LOL Why do you stupid, limp dicked white boys think you're hard...

LOL Why do you stupid, limp dicked white boys think you're hard? You're nothing more incels that can't accomplish anything and you are being replaced and there's NOTHING you will do about it.

Attached: 49633CB645894068BFDE601D15076ED6.jpg (842x960, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Topkek what are you on

White men have destroyed every group of people that have come up against them. Wanna be next?

Why do white people go after innocents? Shoot at something that can kill you back. Make it a real firefight.

isaac newton was an incel and white, discovered gravity, what the fucks your point dickhead?

shit bait from a community college psychology program dropout.

Violence can affect innocents no matter who the perpetrator is. But when i think of who is innocent muslims and blacks aren't on the list.

because they are slowly becoming the beasts they hated, tale as old as time

White men have always used their brains to make themselves the most Alpha race of the west. You shit skinned fuckers have used bullshit and "but the white man oppresses me" to topple his dominant status. You forget that the white monkey is more than capable of killing you brown monkies dead as a fucking doornail. Keep pushing us assholes.

How long ago was that? You weren't apart of that group. Fuck white incels like you. You couldn't even stop Chad from giving you wedgie, calm down little boy.

Stfu white boy.

Why are you so afraid of the white race? Did someone hurt you sweetheart?

sure are a lot of angry inbred niggers in this thread

Nobody's scared of little white boys, I used to beat them up in high school because they're weak.

Is that the only response you pathetic ethnocucks know? Calling people nigger without knowing their race isn't really "superior." White supremacy is a mental disorder.

ITT: trolls trolling trolls

I would have no problem with going to war and dieing for a kike tbh.

Attached: 1553261718151.jpg (657x527, 32K)

Attached: don't_fuck_with_me.webm (480x360, 1007K)

this is all the punk bullshit from the 80's done over, except instead of sex drugs and rock'n'roll, they're going with gay racist memes.
it's all just a bunch of posturing faggots that don't feel the need to care for or be part of their communities acting hard and causing problems
they want to bitch about inner city thugs while being suburban thugs lite.
rather than fighting everyone, they'll just find a fag or black guy and badger them en mass, so they can feel safe in their invective behind the cowardly mask of a group
cowards always move in groups

>how long ago was that?
>how long ago was slavery?



This thread tho

Attached: IMG-ebd80c034560754989acd26fa859a5ae-V.jpg (400x400, 17K)

NEVER been tough


Attached: whiteboi.webm (332x574, 1.96M)

Lol like nigs



Attached: 1451138823835.png (672x908, 791K)

I am god to you whiteboi.

Attached: Indian_woman.jpg (696x497, 101K)

Attached: 1553066851571.jpg (540x304, 32K)

Eww, gross. Get this nigger away from me.

as a white male, i bow to you sir

Attached: 8d8627b516720ce687b825f0de486d40.jpg (229x350, 20K)

>this is whiteboi

Attached: this is whiteboi.jpg (720x960, 61K)

Just another slave dickwasher

Attached: nigga_dick.jpg (864x864, 660K)

White extinction

Attached: ur sister.jpg (540x660, 77K)

>imagine being so worried about black dick you make a montage

I'll just drop a few irish stock loads in a nice nigress and we'll all come out looking italian.

Who hurt you?

Aw, you joined a bandwagon. Cannae think for yourself?

"Everyone I don't like is a nigger."
Spoken like the true, dumb, inferior race.

Doesn't matter:) blacks will still be here

Europe is fucked too:)

Attached: 1542127739510.jpg (1028x810, 499K)

Fellas, we will go out with a bang! This bitch is right, they should fear us. Make the politicians scared, destroy the status quo, be angry and be proud of it...
Btw not even antifa or lefty, just a man raging against the modern world

White subjugation. Know your place niggers.

Attached: lead_720_405.jpg (720x405, 94K)


Attached: 1446748653351.png (599x511, 508K)

This image infuriates me.

