Old school internet thread

Old school internet thread

There was something about it that doesn't exist today

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Back in the 90's that shit was the wild west. I definitely miss that aspect.

I remember putting in really common names and just talking with random ass peeps

Less click bait. Less intrusive ads. Websites were more functional and visually appealing. People made sites for content not for revenue. Chatting with random people across the globe was new and exciting. And most importantly people who used the Internet back then were all computer savvy. Everyone knew a little HTML. Normies ruined the Internet, mostly thanks to the smart phone. Fuck the web now. It doesn't compare

Agree on everything execpt on the visually appealing part

Classic runescape with 3 round combat

I was often on Alamak chat,l a pretty bare bones chat room server.

i don't know, a million bright flashing pop ups always seemed pretty intrusive

Yeah absolutely this. It was better when it was a zone for computer nerds and people who just wanted to reach out and make content without trying to be monitized. Now it's a bunch of L.C.D. trash.

I enjoyed aol chat and IRC in the mid 90s. Saved some of the hilarious stuff sometimes, kinda like modern screen caps and copypasta.

Really was ahead of it's time, the style was like Yea Forums before Yea Forums. Only problem was usernames, but back then it was essential anonymous because social media didn't exist other than crude velocities home pages.

How is it that most websites outside the big ones like Reddit, Facebook, Instagram all hardly have activity. People will say "oh but this old school website is still around". Yeah no shit. It also has like 10% of the traffic and isn't nearly as interesting anymore. Actually applies to 4ch too.

hey oldfags - i took like a many year break from 4ch and only came back a few months ago. Can anybody fill me in on what happened here since like 08-09?

Shit, shit, and more shit.

It's less random and a lot gayer. Samoan m00t also lowered the image size limit on Yea Forums so the best resolution stuff is gone, along with related threads.

It's full of gay bois and attention seeking hurr durr porn threads.

The potential for full shit dominance of the internet by the retard army of the world is gone. It's just a bunch of guys with their dicks in their hands. The legion of Yea Forums is no threat and no interest. Shame really. Least there used to be some golden nuggets when you waded through the shit.

This. Let's not pretend geoshitties sites were nice to look at

>used to be some golden nuggets when you waded through the shit
There still is, just fewer nuggets and significantly more shit. Later at night, particularly weeknights seem the best chance for them as the 12 year olds are asleep and the trolls/Facebook tier fags are fewer.

Double fucking checked.

hell, for that matter how did MySpace essentially disappear along with all of that content? it's astounding that such a purge could happen in 2007 or so, and not even Internet Archive has a record of it

thes feels.

go online to escape. now can't escape online.

where do these feels go why am I here

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cheetah chat.

My brother used to play runescape! Is it still around?


And Vuze


Fuckin' Napster, man.