Anime con sluts
Anime con sluts
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bitch ate scooby
lol it's funny how the dress like this when there's after kids at these things
I can hear it now -- "Respect wammyn! We're people not objects!"
This literally isn't even a turn on because all I see is a dumb cunt making poor choices.
nipply... that what I think it is?
tampon baby
It should be, but I'm assuming you think it something different, so no.
Negative. Surger line on the gusset.
The guy taking the pic on the right
There's the Carol Danvers we would have preferred
All right, time for a quiz:
You can turn into Ryuji, and have a hot and smart girlfriend.
But, you have to be Ryuji, who is a huge bitch.
Didnt notice till I read this. Appreciate the chuckle
That waist to hip ratio holy
If it's the girl in the pic, then yes
Thats so shitty, it looks photoshopped.
You are a sad person if you really think that kids being there is in some way a problem, you do know that kids use the internet.
I'm out of girls so time to let the guys shine a bit.
Dance belt.
It probably goes without saying but my collection is quite a bit less than for the women.
extremly cursed image
Why you gotta ruin a good thing?
If you say so champ
Too bad it isn't shooped, u dumb fuck. Now do an hero.
Didn't say it was photoshopped... Said it looks photoshopped, faggot.
That why I always wear dancers underwear so the costume isn't gross to look at.
idc, do an hero.
Like that makes your comment any less retarded
Different people enjoy different things.
If it makes you feel any better I'll throw up a few .webms, or at least this one I think the others might be over the size limit. Then a handful of visible panties.
Just as I thought. That was the only one with a small enough size to post.
Thanks for trying Yea Forumsro. Love me some anime sluts
she is seriously fucking aroused
Pretty sure she has a ton of leaked pics and vids
and with that I've posted the majority of what I have.
I leave you all with one last creepshot.
Next time you're all at a con don't forget to take a few shots to help expand my collection.
Also, if you haven't already, take a little closer look at that Power Girl cosplay.
Same chick on left? Got more?
What's the best way to get with one of these sluts
Is it so hard for people to wear costumes their size? Jesus Christ, all this is awful.
Yes, more.
you can't. flirt with them and they start bitching about feminist bullshit.
incel detected
Kids use the bathroom, too. Doesn't mean it's okay to take a giant shit on little Timmy's head in line at McDonald's.
Chat them up about their interests - probably their cosplay - and segue into whatever else they’re interested in, then flirt like you would anyone else. Word of warning though, a lot of them are instantly turned off if you hit on them at con unless you’re a stud par excellence
>InCeL dEtEcTeD
I've fucked bitches I met at con... I was in cosplay of a character from a game they were cosplay of... We talked about the game.. swapped numbers... then fucked. It's not a mystery, everyone is there because they want to be there for their fandom. So find someone else with your fandom and you will get laid.
sure thing faggo, we believe you
I mean I love sluts, but don't like little kids go to those things? Or is anime ONLY for middle aged basement virgins?
I mean, very little tact...
Just telling you how it works. If you don't like it, keep being a virgin.
it’s really not that hard lol
>KeEp BeInG a ViRgIn
How about you get your dick out of your hands and actually talk to girls?
I don't think you're understanding how this board works... I already posted that I've fucked plenty of con sluts. You must be new here. Summer sure has come early.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
the problem with these beta faggots is they're afraid of these girls and think they're something special. so of course girl smells beta and you lose.
if you're in cosplay it's stupid easy.
if you're an outsider looking to get laid...well it's not hard if you aren't disgusting
Everyone seems to forget that cosplay chicks are fucking weirdos and...this is the little tiny world where they're normal. they're all insecure. they're all horny and don't get regular, good sex with good looking normal guys.
get over it.
Eureka cosplay? Well that is a surprise.
Really nice. Thanks user.
i go to cons and its annoying seeing cosplays like this or -insert slutty version of character-
But if a girl is really into cosplay and wants to get famousish, they all eventually turn to this and patreon
I fucked the chemical tattoos off that whore at that convention
I got a 30 sec vid of a chick in a costume with a superb ass but its 23mb and mp4 and I dont have the patience to edit it right now
same for all my other creep vids
Best horse but
>no hooves
listen here, virgin. Erect nipples do not imply arousal.
yep, she might be just cold
>I fUcKeD tHe ChEmIcAl TaTtOoS oFf ThAt WhOrE aT tHaT cOnVeNtIoN
Girls can smell when you just want sex - nerdy cosplay chicks jump right on that shit if you’re moderately attractive and treat them like people
I would pay to see someone cut your head off for being such a massive fucking cuckhold. Kill yourself faggot.
holy shit i thought i was the only one that knew about her.
