Henny vs crown royal vs jack daniels. i don’t drink that much and want to get a good bottle...

henny vs crown royal vs jack daniels. i don’t drink that much and want to get a good bottle, don’t really wanna pay the price for henny but if it is really worth it i am down too spend it

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Hennessy is overpriced for what it is. Crown royal is usually pretty cheap and is good for getting drunk. Jack daniels is okay if you like a rough burn down your throat. Personally to get drunk on something fairly cheap, I'd stick with something like red label or any "middle" range scotch that your local store supplies.

Smoke weed.

>buying some nigger whisky

Just buy scotch, can't go wrong with Lagavulin.

i got a poor mans tongue.
i've always just bought random bottles.
never really bought the same one twice.
to me its like the difference between Pepsi and CocaCola and the store brand.
sure you can taste a difference but its all basically the same.
so i like trying the flavored stuff the most.
honey, apple, etc.

If you don't want to pay much but still want to get smashed just get a bottle of bells. Works every time. Better yet get two bro

Are you me?

Good advice here.
If you're planning to take some time over it and enjoy the experience, Hennessy is a decent but pricey place to start.
If you're going for mixers or the fast road to a drunk any blended shit in a plastic bottle will do.
Lots of fun exploring to be had in the middle...

Thinking about taking this up to give my liver a break.

I quit drinking when I was on a cut and couldn't control my weight. That was over a year ago and I never went back. Got a medical prescription.

Why don't you look up three methanol adjacent vodkas and ask us which one would be of better quality instead?
That's essentially what you are doing now anyway, just with scotch/cognac.

All three are overpriced. You’re paying for the name.

Those are all things that niggers wearing hoodies buy to make themselves appear smart. They're still fucking niggers and it doesn't change what of those three they buy, it wont change it.

i reccommend vaping it to save your lungs as this is 2x more efficient and creates toasted weed

then cook the toasted weed [tosting it makes the edible stronger] which is 2x efficient again

then you take the pure vape oil out of your glass peice and have literal expensive ass pure as fuck thc oil for yourself 2x efficient

AND you saved your teeth and lungs

"Very special cognac"... What's next? Will they print the participation award onto the bottle, that it got in a cognac contest?

Not who you’re replying to, but is there a how to guide for everything you just said? I’m old and have been smoking out of bowls, bongs, and soda cans all my life. Pretty old school.

there is no comparing Hennessy to crown royal what are you even talking about?

VS, VSOP, and XO are all ratings given to brandy and cognac.

What not say henne instead of henny?

both are shit that kids and inner city idiots buy because it’s a name they’ve heard in songs.
Also Asians. For some reason Asians love cognac. They are by and large the largest purchases of cognac in my area. And there are far more blacks than Asians where I live.

Okay, are any of those designations on the bottle of Hennessy?

All these are terrible.. get a bourbon

Jack is bourbon...

VS, for very special. It means a blend of cognacs that are at least 2 years old.

Alright, it's still a bad tasting cognac that is very overpriced though.
If that stuff gets the VS label, it might as well be a participation award.

it’s not, it’s a Tennessee whiskey
I just picked up a bottle of Henry McKenna yesterday. Best in show SFSC

I mean, I prefer Sazerac rye, but that's just me.

Oh I don’t disagree at all. It’s just an age statement, not any kind of award. And the lowest age statement you can put on there.

So VS is basically a way of saying "This hooch spent above 2 years in my liccer bathtub, I personally rate it with two x's".

I either drink Crown or Jack Daniels Honey. Not a fan of regular Jack. Never had Hennessy. Kracken is good rum if you want to try something else. Rum is usually too syrupy for me, but this is pretty good.

>I personally rate it
Leave all that part out and pretty much.
“This cognac is a blend of 2 year old cognacs” is what it translates to. It’s like the proof. “80 proof” means the liquid in this bottle is 40% alcohol. Just a statement of fact dressed up a little.

Well alrighty then.

yes for each step
ill be honest user took me a while to convert as each step of the way requires research. start on FUCKCOMBUSTION forums find a good vape, i got a LOG style DESKTOP vape.

then i went on edible recipies which opened me up to researching DECARBOXYLATION. removing carbon atom helps it stick to oil [heat the weed to brown before you add it to ediblez]. i found easy as fuck recipie for peanut butter. jus PB,OIL,GANJ in oven for 30 minutes

my vape is just a small oven, which means i decarb everytime i vape, collect the OZ of brown golden goodness in a big jar or baggie and end of month and create PB with it in big oven.

collecting oil is easy as scraping the collected oil on sides of the glass mouthpiece that comes with vape. similar to scraping bowl for resin only its pure oil no tar. i now use big weedstem to scrape peices as metal will scratch, wood absorbs, rubbing alch is dangerous to inhale, and so is plastic.

when looking for vape, look for all glass, ceramic. stainless steel iand other metals are...ok but make sure its pure. also NO PAINT OR PLASTIC ON YOUR VAPE. the last thing u want is to breath offgassing chinese bullshit.


gl m8. google will help you if youre stuck. took me abt a year to convert.

Three words.

Crown Royal apple. You're welcome.

Alcohol is for plebs

Bells makes so sick the thought of it makes me gag

smoking is for plebs. hurting your body is pleb.
vape edibles like autismposter above suggested

Those are all cheap trash you twat