Anyone down to continue to raid the trannies on pixel canvas? Not a lot are on now. Easy to do, do it for the lulz.
Anyone down to continue to raid the trannies on pixel canvas? Not a lot are on now. Easy to do, do it for the lulz
Self bump
If you join, reply to keep thread alive
ill do it tommorow
turn the N in trans into traps
We should do all we can to help male->female in transition to lose their balls. It only takes a pair of hedging shears.
Make the entire canvas a giant swastika
Im in
I failed last night, why do you think it will work now.
"nazi rights" plus the giant swastika
I have to say i was stoked about it at first but a pixel a minute really sucks
OP here. I am doing something else to do more damage behind the scenes, can't say what because they lurk on here.
Just continue jerking it to traps, it'll beep everytime you can post. Just have it to the side and pop one down when you feel like it.
We got the small one
Lel nice job anons
Let's turn every flag into a kek flag
Is easier to go for smalled things, pokemon, flowers, birds
We need reinforcements over the trap rights
i've been reverting your changes for like 30 minutes now, deal with it virgins
Trans rights
>implying that anyone would want to stick their dick into a flesh wound
I would :)
A small step
>samefagging this hard
they're fixing it, bump. need more people
you seem mad bro
Awesome job, we need more people making a diversion obere here whole other anons focus on bigger tasks
Ha. It says fatgirls.
Im not, but u do
you're so mad, yikes, that's cringe
Get rid of this shit
They put it up after last night
You win. Gives me solace that half of you will kill yourselves.
You mean that high tranny suicide rate?
Yas fam slay
Another user joining in.
This disease is not to be celebrated
not like beta neets on Yea Forums achieve much and live long
Nice strawman argument
Good Job so far, i'm in:)
small swastika completed
Let's turn the faggot flag into a nazi flag
We want you
Fuck it, i'll help
I'm a fat piece of shit but not neet or beta
Meh needs more swastikas
Hey if anyone is working on destroying it, leave the upper blue area to me please, stop erasing it
We still have a lot of work left
Blue part of the flag where black is going, someone help me write heil hitler
I love how we understand each other without words.
god the wait time on this is insane
they won't let me put a swastika on their forehead. im feeling hurt. need help.
Draw a swastika on his forehead
thanks friend. now im going for red eyes.
Fuck yeah, lets shit down those faggots throats.
Bump also I'll start the mini swastikas
Working on the big flag now. I would say red, white circle with black swastika.
Trying to write Heil Hitler in the top left blue area
lets fill it in red first.
Let the white point in the eyes. Else they look so dead
Top kek
you're welcome.
down with filling it in red boss
dubs have spoken. sounds like a plan.
they been trying to fight back lmao
swastika where it says traps fights is taking damage
make it say fuck traps
Deus Vult faggots
We need more threads on this raid. Spread the word, Yea Forums.
swastika on foreheadis taking damage
expired discord
Am I seeing this right? With every attack they should get easier to attack since more and more pixels loose there age and therefor are faster to change? If so it should be priority to change unchanged pixels then tring to counteract them.
*rather then trying to counteract them.
They must have taken it out. I was just banned otherwise I would have sent out an invite
Wait what
I'm a sad fur fag, so Im using my alt to pen there shit
It's a 40 sec cooldown on recent changed, 1:30min on old pixels
Oh, ok, and when does a Pixel becomes an old pixel?
fucking epic mate
Perhaps as the Yea Forums fags we need our own discord to do some shit....
Not sure, I am super new to this
I want to join one but can't find a raid server.
Perhaps we need to make one.....
Someone help me vandalize the ribbon
just got a 2 minute cd for trying to fix an old swastika, so who knows how long it will take to fill the whole board
motherfuckers keep deleting my FA, trying to spell FAGS here.
Pixelfrance is not the enemy today
Don't touch the black and white in the middle for now, we're going to use it for the end game swastika, just focus on securing a red border for now and then we can work on the middle.
Can we a get a 41% on the top right of that flag
Help me build mustache
There possibly can't be some faggot just watching that section just to make sure nothing touches that dumb shit. I refuse to believe it
Penning the fags discord for info kEk
everyone focus doing the red. they cant stop us all
Let's fill in the spot on the bottom left corner
You can put swatstikas quickly in the white space near the catgirl
made a mark where the pig is and someone somehow erased it already, wtf is this site?
ON it captain.
enjoying being morons Yea Forums ?
What ever do you mean?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Don't you have more interesting things to do honestly ?
The society will collapse in less than 100year, enjoy your "white children" while you can
More then people enjoy being traps
Anons, some of you go after Pixel France. They don't like the trans that much. If they get fucked with because of them, they might turn on them.
