Cheating thread- post pics and stories of girls that have cheated on you

Cheating thread- post pics and stories of girls that have cheated on you.

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Guess the cheater

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I'll bump it

trick question. They all are.


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Either one of the brunettes

My gf asking for a cuckold relationship

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I wish my gf would cuck me or cheat on me

Oh boy I’ve got a good one.

>be me
>freshman in high school
>new girl comes to my school
>cute, or my standards were low
>for me I was doing good
>start dating
>graduate high school
>live together
>plan for kids
>everything is great
>celebrate 5 year anniversary
>starts going to bars
>things get weird between us
>few weeks go by giving her the benefit of the doubt that everything is okay like she says they are
>have bad gut feeling for a week now
>finally run through her phone
>find out she’s been sleeping with my sisters boyfriend
>they’ve been together since 2009
>she started sleeping with him in April of 2018

Everything is going ok now ig, I can give more details if anyone asks I’m just tired and lazy right now, I just like to tell the story every chance I get because it’s super fucked and can happen to anyone. Im pretty happy though and in a new relationship, besides I feel like I’m getting cheated on every day of my life. Idk bros it haunts me

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Is anyone else afraid of being cheated?

Lost me at >14
So you were 19 when this happened? Alright kiddo, be thankful that happened to you young because you still got your whole life ahead of you and you figured that out way earlier than most.

Make more money it solves everything

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Yes I was. As much as it sounds like a bullshit fuck ass story it’s very true. I was hospitalized after this occurred. Very sad case but I’m doing alright now.

Cheated on gfs and had gfs cheat on me. I’m at the age where I’m starting to settle down and look for a wife. I’m horrified that if my wife cheated on me, it would absolutely devastate me. Especially since I would want kids

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If you choose to be in a relationship with a female, you are straight-up fucking stupid and you deserve what you get.

>be me 8 years married
>wife gets drunk and confesses to cheating
>her ex married her cousin
>they stayed in contact because family
>after one family function he fucks her in her car
>according to her he wanted to do what he never did as a teen, cum in her
>they stayed in touch over the years
>sometimes they fucked 10 times a month
>sometimes they fucked once a year
>currently not in talking terms with wife

I hate cucks and cheaters, I genuinely see them worse than pedos.

I didn't cheat until I got married, but that decision was based on the fact that I determined I personally should never have gotten married to anyoemne in the first place.

I'd ask for a divorce but we have kids now, and I came from a broken home and not going to expose them to that shit.

you sound like a good guy to raise some one else's kids, thanks!

How do you feel about me cheating on my underage girlfriend with another age girl who I also let my friend fuck while I watch?

you sound like someone that is excited by something very boring

My friends black and has a huge dick

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>staying with her

Pathetic, what a coward

Are you for it?

Fag... Gtfo and grow a sack

I don’t know about you people but if I found my partner was cheating on me, I’d brutally murder the both of them on the spot. After all, the Bible recommends stoning for adulterers.

I'v cheated many times throughout the years, some relationships lasted for years. My wife was always very vanilla in bed, so I fucked younger women. She doesn't know any of this. We have three children and considerable assets. I'm calculating my next move user.

Far right has a wedding ring, so she is the only one to be observably in a relationship, so the only logical answer is her. Obviously all of them would cheat, but are none of them single? Doubtful with those ugly mugs

>be me
>Pipeline worker
>Spend weeks at a time on a hitch
>Be home for three days
>After work at the shop one day come home
>Find girlfriend crying on bed
>She hands me a paper
>Says positive for genital herpes
>Paper also says they show 2 weeks after the exposure
>Realized I did fuck her when I got home
>Kicked her skank ass out
>But after I said you can't get it from a cereal box


> Longest 2 week wait of my life
> Got checked out

i should really join a subreddit where i can find a fag to let me fuck his wife. lol fags.

nigga please

What are you gonna do

its fine until you have kids.

dude i was with my wife 18 years before she blew and cheated, what a fucking waste.

lessons: all relationships end
hide a shitton of money for yourself
when your gut says shes cheating, she is

dump her or fail at life

divorce is not that bad but man i admire you for sticking with it. if it's terrible, you will be a better dad if you leave.

