Are you racist? If so, why?

Are you racist? If so, why?

Attached: atsisiųsti (2).jpg (259x195, 8K)

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Fuck u dirty nigger

He said 'racist', not 'retarded' user

First, define 'racist'.

Attached: 'racism'.jpg (656x960, 94K)

>define 'racist'.
People who believe and repost fake memes enough to be angry at people they don't know.

Stop being such a passive aggressive faggot, nigger. Pull yourself together.

"Judging someone based off race"

Define "judging" in this case. Because there are very real similarities between people from the same race, enough so that law enforcement uses knowledge of these differences to enforce the law.

Partly, Everyone is to a point they just lie to themselves and everyone else, its human nature. But I've also developed more as time went on, through interactions of the worst (from any race) seems to have to offer. At least for the ones that live around here.

I became racist because this board got so flooded with porn that it's the only thing that people will discuss other than men masturbating to other men masturbating to them telling them They are masturbating over a random google image
This board is officially dead

Yeah, you'll see people demanding others not be racist, then they'll turn around and blame white men for all the world's problems, in the same breath.


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I’m not a racist. I’m a culturalist. I believe that some cultures are superior to others. My culture (Western) is far better than African or Middle Eastern. It’s better than East European.


>can't even succinctly define a word/phenomenon that causes so much butthurt

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No, you are all equally worthless to me.

Very YES I AM. Just read the fucking news for just 7 days.
Watch the video.

Because racism is funny.

im racist because niggers are stealing all our white women and somebody has to do something about it

Rather, the disjointed hysterical response to it is what's funny.

fuck u dirty nigger

I'm edging so hard
Post more skellys

Not really, that's a jewish shitposter meme.

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because one stole my gf and i'm jealous of their big cocks


You must be Dutch

OMG I sperm in worthless bitches everyday
You even more worthless than my cum on your girls chin

Nah eastern european culture is better1

Explain yourself

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U GIT KIK?????

Well, if hatin niggers, chinks, Jews, sand monkeys and any other shot skin critters make me a racist, then I recon I’m racist.

A little.
Pattern recognition.
Individuals can and do defy expectation sometimes though, good to be open to that.

There are a lot of blacks in prison.
>it's because of racisms not because black people commit more crime
Dumb shit like this.

Mmmhmmm. You like?

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It was post ridicule, not b8
You dumb, go away

I grew up in a super multicultural place with all levels of socioeconomics represented and no. Race related behaviour is far more complicated than race.

Except when it comes to fillipinos. I kid you not they are the only race that is kind of weird and remain kind of weird regardless of generations in this country, and wealth.

Their whole lives are an episode of Degrassi Jr. High meets Archie.

I jerking it SO HARD... PLE.MOARR MOAR MORE.........


Birth rates it's all about the birthrates

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Cool Polikarpov. Saw 5 flying at once in NZ. Awesome sound.

Literal retardation. “Racist” is a shortened version of “racialist,” which was already in use by the time of the writings of W.E.B. Du Bois.

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There is no official outlet that disagrees black people are judged charged and sentenced far more harshly for the same crimes whites commit.

A baggie of marijuana as a white kid gets you a warning. As a black kid, "felony drug possession with intent to sell 30 years minimum without parole. We also shot at him."

I used to be very racist against whites.

Most of my life I hated whites because I was jealous of them. Whites usually have better manners, better houses, and are overall more attractive so its natural to become jealous of someone better than you.

Now I'm not racist at all and I see each race as they truly are.

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You don't get out much, do you?

Not very candid.

Idk but that’s a nice plane

Worthless and Weak?

I'm a racist, because I'm a race car driver. Why? Because it's fun and I enjoy the adrenaline rush.

Yup, i like it to!

the columbine shooters were jews

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Sooo... what do you think about me buying used bmw e39 3l gasoline?

I hate whites and blacks.

They both love blaming each other for each other's shit dickery, when they're both just as bad as the other.

Yeah pretty much

Westerners mainly but as eastern european, we dont care about race we will steal from anyone

I don't like niggers, if that counts as racist.

You can't be racist against people who are worse than you. That's just common sense, not racism.

Got kik?

You earn zero shekels for this post

I think you're gay for driving a fagmobile

>be white
> Earn about 50k a year
>meet Morgan Freeman
>Call him dirty niggerfaggot
>not racist because I'm worse than him