Be me

>be me
>find first love at 16
>both of us are autists
>first love, first kiss, first everything except vaginal sex
>she is stunning, feel like Chad, laugh at incels
>feel happy for the first time in my life
>she leaves me after 3 years
>loses her virginity to one of her friends 2 weeks later
>fucks 2 other guys within 4 months
>tells me she is in love with new bf after 5 months of breaking up
>I haven't had a gf since, its been a year and a half
>rarely any matches on the 8 dating apps I have
>realize she was desperate but now realizes how much better she is than me
>hook up but the girls never want to date and have obvious daddy issues
>at least shes happy

Prob gonna neck myself soon anons. Falling in love is a meme, don't do it. Is better to not have it, losing it will be the most painful thing you ever experience.

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Kek. OP has a small dick, Is an asshole to his GF and he's desperate as fuck. Yeah no wonder your girlfriend left you. Who would want such a sad sack of shit? You're girlfriend clearly left you because you weren't putting out. Be a man user and the next one won't leave you.

You don't choose to love. Believe me be grateful for what you had.

Not unheard of to have it again.

Dude, let her go. Find someone with a personality that meshes with yours. Quit making love to her ghost

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Unsure what you are saying but seems mean. Hope you feel better user.

I still miss her but wouldnt want her back, point is more that i felt like a chad but turns out just a fat faggot

I don't understand, you were together for 3 years and you didn't fuck her? Jesus

2 weeks, she pre planned leaving you.

It was weird. She was super indecisive about it, wanting to wait until marriage and then not wanting to. Few times I was about to stick it in she told me to stop. I have an average length dick but its thick and she was super petite, I think she is 4'9.

Being stupid virgins I didn't think to do foreplay before trying to stick it in. She had sex just so she could tell me she had but hates actually having it because it hurts still.

Oh 100% no doubt in my mind

Focus on doing things that interest you, besides porn and masturbating. You will meet people who share similar interests as yourself and move on from this. Don't bring up your past relationship on the first dates. Nothing says, "I haven't moved on," like bringing up failed relationships on the first date

i feel for you user
it doesnt get better
i have a very similar problem

Why didn’t you have sex with her? It’s why she left.

I hope user. Every time I try to get a new gf I say something stupid or they just want sex

Kek why are you grieving over a slut? She basically left you because you didn’t give her the D and chad gave it to her inmediatly. She was going to cheat on you anyway, you dodged a bullet having to be a cuck for a lifetime.

She had sex to spite me, she wanted to be abstinent.

But ya since she had a backup fuck waiting, no dount I saved myself from a messy divorce.

Damn that sucks user,
Hey at least you had a girlfriend
Im perpetually single unlikely it will change, keep your head up

>be me
>jumping stone for better things for others

Dont kill yourself over a female

OP here. If you really want one, dating sites. If you are severely autistic and fat, omegle.

Relationships are hard, sex is easy.

Eh its not even that she just did shit after we broke up to make me miserable like calling me while being fucked. Shit hurts.

Post face op
Then we can decide if it's possible for you to find love

Did someone hold a gun to your head to make you pickup the phone? Its literally that. You dont try to explain how you know everything about getting fucked over while youre letting yourself get fucked over

Instead of killing yourself go to her right now and kill her, dont use a gun. Strangle her and watch the light leave her eyes. Then and only then can you kill yourself

I hadnt heard from her awhile and was curious if she was ok since she has a history of self harm and other edgy shit.

Lol you must be a sad little niglet 2 off yourself over a girl.

I wanna be genuine but this is some dumb shit

OP I hate you

Be glad she didnt let you become more attached. I became enamored with a girl once that turned around and had a baby with a fedora wearing slob. They sit around and smoke cigarettes all day now.
>I still wont dis onnect from her even though she is obviously emotionally damaging and doesnt care

When you want to get better, you will.

move on dudeeeeeeeeee

Women are only for making children. Why? Because they don't treat you like a person.
Don't let women control your thoughts guys.

You'll learn young padawan, once you realize that having a relationship isn't that great, you'll start to just use women just for sex. It's a great way to live, and i've been fucking a different every month for years. Never been happier.

I hate myself user

I stopped talking to her, just letting time heal

>3 years
>Lost her virginity

I dont really like fwb or hookups though

I may hate you but I hate women more even though I get sex all the time. You'll get over her bro. It just doesnt look like that now.

Ik its fucking pathetic Im aware but she wanted to wait until marriage and then she got fucked by another guy purely to spite me

Well how did your breakup go? Why would she do it to spite you?

I never do this, but I feel for your situation because I was in a similar one. I think this is a common theme for young men, but what you choose to do next will determine your future. I chose the “fix your self up, lift weights, get a hobby” meme before it was even a meme. I found something I really wanted to try to do and I saved up money, bought the equipment, and made it happen. The point is I set myself a goal to work towards. I think this is what men are meant to do when they’re single. Obviously still try and get some tail when you need it but don’t hunt for the relationship. It will find you if you focus on yourself. Remember bud, we’re all gonna make it.

It wasn't even bad. She just went nuts.

Thanks user

>not railing 16 year old pussy when you had a chance

lel and you thought you were a chad

She wanted to be abstinent. Still got blown so I guess not the worst.

>She wanted to be abstinent.

that's why she put out immediately after dumping you

I feel you op, I haven’t been in a relationship for over a year since my 2 year relationship ended and I still have dreams and shit about her. I still love her and I can’t lie about that, but I’m not in love with her because her actions disgusted me. I’ve gotten close to getting into other relationships but can’t really commit yet. Sometimes I feel like I’m lonely and want a woman’s attention but then I just nut and that feel goes away. Honestly dude she just sounds like a bitch so just try not to justify why she did what she did and don’t go searching for closure either.

She did it spite me. Told me later she hated it and doesn't like vaginal at all.

There are billions of women. Most are idiots (just like men). Be yourself. Act like you want to act and make a girl feel comfortable to do the same. You will never keep a slut or a cunt. Focus on yourself and you will find a girl; look for a girl and you will find sluts and cunts. The girl you want is not going to be on a fuck app.

Thanks user

True but I'm pretty gross, is hard to get one to go out unless I smooth talk em first.

From what I gathered :
She wanted to wait until the wedding, be abstinent and had a history of self harm.

People like this are dead weights. If you get pussy it MIGHT be worth, barely. But crazy women are not worth the trouble, especially crazy teenage girls.
I suggest you forget your "love" and get on with your life. Or become a gothic emo or whatever they call it these days.

I guess I'm considered emo because I subscribed to nihilism but I did before it became the cool thing to do, was legit interested in philosophy.

Ya well it would have been nice to have a girl that didn't fuck 60 guys in college but they will be less nuts as the grow older.

alright you need to listen to this, you are young and are still learning. You need to understand that honour and loyalty are male concepts, falling in love isn't something that happens often and when it does it comes from the last place you would expect. As for ''best girl'' and ''I'm not good enough for X'' that is simply your confidence and/or lack of it, you said it your self you were making of fun of incels and felt like a chad, that is nonsense and is simply you trying to feel better about your own insecurities.

TL:DR you need to man up, move on, write her out of your life and work on improving your confidence and your outlook on life in general, especially your views on other people and yourself.