She's only 5 feet tall but she's perfect. Explain that

She's only 5 feet tall but she's perfect. Explain that.

Attached: EP34.gif (500x271, 500K)

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have you seen her recently? she's a MESS. Ellen is a WASTE. plus she's a super cringey sjw "it's us gays vs them" kinda retard.

Bingo bro

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she meets all of your criteria for a mate? well you will never willfully fuck her so what's the point showing us ?

Back in the early-mid 2000's she was perfect. Had a slight hint that she may have been a lesbian even then but my goodness was she attractive as a girly girl that was oh-so-obviously tomboyish.

But then when she came out she went to the hyper masculine side and she lost her sparkle. I miss cute, dainty, tomboyish Ellen Page.

yeah she hit the wall fucking hard. saw her on colbert a couple weeks ago and was like wtf who the fuck is that, because fuck yeah she used to be perfect (and what "only" 5ft tall? shorter = better)

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i was shocked when i read 'ellen page comes out as lesbian'. not because she was a lesbian, but because she was the most obvious lesbian to ever lesbian in the whole history of lesbianning and who could have seriously thought she wasn't.

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She's a fucking stupid cunt SJW and a frail, anorexic-looking has-been. You like here because...........

I'd really love to abuse the lil dyke, make her rim my asshole out with tears in her eyes

Fucking good feet.

yeah they're pretty good tbh

Attached: Ellen-Page-Feet-177842.jpg (2000x1437, 345K)

fucking this so hard. why do you faggots keep adoring this midget communist cuntlicker, you know that when the civil war comes you all will be thrown in concentration camps, even if you are such beta cucks to her

now... but earlier, shit

look at hebe ellen page, fucking gorgeous

Attached: ellen-page2.jpg (500x751, 77K)

Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?


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And the reason she’s a lesbian
She wrote some blog about how her dad and uncle used to sexually abuse her all the time and video tape it
Started when she was like 10 and went on for years
They used to dress her up for it too, probably why she never really wears sexy shit and always looks tomboyish
Probably messed her up good


Are you shittin me? Dayum, if that’s true

You are stupid, but stupidity is entertaining.

and you’re a faggot

Lol. Watching her try to act straight in that new Netflix X-Men rip off show was like watching someone slow dance with their dad.

You know what else is 5 feet tall? Her forehead

Anyone have proof of this?
That’s nuts