No idea user, can't get back together, just don't feel right, she'll take half my shit I guess. I was thinking of trying to proof the infidelity oh her part to help my case.

dumb her immediately she's already cheating bro sorry

My best friends step dad had run into some financial trouble as he got kicked off his job for amphetimines in his system so we took him into our apartment.

He’s a wild crazy Texan type who rode bulls and was a bad ass in his prime.

Everything went fine until I got a suspicious feeling they were fucking around. I’d act like I was going to go to work, and then peep in the windows.

Never caught them doing anything until this last thanks giving. We just got back from her parents place and it was late. She wanted to hang some curtain rods as we still were new to the apartment and lazy.

The step dad was either lethargic and sleeping all day or on meth and he happen to be on it. Turns out he poured some into her drink and she didn’t know.

I went to the gas station and then waited a bit and peaked in. My heart instantly got heavy and my stomach churched something fierce as I see her on her knees sucking him off. Huge ass dick. Made mine look like it was made for a gerbil.

I was too pussy to lunge in and admittedly, horny as fuck. She took her time and he kept looking back to see if my car was coming.

He finally bent her over against the wall and just pounded the fuck out of her.

get a divorce bro, you have grounds for no fault. you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you stay with her

Kik: cuckcouple432

She already fucked behind your back, she just doesn't want to be hiding it.

Pics of the cheater?

cool, what's your profit from that? When I did 1.2 million in sales I only brought home 80k. Fucking nigger taxes.

This, that is truth

Not OP of that snapshot but run my own business. You're either lying or definitely doing something wrong on your taxes. Those numbers don't add up.

>my turn
>I have never dated
>the end

7k to 8k. This was a slower than usual month though.

nigger tax, aka theft. I should have brought home 120k.

i hate niggers

no your girlfriend just opened you up to go get more pussy in your life... poor foolish beta use it against her.

Stationed overseas, something felt weird that day in the texts. I felt something in my gut, I couldn't tell what.
Got back a couple months later, had sex with wife obviously and started leaking almost milky precum for no reason.
Medical said I had STI and need to take pills for it, only transferred through sex.
Caught her from that medical report.
This was years ago and I'm still livid. She confessed to going to parties with a bunch of guys and other girls she knew. Got drunk and let a dude fuck her without resisting.
That marriage didn't last very long. I'd be in prison if I knew the kid's name.

Went through my gfs phone and found a conversation. Turns out she had been cheating on me with some sandnigger who sold her family a fridge for about a month, pic related, she sent him took this picture for him and also sent it to me

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It was Huell Babineaux. Go get him tiger.

fucking sandniggers are wore than actual niggers

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Holy shit did you atleast slap her? You’re a god



thumbnail looks like she's got a hard peepee lol

fucking kek

LMAO, you are right

Worst part is she told me how he let him cum on her face, thing she wouldn't allow me to do because she dislikes semen

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Get her to admit it in writing. Or record her admitting it. Then get the divorce and use it as leverage.

GF started fucking a classmate/coworker. Blindsided me. Left and went across country. She apologizes all the time says she loves and misses me . I miss her too but yeah hard to rebuild trust and happiness after that


It is one thing to forgive a one time cheat but that it's not something you should ever forgive

semen isn't okay, but sandmen are? wow. you're better off without here.

I’ve seen pic related circulating a lot, and it looks an awful lot like my ex girlfriend. She had back tattoos for the entirety of our relationship, so it’s not from when we dated (although it wouldn’t shock me if she had cheated on me). However, she said she did cheat on her BF before me a lot. I think it would be very interesting if it was her.
Also, the Snapchat format is consistent with the time frame of when it happened.

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I thought it would be bad when I got caught cheating on my wife but it was fine. She was pissed for a week but got so insecure that she ended up trying harder to keep me. Still fuck on the side, I'll just leave if it ever goes bad. Pic is my favorite side chick. Was married, I think he left her after

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Shit fucking sucks, but gotta move on, start dating and find someone actually worth it man.
My last chick cheated, left her and I keep trying to find reasons to start drama and reasons with my current chick over cheating. It got bad at one point, where I started stalking her, she literally just met with a friend of hers from highschool (a chick). Followed her all the way back home. I waited 30 minutes before coming inside and made an excuse of where I went.
After a while of this bs, I realized what I was doing, it just isn't worth it.

this cunt. seriously, surpirsed she didnt suffocate on cock. she got enough different ones rammed into her holes. slut

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fucking feminist

Middle has the strongest jaw

had to listen to my gf being throat fucked by her ex for 20mins

Love these types of girls. Have any more of her?

