I deserve $15 per hour
I deserve $15 per hour
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Yea! Your boss dont however!
what is wrong with that?
Overpayed... $10 more than enough
McD as a company. They're getting rich as fuck, paying their workers and giving you that nasty shit you're eating. Get swindled, cuck
If you paid more, you'd be able to hire competent workers who gave a fuck. Econ 101.
Us McDonald workers are working for shit wage.
You don't even have a job.
nice copy pasta
Mcdonalds is halfway to automation. They'll pay 15 dollara an hour once they only need 1 person a day in staff. The storm is coming and you liberal fags are going to be super pissed when ghe unemployment rate explodes. Hell, its already on a massive rise already.
least they have a job and arent in their mom's basement posting on Yea Forums like op does all day
>Hell, its already on a massive rise already.
Sorry to burst your media bubble but that's on Trump, not McD's.
You deserve a severe beating.
How about 3 dollars.
Oh, I like you.
Deserve? You meant want.
>eating McDonald's
no, you deserve to get fired while the people who dont do a shit job get 15$
>I deserve a trust fund
You ordered one of the cheapest menu items they have and you disliking how it looks means they don't deserve the ability to pay bills in a reasonable way. Lol your cynicism and bitterness game is lit.
Fuck off yang I'm not voting for you, faggot
> camo pants
> gray crocs
get a load of this faggot
do you really expect people who get paid a shit nontipped wage to care what they serve, do you?
Not even trips can save you from eternal faggotry
Those stupid faggots always burn the edges to a black inedible crisp on my mcmuffins. Every single fucking time.
I work at Burger King and make $22 an hour.
Blow it out your ass a true alpha wears whatever the fuck he wants
And BK facing bankruptcy
>a true alpha
>I deserve $15 per hour
Fast food workers don't deserve $15/hr.
But it will grow the economy faster than giving billionaires a huge tax break so they have more money to ship to overseas tax shelters.
Stop thinking what Fox News tells you to think.
>But the pyramid only balances when upside down
>True Alpha
Yeah that's me, bitch.
One more word and you'll be on the fucking floor begging for me to stop beating ur bitch boi ass (pic related)
try me, faggot I have an arsenal that can lay you down fast as shit, FAGGOT.
>Actually retarded enough that you believe raising the minimum wage will help the economy not realizing that the bottom line will just have hours cut and forced automation.
Gee willikers user I didn't know liberals were this retarded.
No it's just going to drive the price of everything else up.
please use a less selfish and emotionally charged reason for why you should get $15/hour.
Bad bait.
Stop thinking what Fox News tells you to think.
>My IQ is lower than that of the person that made this sandwich because I have no understanding of inflation
That's right. Don't say shit, faggot.
You uh... don't have to eat there....
it's the entire point of capitalism...
Oh is that how it works? Well I don't think you deserve a smartphone, decent care, or any kind of gaming systems. Get rid of them all because I said so because theyre justs "wants."
You seem like a real douche
Pretty sure you learn that from a basic economics class in high school
A true alpha wears nothing at all
First of all you're just a dumbass that cant understand the basics of inflation vs wages.
Btw, automation = higher taxes for you because of the necessary support for the endlessly increasing population that cant find work.
So you better hope that automation leads to more jobs.
Still going with bad bait go to bed. You have school in the morning.
You want cheap and fast food you get shit service faggot
>Still replying like a beta faggot
You're wife will be waiting for me in that bed, user. With your permission, of course.
>muh trump increasing jobs
>muh you dont deserve a wage that increases with inflation and btw enjoy automation and less jobs
This level of retardation never ceases to amuse me lmao
leave minimum wage as is. implement basic income. done.
What am I suppose to be scared of exactly? You’re on an anonymous board acting like a 13 year old. I’m guess ing you are or are just bored and trolling. The part about getting permission doesn’t sound very alpha.
Scared of me, faggot
Stop taking this terrible bait lmao
>Not responding to me directly
Are you that scared of me, bitch?
>eating fast food in the first place
Raise all wages accross the board so you can't artificially inflate property value by doing this and I dont care if you pay them 100 an hour. States shouldnt be allowed to force wage changes. That should be federal
why not?
is $15 considered alot of money?
if so, where?
What's the incentive to work? If welfare earns more?
Fuck that and fuck those gristle grinding shits the world can only exist when it is built on the back of niggers and these metaphorical niggers must exist in some class. McDonald’s workers are that class
Who gave you faggots permission to talk on my thread?
The shithole states where these fuckers let Walmart ruin their local economy
why not 100$/hour then?
Because fuck getting your own place right. Fuck getting things like a new car. Idiots
>What's the incentive to work? If welfare earns more?
You don't stop receiving basic income just because you have a job. Working is extra money on top of that.
When you realize they feed most of you fat Pathetic incels
You deserve a shit sandwich too, fucker
Nice slippery slope
15/hr puts you in the top 1.1% of the world. do uneducated shitheads deserve to be in the top 1.1% of the world?
Wages should be related to value added to the organization paying said wages. If you mandate wages that exceed their value, efficiencies will be put in place.
to add:
31,200 is the yearly salary for 15/hr.
See here you're misinterpreting economic theory in order to make excuses for the upper class stagnating wages in spite of inflation.
During the gilded age there were apologists just like you who claimed that the working poor were being duly compensated and simply turned a blind eye to the excess that the oligarchs who ruled their society lived in
they forgot the pickles
This website was made by rich people to make dumb people stop questioning wages in their country. How does it feel to be a dumb peasant?
They have to sell food for cheap, so they have to pay the workers less. Just like Walmart. Also, it's easy af of a job with no qualifications and you can dick around the whole time
He's also in a McDonald's.