What is b drinking thread

what is b drinking thread

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I wish I could drink right now. But I'm at work.

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Nice gun


ITT: Children brag on an anonymous image board

Another Big Friday Night, boys!

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lel what are you doin here fren?

Your moms pussy juice

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Lots of coffee.

My daughter welds better than you, bitch boi!

Alcohol is for beta faggots

Your daughter sounds like alittle slut.
Love to meet her.

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At work. Cant drink.

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What shithole do you life in, that you need a gun in your basement, fucktard?

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Some bier

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Got a 90day chip suck my dick

Cry harder, libtard.

Good man. Drinking is poison. Really no point unless you want to be low T and buttfucked, which would make you OP

Thanks bro

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Post more of that gun, OP

Lib logic.


Nice gun, just in need of a suppressor

This looks absolutely disgusting.

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>Asks what we're drinking

>Make gun with $100 laser pointer focal point of picture

Badass over here guys. Hide your wives.

A nice cold bullet. It quenches all thirst.. permanently.

ayy ohio? where you at?


I am at work driving a school bus so I just drink beer.

>drinking bud light over the superior bud light platinum


id like to weld my dick to your daughter's pussy lips

ive been lookin for a light beer version of pbr though(inb4 hurr durr hipster faggot)all ive found that was pbr easy shit which has the same carbs as regular pbr

>drinking beer while driving a school bus

are you at least a Yea Forumsro and offer the schoolkids some beer?

>cant drink

>but can bring a gun to work

do you open your beer with your gun?

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Who am I kidding. The owners wouldn't give a fuck if i drank or not probably. Love my job lol

High five

>the owners wouldnt care if i drank or not

actually they would,dumbass.you dont realize how a real job works

although,i shouldnt be one to talk.last job i had i drank on my last day so.......

Drink the gun. Do it; you won't

Small company. Not really a "real" job. Trust me I know. I've had plenty. Was also in the Navy. So fuck yourself

>was also in the navy

how many dicks did you suck? faggot

also,the navy isnt a real job.people join the military because they are to stupid to handle a real job

Some kinda black tea with a side of 4mg Xanax. Makes everything ok without a hangover the next day.

>Consuming alcohol with firearms
Thanks for being the kind of person who fucks it up for the rest of us.
In my state one of the places that I can’t conceal carry is an establishment that makes x amount of revenue of alcohol sales. The number means you can go to places like chili’s and TGI Fridays that serve alcohol.

I bet you’re the asshole who sits at the bar getting shit faced with your concealed piece hoping to have to use it.

Walk into traffic please.

>t. Never ran a bead

Sure kid

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Nice trips. Nice piece. Nice vodka. Nice barley-pop. Nice.

So you think it’s better for employees to drink at work than have concealed firearms?


Thats a woman though, so she's just empowering herself. Get your shit straight.

Why are you so ass blasted about this guys work situation?

Slab of Foster's.
After me beer everything under the kitchen's sink, mate

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i really dont care about either issues,but its obvious that america is more anti gun now anyway

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>but muh trump,he made america great again

meanwhile,he's as much of anti gun piece of shit as the rest of the liberals from new york.republicans traded 2018 years of constitutional support for a meaningless issue like immigration

Waiting for motherfucking happy hour at my department in 2 hours. Usually down about 4-6 beers, pick up some whiskey and have dinner, then head to the pub for a good night of live music and fucking around

>anti gun
>muh bump stocks
Sure kid

> america is more anti gun now anyway
Sure kid

>I really don’t care about it but let me make two posts where I rant and rave

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>hurr durr,im gonna put my head in my ass and not realize that bump stocks and increased background checks is gun control.all because "at least we dont have hillary"

its obvious you ignorant hillbilly trump supporters ruined the republican party.and when real republicans tell you to fuck off after 2020,it will put a smile on my face.go join the democrats where you and your stupid new yorker president belong

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Cincinnati represent

I'm drinking Carling, had a bottle of cheap prosecco before I started on this, there is also cocaine in the mix..

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I have given up alcohol for Lent, partly to help me lose a bit of excess weight. So at the moment I am drinking a mug of hot tea with skimmed milk, no sugar. Sat next to it I have a one pint glass of plain tap water, to maintain the same volume of fluids that I am accustomed to drinking when I am drinking beer.

drink whiskey then you little faggot.

