Hey Canada, I heard your health care is free

Hey Canada, I heard your health care is free.

Can any Canadians here tell me about and your experience with free health care?

I want to hear from the horses mouth about this.

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Canadafag here. One time I went to the hospital and it was free

When my kid was born I only paid for parking.

Always worked. Have a lot of older family with some health issues (heart problems, etc.), and they have had fine care. You are kinda fucked if you want a psychiatrist anytime soon, or any regular appointments.

Ontario here, I can walk into any hospital or clinic and get help for whatever I need.
I've fallen 20ft from a barn and had my chin/knees split square open, 25+ stitches and paid nothing.
Mental health is not free and is retardedly expensive, so if I needed to go to rehab/in-patient care for a mental illness that isn't just drug base I'd pay out the ass.
Also wait times are based on severity so it is fairly common for people who are whiny fucks to cry that they aren't getting IMMEDIATE attention or appointments pushed months away when people with actual problems are the priority despite IT BEING FUCKING FREE

I went to the hospital because I crashed a snowmobile and I didn't have to pay anything

It's not a complete free-for-all. Some things do cost money. My buddy just broke his hand, and ended up paying $40 because he wanted a dinosaur cast rather than a plain one. Unless you've got supplemental benefits (most people get them through work), you need to pay for prescription meds / glasses / cosmetic dental/ etc. With a medical referral you can usually get psych covered at least to a point, but the waitlists are so long its usually better to just pay out of pocket. Kids get eye exams annually until they're 18, and there are programs for dental as well, if your income is below a certain threshold.

Otherwise? Yeah, it's pretty much free. You get hurt? Go to the hospital, get treated, go home. That's it.

>be me
>get sick from living with a toddler
>go to doctor
>get doctors note for $30
>play vidya rest of the day

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Any 514 nudes? Post kiks

1. Its not technically free since we pay for it with our high taxes.
2. The wait times were considered a human rights violation by the Supreme Court of Canada.

The private sector is far superior and allows for hospitals to compete in speed, efficiency, and price to create an optimal affordable private healthcare system as long as long as things like Obamacare stay out of the picture so that the insurance companies can compete properly.

It's good for low and middle class. Bad for any serious problems cause you have to wait forever. In America you can just pay for better and faster treatment you can't really do that here

Calgary, Alberta Yea Forumstard here: about 8 years ago I had a PE (pulmonary embolism), which is a blood clot in the lung. Went to ER (emergency department) as a walk-in patient (didn't think I was bad enough to request an ambulance, but really, I should have.)

I was admitted within 30 minutes, spent the next 4 days in hospital. I had an MRI, a CT, and an ultrasound performed, as well as a dozen blood tests.

All it cost me was $6 for parking, which was the one-day rate.

Fuck off autist

forgot to mention our fucking pharm prices are crazy high

>privatization is better
fuck off yank faggot, the wait times aren't shit people are just absolute pussies and don't realize how those with more serious issues come first


The vision care part kind of sucks. I'm blind as fuck without my glasses and i know that if they get broken I'm going to have a rough time replacing them.

What not to get ? Free health care you see your doctor it doesnt cost anything .you might pay 20..40 for a doctors note if you need one for work...hospital emergency is free but you will wait 4 to 10 hours sometimes to see someone..specially on weekends....if u get a prescription ..that you have to pay for at the pharmacy ..i believe its now free for children

Not a Canuck and doesn't know shit.

Even people with serious issues have to wait a long time

U got a problem?

canadafag reporting in, anytime ive been sick or wounded it was free to take care of, cracked my skull within 2 hours i was stapled up on painkillers and in bed

I am in a Canadian hospital right now since February 19th. I am in a psych ward. It is horrible, as is anything run by government. I was made the flex bed 4 times. Meaning while I was on an overnight or weekend pass they gave my bed away to someone else, then they gave me a bed back later. There is a huge shortage of psych ward beds. 5 people are staying in 4 person rooms. There are lots of people in emergency mental health units, waiting sometimes over a week for a bed in a psych ward. The emergency health unit is horrible, and serves no purpose besides basically being a waiting room. If beds were available the emergency mental health unit wouldn’t even exist.

The government won’t supply the anti depressant that I am taking, so my family paid for it. They have lost my meds several times. They have also given me wrong meds once, and the wrong dose many times.

One bathroom for a 5 person room doesn’t even work. Everything is old and in bad shape.

must suck to suck

It's shit. Hospitals are overcrowded and understaffed, wait times are ridiculous.

Yes it does. I keep questioning why I haven’t offed myself yet. I just keep stalling.