Attached: fo_ma-niggas.webm (720x720, 1.69M)

their place is in your sister, madboi
nah. it would take a hundred generations to get close to any race mixing out. all our little enclaves will persist, with various shades between, just fine
you fags have a glorious day

that would be these people:)

Attached: JEWS.jpg (610x406, 42K)

lol, that's a fucking horror movie


Attached: THE FUTURE OF THE WHITE RACE.gif (250x342, 666K)

Fuck off with this fucking picture

jfc at first i thought those were some sort of pants.

how horrifying

>Insert picture of shitty trailer park full of toothless meth addicted brother and sister couples

thats fat, this is thicc

Attached: 2aebddda6ec06e8ef682380f7f37cd83.jpg (1100x1544, 188K)

That cock looks small as fuck for a nigger.

have fun with it buddy. just raise those little mullato's right.

>that post when you've spent decades hating blacks and their big cocks only to find out it was a meme all the time, and your dreams of getting your hands on one of those big caramel dongs are for naught

In this thread, idiots race bait race baiters. Circle jerking commenced

>she doesnt care
>you do

Attached: wyboiii.png (966x1288, 1.01M)

Your time has come.

Attached: 1519836426622.jpg (500x667, 38K)

Save the women and children

Attached: 1553785979880.jpg (750x743, 124K)

Attached: 4596793570.jpg (1866x1620, 192K)

Why do the mods leave nigger threads like these up even?

Attached: 1553791165623.png (800x578, 871K)

And black extinction because the child produced would neither be black nor white.

Is this some sort of fetish thing? It seems this thread is 100% cucks or insecure black guys

That's pretty gay mate

Id hang you for that stinky nigger.

Speak when you're spoken to, boy. I have no time for you sub-human leeches.

I dont give a fuck lol we'll always have africa, fijians, native hawaiians, andaman islanders, native asians, dravidians, and etc.

In africa you can find pointy nosed blacks, wide nosed blacks, thin lipped blacks, thick lipped blacks, chink eyed blacks, pea haired blacks, blue eyed blacks, blonde haired blacks, white skinned blacks, curly/straight haired blacks, short blacks, tall blacks, and every other phenotype/genotype.

Europe is being fucked atm too, have fun:)

Not that long ago, it's still around its systemic. We still don't let them live in our neighborhoods. we move instantly when they show up.

>when you lose your wiminz

Attached: 1553451569955.gif (656x368, 1.81M)


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Attached: 1543205951489.jpg (474x333, 39K)

Got any verifiable proof for those claims? Considering what site we currently are on, my guess is no. Also, you do care or else you wouldn't have responded to begin with.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

Attached: join degeneracy akarin 9.png (320x360, 219K)

fierce blue eyes

Attached: Set_world_african_17.jpg (260x300, 24K)

We scared whiteboi

Attached: 1552927222597.jpg (736x501, 113K)

Blue from blindness maybe. What exactly is he looking at because it sure as shit isn't the camera.

The world won't be complete without the death of every black man, woman and child. I rejoice whenever I see a nigger dying, in fact, it's a cause for celebration.... Hell I was laughing and shouting when I head of the Christ church massacre.
No shame. No fucking shame.

isn't chad normally white anyway?

it's waardenburg syndrome

I don't know what that is, but sounds like it calls even more bullshit on user's point.

Calm down Antifa-commie-reddit-red-leader!

No race war, class war, or sex for you!


Even if you try to take over the whites in the west, I dare you to try to attack the Russians/Slavs, they will obliterat You nignogs, hell even the kavkaz will want to eliminate you lolllolololololololololol
Have fun trying to dominate the world, nigger, never going to happen.
I'm here if you want to vent your pain btw.

Attached: image.png (500x566, 108K)

that's the point. white men couldn't defeat other white men

He isnt blind you fucking retard its just a rare white people

That makes no sense.

Nigger are just jelly about white power and invention. What have they ever done?nothing. Serbia not only remove kebabs, but will also remove burnt meat.

