So Yea Forums, what's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being?

So Yea Forums, what's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being?

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i once beat up a female

I once turned down a girl I loved just to see her suffer

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Found out my friend was fucking his kid sister and blackmailed him to let me have a go.

Once as child, I found a baby squirrel that fell outta a tree and tried to care for it. Being so young, I fed it cow milk. Next day, it was dying and I'll, but still alive. So I put him in a bag and threw him into a garbage bin, still alive...happened 16 years ago, but holy shit has it haunted me since.

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People fucking suck.

>So Yea Forums, what's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being?
>another human being?
>human being?

Once as child, I found a baby that fell outta pram and tried to care for it. Being so young, I fed it cow milk. Next day, it was dying and Ill, but still alive. So I put him in a bag and threw him into a garbage bin, still alive...happened 16 years ago, but holy shit has it haunted me since.


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I subvert every host nation I've ever been in

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I have raped several girls starting back in high school. I am sure I have permanently damaged most of them emotionally. I know I have caused break ups and super slutty behavior in at least two girls.

I fingered an old mans prostate, then when he was about to cum I pulled my finger from his anus, leaned in close and whispered, "Yang Gang 2020".

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One time I took a diarrhea shit in my hand and slicked my hair back with the slurry, running through a strip mall yelling "ayyy" while doing the thumbs up.

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I went on Yea Forums and called the OP of this thread a faggot.

It still haunts me to this day.

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Not sure it's the worst but definitely the worst within the past few years. I took all the photos of me in my parents house and either tore them up or sharpied over my face. Doesn't sound to bad but I feel like it really hurt my mom and I'm ashamed of myself

I fisted two babies and used them as boxing gloves while I fought off chronic alcoholism.

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One time I saw a person of color and forgot to grovel at their feet for the horrible and reprehensible actions of my forefathers against their people.

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According to the pro-choicers, babies aren't people. The more important question to ask is did you win the fight?

Clearly no

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For the last 5 years, I've made the choice, every day, to not be a part of my daughters life. I had a one night stand with her mother 6 years ago.

I met her once when she was still a baby, while her mother thought she belonged to another man. As soon as I laid eyes on her, I knew she was mine. She looked exactly like I did as a baby.

I tell myself that choosing not to be a part of her life is better than going in and out of her life and fucking her up emotionally throughout the years. I have a friend with two children whose father is in and out at his leisure and it kills those kids.

I don't want to be a father. I don't want to start a family. I'm a selfish piece of shit. That's probably the worst thing I'll ever do to another person. Maybe someday I'll have a change of heart before it's too late and she hates me.

do what I did, you've been training your whole life for this. Take off those gloves, fashion them into boots, pull them up by the strings, and drink alcoholism to death.

"A negative pushed hard enough becomes a positive" - Saul Alinsky

>5 years
It's too late user. Your daughter is going to be a ruined slut and you did nothing to stop it. Your lineage is sullied forever. That is the message you felt most important to tell the annuls of history.

My God you're right

>I had a one night stand with her mother 6 years ago.

Well she is just as responsible for keeping the child as you are for not wanting to be a parent.
You guys consented to an hour or so of pleasure, not an 18 year commitment.

Bitch shoulda got an abortion, she knew what the deal was.

wrong. women are lowly animals and cannot be held accountable for their actions. the only mistake was giving them rights.

I hope you never learn the hard way, like I did, that some women desperately want babies, no matter what the circumstances are.

That phone call from a chick you had a one night stand with telling you that she's pregnant is a call I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

she's going to grow up to be miserable just like you, and the cycle continues

What did you say when you got said call? Give us the story.

I went off to Iraq and did a lot of really terrible things to a lot of people who certainly didn't deserve to be on the receiving end of my work.. But, such is war.

I don't remember, my heart was racing, it was all a blur. It's not really an interesting story to tell. I already told the majority of it.

I’ve lived next to this girl my entire life. We promised each other to marry and be virgins until then. Looked through the window one day and saw her fucking some really old guy. Since then I’ve kept up the act I’ve pretended not to know while slowly ruining her life. Breaking her phone, downloading a virus onto her laptop, convincing whomever she happens to be dating against her. Every time something bad happens she always comes running back to me. I always ask for the details of what happened, relishing her suffering. She deserves it, I’ve done so much more to her, I love it and wouldn’t give up what I’m doing to her for a million dollars.

If this story is just as you tell it, I hope someone finds out and murders you. You're a sadistic piece of scum and you deserve death.

So are you gonna take advantage of the turmoil and fuck her? Without the marriage of course.

Loved them.

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same thing happened to me but i stayed around for my son.

what a fucking pussy

Went out with a girl on Friday. Gained her trust enough and had a great time the entire day. She asked me for advice on a guy who she thought was stalking her.

I didn't think before I spoke and red-pilled the fuck out with my explanation and hurt her. She no longer trusts me and told me as much through text.

That's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Sucks because I knew she was fragile and was still careless with words.

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Wait, what did you say?

At first I wanted to, many a night I spent thinking about the life we would love together. I really had feelings for her, once they went out the window so did my desire to be with her.

You have failed to be even a shadow of a real man

>the only mistake was giving them rights.
Unironically based

Should just publicly shame her

Every time I do something I expect her to tell me what she did that night to me. The day she tells me the truth, I’ll completely stop and just not talk to her. Scum would do this without any provocation, I don’t gain pleasure from doing this to anyone else nor will I.

I tried to put my arm around a girl I was friends with.

Ofc she rejected me immediately, but at least she didnt humiliate me further

You should learn how to wrestle and then she can't reject you

Why not just ask her if she's still virgin and all that, see if she lies about it?

Long story short she asked what she should do about him and asked me for my opinion on why he was doing this.

The guy shares no college classes with her but constantly finds her and talks with her. Approaches her and she wasn't comfortable. She told him she didn't have any room in her life for more friends and told him she didn't want to talk with him anymore.

He didn't get the message and continued his behavior.

