Any cop fags on now? Yesterday an officer was very nice to me, how can I thank him legitimately? Not sucking dick...

Any cop fags on now? Yesterday an officer was very nice to me, how can I thank him legitimately? Not sucking dick, can't give money... starbucks gift card? What do cops appreciate as thanks?

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Boot liquor

Don't make it awkward. Don't suck up to authority. If he saved your family or something write a letter to the chief.

it wasn't that significant... box of donuts to the office or something?

A sincere "thanks for what you do"
Is more than enough.

And if you wanna slip him a gift card make it to a good food place nearby.

>Not sucking dick
Then I'm outta ideas...

thanks user

Nothing, user.

tl;dr, call your local department about it, most cops enjoy pens. Pens go like wildfire and they're always losing the shit tier ones, and you can never get enough DECENT pens to hold on to. Tums/antacids are useful, ibuprofen, babywipes, Hand Sanitizer,

Gift cards can be fine, but dont for the love of god give them food or drink because they have to assume its poisoned and throw it out.

copfag here for boston police dept, give him a box of donuts like said

Not getting shot

He was doing his job. Do you buy things for your mechanic when he fixes your car? A cops job is to serve and protect. The serve part is him being nice to you.

any paxfags here?

Wrong idiot

A cops job is to enforce the law.

Serve and protect are not obligations at all. Your safety is your responsibility.

Is giving cops donuts too stereotypical? would any cops be offended by the popular assumption that all cops are doughnut fiends?

I feel like it's similar to giving a black person fried chicken, watermelon, and a 40. Even if those things are legitimately delicious it could be interpreted as a bit rude...

What a difference 20 years of religious extremism makes.

Stay away from the cops

Get him a glock

Well your both wrong

To serve and protect is the motto of the LAPD and some departments follow it.

And the Supreme Court says the cops have no duty to protect you.

You've obviously never walked a beat

I do get donuts for my mechanic when he fixes my car.

Building that relationship keeps them honest and willing to do little favors for you. Mechanics make choices that mean little to them, but can either shaft you or save you hundreds of dollars. It's well worth a box of donuts to have someone on your side who's willing to take a quick look at a problem free of charge or help when you're dealing with insurance claims.

... Although (true story) one of the older mechanics at the shop did recently die of a sudden heart attack just days after got them a box of donuts and I can't shake the feeling that I killed him.

Because I have facts? What of the two things I said necessitates walking a beat to understand?

It probably was the reality that he wasted his life doing manual labor

You have no experience dealing with people as an LEO. If you did you'd understand the whole "serve and protect" is a fucking pipe dream. 90 percent of the time its just you wanting to make it home. 10 percent of the time you might go above and beyond cause you like someome or are bored.

So me saying that it’s a motto of the LAPD that other departments utilize as well is changed by that fact how?

>armchair warrior

The job you are hired to do is to serve and protect. Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it’s not the job. You don’t get to dictate what your job is. You are a government worker who is paid to do a job - to serve the community and protect it against those that would harm it. Don’t get mad because you are bad at your job

I’m not even advocating anything simply stating a fact. If you don’t like that some departments have adopted it as their motto take it up with them. I didn’t tell them to use it.

You sound like every other government worker.

>do you know how hard it is to pick up all of your trash bags? I know I am supposed to but picking up 4 bags at your house is a pipe dream