We need someone to go on the PixelFrance discord to provoke them into attacking the trans
some ppl draw trans stuff on the pixel france stuff then go tell pixel france that the trans did it
They are fighting back. Don't lose, Yea Forumstards.
get outta here trans fag
jaNgGqw just made a discord for the cause.
They got way to many here now, it's a losing war
Ya it would be crazy if OP had been doing
Made a discord for future raids if anyone wants to join. Gonna make it vidya, memes, and raids. Fix it up tommorow.
i think you misunderstand. im enjoying being a moron. i put the swastika and that sluts forehead.
Yea Forumsbros
already made one you copycat nigger
Hey tranny, we are reking rn so
nice censor btw, if one of them comes in the thread there's no way they'll figure it out
God job user, Im banned already :I keep your mouth shut, relay info from destruction management
jaNgGqw That's another discord someone above made
Im OP bitch
Ahh mb bro
Fuck op hes a lazy nigger
Swastika under bulba, need help
God damnit they took down the swastika we were gonna make
Eat my butthole, Ive been lurking on their discord to figure out different factions that would turn on them and best times to attack
damn yall are massive cunts arent ya
Operation Burkha Bomb
so what? ive done something similar on a different subject
Lol I am a trans? Do you not see how many red squares are fucking vanishing, and the letters? We are losing if anything, you are the tranny
Not really, just spread
Official swastika plans: 1491/890 is the heart, the swastika is 17 tall and 17 wide, surround it with 2 squares of white including the diagonal and the rest is red.
Allah wills it
user youre a fucking cunt
I have nothing against trans but this is hella funny XD
Join the discord user, will be doing raids down the road
the fuck
Im OP, I created it.
Im gonna set some raids on a couple of other pics to test their defense, see if we can replace some cancer with Yea Forums propaganda
I started making a brown dick under headpats. Someone else can finish it I'm going to bed.
Yo im just gonna change random pixels under headpats so we can raid that part quicker
theres at least 4 faggots in the bottom left of the fag flag where are you nigs
turn the big trans flag to red anons
Everyone try to repair the swastikas to waste them some time
top kek
Kill yourself disgusting tranny trying to shame normal people into accepting your kind wont work
please talk dirty to me you thilthy redneck nazi
i'll ram my intact man-meat in to your pussing necrotic wound
you have really nice eyes and a kind personality
this is dirty talk r-right
how about being wierd nazis somewhere else?
how does it feel knowing you can't win? ever?
I don't know how does it feel.
Tell us how it feels, tranny
I wouldn't know because when you basement dwellers go to sleep we fix it all again, so i only ever see winning :3
post femine pp thx
Jokes on you, I don't sleep
I'm fucking winning dudes, i have my magical HRT paid by my country, i'm protected by law, successful in realtionships. So, what does it feel to be the tool of facism ?
Are we going Soviet flag then, with all the red?
It doesn't help much if you have mental breakdowns every 2-3 days.
>If I t-take HRT it means I'm a-another gender, r-right?
Delusional faggot.
you wont be on the internet for long and if your a bong say bye bye to porn
Diversity quotas, free hrt by the state, a loving partner, high paying job? I love it, i only ever win to the detriment of your life :)
Winning at suicide speedrun any% ?
post penis of fuck off larper
>following a social trend which will lead to infertility, mutilation, incontinence, mental illness and likely suicide
>i-im succesful fuck you dad
So you're saying you sit there all day waiting watching doing nothing until the bots are done repost your propaganda waiting and watching making sure no one moves a pixel. I've won by doing nothing.
Holy shit. I'm the one who posted this last night. Finally making progress lads... Wew
>successful in realtionships
Social trend ? basic phalacy
Infertility ? Having children isn't a lifegoal
I wouldn't mind incontinence
It's so funny to see them trying to fight back.
>I wouldn't mind incontinence
Don't worry you'll be in diapers sooner or later
Clear signs of the downfall of civilization. Lie to yourself all you want while we sit back and kek.
start from the hair, it's harder to notice. if you go straight for the under eye line they'll delete it
you're not my boss, tranny
Top kek. I'll put down an HRT faggot any day.
We should get /pol/ to help
Only if you change my dirty diapers desu
hell yeah
Go make a thread there then
OP here, keep up the good fight anons. Will be tossing this thread up tommorow with a link to a discord to keep tranny spies out for any exact plans.
I'm b& but I'll try on neighbors ip
WTF so how do i actually paint or whatever?