I told her that she needed to be more blunt as in "do not speak to me anymore". That wasn't the issue. I told her the reason he was being so persistent was because it works in some cases on some girls.

I said something along the lines of "not calling you a liar, but it's obvious he likes you and you need to leave no shadow of a doubt"

I don't remember my exact words but she hated the fact that I insisted she should have picked up on that.

She told me before that she's slow to pick up signs since she's always had trouble connecting with people. She was hurt because she trusted me with that info and I still stupidly didn't seem to believe it.

I stammered explaining myself when she let me know I hurt her.

I don't know if I had a chance with her romantically, but I know that I basically killed any friendship I built with her too.

I feel like a failure as a man and as a friend.

You should probably just stop being a faggot and passive aggressively tormenting her. Not for her, for yourself.

Well at least you tried

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I've caused most human suffering over the last few centuries

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I can’t be that direct, in her moments of weakness after something bad happened wether it be because of me or not I bring up once in a while that if she needs anything or if there’s anything she wants to tell me that I’ll be open, unjudgemental and (Forgiving) with what she has to say. To this day I’ve been nothing but strong for her in her pov and she still lies to me.

Oh fuck that. People like that are shit. You really want someone around like that? Fucking eggshells? Give me a break. I thought you were gonna say something like, "I called her a dumb cunt", but if you can't even share a dissenting opinion that isn't even really a dissenting opinion without her spazzing out, fuck her.

Seriously, don't beat yourself up over it, she sounds like a dumb cunt.

I sleep and dream soundly. Thanks for the advice though

This. You gave her constructive criticism, if the story is truly how you told it then you’re not in the wrong at all.

You're just evil, then. You're ruining yourself

Well, I shot a Hadji in the neck when he hijacked a supply truck then while patrolling his Bedouin tents I shot his dog in the head. Had to medevac that mutherfucker to BIAP. 6 months later was doing security for civil affairs and saw the same sand nigger (with a stoma now) giving me the stink eye. I gave him an MRE and a RipIt. Fucker actually took it and said thank you.

I don't even know anymore. We talked more after that happened and ate dinner. I thought she had accepted my apology since she suggested continuing the """"date"""".

We play online games a lot together and today mentioned that she's been having a shitty couple of days. I asked if she wanted to talk about it or at least vent.

"Not in a mean way, but it didn't go so well last time I did that."

Fuck man that hurts. It hurt so much and I don't even know anymore.

Maybe she is a bit sensitive, but at least from what she's told me it's not like it's completely unjustified. At this point I just wish her nothing but the best because I don't know if it's healthy for me to even continue talking to this person.

I don't want to have this hanging over my head anymore.

>I can’t be that direct

And this is why you don't deserve pussy. I bet old man wrinkle sack walked straight up to her and was like, "hey bb, wan sum fuk?". And she was like hell yeah, you can't get pregnant from dust, and he's got thousands of millennia courting various damsels from across time I'll bet he's learnt everything there is to know about fucking tight young tang.

It's nothing to do with how you sleep mate, it's how you live your life. Creeping around like a scurry cockroach sabotaging her phone and laptop while you twirl your moustache. Hilarious.

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Threatened to expose a girls nudes if she didn’t watch me jerk off

I’m willing to concede that there may be something wrong with me. If that’s the case, I knew the night something changed for me. I’d toss and turn all night if I didn’t have a plan to stop, if you don’t agree then it’d be best for us to agree to disagree. I appreciate your concern though

Honestly, no bullshit, what I reckon is this - you've obviously got feelings for this person, and she's done such a 180 in a short space of time that emotionally you're still responding to her as if she hadn't just revealed that she's a spastic.

So basically you're clouded by your feelings, and it's hard for you to consolidate that with the information you've received - which is that she's a dumb cunt. Don't worry, there's a lot of them out there. You'll get it, with practice.

thank you for your service

Bro Naw that’s on her for being way too fucking sensitive you just told her your opinion when asked for it

I molested a kid when I was 15. I suffered from trauma and mental issued back then and still to a degree still do to this day

I still feel responsible for my actions tho even if it was a state of a metal break down

No one would ever guess I would have ever done such a thing, i'm way to...nice

To that kid dick I touched, I wish I could man up to put myself in jail, but i'm to much of a fucking shell of a man to take myself on it

I fucked an ugly girl in high school for practice. She fell in love but I ditched her soon as I found a chick that was better looking. She committed suicide and named me in the letter she left as the cause.

You’ve made me laugh quite a few times while reading this, my mind has been changed. I’ll ask her straight up and end the torment. Definitely will save that picture you attached.

Honestly man you hit the nail on how I feel. This girl is the entire reason I've tried to improve myself as a person over the last 2 months. I've lost 20 pounds to not be a fat fuck anymore and got really into the gym. (Isn't that how it starts for a lot of guys ? lol)

I'm scared because I have absolutely no experience with girls and I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to do college and make a great living with my job. The thing is I have no social interaction with people my age so every day I drift further from being able to communicate normally with people.

This girl was someone who I thought at least liked me somewhat for who I was; even if I am a broken individual.

I hate sounding so god damn sappy and pathetic but it feels at least somewhat nice to let it out.


and thank you for your comments I appreciate there being someone out there who's talking with me.

This is a stupid question but I'm lost on stuff like this so maybe you know. Do girls usually want an answer in situations like that? Or do they just want someone to hear them out. I'm lost on social cues like that. I mean I guess everyone is different but is there a pattern.

You did nothing wrong. Teens change the person they fuck everyday.

Good man. I'm glad you appreciate my elite photoshop skills there, 40k hours in mspaint

What did you do

Show them respect

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No, they don’t and almost never do. Unless telling a lie directly hurts her image you shouldn’t ever say what you really want to say.

It’s very ridiculous and confusing but unless you meet a true outlier you should just keep to that.

Fuck man then wtf is the point. I thought trust was something you build and being honest with someone you have feelings for is supposed to be something everyone wants.

