President poopypants

president poopypants

Attached: presidentpoop.jpg (880x668, 64K)

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Dubs logged
Toilets clogged

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The right wants to lick it clean too. Sad.

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i would lick that clean for a small loan of a million dollars

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[laughs in rape]


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[laughs in had sex with pornstar while you had sex with some ugly thot]

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putin would of ate one of trump's poop logs

>would of

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Fake news

Can't believe Snopes. It's a shill for liberals.

>the media will tell you I pooped my pants but that's simply untrue
>what we need to do is investigate if Hillary pooped her pants
>the American people deserve to know who pooped

richard nixon had watergate,donald trump has poopgate

donald trump did piss hisself on national tv which Marco Rubio called out, the only time Marco Rubio was useful

it might have been a fear response or just a weak prostate from too much anal stimulation over the years and low t levels

This is one of the most immature threads I've ever seen.

butthurt trump supporter detected,at least obama didnt shit his pants on the golf course

Trump and Poopin fake boobs.

Hey. Hey. Trump doesn't shit. He poopies. Like a child.

>One of

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Oh no!

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You get blowjobs from the trenchcoat fedora boys? Thats nice, Skippy.

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Sometimes having presidential swamp ass is just presidential swamp ass.

He got more than you incel

*cough* paid twice *cough*

Like a brown crayon in his pampers.


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He PAID for it, faggot. That's the most cucky fuckin' faggotry available, and the dipshit paid $130,000 for it.

Talk about beta fucking behavior.

>trumptards trying to defend their president by saying its photoshopped

you retard,i was actually insulting the guy i responded to,but of course.your hillbilly,cousin fucking ass couldnt understand my post

We all pay for it, bro.

Did you know a space usually follows a comma?

I don't think there was anyone here who didn't understand you, Einstein.

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ivan detected.

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Let’s make this bad boy go MSM for the keks

But 130k for a used cum rag? No wonder Dolan is king of the angry betas.

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am i the only one who thinks that bald guy in the middle looks just like the kid from the movie major payne?

It happens to everyone after they're 35.

tbf you have to be a very stable genius to get that level of humor

Maybe... I'm 61, hasn't happened yet. But I'm only going to be over 35 for the rest of my life, so I suppose if you're right, it'll happen yet some day.

can you imagine if the msn got ahold of this? imagine the headline

"donald trump shits pants on golf course,russians to blame?"

>would of ate

i was drunk as hell typing that so thats my excuse