ITT: Poorly describe video games; anons guess

ITT: Poorly describe video games; anons guess.

>Fuck you electric seaweed.

Attached: 1200px-NES-Console-Set.jpg (1200x652, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Up yours, down thrusting, sword-shield, jumping skeleton guys

Zelda 2

Top Down
I’m house
Flashlight vs Monsters

No one will get this one

Fast moving level 3 I couldn't beat until I was 20


Impossible level 2 on genesis jungle game.

>Be a knight
>Collect gems to exit level
>Pink\Blue\Red keys

dark souls?

illegal immagrant with a fake PHD feeding people primary colors

Luigi's mansion

Dr Mario should be in federal prison.

Luigis mansion wasn't released on ps1

>kill all of China with your fists

Hong Kong 97

Future nigger.
Being violent as usual.
Throwing shit.
Italian comes in to take his ass out.
Don’t want to see what a pissed Italian can do with a fucking mallet.
Climb the girders and finally take out the future nigger.

Dr Mario

I throw things and literally everything is trying to kill me. I don't think I'm paid enough for this.

Thats definitely "Alone In The Dark"

>punch fight. yelling.
>character everyone wants isn't there.
>good music.

Too fuckin' easy, I know, but I still can't get over the fact that the game's opening dialogue tells you kill all 1.2 billion "fuckin' ugly reds"

Shitty pvp in grass

Faggot fights nigger


Minecraft. Oops.

>it doesn't exist

Fred Fucks


Crying on flies in your basement

Donkey Kong

Duke Nukem Forever

>stike. nice throw

This is what I meant.
This ain't 2010, user

I’m sorry my friend it’s not :(

Street Fighter 2 intro

I got a hard one for you guys.


Paranormal thriller
Possessed demon

>stike. nice throw
will sports?

Half life triple


Wizards and warriors

Not what I meant, but is does sadly apply...

Indigo prophecy whatever the fuck it’s called

silent hill?

Damn it.

A bunch of adopted siblings try to kill each other by any means necessary

My man. Always wanted a print of the cover art.

>Puzzle platformer
>Use magic to create and destroy ice block to extinguish possessed fires.

Oh must have been the original ps

Konami code
Kill aliens
Not Contra

>hungry man comes to town
>makes friends with a robot
>start to get to know everyone there
>fun day in the farm

Fucking neighbor keeps sending plants and livestock and shit.

Ok guys this one will be impossible
>western themed
>best one
>Danny trejo Mexican ghoul

Given up already losers? I wouldn’t be suprised

Super C

>easiest opponent is a french fry


>im smarter than you faggot

Good luck, you’ll need it.

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Smash TV

Come on.

No it was fallout brotherhood of steel retard

big man use car gloves

>Be highschooler
>Get magic axe
>Magic axe becomes magic sword
>Fuck a fairy.

Nope. Hint : you're inside the alien

>god emperor's descendant fights Satan, becomes artwork


Big blue cowboy, shoot at purple and other blue cowboys.


No but closer. You're in a space ship type thing

Cutting the grass

Starship Hector

>Lose frog

Chrono Trigger.

Turbo duo
Side scrolling shemup
Buy shields, life and other powerups between levels
Insane soundtrack

>phone poster

Lords of Thunder


>Also find tank

MD, you idiot.

life force

Blaster Master

>Fight in battle royale style tournament
>Partner is a roman emperor, part of a god or nameless nobody
>Its on the moon

>gets court marshaled
>goes to Mars
>lol nothing can go wrong on here, right?

>*Weird moaning*


>Beat the fuck out of stereotypes.

Mine from yesterday:
>manlet doctor
>need isotopes and other stuff to rebuild his destroyed home planet that he caused (I said destroyed yesterday)
>needs to kill a couple of guys along the way
>he does this with his weaponized control remote
>can also turn to bizarre looking animals via remote control


creepy old guy closeup

take drugs and jump sideways

Max Payne

>in the forest
>hot tiddies
>oh now im in hell :(



Need more gems to open this fucking door.

yessir!! gg


Alex kidd in miracle world?

Alan Wake?

