Dont let the mueller report distract you from the fact that your president poops his pants like a 4 year old

dont let the mueller report distract you from the fact that your president poops his pants like a 4 year old

Attached: presidentpoop.jpg (880x668, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


he luvs jew cock

Attached: cs Don&Ivanka luv jew cock.jpg (414x310, 37K)

Don't let your incoherent belief system distract you from the fact that you're a faggot.

Hewwo user kun~ UwU it would make me REALLY happy if you joined my super cool discord server if you please ^_^



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He was found innocent of collusion after a several year long goose chase. He essentially says whatever he wants. He has done great things for a lot of people which for some reason dems hate. On top of how great of a president he is, he gets to shit his pants and play golf. He likely did it ironically as a way of saying to dems, “look at my filthy britches faggots! Not a god damn thing you can do about it!”

He is literally shitting into your faces and you can’t do a god damn thing about it XD Where did my fucking sides go?? Someone help me find my sides!!! XDXDXD

Don't let the mueller report distract you from the fact that Obama & Co. attempted a coup.

Heads should roll.

Attached: IT IS OVER.png (436x719, 500K)

>implying the Mueller report exonerated him

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>He has done great things for a lot of people
such as?

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Probably filled with loli porn and illegal shit. Nice try FBI.

>hurr durr obama!

typical trumptard,how does it feel when your going to eat shit in 2020 because republicans care more about gun rights then your stupid immigration?

Attached: trump_turd.png (640x640, 123K)

What is the Mueller report? What did i miss?

Move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Pull the United States out of the Iranian nuclear deal.

Stand up to NATO countries for not ponying up enough money to cover the organization’s expenses and their own defense costs.

Take on the news media and not back down, exposing bias and agenda-driven journalism intended to run him out of office.

Put an intense focus on immigration, the importance of border security and the cost of illegal immigration, including U.S. citizens killed by the undocumented.

Target the ruthless Salvadoran street gang MS-13.

Picking James Mattis as Defense secretary, Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations, John Kelly as White House chief of staff and Kellyanne Conway as senior adviser.

Begin a dialogue with North Korea about ending its nuclear weapons program.

Focus attention on Rust Belt states and give respect to white working-class voters, overlooked by the elites on both coasts.

Challenge elitism and question what it means to be “elite.”

Create millions of new jobs (the White House claims as many as 3 million) and bring unemployment down to 3.9 percent, the lowest since 2000.

Focus national attention on the opiod crisis, including a look at doctors who overprescribe pain pills.

Nominate impressive Supreme Court candidates Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

Propose and help pass a tax cut and cut federal regulations.

Pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change and defy global warming alarmists.

Renegotiate unfair trade deals in search of better terms.

Target racial preferences at colleges and universities, which often hurt intended beneficiaries by lowering standards.

Refocus immigration debate by ending DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and trying to force Congress to confront the thorny issue of what to do with "Dreamers," who were brought to the USA illegally when they were kids.

Shake up both the Republican and Democratic establishments and remain independent from the Washington cartel.

Make politics more accessible to people who have rarely voted or cared about it, and widen the door of civic engagement.

The Democrats got the report. What they want is all the data and 'evidence' that was gathered over the last two years so they can go over it with a hundred fine tooth combs hoping to find ANYTHING they can spin into the next Fake News witch hunt.
We've already seen just how desperate they've become. And I'm sure there will be Something in there they can work up a good rant over. Filled with innuendo and short of facts like everything else the Left pushes.
They desperately need something after all to shift the media away from just how Fucking reemed they just got over the Green New Deal.

>impressive supreme court candidates

lol right,there's nothing impressive about his retarded extreme religious dipshits who think abortion is murder and drinking alcohol on sunday's is a "sin"

Don’t let faggots deter you from the fact that you like to suck dick

Abortion is murder you fucking retard XD it being legal doesn’t take away the fact it’s murder.

Not found innocent, not a goose chase, plenty of people were indicted for Russian interference and other crimes, they just could not connect the dots from his campaign workers directly to, obstruction of justice is still in the air

>he says while he thumps his bible

It must burn you to know the black man made it through all eight years without any major mishap

Wow, all of that is either crap or bullshit...

Respect to working class rust belt, raise your taxes cut your respectful

In your case your mom aborting you would have been mercy

Religious believes don’t make it murder you close minded cow. It’s murder by definition. Ending a life is murder.

