Time to weed out the retards

Time to weed out the retards.

Attached: retard test.jpg (480x240, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>anons getting anthing other than 9

Attached: 62.png (215x235, 6K)

>time to post the same shitty bait that exploits a natural AMBIGUITY in linear math versus handwritten math

Attached: bait.png (625x626, 65K)


>its 1


its 1 u dunce fucking weighted faggot what grade are you in ill just do ur homework for free this is a joke problem im in caluclasz

trips of truth

Umm nigga I ain’t be doing your maf homewurk fo u!

Attached: CF33A074-4F33-4BFE-BA15-03645C652FE7.jpg (480x360, 13K)

9 you idiot.

result is between -∞ and ∞, that's my best try

Depends on your preferred order of operations. General Mathematics prefer PEMDAS, 6/6=1

trips of 9, hence 9 is the, answer
9ger has spoken



Multiplication and division are done at the same time, from left to right. So in this case, it's 3*3.

Addition and subtraction follow the same rule. Same time, from left to right.

Check the last digit of the post id dawwwwwwwwwg


>time to weed out retards
>doesn't know how to put the division properly into an equation
but the answer to this equation is 9

It is one buddy

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

Attached: join degeneracy akarin 2.png (320x360, 219K)

it is 1

6 / [2(1+2)] = 1


The on who wrote this this way is a faggot
but I guess it's nine
6 / 2(1+2) = 6 / 2 * (1+2) = 3 * (1+2)= 9

It is:

try it again written properly

Its 1 remember PEMDAS
Please eat my dick and shit

Attached: 9ae.png (680x1179, 724K)

B - brackets
I - indices
D - division
M - multiplication
A - addition
S - subtraction

This is the order of mathematical operators

Attached: 1550952326227.jpg (1000x800, 113K)

Nice math, satan.

why would 2(1+3) be different from 2*(1+3)?

1, right?

Attached: 1544744722613.jpg (736x678, 60K)

Oh my God!

Attached: kurt-goedel.jpg (640x360, 23K)

it's only different when you're literally retarded


Are we assuming Base 10?

6 divided by 3 isnt it? In that Case 2 obv

Which order of operations is it? If it’s (pemdas) then the answer is 1.

they use pemdas or whatever as a word to remember but they also teach you that multiplication and division have the same priority just as addition and subtraction so if you have both of those they go in order of appearance


To anyone that didn’t get 9

Attached: 15F8F203-1952-46EF-B155-E54414A94309.png (225x225, 80K)

Thots that twerk in front of the camera are just rubbish. What the fuck do they have in their mind?

Attached: unknown.png (863x1043, 850K)


Bruh that shid is elementary

holy shit this whole thread is either full of people baiting or they actually dropped out of school in the 2nd grade

its 9 you actual fucking smooth brain cancer cells

Although this is a bait thread, I'm always curious: is there someplace that teaches order of operations differently?

The one and only way PEMDAS works is

math has nothing to do with intelligence you fucking waste of jizz

It's 9, here is proof for you high school dropouts.

Attached: idiots.png (2000x3000, 131K)