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Like you wouldn't suck your own dick if it was that close to your mouth
trump did not collude with russia why are you posting a fake meme?
lol the left not being able to meme is funny kek lost
They just can't let it go. It's like election day all over again. They really, really wanted something, ran their mouth about it for two years, then got shot down and humiliated, and now they're crying
>not showing her tits
come on man
my fucking sides
Funny how the right is more obsessed with AOC than the left.
Can we please stop with this bullshit about Obama being a secret muslim? Being a muslim lover, etc.
Obama: (1) injects arms and $$ into the Syria turning street protests, that would have been quickly repressed and forgotten, into a civil war. He's personally responsible for muslim genoside. (2) Destroying Libya, turning a functioning enlightened dictatorship into fucking Mad Max. (3) Initiated the "surge" in Afganistan which, apart from bombing weddings and other social gatherings, did nothing to stabilize the situation there.
That nigerian has so much blood on his hands. Muslim blood.
The Donald - (1) Stops all funding to the rebels, which effectivly stops the "civil war" there. (2) Is negotiating peace with the Taliban right-fucking-now! (3) Is standing up the the Chinese, arming Taiwan and standing by her side. the nigerian, he allows the commies to build all throughout the S. China sea.
I'd argue that Donald Trump is either a secret muslim, that or he's a friend of muslims everywhere (except in Isreal, Iran and Yemen).
I don't get it. What do the images have to do with the words? The left can't meme.
>adblocker is theft
i haven't heard any lefty say this
>that's why Trump lost the popular vote
>Americans not voting
fuck you faggot
I like these you live you learn threads
like you give a shit shillbot
may your crotch crust over with Trumpcrabs, feasting on your be-pustuled and malformed mushroom dong, 3" on a good day
"Is it in yet"
"uhhh I just came"
Trump also struck an arms deal with Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that they fund Islamic extremist groups. Gtfo with this shitty pasta.
I think it's obvious why. She's an inexperienced person making a shitload of mistakes. They impact basically nothing at the moment, she's just a freshman senator, but when you sign a list of ideas, give it a meme name, and it includes shit like "hey... uh, no more planes within ten years?" then of course they are going to talk about her while more experienced democrats pretend she doesn't exist.
Also, of all the things you're going to criticize trump for... it's a war meme? Left-leaning news organizations were saber rattling like mother fuckers with the NK talks just because it was the antithesis of the diplomatic solution the administration was taking. A gigantic reason Hillary didn't have a lot of center-left support was her perception as a war hawk while Trump campaigned against continued military interventionist strategies.
Why not go with his many obvious faults? Why pick a provably false premise?
ITT: stale Boomer memes
Back to Facebook, vermin.
Actually Tommy Robinson is far left he is a zionist playing both sides
"He man you like Trump"
"Nah dude... the shirt"
"How about handjobs in the bathroom in 5?"
"Nah man I want to make sure Americans have a better life"
typical jew always playing both sides
you can't accept the truth that Obama said one thing "love, peace, equality" but was actually a madman wreaking havoc on the muslim world.
Half a million dead in Syria - that blood is on Obama's hands.
It was the Donald that stopped that mess. Donald-motherfucking-Trump deserves the peace prize.
And yes, I'm a muslim. So go fuck yourself. HRC scares the fuck out of me. As do most democrats now.
>"I have a yuge porn stash, a tremendous porn stash, believe me folks. The Dems have far worse porn stashes than I have!"
>"We should kill the unarmed families of isis members"
>Give this man a Nobel Peace Prize!!!
The other option being that Saudi goes to China. It's the lesser of two evils. Saudi is awful to it's own people, we all know that.
what a brainlet of a fucking cow that bitch is
>Saudi goes to China
Explain why that is a bad thing
Pure fantasy.
They are still able and willing to go to China. Trump's deal stopped nothing
Why won't the AG release it? A 4 page summary for a 300 page document is trash. The Nixon files were less than 70.
>the fact that they fund Islamic extremist groups
did you know that al nusra front in Syria, a good ally of the US in the beginning of that was was just al qeada rebranded? Obama openly funded and armed the same assholes that hit the 2 towers.
Let that sink in.
