You plebs will argue about anything

you plebs will argue about anything

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Not much to argue about. Bear all day.

me I have an ar-15

muh guns

muh shekels

Obviously the bear.

Gorilla .
Strongest of them all and intelligents on his side to some degree

Obviously the gorilla, otherwise how would niggers exist?

muh dick

Dumb fuck

lol get baited

I'd say gorilla, bc he is more agile

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The bear

Not even a close fight

Yeah, the bear will yeet the snake out of the cage

A gorilla is not stronger than a bear...

It's between bear and lion for the final showdown, and 9 times out of 10 bear will win.

Anemic as fuck. Way too light a round for large game kiddo.

ooga booga where the chicken watermelon and white women at

Put a bunch of sandniggers in the same cage and the only winner would be humanity.

Bear is the apex predator here. Not even a question.

muh bait threads

There are AR-15s chambered in .50 Beowulf

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How much preparation time does the snake get?

would bounce off the bear and just make the lion mad


i'm gonna guess the snake...

i'm white you dumb idiot. I'm making fun of the niggers who say "muh dick" and think it's an argument.

muh statistics

muh intelligence

Snek will win. Snek will just slither out of cage and let the other animals kill themselves.

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The snake also has intelligence on the other animals?

muh questions

it's spelt 'my', you unbelievable faggot

If you're only looking to cause damage and not harvest the meat, it's fine. Mag dump, reload, repeat.

Aah, a classic Yea Forums post. I almost feel like it isn't 2019. Thank you for the breath of fresh air and nostalgia, user.

muh grammar nazi

muh oldfag

all 4 placed in a 40'x40' cage at the same time

inb4 the snake will slither out

glass cage with airholes.

only the winner will be released. last one alive

Lion and Gorilla immediately start fighting

bear sits back and chills

snake is standing its ground thinking that its fighting with the lion and gorilla

lion bites the gorillas hand

gorilla gouges one of the lion's eyes

gorilla and lion roll over towards the sneak

sneak bites the lion

Lion slows down

Lion dies

Gorilla paces

Notices snake looking at it

snake bites gorilla

gorilla proceeds in strangling sneak

Gorilla rips sneaks head off

gorilla lays down

gorilla looks at bear

gorilla says to bear "your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post"

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snake and lion are fucked you got silver back vs grizzly probably grizzly

this place has sure gone downhill. stupid andy log and trap threads. smh. they make those old mlp threads seem tolerable. used to come here all the time around 10 years ago. got rick harrisons number on here and spoke with him for a while

how big is the cage? Is it like full on fight straight away or like a massive cage when they can not even meet for days? I mean snake wouldnt even stand a chance in all out combat head on, but if its like a stealth situation when theres loads of time and sneaking around it may stand a chance with loads of luck


>glass cage
thats a box m8

Faster,Stronger and shiiieeeet have you seen a full grown Gorilla ? I mean sure a bear is a beast but against a much faster enemy with such brute strength

muh sides

bear due to how thick their skin is... snake and lion will be done in no time gorilla will pit up a fight but bear claws will fuck it up and gorilla wont be able to hurt the bear much

Gorilla wins vs snake 100%. Anacondas don't have venom or poison and the gorilla can just crush it's head with its meaty gorilla hands

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how else can we make a spread to place bets on

you ever hate colonial rich Americans in the 1800 when they could have done this but didn't its fucking bullshit

>not a venomous sneak

i might be worng tho since gorillas are explosive as fuck so they might actuall knock out the bear

gorillas top out at 430lb, bears top out at 800lb. bears also have claws and much more fat which protects organs

male lions are bitches and the snake won't do shit to any of those 3 before they kill it

only in a bars cage; not if the cage is sealed

40x40 glass box. they are pushed in by prods thru a 6x6 sliding door that will shut the moment they are let in



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bear is smartest and strongest

this is a Bear thread now

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the snake gets 3 months to work on kettle bells and dead lifts


primates FTW

okay so basically you're a nigger

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I just got pride in the family line

okay, that's a fair argument

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Break snake in half, now you have two snake, snake always win

I love the lion, but it stands no chance. Snake is fucked too. As for the bear and gorilla... I could see either one taking it. Each has a good set of skills and natural tools. This is one of those cases where it is so close, I can't make a call.

well, shit

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black bear vs. gorilla - i think you're righ

but grizzly/siberian brown bear or polar bear vs. gorilla? i think the gorilla's fucked.

stupid gorilla would probably taunt all of them and die first or second.
bear > the rest