You don’t use GIMP bro? Linux is where it’s at. I heard like Elong musky uses it to program his Tesla’s man.

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In detail, just toyed with his dick, almost sucked it

Pinned it on him by telling his mom he forced my hand on his, he kept changing the story so I got away Scott free

This shit keeps me up at night

I voted Democrat once

I’d do the exact same thing. Those who break their vows of marriage deserves to suffer.

How old are you now

>I still feel responsible for my actions tho even if it was a state of a metal break down
>a state of a metal break down
>a metal break down

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You’ve come to the same point I was at when I was told this. There is really no point, think about the famous line “Do I look fat/ugly in this?” The entire point is to coddle them emotionally with small white lies and empowering language, it’s truly insane the lengths of which this takes you.


That child e n t i c e d me

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.. and they didn't even tell anyone? greentext?

Ruined a totally fine relationship about a year ago. Fucked and ended up dating my supervisor who I used to get high with because she was 9 years my senior. Her and her boyfriend lived together and were planning on doing the whole family shtick. I'll post the story of people want it but frankly I'm too lazy to talk about that shit in my free time.

>Come here to come clean one something I never told anyone before
>end up laughing at peoples reactions

Yea i'm dieing in hell for sure

Post story nigga

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I think I'm gonna stop talking with this person for a few days.

I honestly still hope she finds someone who can help her. I thought I could do that, but I seem to have lost her trust and maybe you're all right saying that I didn't really do anything wrong.

Life isn't an anime where shit works out somehow so I guess I'll have to cool my head.

Hi ted bundy

>Such is war
is that what you tell yourself to cope with the fact that you committed atrocities in the name of corporate interests?

The phrase, "women are ruled by emotion", is like the phrase, "blacks have the lowest IQ". While true, it doesn't mean you can't find a smart black guy, and it doesn't mean you can't find a woman who isn't black. Or dumb. Something.

You get what I mean.

Shut the fuck up, pussy faggot.

He said he regretted it you fucking idiot. He actually said he was haunted by it. Can you read dipshit?

No need to thank me brother. I hope you the best moving forward!

thank you for your service

same to you
I understand and I'll keep improving myself too.

my god shut the fuck up you fat fuck, all she kept you around for was for her pride, she likes to keep fat little fuckies like you around for compliments. you're nothing, you are a shell of a man who's only purpose is to compliment women you never stood a chance with in the first place. kill yourself kek

I can’t get a 6 year old girl out of my head, I don’t even like little kids. Even though I haven’t acted on my impulses my mental state has been a pendulum that sways from lust to regret. Every time she sees me she calls me daddy, I’m the closest thing to a father figure for her and the only thing I can do is imagine her saying that in a different context. I’m not sure what to do

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I was a drug addict
Got to a point where I had to quit
Ran in to an old teacher
Offered me to stay with him and his family
One month in his wife starts coming on to me
"it's okay" aka her husband is a cuck
Bang his wife
After a few months he starts losing control over her
Bang her even when he doesn't want to
Six months in I tell her to leave him
They had been together for 8 years and had a 5 year old daughter
Divorce with all the shitstorm that comes with it
Meet another girl, move out and never reply to the woman again

drunk drive into oncoming traffic

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Creative and effective, I’ll definitely consider it

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>m-muh edge
If thats considered edgy for you, I'd recommend to head on over to r.eddit. I don't know why all these newfags are giving you positive feedback for being a fat sack of pathetic shit whos feefees are hurt a girl said she doesn't want to talk to you anymore, but you're fuckin sad m8

Thanks man, even though this was over 20 years ago I still think about it. She was sweet but kind of busted. I still feel kind of bad about it.

god you're dumb, it's ironic - as in you sound like a faggot trying to be edgy

this wasn't my response and I know you're pretty aggressive about it but I appreciate the thought.

It's possible that's the case and the whole fragile thing was an act.

But to be honest it didn't seem that way.

I know I'm not a Chad and I probably don't stand any chance with most women, but I'll keep trying to make myself happy first.

I almost did kill myself 4 years ago, but I'm glad I'm past that point.

>i-i was only pretending to be retarded!

>in the name of corporate interests

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how old are you?

no like seriously kill yourself, i've never used the word incel unironically before because i'm not a faggot but you are seriously an incel, a fat one at that i'll give you a bit of advice though. all of this trouble you're putting yourself through, losing weight, thinking differently, lying, is simply not worth it. sex does not as feel as good as you think it does. it's something casual. it's nothing memorial. sure, it can be ok if it's tight, but otherwise you'd might as well just kill yourself, it sounds like the only reason your alive right now is for a girl who doesn't even see you as a man instead of a compliment machine. you're nothing

Justice is coming for you.

>how old are you
The people who ask this when they run out of insults are likely under 18. Global rule #2, please respect it Satan..

According to pro-choicers, fetuses aren't people you fucking moron

>because i'm not a faggot

Aight I'll try and keep it short but no promises
>be me 20 years old just got a job at a clothing store called boathouse
>don't think much of it, a jobs a job and I was just trying to pay rent
>first shift I have I end up getting trained by a supervisor well call her K
>k is your classic stoner looking girl, doesn't really dress her age, but thicker but drop dead fucking gorgeous, and had so much ducking was
>always been more into older women and especially with an ass, the girls I had been with had been with before had always been the little innocent type
>side note totally forgot I also broke up with girlfriend of 3 years to fuck this girl
>anyways we make small talk fora shift and not much happens
>next shift im in we get these shifty meme hoodies, some of the gayest shot ever, but one of them happened to be a kanye hoodie
> "Damn I wish this hoodie was so ducking stuoid looking I love kanye"
> "You love kanye too? You should go talk to k! She loves kanye"
>bitch maybe I will
>sure enough to over to k
> "so I heard you like yeezy?"
> "oh my god yes! I love kanye! I've listened to him since all falls down! I loved that song in highschool"
>heh, I was like 7 when that song came out
>we keep talking throughout the shift about music, we both love prince, we both love asap rocky, and sure enough I spring the question on her
> "I feel like I already know the answer to this, but do you blaze?"
>she gives me a look like I should know better than to ask a stupid question to a girl covered in tats with gauges and a ti-dye hoodie on
>I ask her to blaze sometime and she says yes
>we keep working together regularly always getting the same shifts, my relationship has become stagnant so my minds kinda racing for this girl at this point
>one day enter big bitch daina
>Daina is her insecure boyfriend who's saying a girl way out his league
>type of dude rocking hoonigan stickers on his pt cruiser
>she introduces me to him
>dude definitely doesn't like me

