How do I increase the effectiveness of weed? I usually smoke once a week but in the past few months it hasn't been nearly as strong as it was before.
How do I increase the effectiveness of weed...
Lol get better weed retard
quit buying your shit from mexicans
youre supposed to inhale it there Billy.
stop buying shit weed
Your dealer is selling you shwagg
spray it with pcp water
>once a week
That's not enough to build up your tolerance. Your dealer is a niggerchink shylock jewcunt lacing it with literal grass from the local park.
smoke less frequently
get a Volcano vape
expensive but it will pay for itself over time
extreme high and it makes your supply last alot longer
Has anybody else ever seen mild visuals like pic related after smoking or eating a LOT of weed?
Tunnel vision. the best ever
Im high as fuck right now. my hands are huge
This. Or op is lying nigger and smokes everyday
Op confitmed fag
Mangos eat more mangos
mango an hour before smoking
Just graduate up to black tar heroin
Only with edibles.
Take a shot of booze before you smoke. But only one, it's a bad idea to mix booze and weed.
Gravity bong hits usually get me higher than any other method of smoking
Get a bong. Also, stop worrying about it.
Get good weed. Alternatively get some dabs going. I don't like dabs, that shit just messes me up.
I'm literally that high right now. Holy FUCK, I am blazed.