>hurr durr,collusion.after 2019 years of electing presidents that have sucked israel's dick.we'll just care about this made up hoax because throwing tantrums about donald trump is better then actually getting candidates that people will want to vote for

this is why the left is losing

Also, don’t be okay with children dying in camps if you’re going to be acting all holy

>rust belt

well,without the uneducated redneck voters.trump wouldnt of even gotten nominated,since he had no support from conservatives and no support from the educated right

Well... maybe look into each of those points and explain with facts which ones are crap, and which ones are bullshit.

Them eDgEs

whatever,im not gonna argue about abortion with you bible thumping christ already proven how big of a joke you are by supporting a dipshit like trump

Try responding factually instead of “hurt durrinng” like a world class dipshit...oh that’s right, you are a Trump supporter, you can’t

Yes of course, but that does not change the fact that they are so fucking stupid they think he is actually helping them when he screws them daily...more than any other President ever has

>assuming im a trump supporter

donald trump is a fuckin idiot,you libtards should love donald trump.since he hates guns and supports fags,i guess thats only acceptable when your a dumb leftist like the rest of trump's family you like to insult

What part of ALL do you not understand?

Abortion is a gray area at best. Here's why:

It is white(good), because of situations where women are raped, impregnated against their will, and do not want to carry their rapist child to term, take care of it, feed it, clothe it, pay for its school, raise it to NOT be a rapist, and honestly end her personal life before she wanted it to, against her will, because a bunch of crybabies told her her rights are secondary in priority to a child she never wanted nor asked for in any way. In that case, abortion should without a doubt be legal. Take off the troll masks and edgelord gloves for a moment, and I would seriously doubt anyone would disagree with this.

It's black(bad) because it would easily be abused; take some white trash skank ass ho or a ghetto bitch, who 'thinks vaccination is poison' and 'thinks condoms are for libtards' or whatever the fuck, but also spreads her legs as easily as a parachute. It would be easy for her to simply go in, get an abortion, get pregnant again, another abortion, etc.

Thus, abortion is not always murder. Murder suggests intent, and with the white part, you can't really blame anyone except the rapist, while in the black part, you can't really blame anyone except the skank ass white trash.

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100% bullshit. That’s a broad claim ur making. Assuming trump won his election solely off the votes of backwoods inbred hicks. Like all of middle America is rural Arkansas full of meth addicts and mullet heads. Educated conservatives were the number one contributor to him being elected.

The only thing Trump supports in any consistent, intentional, or honest way is himself. He don't give two fucks about ANYBODY or ANYTHING except himself and his own benefits. He'll do whatever the fuck he wants and the funny part is that a bunch of republicunts in central united states believed his propaganda bullshit.

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Wut? I said look into each (all) of those points.

As I'm typing this, your mom is being gang raped by exactly 13 niggers.
>pic related

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Generalizing people based on beliefs is pretty stupid. Me believing it’s murder doesn’t mean I believe in Jeebus or some type of spaghetti monster you fucking retard.

>educated conservatives

educated conservatives supported mike pence,donald trump is just like any other person from a democrat city.a degenerate

besides,no educated person supports trump anymore anyway

>hurr durr,generalizing people based off beliefs

the only people who make things like abortion issues are christfags

100% not bullshit. Go look at a voter map and you'll see most of the east and west is blue while the central states are predominantly red. However, he didn't win because of inbred hicks exclusively(though they certainly helped). The electoral college got him voted in. He didn't get the most votes person by person. Hillary did, you can literally go look this up. It's a fact. Trump won because the electoral college said so, an outdated voting support system meant to be used 100+ years ago back when telephones or high speed communication was fantasy and mail carriers rode on horse back. TL;DR: Trump won because America can't give up outdated ideas eventhough its detrimental to the country as a whole.

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Not at all true. You’re just tucked so far in your bubble to see any differently. The people you associate with are all democratic pussy liberals who are violent towards people with different ideologies. So you have to assume that no one who is educated supports the president. All the educated people in your bubble hate Trump. Therefore, in your tiny, dumb little world, you’re correct. I genuinely feel bad for fucking sheep like you.

Your so intellectually based. Hillary is also my choice. I know because I am also smart.


>supports hillary

choose 1,at least people have a decent reason to vote for donald trump.not because "muh women president"

it always makes me laugh when people call me a liberal because i dont like trump

news flash,most republicans hate trump you'll see in 2020,not everyone thinks immigration should be more important then gun rights now

You want that dreamy, steamy, creamy President Trump log clogging your throat.