I click on a color then when I try to "draw" the stupid pixel just wiggles back and forth and does nothing... HALP!
>Pixelfrance is not the enemy today
Lies, them across the water is always the enemy
bump takes forever with the bigger ones if only 2 people do it tho
don't this isn't a big happening they wont care when this thread exists twice a week
You can go as your dying AIDs infected fuck buddy to change them
Fake as fuck
How does it feel to know that you'll never win ?
IPs mean nothing faggot. die a faggot or keep going
i'm not, they have automated reverter scrips and ban ip's that grief, they run the scripts every day on certain areas and this is all sanctioned by the site owner.
What the hell am I doing wrong? Why can't I place any squares anywhere?
Am I missing something?
>he thinks only conservacucks hate fags
Just drop a few black pixels under the noses and pretend they're hitler
I'm an eco-fascist, not a conservative
the only thing I want to conserve is our forests and the race, you industrialist shill
lol figured it out. by using the direct link posted here, it won't let me do shit, I had to go to
They're onto us
More like "echo-fascist"
so they block direct links to the area to try and mitigate the damage? smart.
Let's raid their discord lmao
what does that even mean?
You need to be a member for at least 10 minutes to post btw
I'm trying to put ruka in some blackface, any of y'all want to help?
Trans to Trash
Just swap ns and ss
>tfw you can't manage one swastika without the bloody trannies getting rid of it
lol i like this guy
Should we hit up the pony section
lol "traps rights". good work anons
Trap fight. You can kek
Every pixel i place becomes nothing. Am I fucking banned for voiding shit?
No the twinks just delete them as soon as they appear
We must bring down the trannies.
Doubt, stuff is taken over constantly
someone's deleting my brown dick please help me
>79699407 #
>That image
What makes this worse is the fact this is something clearly made for kids to have fun making shitty drawings on and faggots had to insert themselves into it pushing their make believe fetish on them. Everyday i grow to hate the more and more.
I think i'm banned. I can't actually place anything.
damn yall suck lol
They have a message saying nazis get vored. Weirdo fetish fags confirmed.
oh you posted it are you fucking serious
OP here, join the discord
deleting dicks is what trannies do
move those brown pixels over to ruka's face
allright but we must attack together Yea Forumsrothers otherwise the trannies will be too stronger than us
mabye try harder next time
Yeah I voted for Obama and Hillary and I think all non-cis gendered people should be rounded up and burned alive
trying to do my part but gay niggys keep deleting
come on, faggots! we're losing the war!!!
>They have a message saying nazis get vored
This is a children's website they're saying it on and they see no problem exposing minors to their sick twisted fetish. All fags really are child groomers
They aren't so strong. We had gigantic nazi flags at 0,0 better than them.
They are truly twisted.
Drag a board or two in
Which others hate fags
Face looks creepy
How about being trannies somewhere else
there was one for a while tilll the thread died also TOP CUNT
Oh nice, ill help revert the changes
Trans rights!
Fuck off gay boi
Im not boi but i am gay, so thanks i guess
Check em'
Still a mentally ill faggot, go chop off your penis
Do mentally ill trannies think they are fighting their cause with pixel art?
I dont have a penis to chop off, but i can chop off yours, massive niggerfaggot
i think the time has come.
take it down, boys
Idk, i guess they think the same way mentally ill btards think they rekt the libturds with pixel art
Yes because they have nothing else besides suicide to fight against
yall fucker are stupid, we will stop yalll assholes
At the end of the day, btards go back to their normal lives and laugh it off, and trannies go back to...well, mutilated genitals and delusion. Not much of an argument there.
I doubt most people who make that stuff are trans people, but rather persons who are not dickheads and want to do something nice
Is that what you really tell to yourself when you go back to your dysfunctional middle-low class family?
>removing a nice praise like top cunt
these fuck head are racist against aussies fuck theses pricks
lol can't argue with that one!
go skin your arm then faggot
Same here! Trans taking over Yea Forums
What are they accomplishing with chopping their arms off anyway?
current state
Thats what not reading book does to you, believing that propaganda
Next thing ur gonna believe vaccines cause autism.
Poor guy
I wonder when people will learn that the Op who made this post is the one that’s working with the trannys. Posting this and getting us to “cover it up” shows they “have something to fight for”
Trans rights
Why would you lie to people like that
read siege or mein kampf
>reading that kiddy percy jackson and harry potter shit won't teach you a thing
lolololol so hurt he can only respond with projections
hit a little too close to home did it faggot
How about you read actual academic stuff and learn proper history and sciences instead of reducing your message to recommending a losers book and mocking a grade B fantasy novel
Picture related, your knowledge about books
tits or gtfo, attentionwhore
Sides status is critical
Yeah... Sure... It did hit ME close...
