Any tattoo bros out there? getting first tat, how much do you think this would cost on the forearm?

Any tattoo bros out there? getting first tat, how much do you think this would cost on the forearm?

Attached: male-star-trek-tattoo-simple-starfleet-insignia-design-inspiration-on-leg-calf.jpg (599x599, 124K)

Attached: this is you if you do this.jpg (480x640, 128K)

How did you get this photo of me?

Honestly, depends where you go... most have sitting fees, others by the hour... probably $150

80 to 100

About 80 dollars, looks like an hour of work.

200, same as downtown

why would you put it there? are you gonna look at your wrist randomly and go, ahh. star trek. now I understand

just seems like a tattoo that would best be served as not being the forefront of your identity

and i actually love star trek

this. Don't go over 100 OP

I got a tattoo of the Bungie logo back in 2008. Kind of regret it now.

Tatfag here. I would charge 80 to 120 on the high end

>how much would this cost
Not much money, but a lot of dignity

It'll cost you ever getting pussy the rest of your life.

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bout 100, but dont get this OP, everyone who gets a pop culture/entertainment (TV/Music/Film) tat regrets it.
Also, what if they make another film and its dogshit or an actor is outed as a pedo

Shop minimum, should not be more then $80

Your dignity. Maybe some respect. Definitely pussy

OP here, as much as i love this tattoo idea you guys have A LOT of good points. I will stick to something thats more cultural to me.

THIS. YOU WILL NEVER BE LAID AGAIN DON'T!! If you're comitted enough to get a tattoo get something cool you fucking NEERRD!

Girls like tattoos but they will run for the hills when they see that fuckin thing, you're pretty much saying to them"I will always make sure to ask before touching you"

What are you gonna get the triforce next?? maybe a pokeball you unoriginal faggot? GROW THE FUCK UP! get a bird or something for Christs sake!

Don't go cheap as shit either. You want quality. Not some cheap ass tat from a newbie.

Lots of Trekkie girls too. I'll fuck a nerdy bitch

Me too. But they're few and far between. Especially the hot ones. Unless you believe the internet cosplayers aren't just trying to get virgin's money

Whole thing in 2010 was 250 dollars in Denver. Cannot speak for today and inflation

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