Are you going to be playing WoW Classic when it comes out?

Are you going to be playing WoW Classic when it comes out?

If so, which faction, class and race?

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Ye. Probably alliance because my friends are. 2 of them are gonna roll warrior and pally, so I'm thinking either mage, rogue or hunter. I'll go nelf or human unless I'm actually gonna roll mage, then I'll probably try gnome.

I will definitely roll warrior but I'm unsure what race.

I guess it will be Tauren but I also think about nelf due to the cool fight animations

I played alliance a lot in retail and I am kind of sick to see the old alliance city's all over again.

Also Tauren tank ftw

Horde, always and forever

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I played an Orc Warrior during Vanilla.
Was in the best premade group on my server, luckily made it to HWL.
I had a really good time.
I think I'm going to roll Shaman this time around though, at least for my first character

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Will blood elf be available - I only got into the game lduring WOTLK

Undead Warrior is the best for Vanilla PvP because of Will of the Forsaken + Trinket.

Probably Night Elf Druid. It was my original roll in 2005 so we’ll see.

Always Alliance, since I'm not a smelly nigger. Only Jews, faggots, and niggers play Horde. So I'll be a white skinned blonde hair and blue eyes human Warlock. Warlock master race.

>female gnome rogue with pink pigtails named "umadlol"
>spend my days killing lowbies

No faggot. That was in burning crusade.

UD rogue or mage still deciding

It’s vanilla WoW, so only the base game race/class/location.


Don't behave like a horde if you play alliance. We are better than them.

Yeah but only faggots pvp. There is better more balanced games to play if you want that.

***DROoOLlING From M OuTh***
oh mY God IS The At THE FUCLL DREadNOT SET>>???!?

I can't wait to smash your squishy face in.

Taruen Warrior...
always the first thing i roll - tanks are in high demand

True but I don't like the fight animation of male undead with a two hander. He looks like a weeb who is barely strong enough to use it

There were a few of is in our guild that rolled white human male warriors and formed our own group. We just ran around a PvP server being assholes to people.

Pussy pve sissy detected il gank the shit out of you wuss

Yeah, plus gear doesn't look all that great on undead.

Imma play a warrior. Compared to tanks today, tanking in wow is gonna be a breeze.
Oh no I have to get hit and do some sunders, Nigga I do that right now while also worrying about 10 other things.

The only hard part will be leveling, but once that's done im on easy street.

I'm thinking of playing a DK are they any good in vanilla?


Have fun ganking people, and then getting ganked yourself and all that.
I'll be over here not worrying about anything and having more fun.


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Checked and correct.

What do you mean?

No. Have been playing on long lived and stable private server with an high pop. so WHY would i pay to play the game im already playing ?

Take a yoga lessons, it might calm you down a little :)

I'm sure I'll give it a go, beyond that haven't given it much thought.
Probably go hoard, as that is what I used to mainly play. Although I might switch it up.
I enjoy leveling multiple characters simultaneously. I'll probably level a lock and a mage for questing and farming, and a holy.priest for raiding. If there's enough population I'll go holy from the start. Otherwise I'll level as shadow and switch to holy at 60.

All this assuming I don't get bored, or miss WofLK too much to enjoy it.

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I was Blood elf paladin, but im gonna be undead mage or roge this time

Do as me, play on a wotlk private ! Warmane- Lordaeron runs smoothly with pretty high population of players,pvpers and raiders !

Weak meme.
Whatever paddles your boat.

if there are no blood elves i aint playin

Fuck yeah, I'm going to remake my old Undead Warlock. My favorite character back in vanilla. For the Horde bitches!

I'm thinking gnome warrior, since I love the idea of a tiny midget main tanking Onyxia.

P servers will die when classic hits. Have fun playing alone

Female undead mage REEEEEE

Undead rogue. I'm a Ragnaros btw

Is that world PvP or PvE? I love arena and BG (team play), but I very much dislike being ganked while trying to relax with a few quests or some farming.

Maybe if warmane could sometime fix frostwolf i would still play MOP there

WoW was never good

Me too. I was playing all major vanilla projects. But I think most of them has announced that they will be closing down once blizz launches the game.

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You couldn't hack it?

