A job as a dishwasher is good?

A job as a dishwasher is good?

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let's talk about your definition of "good"

If you're a good worker and friendly you'll get promoted soon enough.

wagie wagie work hard today
work overtime if you may
the tendies at appybees were no good
chefs did not do the best they could
puked really hard but it was too late
and now you will wash my plate

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A job as a dishwasher is... honest.

If his boss is not a scum, of course.

Just don't waste more than two years of your life trust me I know

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Good for making good starting money. Bad in just about every other department.

It's better than no job.

there are machines for that

Wtf kind of sentence structure is that?

Yeah but it's the sorry bastard that has to load the machine for minimum wage

Being a woman isn’t a job lol

Every dishwasher sells coke to all the waitresses and bartenders


good if it serves your purpose; maybe you need the days for school, maybe you need it as a cover for your other "business", maybe if you like the idea of being a restauranteur and its at either the right kind of establishment or you like the owners and can learn from the inside out/from the bottom up, maybe if you work in a crime ring and youre putting your time in to be a spy and are learning when and where the money is kept and moved, maybe if youre retired and just like to get out of the house and earn a couple of bucks in the evenings and like to have friends down at the local watering hole, maybe if you just really like washing dishes.

Lol amazing post sir well done


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Well you're not selling drugs OP, you can be proud of that

So what are you saying? All drug dealers are bad? Maybe? But, if there wasn't a demand, the would be no drug dealers like the pharmaceutical companies that lost in court. Something about they made it addictive. Image that shit, right?

Man, it's something. It's a paycheck. I was raised to believe there's honor in working. Even if it is pumping gas or washing plates. I'm assuming you're young? You've got time. This is to get your foot in the door until the next best thing comes around.