That isnt you:)

success breeds jealousy.

Attached: no to racism.jpg (445x571, 40K)

Well it certainly isnt you either, nignog nigger ;)

Attached: 6afd4f56eac28b78cff344fdc697abb7.png (469x328, 411K)

So you're saying it a mutation and not genetics. Got it.

>calling evolution mutation
Top Kek

You didnt evolve you came from india:)

Attached: albino_12.jpg (497x735, 143K)


Attached: dass rite.jpg (483x507, 28K)

nice thread shlomo

Attached: 1553460964758.png (375x444, 67K)

Soap was invented by the Egyptians, not black people.



Attached: 2031519310.gif (200x176, 295K)

citation needed

Kill the Jews! Hitler did everything right! Eradicate Israel, murder Jewish children, kill em kill em kill em all!

Any proof on that? Again I'm guessing no, considering your lack of proof on the last one.

the goyim will never know

It was Egyptians, not black people.

>not black people
This was before you(the turks) showed up btw:)

Attached: Ägyptisches_Museum_Berlin_027.jpg (1176x2364, 1.8M)

Nah but at least we bathed in water and washed ourselves, which is more than can be said for your people in that shit stain on the world known as Africa haha
Kill all niggers. Smash em up. Race war now!

>cherry picked image to fit your predetermined conclusion

Attached: 1529951763737.jpg (1032x1052, 88K)

>says they werent black
i post proof
>replies with meme
everytime, it never fails:)

Egyptians were never black. And make up your mind did whitey come from Turkey or India. Both are factually wrong, I'm just trying to help you get your story straight.

Das right! Yeah boy yeah das right nigga, Les just rewritten history to make us look better than we achully are yeah das right

niggers: So superior that they can't do SHIT in that god forsaken continent of theirs
A fucking storm there, and all niggers are begging for help
yeah, help from the "inferior white man"

dumb chimps

weak and predictable

Well he got us boys, I guess his false info has destroyed our movement, shall we call it a day? OR JUST KILL THE NEXT BLACK CUNT THAT WALKS ON BY.

weak and predictable

How sad would it be if it was true tho. To go from an astounding race to mud huts,flimsy spears an no clothes.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Absolutely my brother, absolutely :|

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Inferiority complex detected.
Nigger in sight.
Arming bolt gun.
Requesting exterminatus
Exterminatus... Granted.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

pure cringe

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Attached: aP7RG6rd_700w_0.jpg (700x668, 51K)

weak and predictable

Fuck this I'm going out to smash up a nigger. See you in jail lol :)

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

that's clearly a black person and not only is it a black person it is a black person before the turks invaded. So no mulatto like today's invaded egypt.

Turks and you "european" whites have two completely different histories. Turks fought alongside the mongols in asia bc they were once asian. Thats why they look different

Attached: chart.jpg (700x992, 109K)

weak and predictable

you really suck at this kid

You broke the code, these people should participate on their own race war and kill themselves on it.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

>Fuck this i'm trying to get out of my gaming chair and look for tendies. See you in fat camp lol :)

weak and predictable

weak and predictable


But it's not, so their legacy is secured.

sure kid

Quit biting a b8 as weak as raceb8, faggot. You sage b8, not bump the threads like retarded pawns

Attached: Kill Yourself.gif (412x206, 522K)

weak and predictable

I wonder how many times weak and predictable needs to be said before it becomes weak and predictable itself.

weak and predictable

weak and... mildly predictable

weak and predictable

We've conquered the world and then gave them their freedom by our own choice. Do you think we can't do it again?

weak and predictable

>white guys can't fight
umm sweaty?

Attached: colonisation_africa-min[1].jpg (700x700, 53K)

peak and wredictable

weak and predictable

Lol as though any self respecting man would want to be with such classless trashy whores with zero societal value. AIDS isn't a trend, it's a lifestyle.


weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and precictable


Attached: brother.jpg (900x506, 100K)

>let's take a picture with the zoo animals and post it on Instagram

The federal republic of germany never had colonies. This image is advanced stupid

All this talk. Meanwhile niggers flood your countries and breed white women.

