Hey Yea Forums, I'm in dire straits right now. I need to come up with $3000 in a matter of hours. If you guys can help...

Hey Yea Forums, I'm in dire straits right now. I need to come up with $3000 in a matter of hours. If you guys can help, or at least make my impending eviction more tolerable, I'd really appreciate it. I know how dumb this is but I'm at the end of my rope. I'm desperate, and if I'm going to be living in my car I at least should take solace that I tried every option.

Thank you for reading this far,

Some poor schmuck

tl;dr poor idiot prostrates himself before a hornets nest begging for money

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck I'm an idiot. Paypal.me/hailmary1

Bump for desperation

Probably have one or so more bumps before this thread is eaten.

Samefagging my own post? What a shithead

Running out of things to bump with. Maybe I should've chosen a better picture?

Welp, I guess that's that. It was with a shot I guess.

Thread still alive? That's surprising, Yea Forums not as active as it used to be?

C'mon guys, help a Yea Forumsrother out. Can't keep all those shekels forever

Take a child hostage and then hold them for ransom.

I'll give it a shot with a more noticeable image. Maybe that'll work...


I'm tempted, but I'd prefer drywall to concrete walls. Good suggestion though!

Lol taking a hostage for $3000 would he a great story though. I'm not greedy, I wouldn't increase the amount I'd take

I'd sell my ass but I doubt anyone would take me up on it.

I have two and a half hours left before it wouldn't even matter anymore. Not going to stop me from trying though

Run a human trafficking ring

That'd put me over my time limit unfortunately. These are all great suggestions though. Maybe a business venture once I get back on my feet

Humans are strange oh, here I am about to lose my apartment and be living in my car and I'm making jokes and laughing about it. I guess if I'm not laughing I'm crying right?

Maybe it won't be so bad living in my car. If I get a gym membership I can shower there, and I can basically live anywhere I want. Or maybe I'm just delusional, thoughts?

You can blame yourself for getting yourself in that situation. Where do you live and what job do you have? Unless someone else fucked you over, why have you missed the rent so much?

I can't really argue with you there, I live in New Jersey and I'm working for a temp agency right now. One of the places I was working for it let me go around Christmas and I wasn't able to find anything until after the season. By then the rent has backed up so much I wasn't able to catch up.

Also I want to clarify that I don't blame anybody else for the situation I'm in I understand that I have full control over the things that happened I'm just trying to get some help right now

Lol then get a job. Or you are fitting the millenial fagot stereotype. Or start a side hustle.

I have a job oh, that's kind of the irony of the situation is that now that I'm a finally in a position to support myself I'm losing my place to live. To be honest I didn't really think this would work that's why the PayPal link is called Hail Mary because that's what this is

Can't you rent a 3 bed country house for like $800 a month? Just commute an hour to work and pay half rent.

I don't know where you live, but that would run Me Maybe 1500 a month to rent at the very least. The one-bedroom apartment I'm paying for is 630 a month, and that's on the most cheap scale you could possibly imagine.

If you got 100 bucks then gamble it on a 6 team parlay at the sportsbook if you can, should pay out 3000.

I'm not really a gambler, so I don't know most of what you just said. Also I've only got a couple more hours and I doubt I'd be able to get a payout in that short amount of time. Thanks for the suggestion though I honestly do appreciate it

Well I think that was the death knell for this thread. I don't really know what other options I have so I think I'm going to try making another thread. Maybe if I met the picture a Polaroid picture I'll get more traffic. Even if that traffic is just going to be a bunch of people telling me I'm a moron

Holy shit a porn pic not polaroid

I'll continue to pump this threat until it dies

sent ;)

My heart kept in my chest when I read that. Good one lol

get a job nigger

I have a job, cocksucker

Maybe learn how to make lsd/acid. The ingredients aren't heavily regulated like meth and it isn't that dangerous unless you're handling ergot, but there are substitutes for that. Not even that much in terms of biproducts. As long as you can do some chemistry, it isn't that hard.

I give 3 grant to who ever programmed this bot, how to contact you?

>expecting free money instantly
>doesn't even explain why he needs it

I'm on to much of a time crunch. Won't help me in time. Good business venture for when I get back on my feet though.

You might be able to do it in your car. It will just require some improvisation like covering your windows and such.

What? I said it'd keep me from living in my car, ergo it's to pay my back rent. Other people in the thread seemed to understand that.

Unfortunately it's not a bot. Just a really pathetic guy asking for handouts.

I do already have a plan if it comes to that. Get a gym membership for the showers, I have a few places I can park for the night. I don't really expect this to work, it's my last hail mary.

pic of eviction notice and timestamp

Fuck you op

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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Not right now /pol/ack. Yea Forumstard is getting evicted.

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Not sure what this is about, though it does pique my curiosity


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Thanks for the bump. Much appreciated

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Well, I've only got a very short amount of time left. Unless I get a miracle I'll be lurking from the streets for a while. Thanks for hanging out guys.

I feel for you. The rent over there is fucking expensive.

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If you have a phone/laptop, I would download as much porn/fap material as you can. Then you can fap without having to go to a coffee shop ect.

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really no family you can stay with? Otherwise, check for those families that let well-mannered not-junkies stay with them user. It's better than living off the streets.

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Indeed. I was thinking of moving more south, I hear the rents cheap out there.

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Unfortunately no family I can turn to. I wouldn't even know how to find a family like that. It's starting to get warmer, I don't think it'll be that bad.

Solid advice user. I'll start with what's being posted in this thread lol

> (OP)
>Take a child hostage and rent it's ass out for profit.


