Be you

>be you
>be in store
>get stomach cramps
>run store bathroom
>greeted by pic related

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Kill my worthless fucking self.

If the mess was made by Andy Sixx, however, that was another story

ibs here. its awful. i shit 5-10 times a day, and every single shit is an emergency. ive shit in all sorts if horrible places. outside on stair cases, in bushes along the side of the road, in my fuckin pants... id probably just hover and shit on top of the shit.

Just shit in the corner, it's already fucked

shit on the floor as welll, fuck that.

That's a nice sink, it would be a shame if it was shat on. Right Lil Donnie?

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lie on my back on the toilet seat and projectile diarrhea at the wall letting it all ricochet into my mouth then cry and pass out until my mom finds me in the mall bathroom covered in shit with a full stomach full of yummy shit goo

I would.

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one time i lost it right as i was sitting down. about half made it into the toilet and the other went onto the floor and all over my pants. the scene looked something like this. thank fuck this was in my own apartment

Someone pasta this tragic moment. I don't care about OP's shit I want to know what happened before
>hose already ready
>shit on air freshener already
>imprint of where this alphas foot was during the literal shit storm

This is some archeological finding shit right here.

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On average how much time do you have to find a shitter from the moment you start feeling it?

add to the pile and then tell the store clerk someone wrecked the toilet

Use the sink

Shitting on the floor like asshat did no choice.

between 30 seconds and 3 minutes, probably. discomfort starts immediately, and eventually it just starts coming out. i don't experience much cramping, just the "emergency" feeling and the diarrhea shit

Fucking abominable. I would seriously kms in your position.


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i plan everything i do carefully. i always know where the bathrooms are, the escape routes, and have a wost case plan. everywhere i go.

my life is still pretty good... i travel and get laid a lot. one time i fuckin shit in an open field during a big group hike meetup, and still managed to take the hottest girl in the group on a date later and got laid. nothing gets in my way of living the way i want

Do you post log threads?

Shitting feels good tho.

no but ive thought about it. ive gotten into some pretty ridiculous situations because of this issue, probably because i refuse to stay inside

use my full power to pull that shit back in and go look for another establishment

More shit stories plz

Add to the the shitstorm