>P servers will die when classic hits.
...yeah...sure...I take it that you don't understand why private servers is a thing !

No Blood Elves, no interest.

ikr? it's the only race i wanna play as. I hope they add them to vanilla and i guess void elfs woud be cool too

Stay with current game

i wanna try a new experience why shouldn't i be allowed to play as something that looks good not like it would affect the gameplay at all

stop being so elitist

Just get the fuck out.

I played a human mage. Maybe I will play the same thing again. It was fun.

wtf i thought the vanilla community was welcoming? i guess i was wrong

This is my warrior on Northdale, fully buffed ready for AQ40. BIG BULL TANK

My twitch is thc_jensbond


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I've been wondering about this. Why does the game have to be so purist? There are some painful memories with vanilla, and personally I'd enjoy some of the BC and WotLK features.
Keep the slow leveling, the difficult professions, the items that made vanilla fun. But why not include dual specs? Or mount at 30? Correctly labeled quests?
I'm also concerned about the mods. I loved the later versions of auctioneer far better then the vanilla one. Questhelper, questguru, omen, totemus, and more will all be missed.
Guess we'll see how it goes.

It was never in the game.

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You are opening a pandora box, everyone will want something, there will be no stopping once you do it.

I haven't been keeping up with it tbh.
Depends on how they do the balancing, whether they make it fair or of era.
Probably undead rogue though

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That's fucking depressing user.
I might play classic because of nostalgia.

What is Blizz doing about the bugs, oversights, and just weird shit?
Can we still kite Lord Kazzak to Stormwind?
Are some elite quests still marked solo?
Can we get to the void beneath Stormwind?

What was your favorite weird shit in Vanilla?

Ornate spyglass let you climb the air. That was fun. Also wall walking, especially in wsg

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Deathwing only came out of nowhere if you didn't know the lore.

Depends entirely on what faction my buddies choose.

>Buddies play Ally
Dwarf Paladin

>Buddies play Horde
Troll Shaman.

Both are the coolest races and classes of each faction.

Lok'tar brother

Warriors or bust for me.

*frantically goes to find old macros*

On second thought, what is the best anti-rogue class in Vanilla? I want some revenge for when I was 11 against you slimy bastards.

More than half of the reason why vanilla was good is because everything was new. If you play it again, it wont be new. You will never get that feeling again. Accept it. Its over. All that remains is nostalgia now.

Kill rogue with mage

I will probably go a goblin DK

Rogue are scissors
Warriors are rock
Hunters, shaman, mages, priests, paladins are paper
Warlocks are mushroom
Scissors beats paper
Scissors also beats rock
Until rock gets to level 60 and gets geared out and becomes an unstoppable killing machine then rock beats scissors
Or it would, but it can't find scissors
Because scissors are invisible

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People do things on repeat all the time.

I was a hardcore pvp warrior player in vanilla, spend hours infront of IF dueling. And i can guarantee you that a warrior was chanceless against a good rogue. A bad or mediocre rogue was doable. But a good rogue definitely did beat a good warrior.

It wont be AS good of course, but for people who like MMOs it will be easily the best MMO available to play at the moment.

With hours i mean hours a day. I also was rank 14

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fuck vanilla I want burning crusade

I can't imagine you succeeding

It will come if Vanilla is a success without a doubt.

I like outlands, It was probably my favorite expansion. It's like vanilla 2.0
Netherwing was fun but, I still dislike flying in MMO, it's not my cup of coffee.

Cause you are a fat retarded loser who can't afford a subscription on wow and live in your mother's basement? Or you could afford it but you are a cheap ass hoe?

Class: Your mom
Faction: Your mom
Race: Your mom

You are describing every wow player


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50g ( no epic mount. Tier 2 tank chest + Helm of lion! l2p your class nab!

(Only right is that you use a dagger as fury!)

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For sure giving classic a shot. Gonna be playing what im doing now. Blood Elf DH. I hope its already unlocked on my account when classic hits. Gonna just boost it up as well so i can get right into lfr

Likewise friend.

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Need a hoodie with this!