I grew up with a manipulative mother, as such I didn't really know anything else than how to manipulate others

Once a girl came up to me to ask me about one of my exes. She knew my ex had at one point dated her now boyfriend and wanted to know if she ever mentioned having sex with him. This was important to her because she and her boyfriend had promised to wait until marriage to have sex and to be virgins for each other.
My girlfriend had in fact talked about her ex and had told me that he cries when he cums. So I tell her this and apparently my ex wasn't just talking trash about her ex and he does in fact cry when he cums. She immediately got depressed and I made it worse, I kept telling her that her current boyfriend was just using her and wanted to pop her cherry. I made her cry and I relished it, I began to tell blatant lies and she believed me in her traumatized state.
She ended up attempting suicide but she failed because when cutting her wrists she crossed the tracks instead of walking along them.

Maybe if she succeeded I may have felt remorse, but in the end she was a weak girl who was so pathetic she couldn't even manage to kill herself. And while I've made leaps and bounds as far as my personality goes, I'm not really manipulative anymore and so I wouldn't do something like that today, but again I don't really feel remorse about it.

don't dodge the question queer, you behave like a child

>the same person contentiously riding my cock insulting me in every post i make

what the fuck is your problem you fucking spaz, it's probably because i'm calling him fat and you're insecure because you're fat yourself you piece of shit, get off my cock already

fucked a guy gf, he killed himself

If "justice" were real, would the Iraq ever had happened, and continue to this day?

Your logic is self defeating.

I disagree, you can tell from the writing style, and the immaturity.

you're a faggot, that's why

an edgy tryhard faggot, you disgust me

lol i'm 23, what now?

>wah wah wah
we get it you want to kill yourself, go ahead and do it and stop replying to every post you idiot, you're embarrassing me

Honestly the sex is something that's so far from my mind that I didn't even register it. I'm more interested in bonding with a human being that's not a family member.

Thank you for the advice though. I know you feel passionate about this since you took the time to write that out.

Basing your self-worth on someone else is always a bad idea and while that isn't totally the case here it at least has helped me look better physically lol.

But yeah your point is taken and I'll try to care more for myself.

>would the Iraq have ever happened
Global rule #2

simple n fucked up user

Holy fuck can you please learn how to write English?

>ehm, like i'm not interested in like sex, but bonding!
I'm done here, you're so fucking pathetic my fucking stomach twirled, I've watched someone skinned alive and I just had a worse reaction by reading your fucking post. Fucking pathetic, you have literally no redeeming qualities.

you're an embarrassment to your entire family. 23 and you behave like a middle schooler. what a dumb, pathetic faggot you are.

stop quoting rules, u sound autistic.

I raped a girl when I was 18. It did haunt me but I actually made amends with her strangely enough

>He does in fact cries when he cums

I’m in tears, thank you user

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Reap what you sow jarhead

>this much assblast in 2 posts
dude, seriously you have something really wrong with you, you're riding my cock for no reason, you're calling me edgy when this is literally Yea Forums, you're so fucking sensitive I cans smell the estrogen from my screen. fucking nauseating m8

Wait I'm rereading this thread and I think you don't understand that two people are talking with you.

1) Me the guy from the fragile girl story
2) Another guy who's "defending" me?

Kudos to that 2nd guy I appreciate your words but don't worry I'm fine.

you're an idiot, that's someone else responding to you being a faggot as well. i just call out faggotry when i see it, and you are a giant tryhard faggot. if you can't handle that you little sperg, you can always fuck off.

>idiot, edgy idiot, idiot, idiot faggot edgy idiot faggot
You're starting to project now. Slow down a little, horse fucker.

>he's just dropping off supper for her and asking how her shift is going
>aww how sweet
>once he leaves start hittin her with questions
>tells me henworks as a line cook and they moved to town from another city 9 months ago
>fastforward to release day of rogue one
>me and my buddies are fucking stoked, we've been waiting for this shot
>I pre purchase tickets
>go to pick up weed after my shift from another co worker with k
> Instead the dealer doesn't show up for 3 hours
>I've missed rogue one by a long shot at this point
>but the first seed was planted
> "Hey do you want to come over this week and get high with me and daina? I feel really bad for you missing your movie"
"Eh sure why the duck not"
>fast forward to an awkward night of blazing with k and big bitch sauna
>daina is being passive aggressive as duck
>gets to the point where I decide to bounce and return another day
>next time it's just me and her
>things going great we're talking for hours
>finally daina gets home
> "Oh you're here hey?"
> "yea man we've just been getting high jamming down to join"
>you motherfucker why you here
> "N.a. That's all good I think I'm going to go to bed"
> "You should probably get going hey?"
> "yes no worries I can leave, I'll see you tomorrow at work"
>one more smoke sash comes up, she's teaching me to roll a blunt, sexual tension is fuckin everywhere
>she's getting closer, I'm getting closer
>somehow we both smarten up and decide not to get into shi t tonight and pretend like nothing happened
>finally chill in at buddies I get a.text
> "Hey, so you like hanging out when it's just you and me?"
>o h fuck is she doin this? "
>I show buddy the text "does this look like what I think it looks like?"
> "I mean I don't want to say yea but it sure looks like it"
> "Yea of course! Your awesome to chill with!"
> "would you maybe want to have a night like that tomorrow?"
>later that night I break up with my girlfriend

kys autist

Bitch I ain't going to auto correct all this shut while I'm on my phone, translate dude you can figure this shot out

He isn't defending you fatso. Fuck both of you niggers. One of you is a pathetic fat incel, and the other is a cock-rider on an image board. I have no doubt in my mind besides Yea Forums your other tabs consist of horse porn, trap porn, discord, youtube meme compilations, and how to talk to women for fatties. You're both pathetic in your own right.

