Where did I go wrong, Yea Forums?
I went on a date with this girl a few days ago but I don’t think it’s working out.
What could I have done better?
Where did I go wrong, Yea Forums?
I went on a date with this girl a few days ago but I don’t think it’s working out.
What could I have done better?
first off, wait a bit before messaging her, you come off as clingy
Fuck- creep much
You're coming off as wayyyyy to excited about everything.
Things worth obtaining in life are hard to obtain, long story short, play it cool instead of this cringe shit.
keep going OP, this is great
OK now obviously you're just a multi-text-in-a-row creep retard at this point. Never initiate a text string more than twice in a row. If she doesn't text back after you initiate twice, say fuck it and move on.
bro this is awful, you came off way too excited and you didn't take the hint.
just try again with another girl, but fuck man, don't do it anything like this.
You fucked up, time to kill yourself before you say anything else stupid.
I refuse to believe this isn't bait so congrats, you got me
Hahahahahaha you didn't get the hint when she said 'I just saw you'
user is right.... Very very needy.... Leave her alone.... Your smothering bro
Real tips pls, no insults
You went on 1 date w her and just surprise visited her the next morning?
tip: kys
You come off like you're going to off yourself if she turns you down, total niceguy
creepy & cringey
how tf did you not get the message sooner? she's sending you shit like 'lol' 'yep', get some social awareness
Your bait is far, FAR too on-the-nose. Work on that.
I don’t know where you went wrong bro. You sound like a stand up guy
Take her off that pedestal bro. Girls hate clinginess as it means you think they're too good for you. Stinks of desperation.
Sadly we all go through this phase so my only advice is live and learn. In about 5 years youll grow out of it
obvious bait, sage
Stop being clingy. Girls don't like that. Hell, no one likes clinginess.
Dial it back bro. You talking like a 15 year old in their first relationship after 1 date. Don’t feel too bad. Everyone’s got some blunders. Honestly would prob stop talking to this girl though, she just trying to get free meals from you while she bangs her ex
if this is real i just dunno where to start
It’s painfully obvious that you want to get your tiny, smelly dick up in her, op. If you don’t see anything wrong with sending more texts than she returns, you need to kill yourself IMMEDIATELY
Great stuff man. Very powerful. She enjoys it and can’t wait for your next move ! Keep it up
>how is dinner?
HAHAHAHAHA holy fuck user
Dude how do you not see that as a red flag, if a girl sent me that I would not reply.
reply with
"yo, check this shit out" and send her a funny meme
The thing she told you about the ex and having dinner is to make you jealous. You remains cool as nothing happened. Classy move. Don’t stop texting her
its too late. theres no saving this boy
dude you should of stopped after she didnt reply like what the fuck
Holy shit ur way too Mr nice guy. Don't text so much, don't use that many exclamation marks, don't use so many smiley faces. Be real with her, don't be clingy. Talk to her like a normal fucking human being. She's gonna leave you if you don't. Just don't try as hard
Holy shit
WAT!? Girls don't like nice-nice user. You're going to get dumped. It's too late anyway she knows you now. Next girl, next date, show up late and tell her had something more important to do. During the conversation check your phone a few times and laugh while ignoring her as she's speaking. Throw a few very minor insults in, maybe about her shoes or her hair. Then leave early, just announce you have something more important to do again. Then SHE has someone to chase. That's what she wants. After she begs for a second date don't make it any better, punch her in the ribs while fucking her in the ass and tell her she's a filthy whore. Later say you just got little excited, but don't apologize. She'll want to marry you.
No way this is real. Holy shit your fucking autistic.
>strings of unreciprocated clinginess
>she finally agrees to being seen together in public
"Yeah that's a bit pricey though eh?"
fucking gold, never change op
I’m taking all of these pics holy shit
This is hurting me emotionally
Oh wow.. I didn’t see that coming. Oh no ......
im done
Obvious b8 but I wouldn't be surprised if half the autists here did something like that
Nice tendies OP
i laughed too hard at that
literally obvious from the start retard.
>I JUST came back from seeing you, retard. Go away.
>it's early it's not even 10am. I'm probably going to eat breakfast.
>lie. No, fuck you. No thanks. I'm going to my ex. To see his family in a house. I'm lying I'm probably not gonna go anyway.
thanks op, very nice
8/8, please.
Kys fag
just be yourself idiot. youll find SOMEONE, may not be mia khalifa but you wouldn't like her anyway
Apologizing casually and explaining how you were overly excited might get you an out.... Or just say you were high af lmao... And your trying to quit
>That's a bit pricey though uh
Don't so that. Maybe make a joke about it being expensive but don't say that.
>But no a problem
Don't sound like a 5th grader
Here's something you could've said
"Yea sounds good. I'm ready to feast lol"
Also if she asks you "where at" try to make the decision usually. She wants to know if you are strong enough to make simple decisions and plan things, she doesn't want to have to figure that out all the time.
If you picked the last 3 restaurants and she asks you "where at?" then maybe say something like "uh u can choose this time, feel like it's all been my places :p"
Notice how she's typing also. Is she using 100 percent proper grammar and punctuation and ending everything with a :)? No? There you go, that's not how ppl text and that's not how she wants you to text.
Thirsty af
again this pasta? jesus christ
Hahahahaha nice
Your such a faggot dude. You literally act like a girl in a typical anime. It’s onky cute when girls do it to you and not the other way around 99% of time. And besides she threw so many red flags in the general that I didn’t know how you didn’t see this coming.
slow clap
Boy ain't right
Lmfaooo duuuuuude! Y E E T! *abso-fuckin-lutely DAB on this motherfucker right here*
Can't read the post you are commenting about? Fucking idiot
pls stop
I see this happen time, and time again. Women are turned off by affection. I understand you may have feelings for them, and want to express them. yell them at the top of your lungs even. But doing so is an automatic turn off. You need to give them space. She is clearly using you for rides, and dinner. Its not going to work out. If she isn't eager to message you. She is not into you. And thats ok. I know right now you probably feel like there is no one else for you. But believe me there is. you went wrong when you messaged her more than 3 times in a row. WOMEN ARE ATTRACTED TO WHAT THEY CANNOT HAVE. Never text immediately after she messages you. Watch some tv, find something to do. Act busy. All I can say.
I'm fucking wheezing I spat all over my computer kys you clingy faggot.
Kek you fucking cunt you had me going there
Top kek, nice work