If God doesn't exist then how do you explain this?

If God doesn't exist then how do you explain this?

Checkmate, atheists.

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>tfw you could grow a field of dicks

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Then explain the cock plants, dubs boy

>God's real pal

Attached: StPetersCross.png (90x90, 351)

is this real

It is real

It's time to accept the Lord

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evolution is efficient
dick shape is evolution
there is no god

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god love them dicks, clearly made it all to suck it for himself

satan made the dick mushrooms to tempt humans into sin

Damnit that edge looks so good on you.

>sees post about god
>subconscious reddit program kicks in
>forces an involuntary response of a semi liquid and gaseous grunt bubble to launch from esophagus
>cracks cheetoh fingers and drys hand from lube
>"the traps will have to wait!"
>"god isn't real"
>not enough
>smirk and tip fedora

Bring around the chopper Helen, we got him.

This, god is gay

looks better on you

You actually might be on to something this time

>Sends his followers to burn and drown witches for lulz with lulzworthy methods:

if you're a witch you will be able to escape being tied from this chair as we drop you in a lake
>animals that can legitimately change gender
>if trans really are trapped in the wrong body, guess who decided to trap them there?
>invents penis plants.

God is a Yea Forumstard and uses the power of intelligent design to specialize in kek's and lulz

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The difference between satireand edge is easily defined in this scenario. If you can't see it, the satire portion is my making fun of you.


They're just a weird version of the pitcher plant, aren't they? Pitcher Plant Cock Edition?

nephentes son of a bitch

Go back to fagbook with this shit


Satan is not the Creator he is the destroyer.
He does not rule hell he will be the first prisoner there after the white throne judgment. (End of mankind)

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Can people suck on these/put it inside?

Probably not, pitcher plants are hollow. I think if you tried to use one as a dildo, it would just crush up and be useless

this is your proof that god exist? this dick looking plant? really?

It certainly worked on me

already tried ?

already tried?

>tfw a plant has a bigger dick than me
why live?

someone who hates their neighbor should plant a field of these in their yard, so the neighbor will have to watch a field of dicks swaying in the breeze every time they open their window.

Fake and ur gay