Slow night fbi?

Shared an ex in "shouldn't share" threads way too often. She is now a very well known slut on Yea Forums. Damaged her quite a bit.

kill yourself edgy idiot nigger

stop whinging you fucking gaylord

Go duck yourself

Edgy estrogen-induced teen confirmed. Underage b&

cry more bitch


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Oh boy.

I live outskirts of town. Big enough house. Eh I'll green text.

>live in nice house just in woods.
>closest town is a few minute drive. Nearby is camp ground.
>one night hear window break. Look on phone.
>two people broke in garage. Sneaking around.
>grab gun. Watching on phone go to fromt room. Turn on no lights.
>they fumble in from garage. Walk right past me using a lighter as light.
>can smell the booze.
>turn lights on, smack one on head. Other makes a yip noise
>girl and guy. Youngish. Maybe just out of high school.
>tell girl to drop to her knees. She does. Shaking.
>use zip ties (use then a lot for work.) Lying Nearby on both.
>guy wakes up. Pissed.
>I go through the motions of threatening to kill them, turn them in ect.
>girl sobbing. Guy tearing up. Begging forgiveness. They wanted cash to afford a ring to get hitched.
>offer deal. Tell the guy, let me fuck girlfriend, ill let you go.
>girl says no way ect. Guy looks at her and says just do it, don't be like that.
>smile at girl. Ask her this is who you were going to marry?
>throw guy over table. He struggles. Oh well.
>fuck the guy instead. Crying. Sniffling. Actually saying owie.
>dont cum.
>tell girl. He did give you to me. You want to avoid prison for breaking and entering and trying to kill a man?
>but we didnt try!
>laugh. Who they gunna believe.
>she cries. But nods.
>Fuck girl. Cum deep inside her.
>make sure guy is watching.
>when done drag them to truck. Drive half hour out of town. Drop them off on some road. Cut ties.

Lol. Not only story i got.

story bitch.

What does she look like?

Hey man I'm genuinely curious. When you reply like that are you actually like legit mad in real life? We're two people who are who knows how far from each other with literally no influence on the others life. There's no reason to be upset by me.

I actually would like to hear your response if you'd be so kind.

>cry more bitch
I think it's a women lads

Depends on the individual pro-choicer. There are many pro-choicers that advocate for abortion up until the umbilical cord is cut, i.e., push the baby out + smash it with hammer + THEN cut umbilical cord and throw in trash = should be legal.
So there are sizeable amount of pro-choicers who are actually in favor of killing babies.


shes one of the asians you'd recognize

1 of 3

>be me
>in high school
>at a house party most of us drinking, smoking and underage
>see 9/10 girl from my class
>she is white girl wasted
>not exactly a stranger and not exactly a friend but she recognizes me
>she is making out with a couple of older Chads
>Chads buy alcohol for the party
>she has a boyfriend her own age and long term
>he isn't at this party
>I get an idea
>I stealth stalk her across the room and wait until she goes upstairs to use the bathroom.
>Upstairs is supposed to be the girls room and downstairs for boys. Upstairs is empty.
>I know the kid whose house this is. I get to go upstairs.
>wait in bedroom next to bathroom
>Pounce on her like a trapdoor spider and pull her into the room
>So dark in the room she can't see
>put pillowcase over her head just in case
>wrestle her down onto bed and start removing her clothes
>not easy to do with one hand
>other hand is over her mouth
>Party music is loud. No one hears her
>her skirt pulls up easy enough and her panties get torn off
>her shirt buttons pop and I get at her tits I have wanted to feel all year
>her bra is an underwire push up and damn near indestructable
>seriously, I can't rip it
> it stretches enough to get her tits out
>she is crying and begging and calling me by Chad's name
>perfect plan

How’s that boot taste, faggot?

Fuck the military.

I feel like you're larping

2 of 3

>I use my knees to get between her legs and pin her down with my bodyweight
>spit in my hand and rub it on my cock and some on her slit
>go balls deep in her with one long hard but slow stroke
>she squeals into my hand and squirms under me
>I just stay there until she settles down
>fuck her slow and steady
>she stops trying to scream and tries to talk
>I take a chance and let my hand away from her mouth
>she is begging me to stop raping her and let her go
>half crying and half furious
>she says she doesn't want to cheat on her boyfriend
>I can't say anything back because she might recognize my voice now or later at school
>I can feel her getting wetter as I go
>at the time I thought she was into it but later I learn it is just reflex

>I am not trying to impress anyone so I finish after 5 mins
>all the while she is talking about condoms and to do anything but nut inside her
>cum buckets inside her
>need to cover her mouth again because she starts crying
>I pull out and throw her off the side of the bed away from the door and run for it
>she just stays on the floor curled up and doesn't remove the pillowcase
>I collect myself and head downstairs
>grateful to be unnoticed for once
>I slip out the door and leave the party
>I actually jump and hide anytime I hear a siren as I walk home
> Get home and sleep like a king

May as well share her I haven’t opened up a shouldn’t share thread in weeks nor do I remember any Asian circulated over and over again

this is the same women calling everyone an edgelord faggot. what the fuck is your problem, dude?

Most do. It's fine.

3 of 3
>this was saturday night
>monday morning I see her at school
>she is acting normal like nothing happened
>I am DIAMONDS when she looks at me or walks past me in the hall
>I can remember what she looked like and sounded like and felt like
>I want to brag to my buddies but can't fully trust them
>Soon after she breaks up with her longtime boyfriend
>she gets a reputation as a huge slut for the rest of high school
>later find out that I caused all this by raping her
>she told a few close friends and blamed herself for leading Chad on by making out with him
>she still crushes on Chad so she never reports it to the cops
>thanks Chad for letting me get away with forcible rape in plain sight

those sound like really big numbers, my head hurts

Is it though?

thanks for the story, glad you're a decently paced typer
should have tooken pictures of her if it wasnt that dark

I did that to a bunch of girls and it got traced back to me. I never see them reposted tho.