Nope! Good try, but think NES

>superheroes get captured by evil clown assassin
>lone superhero sees this and makes a rescue effort
>said lone hero gets captured himself and must escape along with the other heroes
>after confronting the evil clown the heroes discover it was just a robotic duplicate and the facility self detonates
>they barely escape with their lives
no one will ever guess this.

Half-Life 2

De mute?

Dr. Muto

nope. older game.



Jurassic park?


>>Charles Atlas powers
>>Turn into Pillarman to punch harder
>>Turn into Furry to fight boss
>>Why the fuck don't you use the form from level 2 and beat everything easy?

collect fairies to get some ass


keep guessing

>you died

on uranus, wearing a roman hat, no colors.

this one is hard user I don't know if I can solve this mystery

Dark Souls

>Be cat
>Use vacuum to fight pigs
>Time altering crystals


the chickens know all

Ayy it Blinx

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo-12.jpg (1600x1600, 822K)

Too easy, PvZ

A totally heterosexual road trip

Red Faction

death road to canada/oregon trail

Woah you got it

Guy gets powers by touching another man, now wants to kill girl with powers because she almost killed his family

Solomon’s Key? I can’t remember the exact game but I used to play the shit out of that game.

So close....


getting colder user

needs more anime homoeroticism

I’m cool and I’m spot

Golden Axe

>Chasing bros (and a bear) that stole your protein powder.

>need to give computer man a special chip
>fag steals it and tries to kill you
>kill the fucker and get it back

>Racing game
>Orange racer is a dick

Fecal frame?

Sunset Rider?

The binding of Isaac

burger time.

street fighter 2?

>Ninjas kidnap the president
>I'm bad!
>dundundundundun dundun dun dun dundundun dah dah daaaaaaaaah

If walking dead was directed by Wierd Al Yankovic on SNES.

bad dudes
c'mon these are supposed to be difficult

Final fantasy

Zombies ate my neighbors

>be me
>reddit fag
>see post that says Yea Forums is all porn
>don't believe it
>go on Yea Forums
>mfw when it actually is all porn

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no more heroes 2?

Fire n' Ice


A bunch of stuff happens. There's some lights and things.

Heroes attempt to stop a corporate powerhouse from summoning a world destroyer

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When you swing your sword it throws an axe
Was on an old Skip Rogers video

After a bank robbery, the protagonist is killed and sent to heaven, then returns to Earth, captures the robbers, but now has to try and find the person who kidnapped his girlfirend before she dies a gruesome death.

Pitfall The Mayan Adventures.

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>be prince
>lug around useless shit-for-brains companions
>beat shit up across region
>gods hate your guts
>so does your ancestors
>you die

>"Wait, I was playing as a girl?"

Wrong, you stupid fucking niggling idiot faggot. Fuck you and your whole family. One day we'll have a good time shitting on your grave.

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>die 1000 times
>lady in a dress is a skeleton that kills you
>die some more

>chink gangster with heart of gold
>turf war
>eye patch and baseball bat


>under the sea
>race cars
>superhero comics
>destroying the city

Nope, but it is NES

>year 102014
>the world runs out of resources, earth becomes completely desolate and inhabitable
>people divide themselves into totalitarian city-states
>be you, imprisoned for 1,000,000 years for being born and wasting resources
>fight other city states for resources

No idea, but that sounds purdy good

God of War

Bad Street Brawler or Final Fight

>God of War
close but not really
try again

Prince of Persia? I don't know.

>Bad Street Brawler or Final Fight

Close. Think of a series that started on the PS2.


hint: dev hell for 10 years

>children's game about possession

Get coins eat sushi grab bats and knock the hell out bullies.


Sounds like pretty much every 2d beat 'em up I can think of (if you replace sushi with some other arbitrary food)

>Going moving around a forrest
>Find an asshole in said forrest
>After beating asshole in forrest, you meet a girl you never seen since she is from an alternate dimension
>your off to find a prized possession so that the asshole you just beat does not collect them
>girl from other dimension is collecting her own prized possession from the asshole in her dimension
>turns out both the assholes from both dimensions are trying to destroy time and space by merging the dimensions together
> In the end, you both team up and beat them, yet you can't be with each other since the possessions they hold dearly cannot be in the other dimension
> the guy said he will meet with the girl another time and made shipping bait out of the incident, they SHOULD'VE KISSED DAMMIT!
>also, kickass music



>A large African American man excitedly insists that the large vehicle our heroes are traveling on, the journey of which serves as a metaphor for their greater struggle through life and all of its tribulations, will not come to a halt allowing passengers to disembark and be on their way.

