My gf wants to get a breast reduction

My gf wants to get a breast reduction.

How do I tell her that I'm selfish and that she's a stupid cunt for wanting to do such a thing?

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Tell her that you only stay with her because you have a giant titties fetish

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Show us those tiddies so that we can give a better opinion user


Show her pictures of post op breast reductions. Show her that no matter how well the job is done the tits are ALWAYS scarred all to hell and the nipples (having to be practically cut off and put back on in a breast reduction surgery) look like pepperonis crudely stapled back on.

Call HER selfish considering 99.9% of women throughout history who had large breasts (in the grand scheme of human history that is probably hundreds of millions if not billions of women) had no chance of doing a single thing about their large breast because breast reduction surgery essentially has only been a thing since the mid 20th century.

Present this analogy to her: If you had a huge 8-10 inch dick that she was attracted to and you decided to have a surgery that reduced your dick to 3.5-4 inches and left it scarred all over how would that make her feel? Probably not good. This is essentially what she would be doing to you.

Tell her she'll loose all sensation, have scarred up saggy tits, and wont ever be able to breast feed.


you usually cant breast feed after getting surgery like this.

make up some shit about higher risk factor for breast cancer

You CAN but you dont produce near enough milk.

>wife had reduction
>just had a kid
>fucking formula fed bc only makes 15ml a day

From experience I recommend you just not seem vehemently opposed and typically women yap about a bunch of shit they want but never actually do it.

Having an 8 to 10 inch cock isn't even that big of a problem the thing is that having large breasts will cause her to have mild to severe back problems. So that's why I believe she should keep her fat tits

What size is she? Mine has large tits but wants to even bigger.

Be honest: on a scale from 1-10 how much was your attraction to your wife damaged after her breast reduction?

Emotionally and physically.

Breast reduction scars are gnarly. Tell her good luck with the Frankentits.

Was done before we met.

First time I saw them I was appalled by the scars but pussy was pussy.

Okay a counter point to the "my back hurts" line: There are tons of men out that that have regular back pain because they carry their stress in their back. It is not caused by any other part of their body. There is nothing they can cut off or mutilate to make the pain go away. They just deal with it or medicate. Why can't she do the same?

Pretty much just like that.
Of course, you will probably need to find a new human cow tho

See, as a tits man I think I probably would have hit just because it would be rude to be like "ew I'm not fucking you with tits like that" but after that it would probably be over. No way I would put a ring on Frankenstein tits.

Tell her if she does, you're getting a dick reduction

Actually usually the reason for men to have back pain is because 1.) They don't exercise their lower back enough so the muscles there are useless and 2.) Men lift things improperly which leads to hernias and disk displacements along the spine. A man can live their life without lifting anything or at least lifting correctly and he won't suffer any back problems unless he wightlifts for sport or hobby. As for women with huge breasts it is necessary for breast reductions because that can cause bad posture and, can you guess it?, back problems. Stress is all over the body not just specifically in the back.

She should get them because it probably hurts her back. You just need to accept her need over your want.

honestly, not even gonna read the rest of the thread. She looks like shes a G or H cup. Which means if she doesnt get a redux then you're going to be dating a hunchback in a couple years. Or you'll leave her and it will be her,. . . alone. . . as a hunchback.