I had to yell at a downy tard girl to leave me alone. She was adamant about me going to homecoming with her. I tried to tell her off nicely the first couple days, by simply saying no thanks. However five days in she was following me around at lunch. So I fucking lost it and yelled "leave me the fuck alone!"at her. She started crying, because of her wee sized potato brain. Yet to this day I feel as if I can only attract tards. It all started out because I asked her if she was okay. She was crying in the corner one day, but low and behold I didn't think I would awaken the fire of tard lust. For I am only 5/10, but by God I can't settle for a fucking .5/20

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my girl gets reposted still

this isn't a porn thread

True? Yes.

It was all I could manage to keep her quiet and get her undressed enough to get my dick wet. I can't imagine the hassle of doing all that and handling a camera. Plus who would I show it to?

>best decision I've ever made, would still be with her if I didn't do that shit then and there
>next night comes I get over there
>we fuck like there's no tomorrow
> "We can only do this once I don't want to get carried away"
>we get carried away
>happens 4 more times before her boyfriend finds my texts
>I get a call from her phone at 5 am
>I already know what's about to go down
>it's big bitch daina
> "Who the fuck is this?"
>at this point I have to go in to fuckin alpha mode or in not going to be getting any more older ads
> "Who the fuck you think it is and why you calling me at 5 in the fucking morning"
> "I fucking knew it! I fucking knew she was messing around with you you little 24 year old punk"
> "Bitch i m 20"
> "fuck off! Do you know what you just ruined! You ruined fucking everything! We were planning on starting a family and buying a house and you ruined all that shit!"
> "I'm sorry I had to pick up your weight dude, but don't go calling me at 5 in the fucking morning"
> "Mother fucker if I killed myself it would be all your fault you know that!"
> "good thing I know you're too missy to do that, or yo I would've threatened to kick my ads before ever saying that shit"
> "Me and my buddies will kick your ass!"
> "alright set the time and place"
> "Fuck you! You're not fucking worth my time!"

Anyways I'm fuckingndone writing g this shit,_we kept fucking while they l lived together for the last couple weeks, at one point he set a recording on his phone to see what was up, all he got was the sounds of her choking on my dick. "It sound like you were choking at one point why?" Nero why you think? But yea shit didn't work out in the end, dated for a year but she wanted kids so we decided to end it.

Still the best sex only life. No regrets

Post faggot

>Yet to this day I feel as if I can only attract tards
How many other potatoes have you farmed?

Fucking brilliant, I have laughed this hard in years. You did nothing wrong and this could be a stand up routine

>my girl gets reposted still

Does she know? Do her friends and family?

No fine, is it fine.

What the fuck are you on about

I'll duck you up like there's no tomorrow bro. You aint never been ducked this hard. I use sand when I use my dick to duck doc

I'm one of few who can say I haven't done a lot that one could consider highly unethical. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud of that. It takes a lot of effort sometimes tbh. At least, I haven't done anything as an adult.

I guess the worst thing I ever did was lie to my mother for several years about something really, really big, but I was 10 and did it till I was like 15 and then hated myself for it for years after.

She forgave me, though I'll never completely forgive myself.

yeah, her family and classmates have probably all seen by now too

You can't not tell what the thing is c'mon

What are you asking?

holy shit, what a fucking pussy, my sides are in fuckin orbit


I like the general good vibes in this thread. Makes me feel good that everyone is getting a chance to vent a little bit.

Since I got my stuff off my chest and everyone is currently doing that. Anyone have any good steam game recommendations? I liked A Hat in Time a lot so maybe something along those lines?

Well it involved someone trying to kill us and I made it up for entertainment and couldn't back out. But there's another, more disturbing story I can't post here that came after that, that suggested I was kinda right all along.

Gary Johnson's slam dunk


I threw a huge rock at my friend's bike wheel once, he almost broke his neck

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Don't leave us hanging user

If I go back in the archives the pics I shared have been removed. When I got outed as a nude sharing creep I panicked and deleted my collection. Since I lost all my online friends over it I wish I kept the pics.

oh my fucking god this faggot, why dont you go write a novel, you're pretty good at making people want to hear the shit you have to say even though its probably uninteresting

testing lmfao

So you tried to kill your mother is that what happened?

She sounds horrid. That isnt on you at all

She IS a whore my beta friend

Only her. I'm out of high school by only a year. Potato farming isn't something I chose to do. I'm hoping for a 5/10 average and average.

god i hate newfags so fucking much

all of her pics are easily found in the archives or just the internet in general, at this point

user what the fuck

Well, I got to kill sand niggers for free and not end up on CNN like the Christchurch shooter. So it wasn't all bad. A "boot" is what we call someone fresh out of basic. I got out as an E-6 after 8 years.

Ehhh, I promise it's not uninteresting but you'd probably eventually be really sorry I told you, so I'm not going to. I'm sure it sounds like I'm just being a fag but I'm dead serious here. I'm not gonna answer any more questions on that part. Leave it as a mystery or troll of Yea Forums, whatever you want.

>Potato farming isn't something I chose to do
It's something that chose me

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I thought you were going to say you were the stalker.

I am curious now. What name do I look for?

I want the 5-10 seconds it took to read that go nowhere drivel back

Jesus man I'm a lot of things. Broken, insecure but I would never stalk someone.

I am a white guy who feels sad about how low nigger IQ is. So I have found women in Uganda who want mixed babies and every year I impregnate a bunch when I go on holiday.
I have a total of 53 half-white half-nigger children and I haven't met any of them nor do I plan to. I just did it to improve their IQ and to create a better future for them.

i don't want to out/doxx her again

Well if you only attracted one tard then you can't be a tard magnet. If you had an entire special ed department clinging to your groin that'd be a different story

an old man you say?