I'll still stick to the Gorilla just so much faster plus a Gorilla is just muscle and brute strength . Ever seen two gorillas fight each other ?
Sure the bear has more weight and sharp tools to work with but not that fast not that bright .
It depends on how the arena is build if the gorilla has a chance to get the high ground ?!
Well who knows lets Crowedfund this shit and finally put this to the grave sick of this arguing

>fires auto 50 cal from shoulder
>gets shoulder and arm blown the fuck away cause recoil on wimpy overcompensating gun buying faggot
>bullet misses cause dat recoil
one of the 4 eats fag yet still hungry cause wimpy shit

>wimpy overcompensating gun buying faggot
>>bullet misses cause dat recoil
so you would shoot a small caliber at a fucking bear? good fucking luck

Doge would win

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Definitely not the lion. Lions are easily outclassed by the other 3. Lion dies first.

I’m a bit torn between the gorilla and the bear, but I would say the grizzly would come out on top. Gorillas have huge muscles, but so do grizzlies, and the bear has enormous fucking claws.

But this is all irrelevent, because while gorilla is getting killed, the Python starts wrapping itself around the bear. The bear kills the gorilla, only to realize that the snake has already wrapped itself around it’s body. It’s massive strength and huge claws are useless against a 30 foot python that constricts it’s movement. As the bear flails, trying in vain to land a blow against the snake, the enormous pressure generated by the python crushes the bear’s rib cage, causing massive internal bleeding. As the lungs collapse and bleed, the bear struggles to take its final breath as the python decides whether to eat his ursine lunch with honey mustard or barbecue sauce.

mammals fight to death while snake lays motionless and survives

i would use 600 nitro, and not face 4 animals cause semiauto or pump action biggame guns do not exist outside special ordering them

Lions and grizzlies are about the same size

bear can bite too though
pretty sure it can bite through snake

gorilla has stronger bite force than either, also more intelligent.

snek because it is a poison type

Bear also has 1000 pounds on the gorilla and larger teeth plus claws.

also no, bear bites harder.

snek will vore all three

bear obv because hes a good boy and hes brown and hes big and hes fun and hes large and i love big brown large fun boys

I heard that people used to fight lions and gorillas and from what I heard the gorilla would just grab the lion and break its back.

In a direct fight of bear vs. snake, bear would win. But if it was a cage match, the snake is gonna lay around for a while, while the bear is going to go after the more immediate threats. The snake, being a fucking snake, will sneak up while the bear is distracted. By then it’s too late for the bear. He can’t bite what’s wrapped around his chest 4 times.

snake cause he'll slither the fuck out assuming its a animal cage?

shut up nothing will happen to my bear meanie

Lions can’t kill bulls. Even a lion and a tiger were destroyed against a single bull and it wasn’t even close. Bears can kill 3 bulls at a time, you do the math

anyone who thinks otherwise is a retard

obviously gorilla due to agility, raw strength, and superior intelligence

yeah, a pissed of bear is almost as dangerous as a charging elephant.
i say bear wins

duude unless u give gorilla a knife and teach him to stab shit with it he wont win. bear is as strong maybe more strong than gorilla plus has claws

Gorillas have stronger jaw muscles than bears and use tools like rocks and boulders. They're also more agile.

pretty sure bear bite is stronger, but will concede the point if a wiki reference says so

what i read silverback has 1300 PSI bite and grizzly has 1250 PSI. Not by a long shot but gorilla is stronger and more intelligent

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>snake being slow moving and really low on the ground remains unnoticed by the other big three idiots
>three tards beat the shit outta each other
>last one remaining is hurt badly and probably dying from the severe wounds
>the unnoticed snake kills off the last faggot and wins

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A gorilla's bite has been recorded to reach the strength of 1,300 pounds per square inch, stronger than that of a great white shark or a lion

I rep my dude Gorilla

snake and lion are not even considered

The real match if any is between the silverback and the bear

snake wins

Obviously the snek would win, bear lion gorilla kill each other, snek the strongest kills the last survivor

The gorilla and snake have no chance.
It's come down to lion and bear.
Bear is probably stronger than lion.
So bear.

This all day



A tiger might be able to contend with the bear


I expect a Roman historian could find evidence of such a fight actually happening during the games. Naturally the actual animals may be slightly different because of geographical limitations. But Grizzly Bear all day. Size and weapons.

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Lol you autistic fuck. Romans never had access to Grizzly bears or Silverbacks.

snake definitely not. gorilla, i doubt it, considering they are mainly vegetarian and thus not specialized in killing other animals. so either the bear or lion. i'd go with lion since bears are slow and usually hunt fish and shit while lions take on actually big animals.

