This is very bad, right?

This is very bad, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It is, but why from OneAngryGamer? it would just give Yea Forums a reason to disregard it

of course not, go back to sleep people

Scary indeed, but there is a simple solution, you know.

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there is no reason to be viewing the stuff but there's also no reason to start the slippery slope of preventing people from being able to do so

I don't know how they think censorship is doing anything but sewing more distrust.
Why shouldn't we be able to know the truth? What are they trying to hide?

It's now easy to promote censorship these days since zoomers think its to "Stick it" to the alt-right or whatever they hate. Corps use this method all the time

Lol I don’t care anymore. I’m just here to watch people cry and there’s a lot of crying polcels I could entertain myself with

It's a mental exercise to stimulate critical thinking. Based op teaching retards to value truth over ecelebs.

>there is no reason to be viewing the stuff
most of us grew up on newgrounds and /gif/ webms dude

>Christchurch never would have happened if video games were censored!
This reasoning is so retarded the only clear explanation is that the shooting's being made into a convenient excuse for censorship that was going to happen either way.

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whats so fucking wrong with it?
its a news website, its not polygon or kotaku

Tell me, Mr user.. what good is a """"Yea Forums"""" if you are unable to say the n word?

>censorship good
>/pol/ bad
we all know you faggots are against free speech by now

You sow distrust, as in you implant it like you implant/sow seed.

You don’t sew distrust. That means you are using a needle and string to stitch it or creating some kind of blanket.

>most of us
you do realize there are underages in this site that was born after 9/11 right?

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Yep burying your head in the sand is a valid tactic.
Completly agree with microsoft.

Is Microsoft going to ban Mortal Kombat 11? It does let you viciously mutilate brown women with hooded attire after all.

>censor violence instead of titties

Based Microsoft

You just know that some fucker is going to hack a million systems and put the video on them now.
Censorship has ALWAYS backfired online.

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Its alt right polygon

>waaahhh how could people say whites bad? We have to stop them and even kill them!
>I swear I love free speech!

Censorship would only cause MORE shootings, the entire fucking point of the New Zealand killings were because he felt the country was lost to an oppressive goverment fucking his people over for the sake of Muslims and jews. God corporations are fucking dumb

it's polygon for /pol/ instead of blue checkmarks, equally bad

Did Microsoft actually say that or did OneBizarroPolygon completely strawman them for clicks and Yea Forumseddit upboats?

It is fucking polygon or Kotaku but for retards of the not-so-left end of the political spectrum

so, what's wrong with it?

You've lost stallman. People will rather take dildos up the ass if it means the ease of automation, over the freedom of gnu/linux

Video games have been blamed for every major crisis since the 1980s, same as how film, rock music, fast cars, television, and other popular things have been throughout time.


>Still posting Billy D garbage.
You guys need new material.

Good, this garbage doesn't belong in Trump's America.
Trump WILL Make America Great Again.

You sew the threads of distrust in between the fabric of society
I know, but it kind of works both ways

Bias and too much of personal opinion for a news article. I have same mindset on many topics but it's just obnoxious.

Both left and right focused sites have bias, but I've found right focused sites don't try to pass off their bias as facts. Sure, they'll give you a right minded hot take, but they'll also lay out the facts as they know them. Left focused sites tend to bend the truth, and even outright lie, if it suits their agenda.


>microsoft bans MK11

Push it underground and it becomes harder to police and track.



What's the problem aside from you not liking his opinions? Does he not get his facts right?

Fork you, Mircroshaft.

God that scene still bothers the fuck outta me.

Alright Yea Forums, tell me which vidya news site is actually trustworthy.

no games

Any one with a right wing slant.
>but they're just as bad! Haven't you heard of horseshoe theory!?
They won't skew facts. Left leaning sites will. That's what matters.

Why does this never happen when islamist terrot attacks happen? Just because they don't stream them?

You can't scare me with this gestapo crap

Yea Forums

Unironically Yea Forums. Only difference compared to news sites is that the headline is OHONONONON instead of the usual clickbait.