>increased background checks
You couldn’t be anymore misinformed fagot.

The only new background check is private sales you dumbfuck. They aren’t expanding anything. In my state and many others it was already the law shit for brains.

>banning a meme piece of plastic that can be replaced with a rope
Kek. Stay mad. I’ll stay armed and there ain’t a fucking thing you can do but cry your bitch tears.

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>meme piece of plastic

>hurr durr,look at google link that says trump veto'd a bill so his redneck supporters can believe he actually supports gun rights

guess what kid,people who wrote the 2nd ammendment didnt want your feelings to be more important.so fuck off,you arent republicans.conservatives hate you,educated republicans hate you.time for you trumptards to back to the trailer parks you crawled out of

>ill stayed armed

>cry your bitch tears

you have fun with that,someday.trump will ban something you do care about,then what are you gonna say? redneck piece of shit

>in my state

yeah,nobody cares about your backwords hillbilly state trumptard.you morons threw fits for 8 years whenever obama even mentioned gun control.now you cuck's stick your head up your ass when donald trump gives you what you fought obama to prevent,fuck off and join the democrats.you arent welcomed by real republicans anymore

not proud of it


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>hillbilly state
Kek. What a faggot you are.

Are you having a stroke or some other medical emergency than renders you unable to type properly and utilize punctuation? Also cry more faggot.

Cry more faggot

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nobody ever fought a bump stock ban under obama.

He did support an ammunition ban that would make almost every round commonly used illegal while president. Before being president he supported a national ban on concealed carry.

If you look at his voting record, he was the single most anti-gun senator ever

>hurr durr,he thinks im only talking about bump stock bans and obama

obama tried for 8 years to ban assault rifles,and republicans actually acted like republicans and protected your gun rights.unlike when cadet bone spurs took over

ill keep my guns,you keep your scary non whites out of the country.faggot

Lolol haven't sucked a dick yet. Did fuck a man in the ass once though.

dont worry kid,you'll be crying enough in 2020 when not only is your fat orange idiot not president anymore.but the house and senate will be democrat majority,will be a little "thank you"to the republican party for thinking that everybody will just accept them throwing 2018 years of gun rights support into the toilet because your draft dodger president wanted to keep america white and stupid

>obama tried for 8 years to ban assault rifles

so we're in agreement then that obama pushed far harder gun control legislation than trump?

I want you to keep your guns. I want to keep mine too

>I’m actually a gun owner guys!
Nice larp.

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>but trump never banned assault rifles

these rednecks dont understand how democrats do this,they'll keep chipping away at it until there's nothing left

Type more words.

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>i want you to keep your guns

no you dont trumptard,you made that very clear with the lack of outrage from donald trump's gun control.now its time to join the anti gun democrats where you belong

It's me again. I'm home now. Check it

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Oh you're going to be SO disappointed


Sure kid

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>any gun control is the same as total gun ban
ho boy

>hurr durr,is to ignorant to understand what i wrote

go figure you support trump,without the uneducated he wouldnt of even been nominated

>you support trump

you're not very good at reading are you?

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>cheap hillbilly beer

drink some st ides

Do you have some religious prohibition against capitalization, punctuation, and placing spaces between the little punctuation you use?

You type like a maniac with a fourth grade education.

im pretty good at reading,cant say the same for you and the illiterate president you support

>calls others uneducated
>can’t compose proper sentences
Ok inbreed.

maybe give the conversation another look, you might have a shot at it this time

You sure aren’t good at writing...

yeah,i guess i didnt realize that trump supporters still had a 4th grade reading level

your as stupid as your president

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libs will say this to a marine over Yea Forums but not in person. fucking pussy. lmao beta cuck faggot, kys

Are you the guy making the pit bull troll threads everyday?
What difference does it make that you’re a marine?


Shit gets you going alright for pretty cheap. I usually drink one of these then switch to Budweiser. I'm poor.

Some wine. Nice handgun btw. From Texas with love.

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That is a shit weld. Is that your job?


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Dude what the fuck....

Also seriously what’s with all you faggots drinking hard liquor with firearms. Sober the fuck up for Christ sake. You make us all look bad.

