>nursing home I left my dad in went to total shit with management change and had to shut down for a time and nearby oldfolkshomes were at or getting neat max capacity
>my 83 year old dad has to live with me for awhile
ganna ship all the heart breaking shit about him trying to get ready for work at 3 in the morning after being retired for 20 or so years or him scaring the fuck out of my kids trying to cut their hair with a knife thinking they were me and my daughters hair was too long for a boy and skip to the meat of the issue
>all day long he just browses porn
>sometimes 5-8 WINDOWS (not tabs) open at a fucking time watching whatever the fuck
>try to keep the kids away
>try to calm the situation
>he just uses all the fucking bandwidth at all times
>cannot get him to stop
>he doesnt even fucking masturbate or get hard or even takes off his pants
what the FUCK do I do? its like 2 or so weeks until the hospice gets up and going from repairs and my wife is ready to leave or kill and my daughter constantly goes to every after-school shit she can to not come home
Nursing home I left my dad in went to total shit with management change and had to shut down for a time and nearby...
no help, oh well
sounds like one of us
if it's within your budget, try to find a caretaker for him for the short period.
if it isn't, beg and plead to your friends. reach out. surely you know some people who are decent or know someone decent enough who's willing to help, right?
I suppose finding another hospice could work.
discuss with your boss at work to see fi you can get paid time off for 2 weeks while repairs wait up. tell him you'll be willing to work every day straight or some shit afterwards if it's viable.
then there's always the "other" thing but I doubt you wanna do that user.
That is messed up but I think they need to be patient and understand he is family.
>hello four channel
>83 year old retiree here
>just moved in with my son but i think he hates me
>tried playing a prank on him by staring at porn but he didn't even crack a smile
>why wont he talk to me like i'm his dad?
>he even hides his daughter from me...
>his wife even spits on me when he's not around but i don't say anything
>i'm not a monster son... why do you hate me now
you don't understand i'm somewhat fine with him around but my wife absolutely hates him. She said if he stays in her house she's going to run away with our bull. I can't afford to pay for her boyfriends kids guys please help
Here we go again
don't pretend like it isn't at least partially true you fucking cunt. Your family needs your help and your too worried about your self.
you you you oh boo fucking hoo
one day you'll be that old man staring at porn hoping to give yourself a heart attack from the excitement to try and save even a modicum of dignity and self respect.
your gross bitch nigga grow up and take care of your father
great! you're fine around him.
you can do one of the things I said and maybe it'll save your marriage or some shit, but jesus christ, how much does your wife hate your dad?
is she that huge of a cunt that she isn't willing to put up with him for 2 weeks? fucker is 83 for crying out loud.
Um. Take control of your house? There are 50 solutions you really need one of us tards to say 'take away his computer he wont die' ?
why is everyone abusing their enter key?
she doesn't like any of my family really... i'm not allowed to have pictures of them around because she said they make it so she can't have sex which is becoming more and more rare. she even hit me once when i said "our" daughter and started screaming "my daughter! mine MINE!"
I don't hate my dad i just don't want my wife to leave because my mom will get angry
>enter key?
no like people hitting enter twice after every thought or syllable.
>shes going to run away with our bull
Im fucking dead. How many more times during the relationship do you think your wife is going to let you know how badly youre uneccessary, cucked ass screwed up by holding the relationship over your head when you wont buy her a candy bar?
No wonder you dont know what to do, youre basically a woman
people have always
typed like
that here
since 2006
also i think it used to give proper spacing when you used certain trip word/gifs like :otterpops: or :spincock:
i don't want to lose contact with her daughter! you don't understand how it is to be a father.
>I want a tight knit family, not a loose open relationship!
>you dont understand what its like to be a replaceable sperm donor!
Thank God I am not that stupid.
▲ ▲
>says i'm stupid
>thanks "god"
Your wife sounds like a cancer. Maybe she's the bigger problem and you should let her leave, if she's even actually going to.
Remember, if she leaves over trivial shit, it means that it's fault, not yours.
don't talk about my wife that way. Her male friends don't like my dad either. you guys are just like my father. You keep telling me that she isn't right for me or doesn't really love me but you guys just don't know what love is
Are you sure you'll lose contact? I don't know the legal stuff but maybe you can keep her or still see her in the event your wife leaves.
If not, accept that there's only so much you can do and some things are out of your control.
Or you could always try marriage counseling to try to keep both of them without it being so shitty.
technically she isn't my daughter because the only sex weve had was before i disobeyed her and went to minecon in 2014
Disobeyed her? This has to be b8
Right? And for MineCon 2014.
what if i told you i was a californian who voted for hillary and sincerely believes that jussie smolett is innocent?
this ultimate beta is going to explain that minecon didn't start until some other year.
This be bullshit, move along.
it didn't start out that way. OP is just a colossal faggot that has no nuts
Didn't that year get cancelled?
And I was more making fun of going to MineCon than anything else.
Suck his cock or at least stroke it for him. He probably forgot how to jack off. Let your wife or daughters suck him off