All democrats to black conservatives: "GET BACK ON THE PLANTATION NIGGER AND STOP THINKING!" Y'all democrats are so fucking racist.
the thing about Trump is, you don't listen to the shit that he spews out of his mouth - look at his actions. He's a good guy.
The Obama administration funded al-Nusra? That's news to me. Do you have evidence to support this?
Like cheating on his wife while she was pregnant with his son? What a great guy.
>Obama funded terrorists so it's ok from Trump to do the same
>But muh Obama
Obama was a dumbass and that doesn't give Trump an excuse to do the same
They funded groups whose arms wound up with al-Nusra. no controls in place.
not him, but it will be released after the White House reviews it for redaction.
While I personally want to see the whole thing, I can see why it would need to be reviewed for redaction. A two year in depth report is going to have a lot of sensitive information. Special Counsel made the document, not like anything is being kept from them, AG read it so nothing is being kept from them, it's just removing information before public release.
If it were a different climate, I'd say release it unredacted in its entirety to Congress, but we all know that shit is getting leaked if it's released like that. So Congress will see what the public sees.
I see no issue with the summary's length. People are acting like they've never had to make reports based on larger bodies of information before. That shit is no nonsense, not something drowning in filler like a high school freshman's term paper. It's sufficient for the time being so long as the report is released soon. People just want something to screech about in the mean time since the conclusions reached by Special Counselor didn't match what they hoped it would be.
but he isn't. He's arming a US ally in the ME. Saudi.
what a perfect example of the inability to meme, the meme is an unintentional meme against itself.
Brilliant kek
He's setting a dangerous precedent with calling a national emergency for muh wall. The Dems could try the same to push for excessive gun control when the pendulum swings in their favor
Saudis are US allies upfront while they are extremists behind the scenes.
4 pages for a 300 page document isn't nearly enough, especially considering how dense the document probably is.
Okay, so they didn't fund al-Nusra.
The right is a meme I agree
honestly, man, the last 19 years has been on dangerous precedent after another. If we all have to continue to eat shit regarding every second of our internet activity being tracked by the NSA then emergency funding concerns aren't about to break my back. It shouldn't be happening but by god does that define a whole lot of shit by now.
I don't even agree with the wall, I think it'll be a money pit and the money is better spent on immigration services/courts/ICE/etc. so we can stop swinging back on forth between little enforcement to over aggressive enforcement
>inb4 lol nyt read the article before you criticize the source you fucking sheep
You know what, why? You were given reasons why it's likely sufficient and the fact of the matter is it will be released soon and you're just bitching like a toddler because it isn't in hand yesterday. You've got a summary and the conclusion, with the full thing coming soon.
So give a reason WHY. Not the repeated statement, a god damn reason. You think people are going to give that report the time it needs, or is it far more likely that shit is just picked at random to leak and exaggerate? 300 pages of dense information means some sleep deprived, ideologically driven staffer is going to skim it and give the most ill informed bullet points possible. If anything said so far was wrong or misrepresented, you've got Mueller and his full team to say otherwise and expose it. This is just an extension of a tired, dried up conspiracy theory where every corner simple MUST have some new revelation in it.
You realize enough there’s a duck load of grand gory stuff in there which is illegal to release?
It will come. You’re just an impatient retard.
Well shit... grand jury
Funny the memes won
Wait, is the far left complaining that Trump DIDN'T go out and kill and bunch of Asians in a failed war?
Wasn't that the reason they didn't want Kerry back in 2004? Aren't these the same fuckers who will listen to Springsteen, who was highly critical of the war?
Obama did the same thing at the end to get his ACA in.....
what's amazing is you actually believe any of this is true
You can’t answer 3 separate questions with a single no
Why is he crying?
>Trump Bad, Obama Good
But didn't Obama do the same thing...
>Listen, we're talking about Trump, not Obama
surreptitiously, they sure fucking did. the obama admin knew where those arms were going.
>killing babies
Sorry you are retarded
None of your memes are funny. You are a sad dickless little man.
Stunning and brave
Lol stay mad tribalcuck
I bet you watch cnn too.
How's that mueller report treating you
This thread is beyond snooze.
Let's have some fun here
Well they wouldn’t die in cells if they didn’t come here illegally.
You support immigration?