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>rank 14
kek no you fucking weren't

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Reminder that Horde players are subhuman and need to kill themselves. Only the Alliance and it's racial purity can be seen as the true legitimate Yea Forums faction. Horde are the equivalent of mudslimes in WoW, smelly brown subhuman terrorists than need to be put down.

gnome mage or rogue

very excited for wow classic :)

WoW was always garbage

casul game ruined an entire fucking genre

Warrior, not sure, orc for style or Tauren for racials.

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i had a customer come in with an alliance shirt once i called him alliance scum then he reported me to my boss for harassing him

...uh... Hey guys... Can you tell me more about this game? I've always been interested in it, but never really played it. Is it hard?

1. Got 1000g on my bank fool. Don't need gold on my warrior.
2. It's an epic mount, AV exalted wolf.
3. You gonna use lionheart 70% of the time during raiding if you are in a slightly competent guild or DPS are constantly gonna pull threat.
4. 40stam, 11defense is priceless, there aren't much threat pieces as chest.
5. Ofcourse I'm fury, in raiding all Warriors should be fury, no exceptions. You probably think tanks should be deep prot LMAO

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Haha, you just earned "Good Citizen" badge ;)

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Kinda hope its an entire rebalancing of classes. Make druids not fucking blow

They're amazing at raid healing if you have one they give hots to everyone, amazing flag carriers, awesome 1v1 world pvp.

>Can you tell me more about this game
It's an MMO

>Is it hard
You create a character and off you go.

>I've always been interested in
Give it a try, you might like.

Pretty accurate

No not really, I have too much experience healing raids in vanilla as a druid and you could NEVER get good numbers or even close as a priest and would constantly have to be on top of everything just to carry your own weight. It felt awful.

BC is when druids really shined

10 years of Wow was enough to fuck up my career goals pretty good. No thanks. Probably gonna be fun as shit though. I made a lot of memories in Azeroth. My roflcopter goes soysoysoysoysoysoy

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Druids aren't made to be top of the charts in raids, user.
That's not why people liked them there.

I'm going to be a 4strength 4stam LEATHER BELT lvl18

Me thinks its been too long since you played resto druid in vanilla.

The only reason you get brought along is buff and brez

Not even talking about being top. Just being good.

I'll probably play an orc warrior or a rogue, i don't know

>Me thinks its been too long since you played resto druid in vanilla.
Yes, you are correct. I haven't played resto druid in Vanilla since Vanilla itself.
>The only reason you get brought along is buff and brez
Agreed, what did I say that contradicts what you've posted?

Horde. Troll Rogue.

undead shadow priests are the best, dwarfs are eh. Example:

Oh what's this?

Search for guild "Taxation is Theft" on legacyplayers com. Horde guild. We had 1 druid healer and he always topped the meters.

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That's just an opinion and a strong case can be made for orc for the 25% stun resist when you have a fear break in your kit already.

The 25% Stun Resist was amazing in Vanilla. I played an Orc Warrior then and I can attest to the many times I've resisted a Cheap shot or kidney punch that turned a fight around.

Being a healer and being a mana battery for a priest sucks. Druid hots dont stack so if youre not top gear you get pushed out. I played the shit outta elysium recently and it sucked to realize if they dont re balance things im going mage or priest.

If you never rolled restro drood you have no room to talk.

>That's just an opinion
All the top rated groups at the time, with a warrior in them, had an undead.
I personally played the Orc Warrior and would probably agree with you though.

Not top rated, but most well known groupings.

>Druid hots dont stack so if youre not top gear you get pushed out.
True, if I remember correctly. Druids really start to shine after being BWL geared.

im going dwarf priest, same as on nostalrius, k2, elysium, k3 and anathema. wanding my way to 60

light's hope* not anathema

Horde, either Orc or Undead Rogue

2h enhancement shaman, tauren. I hope the sentry totem will still stop falls.

Lmao warlock in vanilla. Edgy incel mode

Was thinking about a gnome warrior but after some thinking i will go with human warrior instead. played a gnome warr to lvl 42 on Nostalrius. Goin tank ofc

Zerg Hydralisk. Motherfuckers are versatile, and can even hide underground.

lol, just stop being a healing touch bitch

No, it needed a shit load of updates and content when Vanilla came out

Sounds like ur a bad resto druid but ok

Dreadnaught best set in wow desu.
Looks best on human.
Fuck orcs and fuck horde.
Tauren are honorary alliance.

