Can we all just appreciate this goddess for a second?

Can we all just appreciate this goddess for a second?

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wouldn't fuck her with a rented dick

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I would like to stuff her butt with meat. Like poultry meat. And cornbread dressing. And make her into a giant fatty sized Amy turducken.

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imagine the sweat in the crotch of that suit

I'm just glad I haven't written a joke worth a shit, this bitch would steal it...

no we cant

love her arms, any bikini shots?

I guess Jabba wasn't killed after all.

She's an amazing talent.who will disappointed her child as she does the country.godspeed Amy may your baby be masculine child and not be in the spectrum.

Show anybody who brings her up this video. CAREER DESTROYED

Did any of you many many people see her in Thank You for Your Service?

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Ok Doug your drunk go home and sleep it off

Fuck you. Fuck your mom. Faggot

unfuckable lardass

nice sofa


And remember, the right wings are guilty for her shitty jokes and perfomances.

Jesus Christ.

hollywood hookup nigga its real

theres more compilation videos too hahaha

fat pig should lose her career