Kill Yotsuba
Kill Yotsuba
Don't worry, just as planned she will die.
I'm ready to kick her ovaries.
There's nothing she can do about it, her vagina is ready to be destroyed and molested.
Oh boy, i just cant wait to suffocate her.
I will cut her fingers off
Yea Forums will be a better place without her.
She is worthless like my mom's tiny clitoris.
I'm eating her disgusting flesh all at once.
Says the underage hahahehehaha
Fuck Yotsuba's poopy pussy
Who said Yotsuba was a thing? She is just a poopy nigger vagina smeller
I can already smell her dead corpse is the oven
time for a poll: which thread is worse this one or the sticky?
One day we will pee on her corpse hahahehe
your reply is poo poo shit fag
Yotsuba must die
Fuck Yotsuba she is going to be mutilated as soon as possible, yeah she will.
this thread only has one pretty anime girl and the sticky has lots so pretty clear choice
Idc fuck yotsuba, i only want to kill her.
She will die...
die die die!
AH!!!! Sage
We are departing, but when we come back, Yotsuba will be as dead as your fucking first pet dog.