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It's gonna be launched on 1.12 patch, so all updates are in the past.

when is classic supposed to come out?

I'll probably roll a Dwarf Warrior.

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Around august

This summer.

>Looks best on human.
Yeah no, it has and will always look best on Orcs.

What will happen after Classic ends? do you guys think they will keep vanilla server forever like private servers do?
Also Chromie appearing on the Classic trailer, amybe they will say it was all some kind of time travel bullshit and move to tbc?

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wow is gay

no u

>will always look best on Orcs.
>actually believing this
You're probably a hunched neckbeard larping as his final form in wow. Stay hunched, friendo

pauldrons and boots are too big. They are like the in between of humans and Tauren.

Armor looks 'coolest' on tauren because the pauldrons are huge, and they stand out the most of any set piece. Armor looks BEST on humans, because it was designed on them, and made to look the best on them.

If i can convince my friends to not all play rogues or hunters, i will probably be tanking with an Orc warrior.


I'll play it, but I don't know what faction or race, my boyfriend wants to play horde, but most of my friends want to play alliance. I really don't know why anyone would pick alliance considering all the horde racials are better and even the questlines to level up are better.

TBC Is probable, but we have to wait and see how well game will do.

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Do you use the unstoppablenforce

No, I use The Immovable Object.

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Alliance, Human, Warrior.
Call be basic, its what I like.

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hell yea am going to play Orc warrior and am going to be great like good old days

MoP was better than WotLK fite me....

I am a raider don’t care about story and the bosses in WotLK were so basic. I mean one of the fights was so basic you just planted and now they base sims off of it.

While Azerite sucks Uldir, Battle for Dazaralor, and M+ put BFA in a good spot for me. The fights are interesting and challenging.

I have played since vanilla and while I will roll because I have an active account I pay for with my millions of gold the main game pro via superior end game.

support this claim with mop being better than WotLK, but if you're a raided I can't see why.

Raiding in MoP was shite, the only good thing about MoP was the PvP.

>glad feral druid fite me

If I'm main tanking I used Perdition's Blade+whatever stat stick dagger offhand
If I'm 2nd+ tank I use annihilator for the 600 armor debuff and shield or zulian hacker offhand depending on how much threat I need.
If I'm dps I always go annihilator+zulian hacker. At X3 armor 35sec duration debuff stacks I move to Nightfall for 15% spelldamage 5sec duration increase debuff. Then go back to annihilator after about 25sec to keep the X3 armor stacks up.

Unstoppable force+devilsaur set is fine prebis if you wanna do big DPS and can't afford edgemasters.

Not the guy you're responding to, but wow died to me after BC, I played through wrath even though I hated it, and I finally droppped it in cata, came back a bit for for mop and dropped it again. I might be getting the expansions out of order, that's how little I care. For me it was because I played a resto druid for pvp, and they were good in 2v2 arena, they were playable in 3v3, and they were dogshit in 5v5, but so many people bitched about them in BC because they had 1 bracket they were good in that they got nerfed in to the dirt in wrath, even had a class that was literally designed to counter them added before they nerfed blood plague, and they just kept getting nerfed while shaman kept getting buffed, it got to the point where you could literally say anything a resto druid can do a resto shaman can do better, then in mop they were actually good again, and they were the first thing to get nerfed. I said fuck that game at that point, my class just wasn't allowed to actually be playable in pvp. I still managed gladiator in wrath season 5,6, and 7, would have been 8 too but my computer died so I couldn't play, but still, first nerfing them in to the dirt, then removing rewards and titles from the bracket they were actually good in, which on top of that already had the lowest reward of any bracket, fuck bliz.

MoP was absolutely great pvp expansion. Mained combat rogue, warrior and disco for pvp. Raiding was good, most tiers was solid, great lore, at least 3-4 out of 5 raids I enjoyed (throne and siege being favorites). I'll remember MoP for sure.

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Tauren Warlock


Tauren can't be warlocks can they?

I made a mistake, I meant shamen, been playing too much d2 recently

They are familiar with that side.

Apparently, I need a subscription or something? How do I go about that?
Also, checked.

The game will require subscription to play. It has been since day one. I'm sure you can invest few bucks.

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