What's the Most Disgusting Thing in the World?

What's the Most Disgusting Thing in the World?

to me crossdressing

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I can agree with you user

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Anyone who thinks there more than two genders.

Even dawgs hate em


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Drag queens need to be remover from society

Jew media.

nowt wrong with it

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I have no empathy ore care for other humans so to me it would be puking, the act of puking is the worst feeling in the world.

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fly tipping
people who do it should be hanged

Got a nasty one for you, I'm still reeling myself. GF brought home a brutal stomach virus last weekend. Finally hit me mid-week. Felt a massive growler hit me first thing in the morning. Ran to the toilet and fire hose of pure evil. "GAG!", puke welling up in my throat, still spraying. No stopping it, had to pull my dick to one side and barf straight down between my legs while still growling. The sound and smell were overwhelming, it was a taste of hell..

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The liberal agenda.

>GF brought home a brutal stomach virus last weekend.

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Niggers, jews and then crossdressing


not even close

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Nursing home, RN.

Weak virginal manlets who are so insecure that they feel the need to lash out at anyone who isn't like them in order to find someone to take the blame for their own inherent inadequacies.

Or maybe there is a justification why "manlets" don't like a certain group of people. Go get that extra chromosome removed before speaking again

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Puking is actually not bad if you are really sick or really drunk, feels good to get it out. For me it's little faggots who act camp. No problems with gays but I hate mincers

Nah. Secure adult males who have their shit together don't worry about things they aren't involved with that disgust them. Just because you're sitting at home using every fiber of your being to resist putting on those panties you ordered off Amazon while downloading and deleting grinder off your phone doesn't mean the rest of us have anything too worry about.

0 IQ presumptions you sound like a libcuck. Just because I don't participate in a certain activity does not mean I can not have a certain dislike of it has nothing to do with insecurities. These fucking drag tards present a negative image on our children's minds maybe use your brain for once.


People that are convinced that they can "officially" change their gender on a whim
>not mental illness

So you're triggered by men in girls clothing? ...snowflake....

not theOP but triggered is not the same as disgusted idiot. I am disgusted by the negative societal impacts these sort of people have especially on our youth. Please go change your gender in another thread so you can commit suicide sooner idiot.

For me, the most disgusting thing in the world is people who use the Bible to justify and rationalize their racism, misogyny, and homophobia.

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So how often do you change your gender?

OP here
and I agree with this post
the caricature depiction of women by drag queens disgusts me.
I love the beauty and naturalness of women.
and these faggots ruin it

>anyone would procreate with your beta as fuck closeted ass.

Imagine using beta as your only argument. I never asked to procreate either so you again have 0 IQ

Hakarl. Shit tastes fucking terrible. So disgusting.

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Trannys who flaunt their new sex in public.

I never see ''manlets'' endlessly and continiously talk about height.. yet it's somehow these superior tall and lanky motherfuckers that constantly post shit about it to feel better about themselves.

Crossdressing or dragqueens?.. rather different things I believe.