California hate thread

california hate thread

Attached: fuck off.png (1779x1076, 1.35M)

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California is carrying your shitty state

Hello from your cousins up north
Fuck California. Full of self entitled liberal pricks
Fuck you, literally any other state is better

Lmao, California isn't even it's own country and trumps your population and gdp

>still broke

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I don't give a flying fuck, at least we have less fags here :^) gdp doesn't do shit for an individual. I make a decent amount of money

>California carrying another state

Alright retard

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That's like saying I'm broke because I gotta pay rent

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I like this game.

my cousin an me both believe tulsa oklahoma is better than any california

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Love California, just wish we didn't have so many dumbasses.

No it is like saying
>I loaned more than I'll ever be able to repay

California is the credit card of states.
Take huge loans to cover operating costs then brag about how much income you make

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Its amazing to me everytime I see people not believe that California is carrying several of the small states.
They seem incapable of believing that California gives more in taxes than it get in return. And if the state left the rest of the countries taxes would have to go up to cover the cost.

These people just cannot believe it they have their heads so far up their asses.
Its not even like hidden data or somthing, you can find this straight from the government.

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>Republicans get in control
>Cut education spending so low that it violates laws.
>Taken to court and they lose
>Still not increase the education budget.
>Get take to court again
>Be fined for everyday the don't increase the education budget.
>Rack up millions of dollars in fines
>but why we have no money?

Oh, so that is why california consistently has budget shortfalls.

Attached: We carrrying yall.jpg (799x444, 45K)

Those with a keen eye will notice that the states with the largest percentage are some of the most profitable states.
Its almost as if cost of living goes up in places with lots of industry.

>texas has no industry
>rustbelt has no industry
Whatever helps you cope with the fact, the majority of your population are poor spics.

but at least they aren't raycis!

You are confusing state budget and taxes with federal taxes.
California's large population is a burden on the state budget, Raising taxes here could cause companies to take their business elsewhere.
While there large population, and centers of industry give large amounts of tax money to the federal government in the form of business and income tax.


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But you don't think having a huge population, has anything to do with how much in taxes a state contributes to the federal budget?

Or you know, having ports of entry.

But don't worry. White flight is already happening in cali.

Texas is on the list since it has major hubs of economic activity.
The rust belt can't compete with the economic power of these coastal states.

But more importantly, it says right on the thing that this is driven by housing prices.
San Francisco, LA, Austin, New York City. all these places have very high property values as people move to these cities for jobs.

another one for the list

Those faggots keep moving here to ID and acting as if it's not one of the reddest states in the union. The also can't seem to understand it's fucking FULL of guns and their owners. Local news posts on facebook are fucking infested with them. Everyone hates them and it's bad enough that having CA plates comes with a risk of your car getting keyed or otherwise vandalized.

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And that does what to prove that cali doesn't have the highest poverty in the nation?

bask in our wealth and prosperity

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well yeah, that is why California does so well. It has a large population and a large amount of industry.
This has nothing to do with California being a very important state to the union as it produces more wealth than the federal government spends on it.

Cali is not even in the top 10.

Not sure what the fuck you are talking about.

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Not gonna lie, I get a chubby every time the wildfires rip across that shit hole state.

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Cause poverty is measured based on cost of living in the area. If your cost of living is through the fucking roof, like it is in San Francisco, your $15 an hour job still puts you below the poverty line.

So great you're in the bottom 50%.
Well done.

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Yes....because you are poor.

No one likes them, they have a tendency to ruin everything.

California = the world's 5th largest economy.\
Larger than the UK

Red states rely on its taxes for welfare and farm subsidies.

Multi-trillion dollar economy. Your states are Socialist States. You steal from California, because you can't or won't work and create industry in red states.

Attached: red state welfare filth.gif (483x574, 18K)

Why don't you post the numbers from this century?

Cali is 35th and falling fast.

>sees 1 car with CA plates
>things Californians are moving to hell with him

no fag, it's probably some retard from nunes' district

Stop Stealing Our Money Red State Trailer Filth

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Red states look like a poor African country! disgusting! meth, trailers, whites passed out in the streets, GROSS

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Oh so that is why blue fags, are flocking there.

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why won't red states stop being the poorest states in America?? stop being communist states (literally), you're leeching off of blue states' taxes because you can't make it alone

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I don't see anything to fix.
Your map looks fine to me.

It does have one of the worst groups of residents for sure, most people from California are fags and annoying. It sucks it’s one of the most diversely beautiful states to see.

They are leaving the states with high cost of living, and moving to places where new tech businesses have started to crop up.
Florida is not a red state, it is a swing state. And the people moving to Texas are moving to Austin specifically, a blue bastion in a sea of red.