Okay, so can we discuss the Dora the Explorer movie?
Okay, so can we discuss the Dora the Explorer movie?
Gonna need some teen Dora getting fucked by tree vines now
It can die.
Will Dora sneak across the border and live illegally in East LA?
By snakes
Sure. It looks like shit and I hope it bombs.
Is this legit or an AOC shop?
isnt there porn of Dora already
discuss about dora? are u 12 ?
The newfags must be underage so maybe
I mean, Boots is literally voiced by Danny Trejo. how much worse can it get?
i mean, this cunt is in high school in this movie and is a hot skank. so yea the kids who grew up can still enjoy it for adult reasons. must be hard to work your brain
>rule 34, dude.
that's awesome if true
where's the map?
Who the fuck looked at Dora the Exlporer, decides it needed a live action movie, and that Danny fucking Trejo should voice Boots? Am I still in a dream, Snake Eater? This doesn't feel real.
Isabela Moner (who plays Dora) is literally one of the hottest celebs I've ever seen. Too bad she's underage
a genius
>Am I still in a dream
yes, mine.
Can I wake up from it, user? I'm a miserable faggot in this dream.
Honestly though, if they play this like a sort of parody it could be moderately enjoyable.
no, i have to wake up. but i don't wanna.
When you change your mind, let us know user.
This is now a Dora porn thread.
Why are we still here?... just to suffer?... every night... I can feel my leg...
too bad she's underage? why does that matter? you can still jerk it to her photos all you want.
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hii eff bee eye here
post h o t pict ure please
holy fuck look at that waist. fuck
which country can i find her?
Very well.
Is that red cortez
that's a funny way to spell baron
Fuckoff you dirty pedos
Good man.
you got it all wrong
speak for yourself
shutup pedo
at least you’re honest about your disgusting deviancy. Fukn pedo.
i baked myself a cake
Want a cup of tea to go with it?
never really got into tea
doras 18 in my lore
such a pedo thing to say you dirty fukn pedo
S-so y-you’re a p-pedo s-shark?