Well considering British Colombia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan funds the entire country everything else is just America.

And if you're french, you're not a Canadian. Period.

Just fucking die already you fucking leech. Get a job

you couldn't make it anymore obvious you're not canadian

American here. Had to go to the hospital once for an ear infection. Wait time was about two minutes and it cost me nothing.

Went to an urgent care clinic another time for a burn on my hand. No wait time, cost me $10 copay.

Oh yea, I paid zero in federal taxes last year. I love the USA.

>west cuckolds thinking they are the actual bread and butter of Canada
>culture and populace are an absolute fucking joke compared to eastern Canada
Go back to your oil faggots, the adults are talking.

I am not a leech. I am 32 years old and I have worked the vast majority of my adult life. I have spent last than 3 months total in my life in hospital.

The only leech is the government. They are a parasite on the productive class.

Bullshit. I've been to the hospital for a serious issue three times. Two of those was a collapsed lung, the third was a car accident. I don't remember the wait time for the car accident as I had serious brain trauma, but the lung issues got me to a doctor in less than 20 minutes. Nurses saw me immediately

Well at least now i see why you're in the looney bin lol

>Hey Canada, I heard your health care is free.
>Can any Canadians here tell me about and your experience with free health care?
>I want to hear from the horses mouth about this.

Waiting times are horrid, unless you're already dead you're going to wait a minimum of 6 hours, each province has their own heathcares anddepending which province you're from you may or may not get certain services(certain cancer treatments) unless you pay private (500+) you're waiting at least 6 months for an MRI unless you're dead. Tbh, its okay; I fond myself using the private sector more often.

This. I miss Halifax. In Saskatchewan now. Prairie people are stupid and fat. Except a bit of Regina and Edmonton.

It’s free. We have to pay for prescriptions and things like knee braces and wrist braces etc. Most hospital stuff is covered 100%. I’ve never had to wait more than four months for a specialist appointment.

See ya later Vlad

And if you’re Canadian and you are in that upper class of richness then go to America and fucking pay for it.

Take a hike Vlad

If you go into a hospital in an ambulance you don’t generally wait that long. If you have cancer yeah sometimes you have to wait.

how much are private insurance plans in the USA?


>yank faggot tries to co-opt the narrative in a false way
How's it feel being a complete and utter retard?

In Quebec we have a service where we pay 20$ and we can see a doctor at a clinic same day(depending on the time of day). If you go to a walk in clinic, you're ot guaranteed to be seen. A lot of specialists find a way to use certain in office meds so they can charge you extra, so not only are they making money from you being there but they're also charging you 30$ to squirt a numbing liquid twice in your nose. Hella gay tbh. Meds are only covered (not full price) of you have private insurance, if you're on the government plan they charge you 100$ per month when you file your taxes and they only cover like 50% of your generic meds. Tbh, I'd prefer the US system, I mean; I'm already taxed like fuck, I'm paying for a private insurance and I'm getting private MRI's already

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How’s the water in flint ? How many sad motherfuckers live in trailers? Your country is disgraceful and only cares about rich people

It all depends on each person. My wife gets favours if she goes to the hospital she works at but we have waited 4 hours at 2 am on a saturday for 2 broken hands to be xrayed and cast. I mean it was free but the wait.

You are using a logical fallacy called ad hominem. Attacking the arguer, rather than the argument.

Either my argument is right, or it’s wrong, regardless of my hospitalization.

I would recommend attacking the argument instead.

My MRI appointment was at 4am in a city 1 hour away.

Like I said earlier take a hike Vlad

He asked for experiences of Canadians, I gave it; problem?

>going to a densely populated hospital on a weekend for a non life threatening/bleeding injury
>long wait times
colour me surprised user, what a failure of modern medicine.

It's ok but some specialist appointments you may have to wait 8-12 months for

Canadians pay for healthcare in taxes and the horse’s mouth shoots anus seeking, dick-missiles

As a previous US citizen, I can tell you the Canadian healthcare system is superior. Yes, we still have many serious problems to overcome, but Canadians are a hell of a lot more healthy than Americans.

did you have a stroke mid post user?
we can fix that down here, it won't cost you a dime.

Simple. Nothing is free. We pay for it in our taxes vs. paying for it through primary insurance like the states. However, most still have supplemental insurance for dental, vision and prescriptions, ambulance fees etc.

However, its good for society but not great for immediate access and top ranking doctors access. The privileged still get access faster and better care.

Honestly, if I have skin thing, head thing, broken bone, etc.. Good to know it wont bankrupt me. I'd take this anyday over the system in the US (and yes I know it well as I have family, friends and work colleagues living in the states).

