Serious question Yea Forums. Why are people so stupid? I've moved all over the country and it doesn't matter where I go...

Serious question Yea Forums. Why are people so stupid? I've moved all over the country and it doesn't matter where I go. I'm surrounded by idiots. Is it something in the water? Is the 5g really melting everyone's brains? What's going on?

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what if you are the retard, did you think about that
also checked

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Stupidity is easy and free. It's why there's niggers.

We evolved from fucking apes, you figure it out. Very few of us are the exception. Also, what is 5g?

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its actually a legitimate question
>wtf im on Yea Forums

Welcome to Earth my friend.

the 5g is injecting the water with chemicals to make gay frogs, buy some waterfilters.

Mutt brain matter. Leave Burger.

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Pervasive financial insecurity and threat of displacement. These things make people more volatile and less intelligent according to science and there’s ample statistical and anecdotal evidence that it’s increasing.

Of course I've thought about that. If everyone's the asshole than maybe you're the asshole right? I'm not a genius. But I sailed through college with a finance degree and made sure to check my IQ 125. So yeah I'm basically a little smarter than average. Which means I'm a smart retard. I feel like the bell curve is shifting left though.

>i am special everyone else is just a drone
this shit was already old when punks picked it up, fuck off you retard snowflake

My money is on you just thinking you're smarter than you really are, your frustration coming from no one willing to put up with or entertain your autism.

I think this is it. I've noticed people getting less rational and more angry as the cost of living continues to rise and wages remain stagnant. I'm wondering how close the breaking point is. But you can only strangle the poor for so long before they run out of breath right?

im not a scientist nor a big conspiracy theorist but I think he talks about some mobiletelephone network shit.... and tbh I can imagine that. Governments and fucked up institutes are trying to control us like sheep since forever but now they got millions of petabytes of space to collect data on. They are collecting and analyzing peoples behaviour on the internet and its a super fucking effective system. While brexit got voted fuckers bombarded people with more than a billion! a fucking billion!!!! political message trough social media. They manipulated people trough secret algos and they have the most sophisticated brainwashing/controlling method, weapon humanity could come up with in 2019. And this is not a tinfoil hat theory, this hist just happened few years ago and they are already making document movies about it.
Jewish games all around us

The average IQ is 100, and that is quite far from real intelligence. 125 or more is only 4% of the people, and that is also far away from genius. And 50% of the people are in the area of below 100. And that can mean 70 or worse. It's all statistics, man.

A combination of you being autistic and believing you’re more intelligent than you are, along with 50% of the population having an IQ under 100.

There’s more people on the planet now and television exists leading to less people reading.

Only wealthy people are intelligent. Ever since I graduted college, I stopped hanging out with poors/stupids. Only my fellow big brained big wallet humans are worth associating with

Sorry if i came off trollish, I’m being serious here. The smart humans rise to the top.

Might be you're an asshole.

Holy shit dude.
You need to calm tf down.

A genius isn’t it’s iq scores. It’s someone who is analytical and puts patterns together. I’m a genius but only have a 110 iq.

I know how the IQ test works. I was just trying to give myself some reference because hey maybe I'm the retarded one. But I'm looking around and seeing how easily manipulated an misdirected everyone is. No one is questioning any of the bullshit the are being force fed by different interest groups. There's no critical thinking skills. Only shouting and anger in all the wrong directions.

>Controlled people through social media!!

Yes, with appeal to emotion and fear marketing. That's what works. Not goddamn indiscnerable energy waves designed for cellphone networks. Our brains dont work that way.

pretty sure the problem is that you're an idiot and you get frustrated because more intelligent people everywhere are constantly proving you to be said idiot. because not everyone is stupid. i suggest you eat a bullet to relieve your pain.

Yepp, I understand every aspect how they do it trough media, let that be fb, schoolbooks or television but we humans are very fine instrument of nature. They might find a frequency one day that is very prone to fuck with our minds or they already did. Humans are izi to fuck with.

are you on drugs son?

How so? I didn't say everyone is. Just that the stupid portion of the population seems to be growing exponentially. I've thought about the bullet pill but I'd rather try for a remote cabin with some property out somewhere far away from the general population. The only problem is I have to spend years making money off the general population to afford this.

go back to r/iamverysmart retard

have you heard about narcissistic personality disorder? because i think you have it. you seem to hold yourself in very high regard without sufficient cause. or you are delusional.
he doesn't qualify.

It's the social, cultural, economic and intellectual strata that you are in. You may feel you are at the high water mark of that strata but you are likely at the low of the next. Work harder to lift yourself out of your current station in life and meet better people.

Have you been paying attention to social media or interacted with the general population recently? Idiocracy is becoming reality. Maybe I'm a narcissist but I'm not wrong. Stupid people are out breeding smart people.

>it's just about working hard
>pull yourself up by your bootstraps
>no go work harder for me, slave, you want to be like me one day, don't you?

>liberal elitist propaganda
>thinks he's smart for falling for it
retarded people are incapable of recognizing themselves as such
interesting, isn't it?

People are animals, and seldom behave logically. emotion is the driving force between all political and cultural movements. emotion is illogical so it seems "stupid" to a logical person.

Most people allow their emotions and bias to rule them and never learn how to think objectively and scientifically.

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Green text... the words of a stupid person that is content to be surrounded by their like.

Yes everyone is dumb, but you're probably unaware of your own flaws.

there's your problem. i have disconnected myself from all social media. i don't have fb, twitter, insta, nothing. why don't you try that? if you say b-b-because [pick an excuse] then you're to blame for your frustration. quit exposing yourself to the things that are causing you frustration

Nothing is wrong. You are just an edgy teenager. Fortunately it will go away when you grou up.

It's because you're in America, Try moving to another country

Yes I'm strongly considering it. I'm addicted to it. It would eliminate 2/3rds of stupid nonsense I see everyday. There's still all the city dwellers i'm surrounded by. That's why I want to get away to a very remote area. I think it would benefit my mental health greatly.

Where do you live that doesn't have a bunch of angry loud stupid people running around?

>my IQ 125

stop using social media except for one that has most of your friends. remove all of the extra dumb shit on it like following brands or celebrities or people you don't know. only check it once per day. read more and do social things (if you need that) that involve meeting/conversing in person and less online. do that for a year and see if that helps improve your outlook. too much social media becomes cancerous

keep going till you leave the united states borders

I think I'll do that. Thanks for the reinforcement. I've been considering it for a long time.