Fans of Uber Driving Slut

Fans of Uber Driving Slut

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Any one saving or interested? She is a real Uber driver in Washington. I wish I could take a ride with her.

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I'm running out. Anyone have more of her? Her hubby posts here often

Trips gets Twitter account...I accept all trips to include Quads and better

interested and saving. more info?


She likes to cuck her husband and he likes to watch. I know they post under cuck threads a lot....hoping to find more of her

Using power of Kek to summon her cuck hubby so he can shower us with more lewds

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So does she just pick them up then offer to fuck them? I mean that's incredible but I'm just trying to suss out what's going on

Not autistic spergs like you, but normal people

What I think happens from all the literature I've read is that she is pretty well known in her area and guys know that if they give her a generous tip...she will fuck them. I'm NOT saying she is a pro...I think it's just understood. Does she fuck and tease guys who dont tip? I'm sure she does if she finds them attractive...but this is all speculation based on her Twitter and other sources I found

That's speculation too...we need to here from an user that lives near here and taken her Uber before

Let's roll trips so we can summon the power of KeK to bestow upon us the knowledge of this fantastic slut

What’s her Twitter bran

Trips will reveal all....or pics I dont have

Where in Washington is she?

Not to ruin the fantasy, but her stories are fake.
She does post pics of herself, her and her husband may or may not be into sharing, etc (who fucking knows), but her uber stories are not legitimate.
And to be clear I'm not saying uber sex DOESN'T happen - it clearly does. I'm saying her uber sex stories specifically are a larp.


Its all good...I really don't know either way, but her videos definitely show her hooking up with tons of randos. You sound like you may have 1st hand knowledge? Or are you speculating too?


Attached: download.jpg (199x253, 10K) all honesty directive one is to get more pics of her that I don't have (since her hubby has posted on /b numerous times) and directive 2 is to spread the word for this cool chick

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brb anons...gotta go get some tendies for lunch. Hold this for me until I get back will ya?

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