Is there a website similar to Yea Forums but without the retarded anime garbage?

Is there a website similar to Yea Forums but without the retarded anime garbage?

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I wish that mod was on right now...

t. braindead faggot
I'm asking for an alternative, not saying that anime doesnt belong here, learn to read

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Never used reddit and never will, shit website with a shit format and shit layout.
No thanks

fapping to this, post more

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plenty wannabes out there
just learn to filter content

I agree. I love the total freedom this site gives. But I'm so sick of neckbearded weebs who fuck their bodypillow waifus

go on effectively any other board you fags.

>never used it
>knows layout and format and that it is shit
LOL kys you literal t. black person

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Using a website is not the same as taking a look at it and deciding 'nah, I'm not using this, this looks like shit'
You obviously know this but you choose to argue because you have nothing else to do.

Getting a hobby or two makes life less miserable, give it a shot

such as?

Important reminder that anime/frogposters are accursed by God, and will burn for eternity in the pit.

Picture unrelated.

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basically any that isn't under the Japanese Culture tab

nope, anime leaks into every single board simply because of the fact that the board exists on Yea Forums where anime seems to be a very big thing
If you actually spent time on other boards on the site, you would know this
Weebs are everywhere, smearing whatever topic they come across with their shitty animes, pictures and general retardation

lol then fuck off?

Whew lad.
>comes to Japanese monkeyboard
>complains about "weebz" and "animu"
>can't do the work himself

You're pretty useless in life, aren't you friendo?

>Is there a website similar to Yea Forums but without the retarded anime garbage?
^What do you think this means?

Fucking hell I know you call yourselves Yea Forumstards for a reason but come on now.
I'm sure you can read.

why the fuck are you on Yea Forums in the first place if you have a problem with the interests here you fucking mongoloid

I don't have a problem with the interests on the website, in fact I'm very invested in some of the topics that are brought up on here, I just want to deal with fags posting this retarded pictures all over the place
I want to be able to discuss shit like technology and fitness without degenerates ruining shit, that's all.
>why the fuck are you on Yea Forums in the first place
is this a safespace to you?
Why do you want me to fuck off so badly?
Either lead me to a website that fits the criterias I have listed or close the thread
Thank you

sounds like your hobby is reddit lil bitch

I just don't want to deal with fags posting their retarded pictures*

Like I said
Good job actually reading, i hope one day i can aspire you your level of comprehension.

Yea Forums or reddit, doesn't matter which one you're using
you will always be a faggot

What work?
I have a job thank you.

>"I dont have problems with the interests on the website"
>proceeds to complain about people posting the interests of Yea Forums
You truly are retarded, arent you?

you'd probably like

Which is why I'm asking for an alternative, am I not?
Just stop lmao

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Also to the fags telling me to "go back" to reddit
This shit has been packed with reddit fags since late 2015 - early 2016

Then why did you post anime yourself?

t. Underage faggot
I bet you came across that website yesterday newfriend :)

>I've been on Yea Forums for years
>Only now realize that its a weeb board like the other Chan's.
>On a Chan board and expects not to run into anime stuff

To catch the attention of fags like you

I know it's always been a weeb board, but it's never leaked into the other topics this hard
Hence me looking for an alternative.

>Is there a website based on a Japanese website devoted to anime but without the retarded anime garbage?

>original website is down
>thinks I "found" it without knowing it from almost two decades ago

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>" its never leaked into the other topics this hard"

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Oh wow that's so cool user, you're so qwerky and special knowing old websites like that :3

Yeah, there actually is. It specially says in the rules no anime content of any sort

The board /old/ is similar to /bant/ with flags and ids and it is the best board in my opinion

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Oh, thank you!
I'll check it out right now!
[spoiler]Kill yourself[/spoiler]

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>thinks of people as beta/alpha
>actually sees himself as alpha
>posts on Yea Forums on the regular

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aww the little babby can't talk so he resorts to reaction images awwwwww :33

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I thank you lads for the short-lived entertainment
fuck you and fuck your website