Another from the same set. Also turns out she was sexting with some other guy from another country as well, massive hoe

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you win. it's a man, man


Go on...

ex was cheating on me with her black co-workers

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dear god more

Not necessarily. Could just be a dumb hair stylist. I use to fuck a girl that looked like pic related. She always had weird colored hair, and some severe daddy issues.

i was only cheated on with my last girlfriend and when i was cheated on with my last girlfriend i dont even feel like i did anything wrong we fucked twice a week at one point but it was like the whole world was in her vagina while we were seeing eachother

kill it with fire

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got kik?

She had her husband watch her kids so she could meet me at the woods by our apartments to suck and ride my dick. Came right in her

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i've yet to fuck a girl

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If anyone wants to share their gf with me on kik hit me up


Pics of her

2nd one on the left

i call shotgun

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Come on

All of them


Cheating gfs tits. Kik me for more pics and stories: MisterE_1313

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That’s awesome. Keep posting if you have more.

if it has tits, it cheats

I... I don’t know how that’s relevant.

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Don't care but I want more pics of second from the left

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I'll show you

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bit of a long one

about 2 years ago, 3 months into our relationship (long distance at the time)

her mentally abusive ex randomly got back into contact with her and started asking her if he could come visit her to 'make it up' to her for all the shit she put her through, she kept asking me for input and I kept telling her no cause I knew how manipulative and abusive he was to her, but she ended up asking her friends and parents and they all said it'd be fine since they'd be there, so she went with it.

at the time we spent literally 24/7 in a skype call together so we'd be able to talk to each other when getting up/home/etc just another way to feel closer to each other while long distance and said if I ever needed to talk to her I could text and she'd be there asap

so he ends up driving to her place as luck would have it, the same week her parents have to fly over to their other house to take care of things. first, second and third nights go by fine, she's in bed at the normal time, we talk for a while, go to sleep

fourth night I'm up super late, she's no where to be seen and then I suddenly hear her enter the room and then trip/stumble over herself followed by a guy's voice saying "careful, you definitely took way too much for your first time" followed by a laugh from her and then something about sitting down. next I hear him say "wow, you're on your knees already for me? what a good slut you are", I clearly remember her getting mad at him cause she hates being called slut and being degraded.

he then says something like "calm down, give me your head and show me if you remember what I taught you" followed by mostly silence for the next minute or two, then some light grunting from him and hearing her gasping for air every so often, continuing on for what felt like forever, he keeps calling her his "good little cock sucking slut" every so often to degrade her.

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eventually he starts groaning louder, says something like "you're such a good throatfuck toy when you're high like this" followed by "get ready to swallow all my cum you stupid slut", I could hear her whining after he said that and all he said was "I'm not letting go of your head until you swallow it down and lick me clean like a good slut"

after that I heard him moaning for a few minutes and then say "good job" and the door shutting as I assume he left, he ended up staying 3 more days after and I have no idea if they did anything else

That's someone she knows?

was she naked or just pretending?

is the middle girl named ashley

Yes, and what do you mean... she's naked?

What do you guys sell on amazon? What are startup costs like?

Why do y’all wanna relive women cheating on you?? Fuck that I wanna be the asshole who cheats since I got with my current chick I’ve raw dogged 4 chicks

Good on you user, got more?

Why both, how would he know that he's spending night with whore?

His name was jamison

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How fast did you break up with her and how brutal was it

Hope she got what she deserved user

You a pipeline worker in WV? If you're from out of state you should seriously hang yourself. I get tired of having to work with fucking spics that don't know a lick of English everyday. One of my welder helpers is an extremely lazy spic who probaly knows less than 100 english words. Cunt gets paid 27/hour just to carry shit for me when the job could go to a drug free local from WV.

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give her a second smile

Nice tits


i'm 35 and I've cheated on my gf with 23 different women. And rarely every used a condom. Completely clean. No diseases. Nothing.

She fucked my best friend. Be is the one who took this pic even

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How the fuck do you have relations with two dozen different women and I cant even get a date.