White race has lost. Its over

Kill yourself "nigger" aka white larping tranny faggot

This is going to be your response. I guess I'd resort to this too if I couldn't come up with a viable argument. About as sad as screaming "reee".

what did he say about librechan?
what was his answer?

what did he say about librechan?

>reeeeeee use the right flags when you're talking about which europeans raped my pathetic african "country" into oblivion
lmao you are weak.


Someone needs to quit overfeeding these poor baboons.

what do you know about librechan?

Triggered much dipshit?

you tried

Attached: participant_ribbons_1.jpg (500x500, 10K)

nigs gon nog. jews gon jew. it's the traitors that are the problem

small peepee whiteboi INTIMIDATED by a fat ass

Attached: 1520764416459.jpg (640x360, 25K)

not triggered enough to squeal like a monkey over a flag

poor little black boy owned by the white man. you'd think you'd be used to that by now though, eh tyrone?

Attached: 1496935767842.jpg (1273x793, 138K)

Can't wait to be born a big dick monkey in my next life.

newton wasn't an incel dumbfuck. he was a gay sugar daddy.

you tried

Attached: participant_classic_round_sticker-r3443f66f0eee4a3485334293252dab8f_v9waf_8byvr_324.jpg (324x324, 11K)

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Why is it that all fight videos I see are niggers fighting niggers? You’re either all in gangs and get shot because “muh hood” or arrested for gang / drug related activities.

There’s literally no worry for the whites because you’re all just wiping each other out just like Muzzies in the Middle East because of “muh Islam is better”.

Nogs only know how to be violent because they’re the missing link.

I'm saving this. This is better than gold itself.

you tried

Attached: 6dd4f2_ab945bd68f2945bead09ce930563ae1c_jpg_srz_303_303_85_22_0_50_1_20_0.jpg (303x303, 28K)

weak and predictable

Many times. Since mods wont do their jobs, we have to.

White men have created the modern world. I kind of want to see us go away. The deserts will be just as the world devolves into a brown shithole. No way to avoid it.

this user has a brain

Attached: butthurt.gif (320x180, 1.98M)

Niggers just hijacked a cargo vessel in the Mediterranean sea. And threatened to harm the crew of that vessel when they not ship them to europe. Dont worry there will be no shortage of niggers coming to europe.

Tried what? I just pointed it out as what it is. Nothing more. If it triggers people, sad day for them. If not, whatever. Either scenario doesn't change what it is, a fact.

I in yo thread. What you gon do dog.

Attached: EP181.png (653x697, 902K)

you tried

Attached: 5RBS4-2.jpg (269x500, 87K)

Those sources sure do look legitimate.

absolutely nothing

Attached: EP182.png (703x632, 813K)

why do niggers love to suck dick?

Read this, fucking niggers will steal anything even history if they can.

Also, a thought, if blacks were sold into slavery by blacks, then apart from profit, maybe the ancestors of american blacks were child molesters, rapists and assorted other degenerates so foul that they outraged even black african standards

Attached: not_out_of_africa.png (543x818, 310K)

This is now an Ellen Page thread.

Attached: EP1.jpg (1280x1024, 135K)

We wuz kangs and shiiiitttt, nigga

Don't worry, our queen will save us from this boring thread.

Attached: EP1.gif (500x186, 496K)

Attached: EP2.jpg (1200x901, 131K)

Attached: EP2.gif (250x175, 1.04M)

These niggerjew threads make me so gushy.