That's code for extra small penis

hard liqour? are you a fucking retard? also, firearms only go off when you pull the trigger fucknut.

downtown LA

we get it, you can't handle firearms.


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>taticool impractical calibre handgun
>gaming keypad
>horrible IPA because more hops = more cool even if it tastes awful

god damn ameritards

he says we make him look bad. LMAO. what a fucking cuck pussy, showing the whole world he cant take a photo of his guns without putting himself in harms way.

learn trigger discipline you fucking queef.

Some random old ass wine bottle I found ganggang


only beer in the fridge/only gun at the workbench.

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ive taken shots with my boss and we got back to work. if you cant handle a few and work then you need to man up or kys. i've sat along side multimillionaire colleagues while they sign 6 figure deals right after drinking/railing a line of coke.

>mfw i make trumptards mad and prove they are no better then the anti gun liberals they make fun of with this thread

How is .45 not a practical caliber? I prefer 10mm but still.

you might as well use that gun to shoot yourself drinking that nasty shit.

those assumptions are laughable. stay beta.

natural light aint bad faggot,i bet your some craft beer drinking hipster

Drinking alcohol while at your computer and playing with your handgun in condition zero.

I’m a big second amendment supporter, but I also support mandatory confiscation from people who abuse the right to bear arms by being irresponsible with them.


look kid,im old enough to remember 8 years of obama.you republicans cared about your gun rights back then,now you traded it because your a bunch of dumb white hillbillys who dont want the scary mexicans in america

well guess what faggot? i care more about the constitution then your shitty immigration you cant even get right

Cunt. Faggoty IPA and a toy gun. Go to bed

how is taking a photo playing with it? you position it in frame, take the photo, then move the handgun back to its position on the desk/wall. you're just a pussy that wants something to bitch about.

your entire reply was an assumption. good job, kid.


nope,but go figure im probably arguing with a dumb kid who's not old enough to remember obama

Not disagreeing with you but wish I at least had a different gun to do it with, if not another beer to drink.

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Mah nigger

haha. you're fucking dense. the only child here is you, despite your age.

What a shit PC. Go to bed

What does b use? I admire your showpiece

>they only go off when you pull the trigger
Well aware dipshit. The problem is the pile of feces between your ears that decides when to pull it.

>hard liquor
Sorry. I know guns not alcohol. What a shortfall of mine.

well mines technically still at the cleaning bench, is unloaded, and has a magazine disconnect function anyway, so.


Pure Aryan race. Respect brother

Fuck off

coke light master of trips

Hipster twat

like i said before, "learn trigger discipline you fucking queef."

this is second nature for me considering. beta faggot.

Have a nice drink user's much love from the Netherlands

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True. It’s well known that alcohol is the secret performance enhancing drug every operator from SWAT to SEALS uses to enhance their shooting skills faggot.

>hurr durr your an operator
Absolutely not. Also not a drunk just a responsible gun owner.

Lol, manlet neckbeard drinking wine whilst jacking off his firearm. Well done kid

whats with all the faggot snowflakes? holy shit. where are the real men at? can anyone here even use a axe without shitting themselves? generation of fucking pussies.

Bottled in 2018. must taste like a hookers ass

the real pathetic.

>alcohol enhances trigger discipline

Oh cool, I bought my 5 year old son that cap gun. POP POP POP

>he says we make him look bad. LMAO. what a fucking cuck pussy, showing the whole world he cant take a photo of his guns without putting himself in harms way.

I know what these words all mean just not in this order. Maybe if I was shitty drunk...



im definitely not a seal, but i have my shot in buds coming sooner than you do. :) if you have any further questions, there's a retired navy seal/ gov contractor sitting about 20 yards from me.

My tap water is stronger than that piss

Oh look it’s mr fuckin obvious troll is obvious.

>obvious troll

nope,just somebody old enough to remember there attitude towards a piece of shit threatening their gun rights when obama was president compared when trump and the democrats are controlling the country

This. Thank fuck I’m not the only one. Especially these days. People are foaming at the mouth to take our rights away. This shit isn’t a joke.

>being able to stay sober
>being a pussy
Choose one.

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This is me for tonight

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please post the alcohol percentage of your water tap

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>this is second nature to me
Yes being drunk and making stupid ass decisions generally is to alcoholics.