Slender (only read the first two lines, but I'm sure the rest of it works)

Nope, I think this hint might help, Nintendo DS game

Green Iron Man cleans up fungal infection

That Civ II game that has been going on for 10 years

>Sushi chefs are more dangerous than the entire Japanese army and navy combined

Vector Man

Actually it’s Halo: Combat Evovled.

Baseball on steroids

Mario super sluggers

Nope, not enough funky beats

>Be a caveman
>Kill dinosaurs
>Fight the Devil.

The answer to this was suppose to be Sonic Rush

I want to say ARK Survior Evolved, but that is probably wrong

Every MLB-licensed baseball game ever

Simulated mmo
Friend dies of coma
Get a cool bracelet

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Coon steals stuff
Fight Evil owl

Sly Cooper

"Come on just give me the long one"

Quads checked.

You should have let people keep guessing before giving it away.

nah, guess again


Lion King

Monkey gatchapon

Different one, for bonus points: I want to save my girlfriend but I'm too scared of doors

punch out?

>new vegas fucktard


Sonic Adventure

shit ww2 plane game on the wii

>4 hours
>no one replied

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Saving brother from Imperial Japanese

I could venture a few extremely shitty guesses if it makes you feel better.

>be me
>playing dog ball with friend
>beauteful day out
>suddenly some spikey hair fuck shows up
>beats friend to death with wodden sword
>throw dog ball at him
>now dog ball is dead
>i think im next


Yakata Nightmare Project?

>>throw dog ball at him
>>now dog ball is dead

idk why but this reminds me of the ps1 pacman for some reason

Twink destroys tries to destroy the world



and fuck yes skip rogers



Both the hero and villain were twinks in that one, btw.

Aint no stoppin the cole train

> Checked
And you're right. Zidane was a twink

I'm not sure if that counts as a valid answer.

I'm right though

You still there?
I've been looking for this game for almost an hour

Oh ok

now in picture form

Attached: 32spooky.png (850x567, 22K)

tooth paste shooting with a moral lesson

Medal of Honor rising sun

Mario 64

maybe these aren't poorly enough drawn

Attached: where in the world is carmen san diego.png (850x567, 13K)

Lunar Silver Star Story?

Lake hylia OoT

Lunar? I barely even know 'er!

Attached: mappy.png (1280x1200, 28K)

>Lunar Silver Star Story?
One of the only games I recognize ITT. But how did you get that from that MS paint drawing?

the opening with alex and maybe where you first meet luna. kinda thought too deep thinking it would be an obscure game



Resident Evil 2


He just didn't wanna admit that you got it so fast.

Ok user...
>lol what the fuck am I doing
>Decide to be a chef, source local ingredients
>Climb into an elephant

> Stanley Kubrick opening reference
> Spend first 15 minutes hung over
> "I'll show him ze duct tape. %@$% asshole"

>don't remember who I am.
>morphing baddies.

Conkers Bad Fur Day

Ding ding!

>pew pew pew

Fucking love that game


>you missed
>you missed
>you missed
>you missed
Good luck with this one.

The intangible Superman saves again.

Half life?


No one even guessed at mine so here's another version:

>First you're in the Navy
>To beat the Pearl Harbor mission you have to shoot down more planes than the Japs actually lost IRL
>Then you're a Marine
>Get sent to the Philippines just in time to watch all your friends die and not much else
>Win Guadalcanal with the help of a crazy Scot and his band of native guerrillas (the most historically accurate part of this game)
>Then suddenly you're a top secret OSS agent
>Crash a Nazi dinner party in Singapore
>Fuck having missions and orders and shit, fly all around Asia looking for your brother instead
>Cliffhanger ending because this game bombed so hard they never made the sequel

Probably made it too easy this time but fuck it, I just wanted to rant about it.