Attached: EP3.gif (498x278, 553K)

OP: Apply to Muslims and you basically have ISIS

You b gittin buzz bombed son

Attached: EP3.jpg (600x500, 34K)


Attached: EP4.gif (341x279, 929K)

Attached: EP5.gif (352x288, 863K)


Attached: CLEARLY ALBINO.png (659x968, 430K)

KEK @ "Yakov Radonski"

do you want more Americans to die in your proxy wars, Yakov?

trump the jew will gladly send his "white nationalist" cucks to die. they're too stupid to know he's a Zionist jew-lover! :))

Attached: Trump Proud Jewish Man.jpg (125x74, 2K)

Wat b up in here

Attached: EP5.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

I think I love you, OP.

Attached: EP6.gif (245x215, 698K)

Attached: EP7.gif (352x288, 967K)

Shake left and right.

Attached: EP8.jpg (1000x422, 350K)

Attached: e10.gif (261x320, 1.96M)

What you gon do dog. what you gon do

Attached: EP9.gif (400x200, 418K)

mad bommer

Attached: EP9.jpg (1400x700, 104K)

Attached: EP10.gif (375x202, 999K)

weak and predictable

mad Yea Forums-1 bomber

Attached: EP10.jpg (1530x668, 91K)

Attached: EP11.jpg (780x438, 50K)

Attached: 1543226746647.jpg (770x896, 803K)

Her logs are full of nutritious fruits and veggies.

Attached: EP12.gif (480x270, 484K)

Begone foul sinners.

Attached: EP13.gif (260x162, 488K)

nothing to lose ? nah if that were the case it'd be a civil war

as bad as things might be, they simply aren't bad enough. and thanks to the gibs.




Attached: ANCIENT GREECE.png (511x558, 743K)

Having a stable pecking order reduces deaths and injuries due to infighting. Watch animals break up fights between other animals. We are hardwired to defend the status quo and to reduce conflict. We're hardwired to side with power. So we defend the ruling class and turn on each other instead.

White people aren't under attack, the entire working class is under attack.

Your humiliation is class humiliation. Your wages are garbage. Your job is garbage. Your healthcare is garbage. Your rent is too high. Your boss laughs at you. Your government is run by corporations. Your life is a meaningless consumerist joke at your own expense.

You're cucked, but you're cucked by people above you, not below you. You're cucked by the powerful. And because it's in your nature to defend the status quo you would rather scapegoat minorities and gays and women and other groups that have been historically beneath you in the pecking order.

As long as you are above someone, you can endure your continuing class humiliation. It's a lie you tell yourselves, and it is a convenient lie for the ruling class who continue to benefit from your servitude.

She'll destroy any thread

Attached: EP14.gif (500x253, 344K)

weak and predictable

>he didn’t even get a knockdown after 15 seconds of unapposed punches
weak sauce nigger

what is this 10 word meme vocabulary

Attached: EP14.jpg (970x546, 81K)

you should find another doctor

Attached: EP15.gif (500x239, 427K)

They can't handle the Paige Killer

Attached: EP15.jpg (1706x2560, 530K)

Attached: EP16.gif (335x219, 627K)

Attached: EP16.jpg (1280x692, 129K)

knocking someone out is saying, "If this person dies and I go to prison for murder, I'm ok with that."

Thread is super srrsss

Attached: EP17.gif (350x140, 473K)

>In africa you can find pointy nosed blacks, wide nosed blacks, thin lipped blacks, thick lipped blacks, chink eyed blacks, pea haired blacks, blue eyed blacks, blonde haired blacks, white skinned blacks, curly/straight haired blacks, short blacks, tall blacks, and every other phenotype/genotype.
>still africa
proofs diversity is a weakness

Attached: EP17.jpg (736x562, 49K)

The queen is indeed perfect

Attached: EP18.gif (270x128, 482K)




Attached: will-troll.gif (360x360, 194K)

Attached: EP18.jpg (334x500, 43K)

I can't wait till my white brothers and sisters realize once again that we don't need anyone else.

If it was only white people living in America, we'd be experiencing a fuckong golden age.

Crime would drop to historic lows.

Efficiency would skyrocket.