This happened to me, two years in to the relationship, engaged, all that jazz.

I reacted badly at first then thought hold up, there's a few girls I wanna fuck pretty bad tbh.

So I made arrangements with a couple girls, only one was for sure though. My GF suddenly pulls back on the idea just because I have someone lined up to fuck "it has to be people we don't know!" Well sorry it's not as easy for me to just pick up Tinder or Badoo or Plenty of Fish and easily swing a no strings attached fuck.

Needless to say the relationship didn't last, cheated on her mercilessly because I was sure she was doing it back to me and here we are, new relationships, hope the new guy never gets that question.

I've fucking heard this before. Literally this exact wording and everything. Is this pasta?

what do?

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You know, it's really awesome how a woman can scream, cry, get on her knees and have a literal mental breakdown in front of you and STILL be lying, it really amazes me and really shows how woman are just designed for the work of being false until exposed

Looks / low inhibition

If you're ugly, no amount of personality will get you laid, even with the ugliest of women. Get surgery or hit the gym. Only chance to get laid from 18-29. After that, women start coming after your money, all the while, cheating behind your back and still going after younger, hotter men.

Your house is already broken. If you're only stayingwith her for the kids, then the divorce is final in everything but paperwork

Deleted why?

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How the fuck does that happen? What kind of logic does this picture make?

My wife of 10+ years (we have kids) cheated on me. Never really thought it would happen (she's your typical snow white loyal, etc). Her reason was she "was angry at me".

But alas. Women are retarded.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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I will if you guess wich reply is me (not counting this one obviously)

Drop her like a brick, not worth your time. Don't let her pussy magic trap you

Tell her you’re thinking of fucking one of your friends too, see how she reacts


I think it'll be worth it, would be hot

The dude isn't my friend, just a friend of hers

Would break me. I only let my gf fuck other girls, she can really appreciate it.

Cucks are fags and have no self respect, but ok

Yes what's yours

Did you leave her? How long had they been fucking for? Did they keep fucking after?

>be me, 22
>meet a girl at the beginning of 2019
>fuck her on second date
>feel like we've just started something great
>sorry user I can't be with you I kept thinking about my ex when u were making love to me now I messaged him wanting to get back with him
>get mad but whatever, I still have my trap gf of 3 years
>later while she's staying at my place (we live in a ldr), the grill from uni messages again
>hey I'm still with him, but he meh, I wanna fuck you instead
>Fuck her
>She tells me it's the last time after I cum
>She later dumps him for me
>I try eating her out like they told me on the interwebs
>I make her cum with my dick for the first time in my life

Pic related

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MORE. She's hot!

It would be great if cuckoldry was more socially acceptable, I'd happily watch her with other men.

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Its getting there

Would be nice to happen sooner, women should definitely be encouraged to be with multiple men while in a relationship.

>put your phone on voice record
>have a sit down chat with your wife about everything
>talk about the future
>need to think about it
>take the audio to a divorce lawyer the next day

Your sister's boyfriend?
Simple really, just sleep with your sister and call it even!

Real men don’t get cheated on.
It’s never happened to me.
I do all the cheating

him? ......the whore was her....not the dude....idiot

No she’s asking for an open relationship.

>>currently not in talking terms with wife
bruh why is she still your wife

She was. When I explained how unbalanced that would realistically be, she made it obvious the open relationship bit was just to make it sound more fair

Dump her. If she cheats on someone else she will cheat on you.

Not true.

I'm ugly as fuck and never had a problem getting laid when I was younger.

Sian from East Kilbride, two weeks ago she was celebrating 6 years with her fiance. What he doesn't know is that for the last 2 years, Sian has been enjoying my baby batter too.