Medal of Honor: Rising sun

Made me want to replay it

Mah nigga. That game was like a retarded little brother. Despite all its faults I loved it dearly.

or xcom two

You can play as a stripper and play bowling with a bow

>a franchise
>you play as the "good guys"
>but actually they are the bad guys
>the "bad guys" end up being way more liked by the fans
>the company refuses to allow people to play as their side despite the fan support being overwhelmingly for it

It is like this for the entire franchise spanning multiple games.

Hint: If you just look on the site you will find the answer.

Oh god oh fuck i dont want to be a lava lamp

Ok what the fuck is this game

Build toaster that launches burned bread as ammo.
Dog shoots guns.
Fight plants.


No, I was thinking of Joe and Mac

some uninterested dude gets shot up to heaven in a rocket and ends up having a lot of weird sexual chemistry with his daughter

Left 4 Dead?


Fuck this game.
Now everyone is dying even more
Fuck, fuck, fuck this shit


>dinasaur on castle roof
>cannons used for shortcuts
>the cake is not a lie



hint: he doesn't actually go to heaven



No again, check catalog.

Die 100's of times trying to keep from getting burned, almost out of torches no such thing as googling the solution.

One of the .HACK games?

Shadowrun. Good taste my nigga

The boy hole game?

Also, shopkeeps weaponize money

>Ayo nigga wammins da stronkest
>Niggas don't know about my boomerangs
>Nigga you better save the planet
>Anime ass cutscenes n shit
>Guns, swords, magic n shit
>Ol ugly ass monsters looking like your momma's poon
>Sprinkle some Dune in this bitch niggers
>*smacks lips* fuck niggers

Assassin's Creed.

kek tf? No answer was the Killzone franchise.

>a state of armed conflict between different countries. became different

Still no clue, sorry

Damn I missed this for so long and never knew the name

One more hint: one of the highest DPS weapons in the entire game is a shopping cart, but only if it's full

Tekken 2?

Carl Johnson and his GTA San andreas adventures?


Dr Mario?

Jason Voorhees as a 2X4 wielding good guy.

Altered Beast

Cool Spot... Really?

Mario 64

Zombie Hooker Nightmare?

If it was with his mother I'd think it was F.E.A.R. 2


Double Dragon

You cannot progress more than two minutes into the game without setting in motion that which will make the entire rest of the game pointless.


Attached: mario (2).jpg (540x490, 34K)


Forgot to greentext both of these.

>Jason Voorhees as a 2X4 wielding good guy.

>You cannot progress more than two minutes into the game without setting in motion that which will make the entire rest of the game pointless.

Set traps and shoot opponents


Nope, but now that's a game I need to try

I have several experiences like this.

DK 64

Harvest Moon?

Attached: 6583089367.jpg (1612x1270, 156K)

Looks like Robotron: 2084 to me.

Lethal league

Can't believe no one got this. Blaster master.

Mike Tyson's Punch out. (Or any of the punch out series.)

Dead Rising?

RC Pro AM?

Fuck I thought this was a kids game about drawing, not comatose car crash survivors.

Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon?

Chuck Rock?

Literally any game with a skill tree where you start out god awful. I'll say Shadowrun SNES.

It was on the adult swim website I have` no idea how long ago. The Christmas version was very easy.

Indy game edition
>Teddy bear
>Child eating monster
>Lol jk your mom's an alcoholic.


Five Nights at Freddy's?




>be one of two cute lil bastards
>literally breathing on your enemies is all it takes

Ken Griffey Jr

climb walls, cook shit, find things.

You know what's funny? I was typing up my own description when I saw yours.

That is unexpected. How close to 40 are you?

34. Been on Yea Forums since 2005.

plenty of 40+ gamers on here, I'm 47, Pong was legit.

Bubble Bobble


Yup. Not all that hard, really. We need moar!

Is this fagnite?

Going to bed now. Second one was Earthworm Jim. I expected it to have been answered by now.

Thread is dying. Someone create a new one before this 404s.