There would be hardly any ghettos and shit on our streets.

Basically it'd be paradise

You can't hurt me with my own memes

Attached: EP19.gif (230x223, 316K)




Attached: CARTHAGE.png (557x554, 875K)

Stop trying to hurt my feelings

Attached: EP19.jpg (1600x1200, 161K)

This b8 is horrible we can literally SEE you’re a fat white dude behind a PC. Do a fucking face reveal if you’re a tough black man you fucken pussy. Always posting this annoying shit.

I mean I don't even go outside

Attached: EP20.gif (398x458, 488K)

Timestamp your big dick, OP.

Attached: EP20.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Attached: EP21.gif (500x186, 483K)

weak and predictable

Trump has done more for jews then for whites

U fucking pieces of human garbage need to realize that genetics are random and you have no right to nitpick some faggot in Alabamas smokes or and eldritch dead body while you a 20 year old jerk off in a diaper while in Nigeria or fucking anywhere when it takes you a full minute to pronounce his name or 20 minutes for a google search Hitler thought rajdeep is white but a Russian isn't lmao, and Albanian are brown whites

Attached: s-l300 (14).jpg (300x300, 16K)

that’s because that’s belgium nigger

Timestamp this amazing body you're proud of. We'll wait.

Attached: EP21.jpg (1800x1200, 299K)

There's probably no more than a few hundred incels on planet Earth.

or ethnic germans

I'm so scared of jews I wear a helmet.

Attached: EP22.gif (500x220, 468K)

Where is your timestamp or is it only 5 inches

Attached: EP22.jpg (1086x728, 88K)

Attached: EP23.jpg (800x1200, 253K)

Always bragging, never showing

Attached: EP24.jpg (400x300, 32K)

Attached: EP25.gif (500x278, 493K)

22 free hits and he couldn't put him down. Is this the power of the black bull?

Attached: pol fights 9.webm (326x180, 772K)

Yuh mayud whitut boye?

Soon the whites will see what the Arab is capable of. Demonizing and oppressing is for so long has done nothing but fuel our rage. Then there will be non left of your inferior kind.

OP will never show his dick cuz it's 5 inches.

Attached: EP26.gif (500x208, 483K)

Almost all of Tishkoffs claims were debunked years ago, but just like marxists she keeps polishing the same old turd and trying to sell it as valuable

U Penn is notorious for this nonesense, rember they are still pushing the pale skin vitamin D nonesense which has been debunked repeatedly

Where's OP's big dick. We'll wait.

Attached: EP26.jpg (3504x2336, 509K)

Waiting for big dick OP

Attached: EP27.gif (250x286, 651K)

weak and prediictable

OP is a failure who never shows his dick.

Attached: EP28.gif (500x230, 483K)

weak and precictable

there are more millennials than that

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Micropenis OP confirmed.

Attached: EP28.png (727x501, 407K)

weak and predictable

You misspelled fact, white Supremacy is a fact, untill you look at the Japanese, wind those fuckers up and watch em go. And the white man isn't out to get you silly, you just have to actually put forth effort to succeed in life and getting mad at white people for actually doing it isn't the same as actually doing it your self.

ask your friend about librechan

Drink her lemonade. DRINK IT.

Attached: EP29.gif (500x275, 481K)

Attached: EP30.gif (225x188, 452K)

OP you tiny dick loser. Show us your BBC.

Attached: EP30.jpg (1280x688, 107K)

Ellie can you believe this. Micropenis confirmed

Attached: EP31.gif (500x281, 449K)

Have you ever met anyone that can't get laid? I haven't. Anybody can get a prostitute without much fuss.

When your dick size and iq are both double digits.




Attached: a golden greek Phiale 400BC.jpg (725x761, 178K)

you pay for sex?

ask your friend about librechan

Not even a prostitute. I've met the scrubbiest, worst most unattractive people and they fuck more than normal people

drinking her fecal matter

as long as they keep themselves clean (appearance).


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