>They won't skew facts.
Give me an example of systematic "fact" skewing.

right wing is lying and fact-skewing incarnate

those are just individual cases, they dont count

>They won't skew facts
Have you read anything by OAG

>As Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern noted last week, gone are the days when tech companies can think of their platforms akin to a postal service without regard to the responsibilities embraced by other content publishers. Even if the law in some countries gives digital platforms an exemption from decency requirements, the public rightly expects tech companies to apply a higher standard.

>We must work across the industry to continue advancing existing technologies, like PhotoDNA, that identify and apply digital hashes (a kind of digital identifier) to known violent content. We must also continue to improve upon newer, AI-based technologies that can detect whether brand-new content may contain violence.

>We should also pursue new steps beyond the posting of content. For example, we should explore browser-based solutions – building on ideas like safe search – to block the accessing of such content at the point when people attempt to view and download it.

>We should also discuss whether to define a category of agreed “confirmed events,” upon which tech companies would jointly institute additional processes to detect and prevent sharing of these types of extremist violent content. This would better enable efforts to identify and stop this content before it spreads too broadly.

How long until mass shootings are being made against censorship?
And then how would they respond? More censorship to encourage more shootings?

So what are they gonna do about it, exactly? Suppressing image transfer/viewing, especially on a global scale is downright impossible. They can't even control piracy, and think they can do anything about this?

Pick any polygon article.
I'm sure you could cherry pick an article from a right focused site that skews facts the same way a left focused site does, but on the whole, skewing facts is the MO of the left. For example, saying half of gamers are female.

>implying ops like OHNONONONONONO or X BTFO aren't prime clickbait, even moreso than real clickbait

Image recognition technology built into your pc's hardware

Why do they give a fuck? Seems like nothing more than an exercise in control.

-1 year from now
>"I'm being discriminated [against] and filtered on YouTube, and I'm not the only one," alleged shooter Nasim Aghdam said in a video that was shared after her identity as the shooting's current, sole fatality was revealed. "My workout video gets age-restricted. Vegan activists and other people who try to point out healthy, humane, and smart living, people like me, are not good for big business. That's why they are discriminating [against] and censoring us."

Hey my worst nightmare is coming true.

>oy vey! no wrong think allowed, only happy thoughts and rainbows, kittens and puppies! don't worry, us mega-corporations and your governments will make sure you never had bad thoughts again!

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Nobody else reports on the things he does.
Personally I hate the guy for spewing that awful NPC meme but nobody else does what he does.


We pay for the immaturity of people like the Christchurch shooter.
Nothing good last in this world.

this kills the crab.

I can't be the only one that separates their life into pre 9/11 and post 9/11, right?

What I hate is that videogames are held to higher standards than film by ratings boards.

Why are OneAngryGamer, YongGang, and Quartering posted so much the last two months?

So, what's wrong with it?

Yea Forums prefers kotaku and polygon over oneangryincel. Cease posting him at once.

Windows 10 thread?

Shills, trolls, and honest posters who want SOME alternative to the usual biased news sites.

They don't. It's just an opportunity to pass laws and make changes that benefit them and their ability to control you and make more money that normally would never fly if people weren't emotionally charged by a recent event.

Fuck off Billy

That's all it is. Using tragedy as a pretext to further tighten the grip on citizens.

Would your prefer Polygon, Kotaku, or some random Twitter journalist instead?
Cuz there aren't many options for vidya news.

Just use linux

You can have windows AND Linux on the same pc you know;)


remember to sage and report one angry shill threads

No serious news site would use an image from the Matrix in a report

Who are you quoting?

ironically I believe that censorship played a role in why he did it.
if people could still jerk off to comic and video game characters I doubt /pol/ would be as popular

No serious news source would mistake a fully automatic weapon with a semiautomatic one. But somehow they all do.

Your mom

because politics in vidya is always cancer, regardless of which side



Professional news agencies aren't as professional as you may think.

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resetera tranny niggers get triggered by it because it's a ring wing site that calls them out on their degeneracy

This, as long as they're not censoring titties, we good. This is what Sony SHOULD BE censoring, I don't want to see someone get murdered in real life.

>Soon have to use slow as fuck TOR just to enjoy free speech

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Yes, shilling your blog like this all the time is in fact against the rules.
That Microsoft sucks does not change that.


Why are you still shilling this trash, OP? Its worse than Fox News.


