I'm a 24 year old American in a long distance relationship with a 23 year old Turkish girl.
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I'm a 24 year old American in a long distance relationship with a 23 year old Turkish girl
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Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?
Not a question, but because I'm not that much of a loser
Why do you think you are in a relationship
Because I we have committed to each other, stayed in numerous places together, and I have met many of her friends
If you had to be fucked in the ass and have them cum inside you, or suck off and swallow the cum of 3 dicks, which would you choose?
I accept that. Why do you accept distance?
Here's a lovely picture of Istanbul for you!
It's difficult, but I've really fallen for her. Not some chick who is looking for a green card or money (she knows im broke), and she's just absolutely fantastic. So the distance is worth it
None was not an option you fucking sand nigger loving dick sucker. I hope you get married to this goat fucking bitch and drag her ass over here and have children. And then one day when your stupid 5 year old loli cunt isn't pays attention and steps in front of a moving car and gets creamed harder than you dumbass fucking goat fucker wife was creamed by that herd of 100 goats back in Turkistan. You remember this fucking post, you remember this as you are cradling your dead child in your arms you fucking faggot.
Nah still
Can we have lewds? Middle Eastern women are very hot.
gee i wonder who was behind this post
Without a timestamp it doesnt mean shit
Sorry, nope! İ respect her too much. She's a much more European looking turk. Traveling in Turkey most think she's American like me or they think we're British.
İt's from my last trip. Here's a more personal one of food
They have a lot of Greek in them since Greece had a lot of colonies on the western part of Turkey. Troy was situated in Turkey and was very much a Greek colony.
Her grandmother was Chechen. So that's where she gets it from rather than Greek
Beyoğlu street food for you all
I see. Caucasians are white too I suppose.
She's a woman she will fuck it up somehow . Until then have fun race traitor
Is she Muslim or Christian? Christianity has very strong roots in Turkey with many of the churches started by the apostle Paul being situated there.
İ wouldn't say most Greeks are "white". Most are very similar to middle East in look whenever I go anywhere besides the northern regions
Nah things are going lovely, and we're both sticking with this.
She's Muslim. She doesn't practice much besides not eating pork
Her family isn’t concerned about her dating a non-Muslim and an American at that?
She comes from a pretty well to do, secular family
I see.
Has this Isis agent I mean Turkish girl asked you to get her into the country?
Does she put out or does Muslim women wait for marriage?
You seem like a fool . I wish you nothing but the worst for your optimism .
I told you,bud . Woman aint shit mark my words . And yeah sure the parents don't care kek .They just don't care for her anymore
No lmao. She wouldn't come here because of marriage. Her ultimate goal is to move to the US, but only for what she's currently being trained in
Most of the things we have done were a first for her, but that is based on her personal beliefs and not religious
Being trained is terrorism?!
Oh they love her very much. Her mom is with her and her sister right now for a while
Medicine! Silly you
Ottoman cuisine
why are you dating a man?
I'm not
Are you looking to close the distance gap ASAP? If not, why?
Yes. I'll be going there in the late summer and fall for a few months. Then I'll graduate in the spring and go there until she finishes med school and takes the exam to practice here in the US
İstanbul kedi