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Clever, this user knows how to think outside the box. Much like how i'll be thinking outside my apartment LOL

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thanks for the bumps user, I appreciate the effort.

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Hope you make it user. Just do whatever you have to okay? Post again to let us know how you are.
Sorry I can't help you, but I'm in college and living off of instant noodles.

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Welp, it was worth a shot. Now I can at least say I tried literally everything. Maybe this will end up being a good thing, who knows?

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Started a thread to try to get you some porn.

I'll figure out a way to get back on my feet. What is life if not being knocked down, only to get back up again? Best of luck in your studies user, hope you get a good career from them.

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She got a bit ropey with age...

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I'm broke, but ill bump and say it 2ould further the authenticity if you matched up the dates and showed your first names only from the eviction document and a license. Js

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wtf does ropey mean?

Time to start the 9-5 at ye olde glory hole, user.

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ok give me a sec. My phone's lowest picture quality is still too large for 4chins so i have to edit it in paint and transfer it over.

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Just sell your car dude

Haggard, worn, less pleasant.

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Again I hope the best if you're sincere, if I had money I'd share it user. At the very least maybe you can change your perspective that its character building

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Sell you body OP it's the only way become one of those traps and just sell your ass to gay guys they actually pay good $$$ o fuck your asshole only one problem though the ones that pay $$$ beat the shit out of you.
I know a guy that does this they meet through fucking Discord I shit you not

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Thank you for the kind words, I'm trying to take this in stride. Also I hope I censored enough of this not to give away too much info.

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I'll be fine you fucker. I'm from a law family. Nepotism at it's finest. You gotta take care of yourself man. A gym is a good idea. Get something warm for the cold nights. Maybe get some sort of mattress you can put on the back seat of the car. I've been told that being comfortable while you sleep is a big deal when you sleeping in your car.

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Jesus. Is live in the car and mooch Wi-Fi instead of losing every ounce of dignity

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user I would, but I don't think I'd want to meet the people willing to pay for me.

This is fucking sad. She looks sad in all of these. What the fuck.

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Is this a trap?

How much do I have left after groveling on Yea Forums? Well, at least enough not to let this be an option I guess.

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F you didn't have to roast yourself user lmao

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It helps me cope with the stress. I have to laugh, and if I can't laugh at myself wtf can I laugh at?

Good intention arnt really worth shit tho. Gl

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Yea that's a saying right? Good intentions pave the way to your moms anus or something

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Defeats the purpose unless all the documents names and dates coincide my dude.

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Well that's your problem, you live in New Jersey

ok one sec lemme try again

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Cannot argue with that. Have a few reasons I can't just up and leave though.

Leave nj and move to the south or to the west where it's At least warm and houses cheap.

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Exactly that, it's a proverb I think.

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Fucking bait

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Get a job faggot.

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holy fuck what a classic

any moar?

Fuck, I need this set. I remember it from years ago.

fuck you think im doing

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I have a few reasons I can't just up and leave unfortunately. Otherwise I'd have left a long time ago.

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Isn't there video of her too?

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what's her name? i've seen her pics every now and then. thanks for the dump


Trap or no?

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luv u bb

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This is the vest I can do for right now, it's the date of the court summons. I was able to work a deal that if I paid by the end of the day today I would avoid the eviction.

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no, you fag. there was a time in this hell hole where not everything had a dick

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yeah but im not bout to figure out how to mskre webms

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dunno, shes always just been labled triforcegirl

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Honestly though it hardly matters anymore. I could still use the money to pay the amount owed but it might be too late to avoid eviction.

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suitable name... good enough for me. thanks

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Thanks for the high quality material user, I appreciate it

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I dont deal in low quality

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Nah got evicted

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sucks, you guys can send me your money if you want

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I'm right here dude.

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Good taste man.
Keep it up!

How much of your harddrive is dedicated to this? I imagine it's a lot of space to devote to these pics

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dude, theyre pictures. my Yea Forums folder is only like 6 gigs

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Well i figured you've been collecting for a while.

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Join the military.

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OP get yourself a hot water bottle for the nights, that shit can save your life. Been in a similar situation but with no car to fall back on, I lucked out though. I don't imagine living in a car would be the worst you could do rn. Use it as an opportunity to save on cash, get thriftier and an excuse to tell yourself you're never be like this again.

It's just a chance to start fresh bud just get yourself pumped up, don't look/plan too far ahead and remind yourself as you go "today I'm better than yesterday/last week" when you make small accomplishments like finding a place to park up/jobs to apply for/do a bunch of push ups in a day. It helped a lot for me when I'd beat myself up over it.

Good luck user

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shes legal you dolt

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Thanks user, I will carry this advice with me.

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It's too bad her boyfriend murdered her. So much sexiness wasted,

That's a wrap fellows. Thanks for hangin out, the porn, and whatever the hell that video was. Wish me luck in my new journey.

We are the sultans, the sultans of swing dum da da du, da da da daa, wamp wam

>It's too bad her boyfriend murdered her. So much sexiness wasted,


got an actual cackle out of me, wtf



bumping with romanian goddess

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Bump 4 details

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hey nigga send me your paypal account

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>I need to come up with $3000 in a matter of hours.

y u hooked on smack?

His PayPal is at the top of the thread

thanks m8

> (OP)
>Fuck I'm an idiot. Paypal.me/hailmary1
Bump because ? reasons?

Bump. That's a lot of money OP. I'm gonna need some retribution.

screenshot or it didnt happen

go to a bank and take out a loan good damn. say it's for college or used car.