Americans need to wake up, its easily the better way but but but, it will cost you in your taxes, period. You'll get more access and use it more but the quality will not be as good. Initially, you will try and have your cake and eat it too by trying some mixed public and private system but that won't work.. eventually will need to go full public.

Don’t listen to this commie.

>private sector is far superior
>MFW America pays more for healthcare than any other country and doesn't even rank in the top 20 for quality of results
>MFW imbeciles like this guy think unconscious people in ambulances are able to be informed consumers about healthcare providers

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To bad I'm a capitalist pig.

Real commie's are the ones living in the states sending all their GDP wealth to communist china each and every day. Americans love to slag Russia but embraces and even worse, communist China who commits way worse human rights crap but.. hey we get cheap iPhones and send our recycling their (oh wait, no we don't they stop that).. and they process our fish for $0.50 cheaper so shut all fish plants and move to them shit hole China.

"Free" healthcare. We have the highest taxes in the world, and we pay it so immigrants don't have to work and get free healthcare. In a major urban center you will be waiting a long time if you're white. Non whites have priority.

There shouldn't be any Canadians that actually think our healthcare is free. They are fools. Canada is fucking retarded.

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>I was admitted in 30 minutes

So, lads, here's the embarrassed lie. 30 minutes is Canadian Medicine for 3 hours. It's true they get free healthcare but your appointments will be set months out from a request and will be months apart from each other if continued. You will wait an incredibly long time even after arriving to the appointment that took forever to get, with most people sitting at least 1-2 hours in a waiting room or often a room by themselves.

If you get hurt really badly and are knocked out for most of it that's fine, and it will pay your way out of what in the US would be a very expensive accident. If you need like idk penis cream or something get ready to be dragged through the mud, ignored and just generally treated like shit by the system and everyone in it. The less critical whatever you need is the more mud you will be dragged through to actually reach it because the system is massively overbooked at any given moment.

Like let's say you wanted a drug for erectile dysfunction or some psychological med it will probably take most a year to get through the 3 or 4 appointments that it would take to get it. Their whole game is to delay so hard you give up at anything non-life-saving. Did I mention there's no 2nd opinions on anything? You accept what the brown immigrant doctor says or you can leave.

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I paid 33.5% of my income last year in taxes and still ended up owing the government 3k when I filed. Our healthcare is not free, and I would argue that it's more expensive than US health insurance.

Did you have to file for personal bankruptcy afterwards?

i paid 11k in healthcare taxes last year and didnt go to the hospital once. Does that sound free to you?

Default $400 medical tax in Ontario, don't know about other Provinces.

Over 1/3 of your paycheque (paycheck for the rest of you) is Federal tax that 'helps' fund the healthcare system. It goes up the more you make.

Triple taxes exist, ex. gas prices.

Free my overtaxed ass!

Canada is the new France which in turn is the new Sweden

beats needing to go to the hospital and paying 30,000 for child birth, or somewhere near 50,00 for chemo, or fuck even getting a snake bite treated will cost about 12,000

The wait times are fucking horrible. Every single time I've had an actual health problem I end up having to seek some form of private healthcare in order to actually get treatment anyway.
Also if you have mental problems but no private insurance good luck cause you're fucked. Wait times for therapists are often 12+ months minimum.

Also they tend to watch what doctors prescribe and do and whatnot. Like you can't just get blood tests for curiosity sake since doctors will just refuse. There's not really readily available cheap private care clinics since you have to deal with naturopathic doctors then which just shill you shitty homeopathic meds. You have to fight a lot more to get healthcare if you are someone that likes to be proactive about your health. They prefer to wait until you're on the brink of death then make you sit on a waitlist for 6+ months and catch you 2-3 days before you keel over dead. Many many people die while on waitlists here.

Last summer pressure built up in my propane line (I'm guessing spider web) I went underneath bbq to see why I wasnt getting enough propane at the top of the grill the line burst off caught tje flame on tje bbq and gave me 2nd degree burns up my arms. I was looked after immediately had follow up visits every day and only cost me what I had to pay in parking. I had great treatment and didnt have to wait.

It isn't free, I pay out the ass in taxes so the emergency room can be full of Filipinos and Pakis who have diarrhea or something you can go to a walk in clinic.
Total joke.

I didn't have many injuries, but my dad had to wait 6 hours to get stitches in his hand. Busy day, nursing shortage, kinda shit, but he brought a book and it *was* free.

Same been to the loonie bin to find some damage goods to smash, love cutter theys let you buttfuck