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>riding my cock for no reason

Sounds like you're the sensitive one. Maybe you should stop your HRT program.

Yang Gang 2020.


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>not to be mean, but..

If she was your friend her hyper princess self would have known how much less 'no thanks not right now' would have insulted you

Dont be afraid to make new friends, they arent rare

oof :(

You gotta let it go man, find more meaningful and rewarding things in life.

I don't want her name or info just to see her. I lurk in those threads a lot looking for my girls. I have probably seen her but I want to know.

You can't do that - that's what niggers do. Is it really worth the four or five IQ points distributed evenly amongst 53 children who are all raised by single mothers?

Pretty sure I watched this anime.

That was mean but sounds like she had otver stuff going on



shes asian, if that helps

I once had a one-nighter with a bi-bartender friend. That was fun, but what I didn't know was that her roommate was in love with her and had to listen to us fucking in the next room. She was devastated and I had no idea. When I found out, I stayed away because I was just friends with both of them.

Post your picture and address so we can determine your potential for success.

Not really. Were these face included pics?

That narrows it down to a few billion or so

I'll try to find ways to make friends. I'm not exactly blameless myself honestly. I ghosted my entire life after I left college so I have literally no connection to the person I was before 4 years ago.

But maybe I should join clubs or something. Not college though, fuck that never again.

yeah her face was in a few, theres over 100 pics and 2 vids. she got doxxed pretty hard

How did you find out she got doxxed and recognized?

I've done this a few times and I just get an irresistible thrill from it. Over the course of a few months i cause a girl to break up with her boyfriend, date her myself, then dump her when I get bored of her.

I'm starving a girl to death. she wants to die.

not sure if I'll follow through with the end game.

Are you dating Eugenia Cooney


I am not.

>great grandma in bed resting
>dad asks her how she doing
>she doesn't respond
>me immediately: "is she dead?"
>she heard

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That's a crazy straw man and this is coming g from someone who is pro life

Lmfao. I had a similar thing happen with my great-grandfather, he laughed so hard I actually thought he was gonna die.

is joke

I still feel terrible about it because she wasn't alive for very long and she wasn't in a position to make light of the situation, your grandfather sounds like an understanding dude too

Not blameless for what, whats wrong with college?

when i was 12 some kid told me his toy was indestructible. then i smashed it to bits. he started crying then ran to tell his dad. naturally i hid the toy in the nearest pot.i didn't hide it well though, because his dad found it within 5 minutes. he got mad at his son and scolded him for blaming me for breaking it.

Geez man why?

How so?

As fucked up as that it is... it holds a lot now merit.

You got some wisdom user.

I'd rather work then go back to college.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

Attached: join degeneracy akarin 18.png (320x360, 219K)

Implied to my ex gf that I thought she wasn't attractive

Nigger or white trash detected. Please kill yourself. Do not reproduce.

>I'll take all opinions

In your own subjective opinion, what do you think about real man is?

What traits does he have?

If he knows he's lacking in an certain area, but refuses to give up on growing, how does he overcome those obstacles?

Enlighten me please /bros.

You have to be 18 to visit this site


samefagging this hard

that guy is long gone man. this thread is prob about to die.

>If he knows he's lacking in an certain area, but refuses to give up on growing, how does he overcome those obstacles?

Exposure to said obstacles. You take a problem, break it down into manageable pieces, then you expose yourself to the problem bit by bit until you overcome it.

Take me for example. I had a problem with my wife. She was threatening to divorce me. I couldn't afford it, let alone the damage it was gonna do to my kids. So, I took a hatchet, and I got to work.

Little pieces. Bit by bit. Eventually, things worked out for the better.

Fuck that bitch.

If you are basing yourself on the: "she looked just like me" you are cool, forget it.

What do you think you're lacking in?

>ex takes kids
>claims dv
>ro 1y
>visit kids and work ft still
>bitch gets s8 & 200 a week
>1y ro ends
>bitch still in s8
>loses it cuz lazy pos
>kids homeless with dum bitch
>i take kids n say fuck ca laws
>bitch keeps taking them away from sitters while I work
>i finally keep kids, court hands them over on paper
>bitch whines everyday
>i blocked her
>let her stay homeless

hahahaha why the heck would she fuck a really old guy?

Get out newfag

Was it difficult face that challenge?

Would you say you rose up to the highest level of caliber you can reach at?

This statement from
got me thinking. Like what is a "real man".

Oh a whole bunch. But those are my demons I'm still fighting. Won some, but still fighting most of them. Thanks for asking.

Get out newfag

When you talk about masculinity, and the qualities inherent to a man, I think some of those qualities can be informed by what women find attractive (so things like confidence, power, social status) and what men respect among other men (honesty, strength, responsibility).

Also qualities that are inherently feminine can sometimes be seen as anti-masculine; the domain of physical violence is typically a masculine domain, but women express aggression too; usually through gossip, innuendo, general bitchiness - which when men do makes them look less like men and more like women.

When i was a kid i was a pathological lyier.I would lie about anything and everything as long as it benefits me in some fucked up way.I destroyed countless friendships when i had the feeling people would talk shit about me,i even ended up in an asylum for kids about 6 hours later i was out and turned 8 kids against each other in there.

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Its good to change, this situation gave you the will power to start.

>Would you say you rose up to the highest level of caliber you can reach at?
Absolutely not. I think that it's easy to identify these traits, it's a lot more difficult to identify whether you exhibit those traits. Because the situations that demand something from you tend to be few and far between (emergency situations, fight or flight situations, situations that really test your resolve).

In fact I can't say that you can really ever know what the "highest level of caliber" is, because you don't know what you're capable of until you're faced with that situation. And you're constantly growing and developing as you go.

It might even be that it's not meant to be something attainable in that sense, it's more of an ideal to strive for; like no one can be perfect, but you try to come as close as you can knowing you'll probably fall short.