Bud light. Will have at least 25 tonight

>500$ laser pointer

this gun costs more than you make in 2 months you filthy pleb

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fuckin hippie

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How do you like that guard rail? I’ve considered getting it over a quad just to save money.

The best milk, non-alcoholic and non-carbonated drink.

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A bottle of Kentucky Gentleman I found in my new desk at work. It's god awful, but free booze is free. Though, if this man worked the way he drinks, I see why he got fired.

What the fuck is all this supposed to mean? How insecure are you bro? I plainly said am not an operator and sure as fuck don’t claim to be. You have something to prove so badly you overshadow an accomplishment I outright told you I don’t have.

My only claim is you’re a fucking retard to think alcohol doesn’t diminish your capacity to safely use a firearm.

I do t give a fuck who is sitting next to you. Jesus Christ you’re insecure with yourself.

Nothing, had my last drop on October 1st 2017
And I never had a alcohol problem to beginn with

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Have a great day/night wherever the fuck you live user

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It's pretty good, just a pain in the ass when I gotta take it off to adjust the gas tube

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Busch Ice, because I'm a cheap bastard.

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Naw man. If your rocking a ed brown or Wilson combat. I would say good come back but a fn is not that great just saying

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Ice beers taste like homeless people butthole

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what ammo you run?
hornady 115gr CD?

Open carry or just bed stand gun?

>no rail
>no 15 round 45acp capacity
>no rmr mount
>no stock threaded barrel

no thanks

Plum wine? Is this any good? You got more than one jar so I'm assuming you like it a lot?

Cheers my dude

kinda sweet for my taste. the jars are small

Nothing, I live in nigeria.

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cringelord faggot

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just the nigger blaster, and inawoods gun

this is my daily carry gun

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Fuck Cincinnati and fuck their university.

If it didn't have 5.9% at the price it has, I wouldn't be drinking it, I assure you.

Heard that. My daily is a glock 43, compensated g17 for range.
>inb4 glockfag

Hornady 220gr and 115gr CD

Thinking about switching to federal hydra shock though

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why is it cocked....just for pic?

why would it not be cocked?

let's have a party

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just switched to 124gr federal HST from 115gr hornady. Love practicing with the 124gr so far.

I hear the hydroshock expansion is weaksauce. Couldnt bring myself to trust them. I KNOW that HST or Critical Defense will do the job though.

What oilfield company paints their skids white?

practice mags

124gr fiocchi fmj

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Hello Cincy user.


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513 in the house.

937 actually


Critical defense is what I carry. I was actually told by the cop who taught my CCW class that it was a good round to use because the cops in my area carry it. He said it would look better in court god forbid. Have heard that before from other sources too. Also depends greatly setup you have. Massad Ayood said he heard about people getting “Smile and wait for flash” printed on their hone defense weapons kek. Not smart...

Also stop drinking and playing with firearms faggot.

that is how people shoot themselves in the leg..or shoot friends.You 5hrow one in the chamber when it is time. You can throw 1 then lower the hammer, but cocked, and loaded...troll detected.

I know what it's like to want to get as fucked up for as little money as possible but when I have enough to get something more classy and I think back to drinking ice beers I always wonder why I settled for that shit

Used to live in Huber Heights and Kettering/Oakwood areas. From Cincinnati though.

wut, when the niggers come there is no time to rack the slide you bettter be ready to go son.

also l2 trigger discipline and use the safety

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haha I went to Wayne, I live in Dayton by tanks now.

I'm not falling for this shit old spaghetti meme...i am oldenfag

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>that is how people shoot themselves in the leg..or shoot friends.
Ask the next cop you see and see how they carry.
>You 5hrow one in the chamber when it is time.
Sure. Covered in blood while being stabbed or stomped on or beaten with a cinder block.
>You can throw 1 then lower the hammer, but cocked, and loaded...troll detected.
Everyone who carries in condition zero is a troll.


Never thought a cop would look at what ammo was being carried during a confrontation. I guess it makes sense. Better to be using familiar freedom ammo than xxxdeathloadsxxx or something crazy. Love my HST even more now.