She is a cutie.
moar of her?
Honestly, nothing more fun than going to cons and ogling all the girls there
Dat moose knuckle.
I love it when a shirt is too tight and it opens between the buttons.
incel confirmed
She’ll be at Otakon this year
>InCeL cOnFiRmEd
Incel definently confirmed
I bet she screams loud in bed.
I actually paid a hooker to do the whole Rarity thing once. She went all out, had the voice down, the clothes, whole nine yards. Turned out her kid was a fan of the show and they'd watch it together during her supervised visitation at her parents' house. I don't regret the experience, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't conflicted. Rarara will always be best p0ne.
>>iNcEl CoNfIrMeD
She’s a screamer
Love her. Would love to see up that dress
Who's the girl on the right. Goddamn
anyone have any vids/pics from that upskirtlover1028 guy on xhamster? half his cosp shots are friends only but he has like 600 friends so some of them might've leaked
Maybe they should make these cons 18+ then. Keep the brats at home.
Sexy skinny weeb attention whore. If a post dont get the likes she wants, she deletes it and claims it was accidentally deleted and reuploads it
Does anyone have the photo of the really hot Harley Quinn with the cute little kid as Heath Ledger Joker?
Imagine being so salty that models won't fuck you just because they're models that you have to justify dehumanizing them.
gotta love a good harley ass
god damn people are pathetic. yah, nice whorestume but otherwise that girl is super awkward and in normal clothes probably a 5 or 6/10.
People go fucking nuts when some girl comes an inch from showing off her cunt but...doesn't.
How do you not get raped dressed like that?
that face is horrific
Who's the NIGGER?
this is not a good ass
Spandex NIGGER
Because either
1. signs like this deter rapists
2. rape culture doesn't exist
her pubic area looks moldy
"oh boy I was really feeling like raping some cosplayers today but after this reading sign it made me think, since their cosplay isn't consent, perhaps I shouldn't rape them? Gee wiz thanks random sign!"
She's teasing the cock of every straight male there. Dangle the bait and the fish will bite
any pics from Texas Furry Fiesta going on right now?
proven right in one post
This is the same slut
The gusset of her tights? You bet.
or maybe they want it
Is that a piece of beef poking out?
>tfw Peace Day never came
There’s another bomb in my....
Sauce this
If you take little timmy to a shit on kids head convention, who's fault is it.
That body. Somehow I'm looking at her figure as if she were an example of form and structure.. aren't I obligated to besmirch her while grumbling something or other about "rapemeat" or "3dpg"??
What is happening
Easy there muhammed
>Judging all women by the actions of a less than .005% (some of which are paid).
Nigga you proly get mad on Facebook when a meme page makes an incel joke.
I stick my cock in every hole on a white womans body when she teases me. Every straight muslim male would do the same damn thing
>HEY IT'S ME UNCLE PULLTAB! What are you doing? Homework? Well what subject? ALGE-BRA? WELL THAT'S EASY! Like this one right here, question 3, 36-24-36 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M JUST KIDDING I'M JUST KIDDING HAHAHHAA
You're so kakkoii, user!
I fucked quite a few of the cosplayers in florida from 2004-2008. Boner Robin got quite a few girls too. Pretty sure it would still work easily on the lesser known girls, but not any of the more famous ones.
what are some good/high traffic comic-cons I should look out for? too lazy to research myself but if you guys have any good ideas i'd consider tryin my luck i'm pretty attractive and am good with insecure girls : )
oh hey, that's when I was on the scene too, con scene was wild in that period, you bang anyone of note?
Within the next year I plan on attending a con as Samus aryan. I'm a 5'2, 100 lb male. I already own the bodysuit but have never cosplayed before, nor been to a con and live in the New England area. Where should I go, what should I expect, and ama
I would cum buckets all over those jeepers.
youd think she would at least shave those pits before doing that shit. anime girls are fucking slobs, her pussy is probably and cheese factory
all of them are sluts. a good about half of them are cam girl and the other half make soft core porn "aka lewds". These girls are on a never ending grind to gain followers and money.
go look in the mirror and say what you just typed out loud. Reevaluate your life.
cosplay and be good at it
No, I think her name is Cammy.