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We work together and spend time driving all over the country. I've gotten blow jobs in the work vans while driving, and I've fucked her in some very public places while we're "working"

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She's a natural redhead too, which I love, and her mum was pretty uptight when she was growing up, so she's a wild fuck, some kind of rebellious thing I guess

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No ones even taken the bait homo. Exept me. 3/10

married 6 years.....3 years son.....i married a girl friend sister from uni...introverted small skinny not very pretty girl.....but she was quiet and she is a family girl,...helped his mother and did chores in the house....

i had two previous relations with pretty good looking girls, got tired of the maintenance you have to do for good looking girls to keep them interested and keep away the other dudes....they are always been hit on by a men, almost every men, in school, in work, in the gym, fucking everywhere....

so i go and said....i can settle for this not so attractive woman and be relaxed the rest of my life......

after 6 years marriage and a 3 years old kid, i found out she is texting her ex from long time ago....actually...the only boyfriend she cousing saw her texting him selfies and he says he saw this guy send her a dick pick which she inmediately deleted.....confronted her....she admitted some things....the dick pic she obviously didnt.....and said she were only texting for the old days and that they talked about random stuff......

my plan didnt worked....

Less than a week after they got engaged, I'd gotten her to blow me and then wank me off onto that engagement ring

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>i was hospitalized
Are you actually saying you tried to kill yourself over this? Fucking lol

Is that trap gf or new grill?

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her name evee?

People who kill their wife's lover are absolute fucking beta faggots. Killing Chads for fucking youre dirty whore when she lied to him. Fucking hilarious betas



ex cheated on holiday with a Mexican, got knocked up, wanted me to tell her very religious mother that it was mine.
couldn't understand when I said no, dumped her and then forwarded the messages telling me it was Carlos' baby to her friends and family

Shut up, faggot. I bet you walk around fucking the dog giving the foreman advice cuz your dad owns an excavation company.

Are you retarded? Killing another chad is about the most alpha thing you can do.

Loo, no it doesn't faggot. You're a beta in normal society and you'll be the bottum bitch while in prison.

My gf/baby momma "left" me, for now probably because I freaked out, but we still love each other and talk like normal and most are likely getting back together but she's talking to guys because she wants attention because she's "depressed" idk what to do. She hasn't fucked them but still hurts...

Husband cheated on me with not one but two land whales. I mean utter giants. One I had suspected. He repeatedly told me he wouldn’t do that, all the cliches.They used to be fwb during a time we had broken up. After we got back together, apparently they had sex at least 4 more times in college scattered over several years. Six months after our daughter is born, land whale a contacts me, tells me what they wrapped up three years ago. After the shit hits the fan he confesses to fucking her equally fat friend once too. The kicker is, I repeatedly told him if he did cheat, if he just told me the truth we could get past it. Instead he kept making the choice to be a coward. He now claims he never had any feelings for either of them but I don’t believe anything he says anymore. We’ve been together since we were teens, and are now 30. He sobs and begs and apologizes. But I can’t look at him the same way anymore. I don’t want to break up our family and raise our daughter separately, but I don’t know what else to do.

Also: will guys continue to cheat on someone they love with someone for whom they don’t have feelings?

lets see what your working with!

I didn’t know I needed this. But I do.

Legit the sluttiest cumwhore in this thread, congrats user you got the bitchiest bitch of bitches

Success breeds success and failure breeds failure. Once you start having sex with girls it’s easier to have sex with other girls.

you got pics of this cum guzzler?

Killing is alpha af. Gtfo

what makes her the sluttiest?

I cheat, cheating is fine. Being in an open relationship is fine.

Cuckold is not fine and neither is crying on Yea Forums at someone who says they cheat because your faggot incel ass can't get a woman anyway

Fucking dump her asap or you'll hate yourself

Same my guy

maybe. She let one of the guys creampie her

cheating is not fine when you're not in an open relationship you moron. most people mentally can't be in one

Cheating is pretty fking bad. But if you're a man and you think you can handle it then go for it lmfao.

what did you end up doing? cleaning her up?

no. Got so jealous and mad

Hoho Ho fucking Ho! I know this bint!

And I’m pretty sure I know you too. Kek.

New grill lol
I can't, we're fuckbuddies

That was a while back, she backed off of the idea

Who is she? Who is she cheating with?

Wake up

So these are all pictures from when she cheated on you if I am interpreting this right?

Nah she just found out how to do it behind your back. Any girl that says that shit will 100% be unfaithful. Think she's just going to accept being bored with you?

Impressive. Any pictures of the cum on the ring? Post more please.

She's already fucking other guys. Time for you to start fucking other girls.

I know who she is to look at through various 3rd parties. Isn’t her surname something beginning with H or something, not Henderson but Something along those lines.