Just playing with mags :^)

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nectar of the gods

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>Never thought a cop would look at what ammo was being carried during a confrontation. I guess it makes sense
Well they are going to collect shell casings, and most likely your weapon along with any live ammo left in it . If they charge you the prosecution will sure as hell bring that against you if they can.

>Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defense would want you to believe the defendant didn’t leave his home that day looking to shoot anyone, but I ask you, why was he carrying Nigger Chaser 5000 rounds?!

No class fn. all show no go.


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That's at a mine.

Out of the thousands of pistols I transfer in my ffl fn has to be the least picked out. but mind you I live in fag land NY. The most I can carry is ten in a mag


You have no idea what you're talking about. IPA has become a huge novelty, yes, but hop flavor and bite are what make IPAs so fun to drink. If you don't like IPA, that's totally fine, but when you shit on it, you sound exactly like the people who hate beer and hate those who drink it.

At least you can carry. I live in marylandistan...ccw is next to impossible to obtain

IPA tastes like cat piss faggot

Its fucking bullshit because I'm sure the local crack dealer has a fuck hi point in his fucking pants anyway

IMPLYING you wouldnt load Nigger Chaser 5000 rounds if you could in your daily carry

This post best post

why empty bottle nigger

Tank was my old watering hole. Live in apts across from Thomas Cloud Park. Hahahaha

Only the finest whiskey here

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My dude

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pls explain... I distill for 5 years now, never tried doing carrots... taste?

Aristocrat 100 proof cuz the cheap shit is the best shit

So you are drinking a Dalmore Constellation

Mainly to teach the wife/daughter.
Love the tapered barrel though.

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No I said the FINEST. Johnny Walker Blue my Friend.

we put it in bloodys

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nice nails

thanks for the inspiration, my next goal. I guess the thermomix I had to buy my wife will come to use finally...

i have guns too im just too lazy to pull one out for the pic and the knoife was in my pocket

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A favorite of Saddam
Blended shit Nice attempt look at the ingredients a load of cheep shit with some rare and fine's for their name

tell me about this thermomix

I could see that, for you. I'm sorry can't open to it, user, I truly am.

Dub trips check
>drinking jammeson and gingerale

Nice airsoft gun

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Reingeist is pretty solid though

Ohio breweries.

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Walgreens has 30 packs of Miller Lite on sale for ~$22. 18 packs are $21. It's Miller time, baby!

Laser pointer.
Get your hardware right, kiddo

a nice cold cup of milk

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I have a SD9VE... kinda like it kinda shit

>assault rifles

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fuck i hate miller but its a good beach beer and im heading there tomorrow. guess it is miller time.

the same beer as you.

pic related and some smirnoff ice because my little bro has had them laying around since new years. Cheers faggots.

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jay-mo my man

>Implying I like salty prison cock
How about no.

God I sweoyou fags spend more on alcohol than on firearms.

>non alcoholic beverage

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Pff, it goes bang man. I spend
Plenty of money on guns. But I carry this because it’s small and I actually carry it. What higher dollar gun is that size that’s dependable? Had a Kahr and it was shit. I have a sig p365, glocks and a hk usp but it they don’t conceal well with my style and I don’t dress like a vest wearing faggot.

that anons a faggot. ive pocket carried my lcp for the last 3 year and nothing is more comfy

I hate to be that cunt, but, shit weld my friend

how much do you get paid an hr?

please tell me you're just a roustabout they gave a stinger to.

is it also possible that you made 7018 look like 6010?

fresh out of an AA meeting here! almost 60 days

I use a pocket holster and just carry it strong side just behind the point of my hip. I dress like a hipster and even with slim fit jeans and a fitted T-shirt I don’t print. If you’re gonna carry a gun it’s gotta be a trade off of size/capacity/power versus leaving a gun at home. Learned that the hard way with glocks. Good guns and i do carry them but I end up with this 90 percent of the time.

Basically I just tuck it in like an in the waistband holster and the tackiness and pressure from my belt keeps it tucked in tight.

Water. I have a headache.

This nigga layin dimes


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Im going out day drinking tomorrow so I haven't had anything so far but it's 9pm and I kinda want to. Probably shouldn't though. Just have vodka and cranberry juice

Nothing wrong with a Ruger. I carry an SR9C in an IWB holster. Reliable and easy to hide.

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