effort.

That's how the cycle works. Most people quit on their own terms onto better opportunities.

Nah. Not true.

Join the fucking military. Fuck man, I hire ex military every chance I get. I'm liberal. I usually vote Democrat. But even in like "what the fuck are you doing working at McDonalds?"

Join a union for fucks sake.

> CEO makes decisions daily to keep brand profitable and shareholders happy
> idiot that made poor life decisions fuckss up pouring coffee.

he's not wrong.

> removes tens of thousands of jobs
> creates a few hundred job

muh learn to codes