Don’t worry mate, your secrets safe, I just find I funny.

No idea, was hoping you had more info on her

My honest advice? Just be a good mom for your daughter and find someone sane and stable to fuck on the side. Your husband is an absolutely pathetic loser. And this is coming from a guy like me, who actually doesn't give much of a fuck if people cheat. In reality I prefer women who are attached because it adds to the thrill. But your husband is a textbook retard. Just cheat on him.

Cheating half asian chick. was posted on Yea Forums years ago and finally found it again

Thanks for the input user

Depending on the state, unless she consents to being recorded, its inadmissible.

I love the idear of my girlfriend cheating on me so much so that i used to role play 3 some with her when we fucked . they gradually got more and more rough ,graphic and detailed .i got her to tell me she wanted to be fucked by another guy at the same time as me ect as this went on i gradually got her to be more and more kinky with me .begging me to cum inside her as we fucked ,i finally got her into anal and started getting her to wear slowly bigger and bigger butt plugs whilst i fucked her and slowly moved onto dildos .one night after allot of drinking with a friend around.i got rather horny and as she went for a shower and i removed all of her cloths towel ect from the bathroom so she had no choice but to walk past me and my friend naked after her shower sure enough she turned up at the doorway covering herself with her hands .i gestured for her to sit with us and to my surprise she did . the rest of this story is rather bury as i had allot to drink but from what i remembered she sat next to my friend instead off me he strait away put his hand on her thigh she looked stat at me and i just nodded at her to do what she wanted moments later his cock was out and her mouth was around it i watched as she sucked him off and as she sat ontop of him she fucked him until he came inside of her . after that i bent her over the sofa and fucked her .apparently she told me the next day that i fucked and came in her ass but i dont recall that far .nothing happened between them again but at that point i lost respect for her and our sex life got pretty nasty around a year later she told me she got messed up on Valium and booze and let her roommate finger her . i finished her for that ...

for any more details .picture sets or videos email me on - [email protected]

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Serious question, do you have anyone in mind already? How long have you been married?


cool story, but pic with dick in her mouth is not the girl from previous pics. I know that because I'm the OP of this pic.

Yeah we totally will. It's emotionless. It's like.. the thrill of it or something. I'm 33 and haven't done it for years now but he means it. If anything he chose fatties or ugmos so he wouldn't at all be attracted. It's a nice feeling being wanted sexually and you probably weren't paying any attention.

He'll straighten out fine. He does love you

Gf cheated on me. I'm a cuck since then. Kik me for more pics and stories: MisterE_1313

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Her Snapchat is shylagogo and her fag husbands number is 7603306278 if anyone wants to remind the nerd his wife was the play thing of a better man

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Stop trying to fuck her. You just sense vulnerability. You're being a piece of shit

I guess monogamy and the concept of a robust marriage is dead. It's so easy to cheat that you only need a phone and a good way with words to get down to fuck. And here I was thinking of starting a family by finding an honest wife.

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Ex would always ask about switching partners with our friends but she would say she didn’t want me to fuck any of the girls. Pretty selfish on her part.

I'm not, I'm just a curious person. I do sense vulnerability but I don't prey on it like you wish I would, stupid white nigger.

Ex gf. Cheated on me with a work colleague. Got more.

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lmao i know her too. hows english nick the prick

post em up

Nice body

Well you have proof you will lose shit but not everything. Have some self respect.


This is fake as hell. So you sit a listen? Either you're a cuck and wanted her to do it or fake.

Drop her ass you got to be man

What plan crying? Confront her take the phone and computer and kick her ass out. Be a man. White men need to grow a set.
Happened to me. Im divorced she got nothing. Hell didnt even get the kids. Called me back begging to come back. Ass fucked her a few times for fun. Now moved on life is good. Be a man. If you're not sure what a man is then ask.

Who did she cheat on you with?

Yeah I agree beat his ass and shot her.


How did he sell her family a fridge for a whole month?

If my gf cheats om me imma neck myself

Fuck this horny mom on the side, she’s cock hungry

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You're such a fucking retard.

>Durrrr I'd kill him if I knew my wife's lover teehee

She cheated on your because you're a possessive, probably controlling retard. Fuck you buddy, you deserved it for being a retard. I have 0 sympathy for you. Try not to get AIDS in your next failed marriage.

pleb...calls shotgun and posts a rifle. Must be europoor

oof dump her


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ex (on the right) was cheating on me with her girlfriend

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>implying all of them arent


Middle in black and/or far left.