Good answer. So let's dive deeper if you are down.

What are the variable compounds that make up confidence, power, and social status?

Like what builds or produces confidence, power and etc? Confidence or any of the other traits be fake or null?

Can a woman be considered more of a man than a "natural man"?
>i don't mean this in a gender studies way. I mean this in, is Rhonda Rousy more manly than... Randy Pitchford or Phil Fish? (Couldn't think of ianyone in particular. Grasping at straws)

Wait what,

>Was it difficult face that challenge?
I made that up. A legitimate example would be someone who has a phobia like enclosed spaces. They can't get into a lift, but they will make a concession and say, "okay, I won't get in, but I'll get within a certain distance". Then eventually they work up to the front of it, then inside it, then with the doors closed, etc.

Gained their trust only to betray them in the worst way possible.

Tell me the full story

this one hurt.

My mon thinks my father is gay. One day during a family trip she asked me, in front of him:
"what would you do if your father was gay?"

and i said:
"i would never talk to him again, he would no longer be a father to me."

Then my father said: "i would still love you son, nothing would change for me."

I feel bad for my father, because my mom ruins his life every day.

Oh I figured it was an analogy. But I ran with it because fuck it.

Do you think more people would rather not raise to the challenge in becoming the best they can be, or they would meet those expectations, whatever they are.

Well confidence is easy. What builds confidence is winning battles. And I don't mean physical battles (although I'm sure that could be counted), but just approaching challenges and successfully overcoming them. So it could be scholastic, extra-curricular or otherwise.

Power is interesting because it depends on the system it's within. So you could have a corporate lawyer who has worked their way up the ladder, made partner and commands a lot of respect in their day to day life. And that's definitely one example of power. But alternatively you could have someone like Vladimir Putin, who's power could be seen to supersede that of the corporate lawyer. Or you could have some musician who is incredibly talented and respected within their small circle, and commands a certain level of power in that way. So they all have power, it's dependent on how that power is articulated. So the arts major chick who hates Russia and hates corporations probably won't value the power they hold in the same way that she'll value the power of the muso. And I guess that's where social status comes into play to some extent.

Convince this girl I loved her to get her to send nudes then convinced her friend I loved her to get her to send nudes then when the first girl found out she dumped me and I told her I was going to stop talking to both of them, but then I started talking to the other girl and got more nudes, so the first girl messaged me and was like "wow, you're just gonna take Sierra back just like that?"

And I was like "yes, send more nudes" and she fucking did. Then I leaked her nudes to my friends who also knew her, so after that everyone started passing around the rumor that she was a whore, which is kind of true, and she tried to kill herself.

he told me to try

Damn good answer user, damn good.

Although I'm curious if there is a middle point that majority of people across the board acknowledge someone is strong in those traits.

Like an objective significant agreement.

Damn good answer though. I think you and I are on a very similar page in that regard.

Reminds me of this time my friend got a flip phone for christmas (big deal back then) and told me it was totally indestructible. He said you couldn't break it even if you ran it over with a car. I told him to prove it so he threw it on the ground and it went flying in like 3 piece and he freaked out crying asking me why I told him to do that.

Honestly? I think people tend to follow the path of least resistance. So people will do the bare minimum that they need in order to get by, but the majority of people aren't gonna concern themselves with excelling beyond any practical concern.

That being said, the challenges that people meet on a day to day basis are significant. Raising a family is a significant challenge, and a lot of people rise to that challenge everyday.

Having a relationship where you have to be careful like that is hell because you can’t go a full day w/o slipping up once, and that’s all it takes. Fuck bitches like that.

Wtf I thought you were going to say you called her a dumb whore or something?

What you said to her was totally reasonable and in her best interests.

I'd move on from this one she sounds terrible

>Can a woman be considered more of a man than a "natural man"?

Yeah, most definitely. But that's looking at individuals, I'm more talking about an archetype of masculinity that's informed by the collective behavior of men, across time, as informed by their biological underpinnings.

>Like an objective significant agreement.
How do you mean?

Yeah, it's uncomfortable. I think the nicest thing to do is let them know what you think of their behavior, and distance yourself from that individual if they're not willing to compromise. It's not something you have to do, it's just the nicest thing you can do I think - that way at least there's a chance that they might reflect on things from a different point of view rather than continue to exhibit that behavior and push other people away in the future.

So more of the biological behavior men inherit that produces or enhances these traits? Like competitiveness?

By objective significant agreement, I'm referring these words in their basic forms.
Such as >work with me here
Objective truth/logic comes from an outside source (like 100% true), while subjective truth is inner/opinion/reaction.

As for significant, I'm aiming a "extremely likely" for the term.

So in general, I was aiming at, is there middle ground majority of people unanimously agree that a man is of high quality of development?

>oof, i am getting drowsy. Might be taking off after this one.

I imagine there would be. It would just have to be a general consensus. I think personally, my opinion would be one rooted in biological imperatives; the traits that have been passed down by successful predecessors over time. I think some people probably would disagree with that, but I feel like however many thousands of years of evolution would beg to differ. I think women have their qualities too, they just differ from men because we both have different roles within our communities. And that's where people would take issue with I imagine.

You should listen to some Jordan Peterson, he talks a lot about that stuff

I once made a dude eat his own shit. Weird thing was, he became addicted to eating shit. Random shit. Public toilets, etc.

Oh ya. I know what you mean.
And I do. Love that guy.

I'm off boyo. Night.


I like some of the things Jordan Peterson says, other things are questionable. I enjoyed the Bible stuff a lot, actually. It was very insightful.

I punched me dad in the throat a couple times. Also broke his nose twice when I was 7

That's a good effort for a 7 year old.

I'm a rapist

I'm a rap artist


she's probably not yours man, all babies look the same, they're all visually generic

Attached: 43346275-portrait-of-cute-babies-on-light-background.jpg (1300x867, 134K)

>I destroyed countless friendships