Attached: donaldlog.jpg (840x720, 312K)

How about that she has experience and is more qualified? Also she dosn't want to suck putins dick.

that's shooped, libfaggot



to bad those dont matter to 95 percent of the people who voted for her

I think you don’t realize how liberal that just sounded XD you fucking beta cuck. The fact you think guns are even a real issue shows you have no idea what to think or believe. You just see “shooty boom boom stick BAD” in the media and think it’s a far worse problem then immigration. Immigrants by far exploit systems that cost tax payers millions each year. By not paying taxes and using children as fucking welfare tokens. Also by using children as sex objects for trafficking. It’s like you want there to be 15 year old prostitution rings. “B-but trump is racist!!! Orange man BAD!!!”

>guns are a real issue

they are when you libtards are trying to take them away,the 2nd ammendment is more important then your liberal tears snowflake

See this is another perfect example of why I’m pro Trump. The fake news exposure. This post literally took an anti immigration, pro gun post and turned it into a fag infested liberal garbage.

Another thing President Trump has succeeded in is turning the fake media over on itself. They turned up their shit tier lie tactics going after him, and now they’ve exposed themselves for what they really are. It’s why major media outlet rating have all but plummeted.

So how is he screwing regular people, more so than Obama fucking everybody's insurance premiums?

>fag infested liberal garbage

just like you and your president.maybe in 2020,your head will be removed from your ass and you'll realize your as liberal as the people you call liberals

here's a challenge.argue with a trump supporter and tell them they cant bring up obama,hillary or the news media

Was that supposed to be an argument?

I asked you a question.. YOU said he's fucking Americans over more than any other president.. but you dont even have a response you stupid son a bitch lol

hey fucktard,i wasnt the person who typed that.go figure a cock sucking trump supporter is dumb as hell

Yes found innocent, yes a goose chase. Of the over 2 dozen people who were indicted (not convicted) for 'Russian' interference in the election, most are assumed 'Russian Nationals' who are really just unidentified hackers who the state department decided use scripts that are possibly russian. And there is absolutely nothing to differentiate them from the hundreds of other hackers who tried to get into shit with the election. Still no word on any of the Chinese hackers who admitted they tried to fuck with the Republicans, because we only indict nonleftists anymore.

Of the half dozen others that were actually here in the states, most have already been railroaded through the courts (usually in record breaking time for the American 'Justice' system) and convicted of lying to the FBI. But not convicted of any actual crimes. Because people lie about not committing crimes all the time, right?
Oh, and then there was the one guy pocketing all the money he could grab. Montfort? Whatever, after 500 witnesses and two years of work they managed to find a single curupt guy in DC. Bravo.

Finally, obstruction of justice is off the board. Mueller had nothing, but since he didn't want to admit it he handed it off to someone else... who admitted they had nothing. Game over. Go home.


lol,trump and his supporters attitude towards gun rights is going to fuck them more then some whiney liberal cunt will

Bengali? Fast and Furious? Solyndra and the others in the Multi Billion Dollar Green Boondoggle? Uranium One? The War on Coal? IRS Targeting conservatives?
Fucking Obamacare? I mean, I know the Left Stream Media did everything in their power to cover for their Chosen One, but come on! Were you sleeping under a rock or something?

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>any major mishap

this is how retarded americans are,they think obama was scandal free,in reality.being black doesnt mean you can do whatever the fuck you want as president and get away with it,cuck

>fucking obamacare

meanwhile,it took republicans 8 years and a republican majority in the house and senate and they still couldnt get rid of niggercare

Uranium One, nigger. She got paid very well for sucking Putin's dick.

She ALWAYS gets paid for sucking. It's her only real skill.

Wait, define liberal. I don’t think you know what that word means.

its being released per barr within a week or 2 after they redact things that cannot be made public to protect themselves

like anyone who isnt a libtard will really idiots have hated russia for years now,anything to get your hillary women in the white house(which will never happen)

>that cannot be made public because they contain sensitive intelligence methods and sources
Ftfy u faggot tranny

trump supporters are illiterate anyway,the report would have to many big words for them to read

Here's a challenge back. Discuss 'American Imperialism' but you can't mention Nazi's, Japanese Imperialism (from an actual Empire) or the spread of International Communism.
Or how about this, explain the Crusades, but don't mention Islam, Muslim invasion of the Holy lands, or Jahad.

I din't hate russia or russians, only faggots who voted for an asshole and don't see that he fucks you all to his own .


Traitors keep waving a loser flag lol

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>hurr durr approval rating

obama had a high approval rating to,but he was a piece of shit.approval rating means nothing in terms of being a good president

It's a better indicator than what the leftist news media and crying libtards try to paint him as.