>ignoring superior strength of gorilla
>ignoring fact gorillas are naturally territorial

Retard alert. Get your carer to read my post for you.

snake because it would just sit in the corner and do nothing while the others kill eachother

All of them. During their time in the cage, they all become very special friends. Very special friends.
They have sore buttholes, though.

>But Grizzly Bear all day
you specifically wrote grizzly you fucking retard. go back to your tendies kiddo.

Wait, what kind of friends? very special friends? Say it again.

this is the most realistic take on the situation

Now I've wrassled with all them there critters, and the Griz gave me the most trouble. Not that I didn't kick it's ass mind you. Kicked all their asses.

Bear because he's a fucking bear.

>slightly different
>gorillas weren't even discovered until like 100 years ago
what, you mean a fucking spidermonkey is comparable?

grizzlies have loose, thick skin
but the important difference is claw length, lion claws rang up to around 1.5" while adult male grizzlies range up to 6"
grizzlies also generate 1200psi when biting whereas large cats are around 1000psi

My money's on the elephant

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Fuck me. Have you had a recent head injury? It's in reference to op question. The pic is a Grizzly. Out of op options, Grizzly! Romans didn't have access to Grizzlies but to other bears. Access to lions but usually North African species now extinct. Access to snakes, maybe pythons from India. Chimpanzees/Baboons not gorillas but they were aware of them. Similar not identical. One may use them as a guide. Are you Karl Pilkington?

Not to mention the silverback has a stronger bite and has way more strength than a grizzly. everytime the grizzly tries to trample the silverback the gorilla will just throw him across the cage

Exactly, the bear is just so much bigger

Hhahaha god you should be banned for being a retard 8 yo.

That's a monkey. Romans had chimps/baboons...apes. Similar deal? Members of the same family.

Duck you

Yeah a chimp is completely different to a gorilla. Fuck me get me a window to lick. They're apes. You're an ape, literally. I bet even youre trying to suck yourself off.

might as well just stick a human in that cage since chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than gorillas. god you're fucking dumb.

Boom nigga.

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Who would create such an abomination? More importantly, why??

Similar fights happened all the time in the lates 1800s and early 1900s. If I recall they were a great attraction where the public would come to watch. I don't think they ever got a silverback but the bear would win each time. I remember reading they'd just cave the lions and tigers skulls in with practically one swipe of their paw.

Ok user. I'll wager my left hand a fully grown Male chimpanzee would destroy any man. They're bastards. Gorillas are peaceful. Chimpanzees murder for fun and are cannibalistic. That few % of DNA that's different is huge. Argument from ignorance. Don't believe me? Jump in the chimp enclosure at a zoo and Duke it out.

silverbacks weren't discovered until about 100 years ago. even then they were way up in the mountains of central africa

Depends on the man it fights not to mention the mental capabilities of a man to fasten tools out of anything they find. Also, gorillas aren't always peaceful. They're extremely territorial, especially Silverbacks.

Snake would just snake his way out of the cage and the rest would kill each other.
Snake for the win.

Grizzly bears are at the top of the food chain. No other animal except for humans, hunt grizzlies. Leopards hunt and eat eat gorillas.

Grizzlies regularly kill and eat Moose. They have a weight, hight, and speed advantage over the gorilla. They have fat and fur to protect them. A gorilla's bite can't really damage a grizzly, because its mouth is too small to get past the fat and fur. The grizzly's 6 inch claws, the strength and weight behind it will knock out or kill the gorilla. And of course the grizzly has its Jaws designed to kill large animals.

I'll leave this link here.

Or it would just lay there unnoticed while the other three kill eachother. Bear would will the initial fray though, then likely bleed out while the Anaconda just watches, giving zero fucks.

.....u do know how fast you can unload a magazine right? you could be shooting .22lr with 30 rounds you'll kill your targets.

Bear. Gorillas aren’t even fucking carnivores! If that bear is hungry all these fuckers gonna be in his big furry bear belly.

Small cage, you kill one. Speed of animal attacks always shock people, even hunters since few animals charge them. You'd get 3 shots against the lion if you have balls of steel. Most, even hunters, would panic at a charge, close their eyes and look away as they repeatedly shoot into the ground. That's why bayonet charges where a thing, even into the 50's.

the sneak can just slither right out of the cage dumbasses

griz 100%

Panthers kill Gorillas in the wild, there are documented cases of bears swatting a mooses head the lion or the bear, the danger rope would get stepped on and die during the scuffle.