You support kids dying
holy fucking shit you gunfags are annoying
I support your emigration. By force if necessary.
I think you mean hilarious
you can't take away what someone didn't have in the first place
Why do you care if someone owns a gun? We don’t care if you have your penis in a cage.
We don’t like it and think your retarded, but we don’t go around taking your cage away
You deserve to be seduced by a Russian gun trap.
Because 75% of this country doesn't own a fucking gun, and we're tired of your fucking shit, ok
>Why would you I it isn't safe
>Well what are the threats
Nice mafia protection money logic
You deserve discipline
Me? Invent fucked shit.
You? I’m sure you didn’t mess anything up with your penis cage.
you mean we're the baddies?
Holy shit? You guys still believe this?
Congrats on zero sense.
You'd get assraped at the last minute when you figure out it's a Russian dude and your screams will echo for miles.
I don't think that the left will ever be able to meme. Something in your brains just doesn't click.
js fuck off with your stupid gun shit
or we're going to push for a whole bunch more laws to make sure you do
You have to be old enough to vote to do that.
Which also means you need to be old enough to post here.
Come back after you grow some pubic hairs
Because if the DNC establishment doesn't primary her, the Republicans will gain that seat. Is this really that hard to figure out? It's a seat that's basically free to the DNC so it would send off a huge signal.
Holy shit, I hope this is ironic. That's the dumbest tweet I've ever seen holy shit.
I love how the first thing you go to is chastity cages.
We all know the only reason you own a gun is your crippling insecurity stemming from your tiny penis. Quit projecting and just realize that you are insignificant in every way and your little pew pew toy doesn't make you a man
I know I'm a bad bitch
Ope. Owning it doesn’t.
The ability I can own it, and own it responsibly makes me far more of a man than you cowering in the corner over the idea someone is “man enough” to do something well within his rights
Why did my gun do to you?
>Pay us for protection
>Protection from what
Can't believe I had to explain that shit to you
It's pretty accurate actually.
Again.... it all of us can speak autism like a 2nd language
I'm more than old enough. Back off, gunfag.
You only represent a quarter of the fucking population. Back your fucking shit off.
*not all of us*
It didn't do shit and it never will because it's a prop. It's a metaphor for the bigger dick that you wish you had
Nope. Really my gun has nothing to do with my penis.
Most troops never see combat the majority rarely leave the FOB
Take a second and reread what you wrote
Again...read my correction
But autists don’t read past the 1st thing before they post.
>abortion after live birth literally advocated for
barely anyone supports late term abortions, let alone those not for medical reasons, and you decided to up the ante to literally murdering babies. GG on revealing the true plan and that pro abortionists are unironically the classic definition of evil. I'm sure moderates will flock to you
Yeah keep telling yourself that
Trips if truth
Are you infatuated with me not having a penis?
Would that make you feel better?
If I didn’t have a gun, would my penis grow.
Just curious where are you getting your percentages from?
It’s a legal 1/4 of the population.
We also vote
Also takes 3/4s of states to ratify
Good luck with that
Oh....you can keep my bump stock. They’re for jerkoffs anyway
>Hey guys average iq of 95.5 Californian here but let me talk down to you anyway
>We're going to push for a whole bunch more gun laws
So doing exactly what the mad lad christchurch shooter wants you to so you'll all hang from lamposts sooner? Great plan.
>YFW the bump stock ban injunction goes to the supreme court and ends up with the entire NFA struck down
4 D
To think libs are so retarded that they don't know they support this
Confirming the antecedent
Nah Ive watched every episode of Rick and Morty three times over, my iq is vastly superior to yours pleb
True... so very true
>i'd argue that trump is the real secret muslim, except for the whole israel thing. also iran and yemen.
congratulations on some next level retardation
>33% admits to the government they own a gun
I don't own guns either Mr. ATF man. I lost them all in a boating accident
>375 million guns manufactured and sold since the (((clinton assault weapons ban))) lapsed, at the lowest estimate.
>most being (((assault rifles))) and handguns
>AR15 most popular rifle in the country and available for $300
>Defdefense 3D printed firearms Dab on gun control ever working
>new york and new jersey AR bans had 0% effective compliance or registration
Keep Pushing. Gun owners are the plurality and you antifa types keep showing up "armed" with airsoft.