False flagging Discord trannies I bet

Stallman's a massive commie and agrees with this user. There are no heroes left in GNU+Man

>wants to watch /pol/tards seeth
>supports action that would make all /pol/tard seething invisible to the internet.

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Time to ban Fortnite and Spyro - that's what he blamed for his violent urges.
>comments disabled on every single instance of these songs

Yeah, sure, stopping violent content. Totally not to take control of people showing others what the games are like. Come on, this is just MS's equivalent of Sony's blocking recording on PS4. This isn't political, they're just taking tighter control of potential critical highlighting of their products.

>what is proton

How though? Strawman arguments aren't going to sway me.

>moved to Yea Forums
what the fuck? this is like 5th time I've seen mods do this, but this shit is about video games. What the hell mods? What the fuck are you guys doing?

>/gif/ webms
That'd imply you're very young user.

at least make him burn through a few IPs you lazy fucking bums


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>Yea Forums of all boards
amazing job you dumb niggers

you can shove your blog up your fat ass is what

nigger, this is discussion about video game related shit, there is no reason this should have been moved, unless it bothers your sensibilities.

It's some fat nigger posting his blog each and every day, several times a day. Guess what, dumbfuck, advertising is against the rules. If only the mods would actually take their jobs seriously I wouldn't have to see your shit at all.

but it's a news story you fucking faggot, it's not a blog.

>it's a news story
Then use a news article.

In my opinion, censorship of any type is bad. Even if you don't like the content being blocked, allowing censorship opens the door for them to block things you DO enjoy. I could be too late by the time you notice if you support any type of censorship.

In simple terms, don't look at something if you don't like it.

In my opinion, shilling of any type is bad.


>this news story isn't worth discussing because it doesn't come from CNN or twitter
kill yourself you faggot

You think I want fucking twitter screencaps? That's barely a step up from your dogshit blog, mate.

>You think I want fucking twitter screencaps?
Do you move those threads to Yea Forums also? Or delete them? Nah, you leave them up, because you're a faggot.

Would if I could. Sure do report them.

It will never work.
>a certain combination of bits is illegal

>Loved I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE since hearing it on a Boomer radio block in the morning
>Now it's under a very different light
Fuck the kiwi killer

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Since this started as a Yea Forums thread I'll ask the question: shareware return because this when?

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>this motherfucker listened to gas gas gas right before driving away
mad kek

That's the attitude. This way when they drag people out of their homes and shoot them in the streets no one needs to know, Close you eyes citizen, nothing happening here.

lol I'm so glad I have the stream of it, since it's the straw that broke the camel's back I will make sure they never see the goddamn end of it until they're done being fucking boomer ass babies

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>tfw Trinity will delete my cookie
feels a little weird man

>what the fuck? this is like 5th time I've seen mods do this, but this shit is about video games.
Which game is this article about? It discusses Microsoft proposing ways for tech companies to automatically block sharing, viewing, or downloading of violent content. This should be in /g/

i just played the new zelda for wiiu on linux with wine. also sekiro

is he the guy who ate his own toe-jam in front of an auditorium of students?

What's with all the OCD reddit faggots declaring everything in Yea Forums should be in another category.

It's RANDOM you fuckin tards. Random is whatever the fuck we want.

I use linux and windows on different drives. Most games actually work just fine on linux, even through wine. Only use windows for the few that don't. Outside of games, there's no real reason to use windows, libreoffice is free and does everything 99% of people in an office job would use msoffice, there's better security, it's FREE and has community support. There's a reason most business runs on linux.

>There's a reason most business run on macs
It just works.

progressively there will always be more adhd spazzoids with moms credit card then people who enjoy playing games.

Buy retro, realize the population is enough of a whiny shitstorm that there are no such thing as valid complaints anymore, and enjoy things designed in better times where extrapolating on your consumers weaknesses and disabilities wasnt tbe secret to business.

In short the moms in control of credit cards decide what will be in games. Give up hoping for useful change and be glad the generations you got to enjoy

No it shouldnt. But people who want more exposure and drama bring stories here because they know no one visits other boards and they wont alrrady be hard to the topic

Kids are gonna see that shit one way or another just give up on ever preventing them from seeing it

They dont run good at all. The resources you need to cross that many platforms makes it wildly impractical

>give up thinking your people studies degree means anything

Itll never happen