Atheists can't even define Atheism

Atheists can't even define Atheism.

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Atheism: not believing in any religions due to lack of substantial evidence, but willing to believe in a religion, should it turn out to be true

Do you think this is a fucking game?

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That is agnostic

I'm a christian, because:
1) I hate muslims
2) If I weren't a christian, I would make my girlfriend rather sad and I wouldn't want that to happen because I really like fucking her and when she's sad she doesn't want to fuck

however, I don't believe for ONE SECOND that the magic man exists.

Being an atheist is not knowing the meaning of life and creation, and being PERFECTLY OK with that. I still try to be the best I can be, I care for people and my family as a general empath. I do good deeds without a stupid fucking boom telling me to. I do it because it feels good to be a good person, for NO FUCKING REASON. That's atheism bro!

That's "stupid fucking book"*** not boom

You will swim in a lake of fire for all of eternity

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>I'm a christian...
>I don't believe for ONE SECOND that the magic man exists.

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Serious question for Christians: Given that there are thousands of religions that exist/have existed, what makes you choose Christianity (and even your specific branch) over any other?

Being an atheist does not equate to being a good person. You care for the people You care about because You want to do that. Not all atheists do, so you cannot make the claim that Atheism is "still being the best you can be" without knowing the meaning of life/creation.

Atheism is one thing and one thing only, the rejection of the idea of gods or a God, nothing more.

lack of belief in any (Any) higher power beyond humanity

Because I'm not retarded obviously they pray to a false god. Hurr Durr I'm a dumb Buddhist pray to fat man. Beta as fuck

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agnosticism is saying "I don't have the information on whether there is a god or not" and atheism is just therefore not assuming there is one

Is there a more beta religious figure than Jesus?

I feel like the explanation answers all your questions. He's a Christian for the pussy.


That's not atheism you idiot

Keep in mind this: Christianity is just one of the 3 Abrahamic religions, including Judaism and Islam. They all believe in the SAME GOD, but the path to heaven and the prophets who teach it are different.

Of all the religions that have ever existed with the firm believe of a true God-like entity or entities, only the Abrahamic ones survive and adapt with changing times, seeking constant application of the core faith based on changing times.

Judaism is the oldest, somewhere between 3000 - 6000 years old. Abraham is the "establisher" and the principle of many prophets. He received and established the "first" understood covenant between God and mankind, and that all his descendants are favored among all other humans. His descendants are kingdom of Israel.

Christianity is next. Jesus came and taught that God, through him, is establishing a new and final covenant. Instead of favor only for Israel, ALL people are saved through belief in Christ and God.

Islam is the youngest. Muhammed, the principal prophet, received visions/revelations from God, "updating" the path to God first established through Abraham, then Jesus. It was established on the Persian peninsula due, in part, to seeing Judaism and Christianity as "foreign" religions, so something close to home was desired.

I didn't "chose" Christianity, I feel it. Judaism had to change it's definition of Israel, just up and declaring that ALL humans are Abaraham's descendants now, which they did AFTER Jesus came and delivered the same message, that all people are favored by God and all sin is forgiven through him. I particularly follow Catholicism because it is the core faith, the church as established by Christ through his apostles. All other derivatives are cadet branches that broke off due to differing opinions of humans.

Christ fulfills the promises made between God and Abraham.

Atheism is a statement of believe. Gnosticism is a statement of knowledge. You can be a gnostic atheist or an agnostic atheist.

Agnostic Atheists - Don't believe in god, but acknowledge there is the possibility because who the hell knows?
Gnostic Atheists - Don't believe in god and reject the possibility of god.

Gnostic Atheists tend to be rationalists, where in my experience Agnostic Atheists tend to be empiricists.

You an also be a Gnostic deist(Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc), or an Agnostic Deist(I believe in god but I don't know what it is).

Why is this so complicated?

Explain pic related, faggot, then come tell me there's a God.

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Why are these threads still infecting the board?


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