That's pant-shittingly retarded. Bad, even for Yea Forums
obama did exactly that with drone strikes and got one.
why the objection here?
>der leff cant meeeeeeem!
>75% of this country doesn't own a gun
the number is way lower than that.
if you have to lie, you don't have a very defensible position.
>we're tired of your shit
you assume that all non-gun owners are automatically anti-gun.
you're clearly retarded, but don't let that stop you from shit posting your little heart out.
Ya but there are no funny left wing memes. All lefties in this demographic do is watch fucking twitch streams, they're bland people.
Shut up you stupid cunt. He's a little chav twat with a coke habit.
fake and gay
Try again
You're scared of bacon, who gives a fuck what you think?
That's the "everything butt" building. Best porn ever. Proxy Paige is a goddess.
>pure bloodline...
I don't own a gun (blades are my preferred weapon though get a gun is not out of the question) and I have no problem with someone legally owning a gun. I would gun safety course should be a thing legislation speaking.
then why did your ilk take guns out of schools and the boyscouts
>u shud need training
>but the jrotc and highschool can't have an evil babykilling rifle team
you don't care about training, you care about disarmament. Just admit you secretly just want to disarm niggers like you've trying to do since 1860 with the same poll tax tier fee method.
FGM by handgun? She gonna be on Liveleak...
I'm not liberal, buddy. Lumping me in the wrong group. I'm not conservative either BTW. I am 100% against total disarmament.
Fuck me, practice you Engrish better, you foreign cunt.
If you're actually a yank, you should be ashamed of yourself.
>Blades are my preferred weapon
lol whatever retard. guns aren't going anywhere. you don't have to own one but you won't have any success taking away other people's.
(((total disarmament)))
legal machine guns is the constitutional answer m8. All gun laws are disarmament efforts, your type has proven thats your goal of (((common sense))) (((control)))
>blades are my preferred weapon
put me in the screen cap
>no, u
fuck out of here, faget
Jesus u or whoever made that is really butthurt to spend time to make such horrendous "meme"
Fuck off Boris, you sold your guns to the goat-worriers years ago
I never said I wanted machine guns gone, buddy. Again you are lumping me in the wrong group. The only ones that shouldn't have weapons are those that prove that they cannot handle the right. If you are responsible, then I don't care if own a fucking bazooka.
the left can't meme
The whole issue with trans was combat roles though
>tired of your fucking shit
>lumping you all in a single response
That's how little fucks I give about your opinions
1/10 Made me reply
Why would a mentally balanced individual take a pic of themselves in this state and post it to social media?
>dA LeFt cAnT mEMe
Sure kid
100 frames per second
This is deffo fake news
shit i actually get what these images are from
this generation was raised with 9/11 and a victim complex. it's that simple. the greatest injury that 9/11 caused us was that the nation went into hurt mode and from that, became weaker and whinier and weaker and weaker and weaker wanting hugs, safe spaces, and someone to cry to.
they completely killed us.
>not even spongebob
are you even trying nigger?
Dems control the house...Pelosi is speaker of the house...are you....an idiot?
Lol I love it just for the slimey limey
Shut upp crankysaur
Lol ok
that is the building for all of Kink.com and its affiliates
>muh Fox News
>posts NYT
Different peanuts from the same pile of shit
>muh sheep
>Implying SpongeBob is a better platform than classic Simpsons
>9/11 sole reason for participation trophy generation
This bitch is the same person who yelled at a guy who got abused as a kid and if he is ever yelled at, he gets PTSD, poor Boogie, he had to sit next to his Hispanic Jew and listen to her bullshit. She actually lies in her videos and is too much of a pussy to have a debate in her comment sections. She steals money
Shut up you daft cunt. Cabbage need picking yet?
I think it's more so how easy it has been for mom to kick dad out of kid's lives. Compounded by SJW teachers and social media.
What we are seeing is a feminized society.
>not understanding meme formats
like pottery
the left can't meme
lmao bottom text
>still pushing the Russia meme
>Hurr Durr formats
Lol ok bootlicker
Isn’t this a ylyl thread?
That all may be true.... but my god would I eat her ass like there is no tomorrow.
