Why is Coca-Cola considered the best drink in the world?

Why is Coca-Cola considered the best drink in the world?

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tasty, sugar is addictive

Did you forget about water?

used to have cocaine and now it has sweet sweet sugar. Also it disintegrates stuff

My niece doesn't know it but I cum in her Coca-Cola a lot... and I know she enjoys her Coca-Colas... I bet its because of my cum she's drinking.


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What is her age?

Soda is poison.
I’m an American btw

They use real coca leaves extracted from cocaine for the taste. Only pussies drink Pepsi.

You ever tried rum mixed with red bull, or vodka cranberry. Now those are some god tier drinks. Fuck I want some alcohol so bad.

In that order

Ask mommy to buy you sum, faggot.

By price yes, but not by volume

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Advertising, cherry picked polls. Your IQ.

Mommy doesn't really drink man. Alcohol is basically a strict no no in our family. Besides I'm at college. I'm just trying to quit alcohol, cause my body doesn't feel the best. Pretty sure I'm killing myself slowly.

it snot


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Between the two, I'm more of a Pepsi kinda person.

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For the same reason boy bands and internet challenges get so popular. Because 90 percent of the population are fucking retards

>Nigger detected
The only reason why pepsi is still a company is because back in the 50s, Coka Cola wasnt marketing to minorities, so Pepsi, seeing an untapped market, did market to them, even hiring black sales people, black drivers, black accountants...

TLDR: Pepsi is for niggers.

You should drink alot and kill yourself quickly..or now

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Because it isn't


who tf said that? coke is cheeks

I disagree. Pepsi is for sandwiches and chips
For everything else, it's coke

Oh no, my niggardry has been exposed! You've seen through my rouse you clever bastard!

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>coca leaves extracted from cocaine
Its the other way around, dude

Suddenly everything makes so much sense

user, you're everywhere! In every thread! Commenting all! Never letting go! You're omni-present! Omni-controlling! The almighty! The reaction queen! The user of lost legends!

My heart beats to you and I wish to find you one day, to hold your hand and declare my love and loayalty. Please, my Disney princess, be mine!

It isn't, but do push your merchandise Coca Cola Inc.

Alice! Don't drink that sugary swill!
Drink tea! You're british!

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Well, I don't think I've ever had someone profess their love for me quiet so profoundly, I'm flattered.

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>Why is Coca-Cola considered the best drink in the world?

A. It gets you fat, and the sugar content eventually will give you diabetus.

Also being fat will cause other issues like, shortness of breath, laziness, swelling, fatigue, body pain, and anal wort

Coca cola will give you painful rectal bleeding.

Have a coke and a cancer.


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Why does coke put salt in its Desani water?

Salt water will make you thirsty and give you high blood pressure.

Who's bright idea was that one?

Coke has made some really stupid decisions lately, like shipping water? That's just really stupid.

Adding syrup instead of regular sugar is killing people around the globe.

Which jerk exec thought that was a good idea?

Brand is ok if you want to die.


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The US military promoted it heavily during WWII.

Won't cum float in coke?

No i would prefer not to. Mr Racist

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These guys get it. The beetus

A few years too late friend. Already been through the wanting to kill myself thing. Life is too precious to throw away for me.

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It's what's for dinner!

This fella knows what's up.

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it's considered best in usa and maybe some other fatlands

in germany, beer is considered the best "drink". in my area people don't give a shit for amerifuck trash

I shall have crumpets with mine.
You're cool beans Alice, take care.

Thanks and you too.

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Hey, Deutchefag, while German beer will always be koenig in Germany, you have to admit that you guys drink plenty of Coke and Coke "Lite" (because they abhor the idea of a diet). Furthermore, you all are fucking lustful whores for American brands like Coke, Marlboro, Nike, etc. For the record, I wish we only drank German beer here (love Dunkels Hefeweizen) and didn't give a shit for brands.

Cooks you from the inside makes your breath smell like garbage all the chemicals fuck you up and it's addictive even without the original cocaine receipt but the truth is they don't tell you what's in the secret formula so it very well be cocaine

Coca-Cola pales in comparison to an ice cold Bang's root beer

Coke's many toxic and carcinogenic components make it a favorite for U.S. pharma and medical professionals.

No caffeine, either!

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it's usually the trash smoking marlboro or drinking coke. but for the clothing you're right actually.

Coke is also one of the principal supporters of the diabetes campaign in the U.S. The campaign is working to provide every American with diabetes!

Hey, that's not fair, there's only 12 teaspoons of sugar in one can of coke (36 teaspoons in that little girl's jug). That's only two times (or 6 times) the adult safe daily dose of sugar.

chocolate milk or fruit juice taste better

Dude, you guys smoke like chimneys and I couldn't believe the amount of American cigarettes.

For “vitamins and minerals” retard

Coke helped provide me with an energy boost every afternoon for 30 years. I was most grateful. That couldn't possibly have anything to do with my current terminal pancreas cancer (now extending to the liver and lungs as well). Coke wouldn't hurt me intentionally would they?

Is smoking not big across the ocean.

Because Pepsi is the second best drink in the world and let's be honest, Coca Cola is better than Pepsi, so Coke is #1

Coke is good for you. It helps you die sooner. See: lifehack.org/304936/6-things-that-will-happen-when-you-start-drinking-coke-every-day

correct but the order is not correct


Cholcolate mile and fruit juice don't contain all that delightfully carcinogenic benzene that you get with a coke.

idiot or just low tiered b8

are you sure coca cola is to blame?

it's not

well thats interesting, noone in my family is a smoker except for one gramps smoking pipe, but english tobacco. of my friends, i know only of 2 people who actually smoke. i wonder if this is a thing that differes from region to region. i don't live in a city btw. when i'm in one, usually trash people are the only ones i see smoking

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Look, a Canadian! True American blood is composed of 70% soda and 30% fat.

no sugar filled beverage deserves to be classed as best in the world

drink water, milk, ect.

Cola > Pepsi

It's not. They just just spend the most on advertising, and it works. Any shitty cola could be considered the best with enough advertising to manipulate people into thinking it's good

In what fucking shithole is Coca Cola considered the best drink?

Not accurate.
If true they could change the recipe without anyone noticing but this is not the case.
Pepsi is also heavily advertised yet is is #2, by far

European Hipster detected

Coca Cola is my dark master. I had to give it up 7 years ago and never had another drink. Lost 40lbs too. Also, traditional Santa was always wore blue until Coke commercialized him.

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No, the reason is because some people prefer a sweeter drink. That's why Pepsi also often wins taste tests, because in a short test, sweeter is better, but most people don't like it in the long run.

is it?


well yeah, I am talking about in the city. In the smaller villages I didn't see smoking. But mid-sized cities like Bamberg, Wuerzburg, etc., there was plenty.

Coke also gives you that big dose of bisphenol A, a powerful endocrine disrupter that might explain why your balls are shrinking, you have trouble getting a stiffy, and females don't find you attractive. Drink up!

The best drink is WATER.

Drinking coke is actually not as bad for you as smoking. Close, but not quite.

>l coca leaves extracted from cocaine

Because it had cocaine

The carbonic acid in Coke works as a good rust remover. Together with the high dose of sugar, it also dissolves the enamel of your teeth. But you can always buy new false teeth so....drink up!

remember the ad coke made that was telling people to stop drinking coke?

it only happens in gay cokecola advertisements

Coke spends way more on advertising than Pepsi. You can look it up if you want

So true. Sugar is so freaking addictive

Don't rain on that guy's fantasy by invoking facts
