Hello everyone. I plan too commit suicide this weekend. I need to be taught how. I’m not here for encouragement...

Hello everyone. I plan too commit suicide this weekend. I need to be taught how. I’m not here for encouragement, pity or suggestions to livestream it. I just want genuine helpful suggestions which will make the last few moments of my life as least painful as possible - I deliberately speak to you fine gentleman knowing that you are the only people I can trust not to try change my mind. Thank you in advance. Pic unintentionally related

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i'm going to call bullshit because you could have googled it. if you want, i'm willing to talk to you
if you just forgot google existed, then go there. if you plan to use a firearm then don't do the think where you put it in your mouth; you can survive and be disfigured for the rest of you life. aim for the side of the head
personal request: donate your organs so they won't be wasted, it's not like you need them anyways, and it's free

Commit sudoku

Can you send all your money to my paypal first? I mean, it's kind of a waste otherwise.

No bullshit, every time I search on google it’s fake articles with a Christian agenda alongside a fucking 24 hour hotline. The few decent resource aren’t going into the details I’m hoping to receive from you - help me please

Nah but I plan on maxing out my credit cared before hand and buying a car for mum (mother’s day 31st) - i don’t know how HSBC will react to that but it’s worth an opportunity to make someone significant to me very happy

I live in UK so no guns - I was hoping painless so maybe buy a helium canister?

I’m big into my drugs - would a big enough dose of a strong opioid be strong enough to kill me before I suffer the horrible effects afterwards

if you have access to a firearm then there you go. If you're mindful of others you should do it at the parking lot of a police station.
If no firearms you should OD on Benzo, works better if you take it while drunk. Don't do this at the parking lot since they'll find out and may be able to save you.
It'll probably just remind her of you and she'll end up getting rid of it.

huh, you're right. they must have changed it
i'm willing to help can you at least tell me this is your last option or what's going on? this doesn't feel like helping someone.

Valium and Xanax is one call away - do you know how much I would need and would an overdose on these result in any suffering?

i don't think you can overdose without suffering.

What the fuck happened to Google I used to finf this shit all the time. I feel oppressed.

Don't do benzos your just going to blackout and have amnesia not die.

Hang from door handle. It’s what all the celebs do. Worked great when I killed myself.

I’m here for advice for the method of my suicide - as expressed in the original post

1020 per kilo, say you weigh 80 kilos you should take 82 grams. Get drunk beforehand for best effect.

if you go for hanging, make sure you bind your arms and legs, so the thrashing doesn't free you with only major brain damage

Not exactly sure where you would get pento but the experts reccomend it. Or you could take a trip to Zwitzerland.

Buy an exitbag

Just dos it simple ,Cyanide

No he should buy a brexit bag.

It's so fuckin' sad

Be a man and hang

cyanide is very painful

Please don't man.. Masturbation alone is enough reason to live.

Kek 82 grams of aprazolam good luck getting 80 000ppills

He should kill a bunch of muslims first and then hang himself. Guaranteed ticket to valhalla.

Yea Forumsrexit?

Oh christ. I'LL do it for you if you just shut the fuck up.

Attached: DAY.AFTER.DAY.AFTER.DAY...png (800x600, 150K)

Put your money where your mouth is fucktard. Are you in UK?

Just OD fucking pussy Pop 8 valium and 6 xanax and drink a whole bottle of vodka or whiskey and boom peaceful death

OP its not worth it man. Suicide isnt gonna solve your problems, just gonna make it harder for everyone else

Definitely this