I'm replying mostly because I don't understand the cabbage reference. The smaller reason is nice use of the phrase daft cunt (sincerely). I don't see that too much anymore.
>facebook file name
great job proving the left can meme m8
I'm in the same generation. The victimhood scale is real. The further towards the top the more your opinion is worth.
Beat it scrub
"we want open borders"
Said no Democrat in power ever. If you can't argue on the basis of facts, maybe it's time to realize you're full of shit.
It’s racist against Asians according to this website.
I also learned
>squint nigger
>rice nigger
Ok well it's been fun night night lad
Sure kid.
Nailed it
Your syntax and sentence structure make you sound like a rural Russian. Probably should work on that.
Yeah, it's making a comeback, is "daft cunt".
Conservative Logic:
Pretend to be concerned about the lives of people we hate as a reason to not be around them.
Excuse for keeping segregation in the 1950s:
Whites were making a good faith effort to equalize the two educational systems. But because black children were still living with the effects of slavery, it would take some time before they were able to compete with white children in the same classroom.
How does it feel to know you are no different than the racist idiots of the past?
>I'm gona use the "sure kid" may may!
Yeah, you're cool, Snowflake.
Huh... The more you know.
>How does it feel to know you are no different than the racist idiots of the past?
I'm fine with that.
How does it feel to know you're a douchebag?
I am from Europe and we can hear them over here. In fact, it's been proven that the majority of your people don't know the difference between legal and illegal immigration.
Bottom line is, consider gassing yourself.
Why the fuck is his t-shirt waifu Nagisa crossdressing to carry out an assassination or some shit
Oh. I was not aware of this. Grammar and typing were admittedly my weakest subjects in school (typing being basically a nonexistent subject where I was in the late 90s early 2000s).
No they can't. Nobody will comply with them if they do. There are already sheriff's who don't enforce already existing laws.
That moment when you realise South Park predicted it years ago.
I guess you should ask yourself if you think blacks are inferior. I have a feeling I know what the answer is, oh the irony.
The bible was summarized down to one page.
Leftists want open boarders. How can you sit there with a straight face and say you want boarders yet your party wants to abolish the force that enforces the boarders? Makes no sense
Type more words.
Imagine being a Jew.
>call themselves God's chosen people
>kill God's only son
>racist black stages attack
>staged attack against minority proven to be bullshit since trump election #5,234
>all charges dropped
>coworkers welcome him back
>criticizing that racist makes you a racist
Liberal logic ladies and gentlemen.
All this sounds like a shit ton of privilege some people have.
Whatever ruskie
I think you are confusing leftist with anarchist.
“The president's deeply immoral actions have made it obvious we need to rebuild our immigration system from top to bottom starting by replacing ICE with something that reflects our morality and that works,” Warren said during a rally in Boston.
Sorry, that a penis is so taboo to you. Im sorry you were shamed into feeling bad about your sexual organs.
Great scene from the movie
> aggravated identity theft
What does that even mean?
You know what I don't understand? And this is not just in Smolletts case or just in racist ''attacks''; it's everywhere. When a person is still a kid, he or she want's to fit in a group. No one wants to be left out. But if you somehow stand out you'll be a target for bullies, and you'll stand out if you're too tall, too small, too thin, too fat, if you're the only guy with a glasses or braces. But why is it different when that person grows up? Why does he or she wants to be a professional victim, imagining crimes and felonies that did not happen? So people can treat that person like some overgrown baby who can't take care of himself/herself? I honestly don't know and I want to know.
Even their cats are so called liberal
I'm liberal and I think those people are fucking stupid.
this is egg
Cow Farts Cortez!!
>>criticizing that racist makes you a racist
There is a narrative that minimalizes racism by claiming that there are only a minority of racist people and that blacks are not really experiencing anymore racism than anyone else. "When America is so great, that you have to hire 2 dudes from nigeria to oppress you", is that narrative. This meme wasnt really a criticism of the actor, but poking fun at the black victimhood as being a false narrative. You are pretending its not about black victimhood and its about the actor because why, I dont know. Maybe you are just a moron or maybe you are a troll, I guess that is for you to decide.
Stop laughing, it's not funny! The world is gonna end up in, like, 12 years.
Not enough likes, he had to go.