Girl recently told me I’m small. Is she right or just been watching too much porn?

Girl recently told me I’m small. Is she right or just been watching too much porn?

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Spead legs or lay down
Its hard to tell the size with your thicc as fug legs

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jesus do you wear a corset?

You’re small as fuck. I have a warrior cock so I can’t relate. Based monster

ah boy

>PS4 controller in background

No wonder you have a tiny cock.

Get off my fucking board faggot

You are indeed small and have no good standards for cock size. Though this is probably a trap thread in disguise.

You are small, but not too small. Find a girl with a smaller pussy and you will be fine. For example my gf can’t take more than 5 inches. Some girls can hardly feel 5 inches. Just the luck of the draw

not only is it small but it looks weird as fuck

u poor soul

You have an incredibly girly figure and a girl sized cock

Is that as hard as you get??

I kinda want you to post more, you have some sexy thighs

kys if you’re gonna be one of those niggers

Yeah, that’s pretty hard.
I have a butt pic if you want.

Sure lets see it

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Not bad would fuck all day

heres my flaccid cock. Nice small cock OP.

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lolwut are all these fags talking about? MY dick is small but definietely not your dick. What you have is probably 4.5" inches in length which is only 0.5" shy of the average and you have ABOVE AVERAGE girth. You actually have a thich as fuck dick and this is what matters the most for women. Measure your circuference and google and see for yourself, idiot. Why would you come to Yea Forums for opinion when you have google. 99% of the people here are sadistic psychopaths who would say anything to make you kill yourself.

Your size?

Can you post a pic of you wearing panties?

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Op managed to deliver AND be a faggot at the same time.
Now I've seen everything.

Har har =P

You have a small dick dude

>projecting this hard

would cock bully

Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?


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Would fuck in the ass
Yeah dude sorry to say it but you got a small dongus

I feel sorry for your gf
"No it's fine, I can only take 5 inches anyway"

Def small OP but your cock is girthy and that is what pleasures a girl. Not length. And there are smaller so be happy you don't have anything worse

is my dick small

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Why.. why does it bend that way? Why is there a giant bump? It makes me uncomfortable.

idk it's been like that since i can remember

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They motivate and inspire you to grow, rise and fuck people who fucks with you.
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At least this dick is worth sucking.