Hypocritical. Corrupt. Ignorant. Incompetent. Mentally unstable. Racist. Misogynistic. White supremacist. Xenophobic...

Hypocritical. Corrupt. Ignorant. Incompetent. Mentally unstable. Racist. Misogynistic. White supremacist. Xenophobic. Islamophobic. Self aggrandizing. Self dealing. Disrespects allies. Embraces dictators. And all wrapped up in a constant stream of lies.
Ladies and gentlemen: your President of the United States.

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is the Russian collusion in the room with you now?

“You forget lazy stupid and dumb”
SHUT UP birch and make me a pot pie.

Besides his wall proposition hes everything that all presidents have always been hes just open about it.

Don't give a shit, won't give a shit, don't want to give a shit, can't find a reason to give a shit.

Fuck off back to /pol/ with your shit.

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Well fellow Dem.. I’ve had a lot of hate on for this man. But I think the meuller report has sealed the deal.. TRUMP 2020. Sadly the Dem are very unorganized and wishy washy. Not path or unified direction.

Same fag that posted pro trump bait.

i know this is bait but lets just go down the list anyway
maybe, but name a single politician who isnt.
no. hes certainly a shitty speaker but not ignorant.
>mentally unstable
racism does not exist, only facts exist
sexism does not exist, only facts exist
>white supremacist
aka deplatforming label for anyone who does not conform to the left narrative
aka deplatforming label for anyone who does not want foreigners to take over the country (read: hispanics)
aka deplatforming label for anyone who disagrees with the globalist plan to inundate white countries with ragheads to destablize them so they may be more easily controlled by the left (who gets all minority votes hence why they want to increase the number of them)
>self aggrandizing
true, there you go you got at least one.
>self dealing
the fuck does that even mean
>disrespects allies
not very good allies when they actively fuck us over for their own gain
>embraces dictators
agreeing to meet with a dictator is not 'embracing' them.
>constant stream of lies
thats the left wing media

ladies and gentlemen: your shill of the day

Op is a faggy shill

Innocent until proven guilty my man...and still your president....trump 2020

Wow this niganon is mad.

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>mighty kek

>zero refuting argument or evidence, just ad hominem attacks
every time, lefties, every time

So mad

I like him for the simple fact hes a changing up the system and i can laugh at all the big corpos seething. aint racist, or any of your ist, im just feed up with media hypocracy, so i dont want their guy in the set.

>Well fellow Dem..

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go back to sucking jimmy fallons unfunny dick.
i love you though, a great bait is good every know and then

Thank you kind user


That's what you pick up on...not all the fucked up grammar? He's probably not even from the us

>aka deplatforming label for anyone who does not conform to the left narrative
Being this retarded. We do not call them white supremacists for disagreeing.
>thats the left wing media
You conveniently ignored the right wing media which is way worse.

there is no right wing media except fox, and everyone already knows they are full of shit.

meanwhile cnn, msnbc, and every single other """news""" outlet is extremely unabashedly left wing and fabricates bullshit 24/7 to push their narrative while still pretending to be actually unbiased news.

also yes, if you dont agree with everything the left says tghey will instantly try to label you a white supremacist (as if thats somehow a bad thing) to deplatform you so you cant show other people their bullshit. just TRY to point out how blacks commit over 90% of all violent crime in the country.

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Rekking lefties. Nuff said.

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And yet Trump hasn't cite one single example of fake news on CNN. Why is that?

And I think you're bullshitting on the white supremacists thing. I've never heard of anyone in real life calling anyone a white supremacist for pointing out the crime rate. Ever heard of anyone saying that those at FBI are white supremacists?

every damn time

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Destroying our nation and being a laughingstock?

literally exactly this, the only thing different about trump from every other president is that he owns his shit, all the other presidents pretended to be something they weren't. it's funny how that one trait has made him so polarizing. i guess people just get a hard-on for phony politicians lying through their teeth because they can't handle the truth.

Not a count
Not a nigger

*not a cunt

Threads like these and people biting the bait that they are is no good. The left keeps propagating hate and bitterness, and by paying any attention to it, means you already lost.

The best path to take here is just ignore this stupidity, and if there is an issue you can directly control, do what's right. These people will whine, scream, and even incite violence. But by addressing it directly, or doing as they do, you already lost. Good luck fellas.

exactly, chaos and upheaval, chaos and upheaval

>Skulls for the skull throne
>Just as planed
>papa loves you
> Love and excess~~

>all the other presidents pretended to be something they weren't
He's pretending to be a Republican because he knows that's how he will win.

he complained about Obama taking too many days off to golf, golfed more in his first year than Obama did in his 8... just 1 example of many

Ralph Nader isn't know for being corrupt. You may not like him, but you said just name 1.

The fact you can't recognize his ignorance just goes to show your own ignorance and naivete

yes... see I can give 1 word answer as well

>mentally unstable
I'm not a medical professional, so I can not say. Though I'd definitely would believe he has a narcasissitc personality disorder

your argument about racism not existing is retarded... racism is the hatred of a group of people based on their race. This exists. This sort of hate is possible. You can't deny someone is racist by claiming that it doesn't exist when it so clearly does.

see previous

I can't even continue you fucking retarded faggot

because you cant be something beside the two dom parties nig nog, what is he or anyone else going to do run for the Bull mouse party?

That doesn't change the fact that he's pretending. He's a liberal and he was a Democrat for a while.

Yes, it's the left, and only the left, propagating hate and bitterness.......

way to give up there faggot
actually i guess you didn't really have anything factual to go off of anyways
i sincerely hope you kill yourself

Supplied several facts. As opposed to your own post which had yes/no answers and hyperbolic nonsense like "racism doesn't exist".

You're a moron and I don't wish for you to kill yourself since you'll most likely choke on your own cum one of these days and it'll all be done anyways.