Why do liberals hate President Trump so much?

Why do liberals hate President Trump so much?

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their tricks dont work on him
they've gotten used to getting their way in both politicals and public zeitgeist by using words like racist and sexist and the like to bully their opponents into cowering

like him or hate him, he doesnt take that shit. and they cant stop him. and whats worse is their attempts to have made them into laughing stocks because once those attacks didnt work they were exposed or using those attacks and people are waking up and realizing their arguements boil down to, your either with me or youre ____ist
hes exposed their shitty tactics and elitist attitudes to the world and they dont like him or it

mostly because they are stupid. I mean, seriously stupid. they actually thought Hillary was a good choice for president.

simple, years of brainwashing by liberal schools and teachers...

we have an entire generation of pussified students who quickly retreat to their safe spaces any time their worldview or feelings are threatened by an opposing point of view.

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how’s the thread, bud?

CNN - says Orange man bad

ITT replies to russian trolls but ill bite... hes an angry asshole who only cares about himself and is only using the office for him and his family. regular working class people will get fucked while this guy laughs all the way to the bank

you misspelled everyone

They are told to, by the jew media.

I'm independent and don't care for Trump but boy he sure seems to rustle the liberals' jimmies.

Because he's a lying, cheating piece of shit douche nozzle. That enough?

'I believe Putin and Kim Jong over my own intelligence agencies because the dictators were very very nice to me.'

Orange man bad... yeah that's all it is...

they are jelly


Because they are stupid and they hate to win, he he

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Because of this

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Could it be the degeneracy?

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Liberal here. He's not the worst, but he has some stupid opinions or actions like his actions against nature preservation and global warming and claiming it's a hoax. I think he even supported an anti-waxx movement in the past (he could have changed his opinion though).
On the other hand, he forced North Korea to have conventions (full credit doesn't go to him though).
Being against illegal immigration is nothing wrong IMO.
The wall seems like a large waste of money with uncertain accomplishments.

He speaks in gibberish, stands by nothing, runs an dysfunctional administration that wants to destroy education, environmental protections, and most social programs for the sake of tax cuts to the rich,
The last point exploded the federal deficit that republicans bitched ceasely about under Obama, and who quickly reverse when it was realized Trump would secure the GOP nomination.

Whether you support his policies or not, he is a fucking idiot unable to grasp large concepts, and we're fucked if a real catastrophe inflicted on this country.

because trump is literally a shitweasel, and we'd be better off if his supporters offed themselves

>he forced North Korea to have conventions
conventions as in the conferences?

look a hardass

It's the media's fault. They kept telling everyone how Hillary would win in a landslide. Shit didn't go down like they said and they got no participation trophy to boot. They would have hated literally anyone else who won.