Its ok :)
Reminder this is a website for children they're pushing their fetish on.
Dick or gtfo, brainlet
Love that we're taking over Yea Forums
Yeah, id be worried as well with wanting to put nazi imagery like swastikas and nazi germany flag on a childrens website
The people here are truly sick
faggot so new he can't green text go back to your discord you tranny freak
siege is academic
you should also check out machiavelli's the prince
ofc u wanna see that you fucking faggot
Lmao chill dude its ok, you will probably find a stable job and improve yourself as a person, dont need to be harsh to random people at the internet
>no tits
man confirmed, nice try tranny
Only if its on a trans woman body
Males are gross :)
>Buh, can you driangles correctly?
Shut the fuck up faggot.
Fetish, pony porn, glorifying mental illness are all better than a symbol apparently.
youch! sure hope those kids don't turn into nazis
>no dick
Actually i already knew you were not a real man, with or without dick, no need to confirm anything
Nazi flags are a response to the trans push on a CHILD'S website if there wasn't any of it this thread wouldn't exist.
Keep trying to deflect you know it's true.
It's just natural selection, trannies will kill themselves off and society will be better for it
Yeah I hope so too
pic related, its you
so hurt they respond in pairs
Yeah I already knew nazis are triggered over everything
Trans, gays, blacks, hispanics, even women
These dudes will "troll" and totally not cry over anything lmfao
Yea, I only like to see dicks if the guy has fake tits and long hair, only way its not gay. Otherwise its gross.
Fucking kek
I love how easily you can detect retards in here...
real women don't have cocks, you can put on a dress and play make believe but your genes will always tell the truth. born a man you'll die a man.
Jesus christ
It is gay for me though
For you as a man ofc its not :)
You realize coming on here and acting like a retard only fuels the thread? Good job being this dumb.
cry me a faggot river
do you know where you are?
Jesus christ indeed
Do you actually know ANYTHING about biology and genetics past highschool?
Because the chromosomes dont define your genetics nor your gender, it is used merely as a guidance to assign a sex at birth, its completely irrelevant for anything else
You're being dishonest and know perfectly well if there was no pro trans politics pushed on this children's website this thread wouldn't exist. Leave kids allow to grow and develop on their own.
>being this retarded
What are you even saying?
>so jealous of cis females that you use "no dick" as an insult
drink some water, all that salt is gonna give you high blood pressure.
Yeah like Yea Forums retards dont nigger around with or without people like me anyways
They are just triggered that while doing their usual retardery they spot messages from outside the hivemind
Holy shit you logy-poz scum, read later Wittgenstein. When will faggots get it through your heads that the statement "Transwoman are women " isn't a statement of fact, corresponding to some outwards reality, but a moral willing corresponding to a way of life, outside of which "Woman" in the sense with which we talk in our daily lives, do not exist.
ok John Money
this is what mutilating your genital makes you act like
It isn't propaganda, this was posted on a transman's instagram
Are you saying HE isn't legitimate?
i'm a biology major
not a gender studies major
you cannot change your sex :) this is a cold hard fact.
top kek
that isn't a vaccine, she's injecting herself with testosterone and other steroids to make her body look more male.
>how does it feel to know you'll never pass for the opposite gender?
woah bro thats problematic
Thats what LGBT rights are looking for you brainlet
Right NOW kids are being pushed into being heterosexual and cis because its the norm, which causes LGBT kids to grow confused and have a nightmare of a puberty.
Because yes, you are born gay, or bisexual, or trans, and this is proven and facts dont care about your political agenda.
So stop making poor children lives miserable by imposing your politics and let them grow healthy with any sexuality they feel comfortable with
yay more gender studies bullshit. try a college level biology course, study some real science.
How can all those fags speak while sucking him off?
I dont think you would just go to the internet and tell lies to fuel your agenda, right?
You wouldn't do that since thats what SJWs do, spread their agenda online. You totally wont admit you just lied for a purpose, its ok
oh my god get a life nobody on Yea Forums is gonna change their mind because some lolcow copy pasted something one of their buddies made
Do you brainlets actually think we define the terms of everyday discourse by scientific investigation and thinking? Are you saying women didn't exist before le ebin science man, you scientist philistine cuck? Holy fuck, read Polanyi or something.
Hes may not be beautiful, that doesnt exclude the fact that you are still an asshole
Its not about being beautiful or not, its about basic human respect
This is a pretty sad attempt to be insulting and edgy.