Wife recently spent overnight with friend on the cape. Cape Cod is south.
Saw her pull out the driveway and she turned north.
She most always brings our daughter but not this time.
Crawl into bed that night and a lump down by my feet. Reach down and grab a pair of underpants. Mens underdapnts. Not mine.

>person not waking up
>i wish for it day and night
>kys too

whos english nick?

Post moar of her

details plz, how did pan out ?

Trick question, all of them.

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She lets him do butt stuff because he's smaller. Bf would have been too big.

Id love see her get pounded by him

Who the fuck is this? She's gorgeous. You got Kik? If so, Kik me at LittleHooptie and tell me more about her and let me see more of her.

She said she was drunk and got raped by a fat nigger. She agreed to fuck him for coke. Found these on her phone.

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moar of her

7 years, together since ‘06.And no.

Thanks user. He’s into fatties though. I think jerks it exclusively to bbw porn

Don't you guys feel bad when you have sex with a girl who has a boyfriend?


>early 20's living in Japan
>date first girl I actually have feelings for
>very beautiful girl (Model) always gets hit on by all the guys
>Insane sex drive
>Date for about 1 and half year
>felt something was wrong quite early but ignore it because I like this girl
> best friend was dating his friend
> finally confront best friend to tell me if he knows something
>spills all the beans, multiple other guys
>not just fucking, dating other guys as well
>It fucking broke me
Japanese girls are the sluttiest girls in the world. In retrospect I learned a lot , certain red flags and just general knowledge of how a relationship should work.
>never became a controlling jealous guy.
Have been dating a new Japanese girl for about 2 years now, hope she is not downing some other gents cock.
But it would not surprise me as Jap girls are absolute whores.
Just not gonna waste my energy thinking and contemplating it, if it happens it happens. Life moves on

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obviously he is not my best friend anymore.
also fucked his thick latina girlfriend as semi revenge

Here's my ex's number... Pleade help me get revenge...

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women are whores, lots of them cheat, not just a jap thing.

Clean job.

Long ass time. I genuinely hope for the best for you. I'm sorry for your situation. Just be a good mother whatever you do. Prioritize her over everything. Odds are your marriage won't last, but fake it till you make it so to speak. When you daughter is older, I recommend divorcing.

No. If I am in that position I try to get to call their boyfriend while they jerk me off but so far my luck with that is 0

Well, here we go.

>be me 20
>cute, nerdy, lonely girl at first week uni
>sits alone
>talk to her, become friends
>friendship turns into fucking
>fucking turns into relationship
>she is from abusive family
>want to help her
>over the years she gets her life together
>starts getting confident
>we shop new clothes
>my gf went from 5/10 to 7/10
>year later
>she cheats with other guy from her class at uni
>gets fingered in his bed
>swears to me nothing else happened
>I believe her, like a fucking beta
>she ends relationship few months later
>I'm completly drained, emotionally, depressed, anxiety

after 2 years of hard work I got my shit together. Cute girls everywhere and I'm finally FINALLY happy.

The best part of this? I saw her a while ago and she looked like shitttttttt. Like a fucking crackhead. I was sad, happy and proud at the same time.

Just kill her, it’s really easy

I'm starting to feel like tatoo = cheating

All divorce is no fault but you still lose half your shit which sucks.

Guys keep their affairs separate from personal life yes. So it's very likely he doesn't have feelings for them and its purely physical.

Stupid LARP

Meth is crazy bitter. Impossible to just put in someone's cereal without them noticing

How do you get on with the pipeline in WV? Fucking miserable in Lincoln county, not fuck for work after I stopped going out of state to remodel walmarts.