For me, one of the funniest things about the Leftists who write shit like this is how they all seem to assume the Mexicans, Blacks, and Millennials who make up the base of their party share their fear and disdain for firearms. It really let's you know how little contact they have outside their bubble.

Protip, Lefty. Despite what your friends in the gun ban crowd tell you, guns are still very popular with most Americans.

>leftist news media

oh right,trumptards still in their safe spaces crying because "media says mean things about orange man"

at least bush supporters were mature enough to handle criticism of their president


>friends in the gun ban crowd not a lefty

2.donald trump has did more for attacking gun rights in under 4 years then obama accomplished in 8

time for your snowflakes to either support gun rights or get the fuck out of the republican party

>guns are still very popular with most americans

but defending your gun rights isnt,that was made very clear by the lack of outrage from cadet bone spurs and his gun control shit

>Solyndra and the others
Gentle reminder that Big O handed out enough money to build 'The Wall' two or three times over in loans to donors and political friends, most of which were never repaid.
But ya, that Trump guy sure is bad, amiright?

>big o

lol,democrats believe in open borders.they dont care about immigration

either way,fuck obama and donald trump

Fucking Obama actually BRAGGED about how he was going to rig it so it couldn't be reversed, without cost so much it would ruin the US.

>hurr durr obama

he isnt president anymore,time for you trumptards to move on,he's gonna be remembered better then cadet bone spurs anyway

What is this report can someone inform me.

>fuckin libs
>they'll be so mad if i poop myself
>oh man these pants are ruined
>fuckin dems always shitting my pants
This has been the president since day 1.

its more propaganda by the left to show americans that russians were responsible for electing donald trump and not americans who were pissed off at giving a nigger 8 years to ruin america with liberalism

Lest we not forget what Obama did... he gave a bunch of niggers free cell phones. -__-

Sorry, Lefty, what? We did move on. Maybe you haven't noticed, but Trump has already repealed most of Obama's bullshit. And his first term isn't even up yet. What is he going to have left to be remembered by?
>firs nigga pres'den
Well, at least they can't take that away from him. And really, it's the only thing that ever made him notable.

>we did more on

strong delusions,you trumptards bring up obama all the time

hell,you even brought up obama in the same fucking sentance,you havent moved on.its time to shut the fuck up about obama

>free phones
Dial before you dig, nigga!

everybody in cleveland got obamaphone

Pumpkin, I wasn't the one who brought up Obama. But if you want to talk about how well he'll be remembered while not letting anyone else mention him, that's fine. I don't really expect the Left to make any sense.


hey faggot,im not your "pumpkin"so take the aids infested cock out of your mouth and talk like a straight man now

This is why Clinton lost the black vote. She didn't offer any gimme-dats.

Remember Democrats, you feed the cat, now it expects more. You need to come up with something good to hand out if you want 2020.
All us 'Trumptards' are asking for are 4 more years of Liberal tears.


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>lost the black vote


also,democrats are in better shape in 2020 then republicans.or do you honestly think every republican in america is just going to throw away 2019 years of gun support because you ignorant hillbillys want to keep the non whites out of the country?

ill keep my guns,you can have fun with your beaners and your wall

besides,the subject of the "obamaphone lady"they actually did an interview of her after that video and she said she didnt even like obama anymore

It was proven the Russians interfered in the election. It was proven their meddling benefited Trump. It was proven that Russians met with representatives of the Trump campaign, including his son in law.

Trump's a good Mob boss. Everyone kept their mouth shut, and that last dot was never connected.

But only an idiot would believe that behind all that smoke, there wasn't a fire.

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Sorry, that's just how who talk 'round here' when dealing with children or the mentally disabled. But for you, I'll start any replies from now on with 'Hey Dumbass!'

Who won the popular vote, son?

who cares,the us election isnt a popularity contest

>who talk 'round here

you sound mentally disabled yourself.get the cock out of your mouth and go back to the 3rd grade and learn how to type basic english

...The side that counts the votes of the deceased and illegal immigrants? Funny how that works, ain't it. Too bad Democrats can only stuff the ballet box in the cities where they were already going to win. Can't win the Electoral vote that way. Maybe you need to come up with something new for 2020.

democrats dont need to come up with something new in 2020,republicans need to realize that trump is ruining their party.sorry you believe that 2019 years of supporting the 2nd ammendment and gun rights would get thrown in the trash because you dont want the mexicans in failures couldnt get your wall when you controlled the house and senate,now its time to shut up and let the democrats run things

Citation needed