>been 2 years with current gf
>have a hot friend from back in the day
>she's been lusting after my dick for years
>always turned her down
>talk to her on and off
>she messages me two weeks ago
>asks when I'm going to be in town
>arrange to meet her and a few other friends
>have a few drinks
>she kicks everyone from her apartment but me
>we go to bed
>I play it dumb and say goodnight to her and turn around
>can feel her fidgeting under the covers
>feel her constant looks on my back
>turn around and grab her
>start kissing her
>she is super into it
>prone bone her for a couple of hours until she is unable to move
>falls asleep
>text gf good morning
>leave hot friend's house
>get a text a couple of days later from hot friend to make our fucking sessions into a regular thing
>agree as long as she doesn't mind I've got a gf
>turns out she is fucking behind her bf's back too
>we are seeing each other next week

feels good man, I feel like scum also but I honestly do not give a fuck, I'll probably marry my current gf too!

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nigger detected

Show pic of you

>>Huge Dick and generous in bed
>>Treat women I date/fuck like people
>>Never been cucked

>>Mfw I have no face...

Nah man. Although I will say I’ve posted both of us on here before (because I’m shameless and sad) and I usually got 8-9’s. The beast has never gotten higher than a 3 according to the consensus of b

No thanks

sent some other guy photos and i caught her sending them.
her sc is e.axnder for anyone wanting to help get revenge

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thats exaclty what I thought as well.
Gave no reason whatsoever for women to cheat.
still got cheated on.

Realize men and women are not that different, just have different perspectives.

>tldr whores will be whores, male/female doesnt matter


Not green texting cause I don’t got time for it,
Gf of four years hangs out with male coworker without telling me, then lies about it when I ask her, she used to give him rides into work but said she never drove him home, one night she passed out and I check her phone and there’s texts back and forth between them about hanging out nothing discrimating besides a text from him sayin “ we can just stay at my house and watch stuff on the couch, my sister is supposed to be going out.” Ask her about it in the mornin and she admits to hanging out with him and goin to lunch, but nothing happened.
Believe her and stay together she stops giving him rides and stops texting him.
Months later she sends me a pic of her and her 2 best friends who are a lesbian couple and there was a guy with them, he’s one of the lesbians friends, Gf ends up giving him her number found out from a notification on her phone from him saying How he enjoyed the bar last night,
Fast forward about a month or two, Gf and I sit down to have a talk and she tells me she wants to take a break, but stresses the fact that she hasn’t been happy in a long time even before the thing with her coworker. She says that she doesn’t want to break up just take a break from each other but still stay together.
After that talk we don’t talk for about a week and a half no texts nothing. We slowly start talking more and seeing each other again, everything seems fine, until one night drunk me thinks it’s a great idea to have another look into her phone. Turns out they were texting each other before our “break” and there was nothing sexual one anything like that’s before it but fucked 3 days after it happened. And she was fucking him for the 2 months it took us to get back together.
Now every time I think back to the late phone calls we’d have Jolene event together and I just think of them as her calling me cause she felt guilty after she was with him. We’re still together but I’m dead inside.

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What's your COGS?

Fuckin cuck

women tend to not fixate on the physical part (as to cheating), but the emotional

dudes... on the physical but not on the emotional

its tru unfortunately
how u make money?? what u sellin bro?

Wow lol

well, since you're dead inside, end with her
won't hurt more than already is...
...And do it before she shows up pregnant

Mostly psychological abuse, it’s hard to leave someone you love when they tell you they have nothing to live for without you.

Drop the nudes bro

move on. lots of ladies out there who'll treat you better.

Nudes of her?

You get some revenge sex out of it?

Your right my Yea Forumsro, Japanse women are sluts

Met a Japanese chick on a dating app, we hit it off. The first time I caught her cheating was not with me. She told me she was single and was interested in me but i found out on, not her fb, but some other dude's that she was dating him and she was crushed about. Eventually, she didn't really message him anymore and we talked about finally meeting someday. She came to the US to meet and she was awesome. However, fast forward a few days after shes home she starts acting strange and 'falling asleep'. I got onto the dating site and typed her email in, said "email already registered". Red flag there.. but here's the crazy thing. The slut used her email as her password and bam, saw all the messages she was sending to dudes, and chicks, and she had planned to meet some guy when she told me she was going to meet with her sister.

Also checked out old messages from another site she used and months before we met she would be chatting up dudes and meeting up.

Fuck her.

I have nudes too.. maybe i'll post 'em

If you're still dating her and you're giving out her snapchat, thats not revenge. She's just gonna select the ones she likes and send them nudes.

X doubt

If the thread is alive by the time I'm home, I'll throw you a bone