So what you’re telling me is that Russia interfered with the election on his behalf, but it’s fine because he didn’t necessarily ask them to? It doesn’t matter at all that a hostile foreign power wanted him to be elected, we’re just supposed to assume they were just looking out for the American working class or some shit... Alright fine I guess.
So what you’re telling me is that Russia interfered with the election on his behalf...
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your supposed to be at school kid
I’m 30
Russia wanted Hillary to win dumbass.
Being retarded at 30 is worse than being retarded at 13
And that's why they fought so hard against her. It builds character!
For what purpose?
if you feel you were interfered with by russia, you should be sterilized along with your family.
too bad it does'nt build strong bones ami i right?
Pictures of teenaged Hilary build strong bones.
Russia didn't want Hillary to win. She was seen as a hawk towards Russia.
He did more for the economy than Barack Ubama. A lot of just were being created in US and overseas.
Personally, I don't like Israel lobby but US anyway did a good job in middle east.
i got a strong bone she can have
Objectively false statements only make you look like a retard. Say you hate obama because he was a war criminal that used unrestricted drone warfare. It's undeniably true so no one can call you a racist retard even if you are. Now don't smoke the whole pack at once kid. Just throw obama was a war criminal out every now and then and people may actually think you have keen observations.
obama let assad cross that red line and gas his own people, what a fucking nazi that stupid nigger is.
yes it's completely fine
stop whining you liberal faggot
Because the Dems only want to shout about collusion. They don't care about Russia running fake Facebook ads. They want to hurt trump and prevent him from doing anything. No one cared when other world leaders go on record during an election rooting for certain candidate. How many world leaders talked shit about trump during the election. Was that interference?
Then you should be at work instead of pounding nonsense on a keyboard in mom's basement...
> MA the meatloaf.jepg
The Russians have interfered with every election since the cold war started according to the CIA. So whats the difference? Is it only because you dont like Trump?
Russia ran adds for and against both Trump and Hillary. Try educating yourself before posting such horseshit. Brainwashed by CNN fucking retard
Some people have actual computers with internet access at work. You would know that if you ever had a job leech.
let me guess: for you the green new deal had some good points too
>it’s fine because he didn’t necessarily ask them to
he might have asked, but there's no direct evidence of it.
p/s people forget mueller is a republican. they tend to protect their own.
Lol Mueller is gonna get him! ( for two years) insinuations he's in Trumps back pocket? Sad.
Be honest though, did you expect anything else? the dems are so fucking dellusional they'll say or believe anything.
Hail the emperor - one more year till four more glorious years
No I'm not surprised. I just laugh at the desperation. If Mueller was secretly on Trumps side, this whole farce would have been shut down years ago....Not drug out through the mid terms.
America is great.
Because America is good.
- Mommy Hilly
>believes Russia interfered
>no evidence
fucking kill yourself faggot
Listen, if they got someone for money laundering more than 5 years ago then do you really think Trump is hiding his tracks? They spent 2 years and 25 million dollars of our tax payer money on the investigation. Nothing is compelling me to assume Trump colluded, which isn’t even a crime.
Dude even Barr's letter that you guys are jerking your dicks so hard over says they were trying to hurt her and succeeded.
And gave Russia part of the Ukraine.
>Didn't even read AG Barr's letter which outlines the Mueller report did find Russian interference and even handed out charges on that fact
The investigation was collusion between Trump campaign and Russia. The unrelated charges found in looking for somthing that wasnt there are inconsequential .
Russia first gave ukraine a large part of Russia. Eastern Ukraine has been Ukrainized, people have been forced to learn Ukrainian. I know many Ukrainians from the eastern part who see the current Ukrainian government as nazi and would probably support Russia if they actually invaded.
It was just one objective of the investigation which was looking for many things, firstly, and second
>Hah you think think the Russians interfered
>They did
>Lol doesn't count though
Are you actually fucking dumb?
You curse like a fucking poo-in-loo
Russia just did what USA has been doing to everybody for 50 years. So basically now you know how every south american country feels like and why they hate your guts. So instead of whining because your freedumz gtfo out of countries where nobody wants you.
Cheers from Berlin where we don't want you either. GTFO and stay there.
Foreign powers gonna power. What are you gonna do about it? Not Trump's fault.
Simple.. she can be bought. You think the Clinton foundation is legit?? pay for play, just like that college admittance scandal
>Russia interfered with the election
oh just stop
define interfere, specifically.
outline exactly what russia did that could have affected any votes.
SeeAnd it's not just about votes, this absolute state of total polarization with everyone at each other's throats is a result of all their fucking Facebook trolling and creating echo chambers and spreading fake news.
They did an excellent job at what they did.
Also the Hillary Clinton email release thing was their work (also in the Barr letter), and that would have msde a morale swing. Probably demotivated the Dem voting base and energised the rep voting base.
It's a complex matter that was about more than "changing votes".
I didn't write the green text
Why didn't the polling pick up on that then? Rasmussen asside of course since they got it right. Ny times,nate silver,cnn,abc,etc all said she won...before she didnt.
bots did it
end of story
Russia simply wants to destabilize us and make us fight, and they knew Trump would do that the most. Both sides fall for the bullshit but especially liberals, since they're already prone to massive whining.
Because polls aren't a great indicator of who's voting, just of who's watching the news station and cares enough to participate in the polls.
And even the political scientist forecasts of percentage to win are just that, percentages, meaning the other could win due to u foreseeable or uncalculable forces.... For example, a totally unmotivated voter base in one side and an energised on the other. Which Russia's work definitely would have contributed to.
>Russia interfered with the election
>oh just stop
>define interfere, specifically.
>outline exactly what russia did that could have affected any votes.
here, let me help you out a little bit.
i wrote
>define interfere, specifically.
>outline exactly what russia did that could have affected any votes.
i'm waiting
I'm an american and this is true. Funny how we fuck with pretty much the rest of the world and it's ok, but once someone does it to us we LOSE OUR MINDS.
a нy-кa быcтpeнькo зaткнyлcя и пдo шкoнapь пoдoткнyлcя, пeндoc гoвнючий ;3
It's been well outlined that they create massive amounts of social media pages/accounts that constantly try and turn public opinion one way or another. They also are behind the outrage culture we now see, and made many BLM pages. Basically their goal is to cause chaos and this is nothing new. It's been their goal since WW2.
It was a rhetorical question. They wanted her to win and were attempting to sway public what you say Russia did, but on a grander scale than renting some facebook ad space
what they wanted was to avoid world war 3 which they knew would start when hillary declared no fly zones over syria. you know nothing blowhard.
They didn't want her to win user.. even the Barr letter says they were trying to hurt her. They were the ones who dug up and released the email leak that blew her chances if she had any out of the sky.
I was referring to the media
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The dems rigging their primaries hurt them more than anything else.
Oh that. I disagree.
If CNN has a poll cnn viewers will participate and they will largely be democratic voters so cnn polls skewed. Same would go for Fox.
However even political scientists, pundits both republican and democratic were predicting trump would lose. This wasn't a conspiracy, no one expected what happened.
And that doesnt have to e evidence of any kind of weird conspiracy. Unlikely things happen all the time.
We aren't having a game of "who did more".
I only started this because there are people saying. "the Russians didn't interfere!!" And they did. We know this. We've known this for a long time.
It's true and they handled wikileaks badly. They didnt deny the content but were up in arms that it was revealed. Not that the media were being kind to Trump then...and up to now.
Good luck OP, trumpfags don’t understand logic.
I saw a Trump win months prior. Too many signs you never see if you only read headlines. I am a firm believer in media bias. I can tell you are not.
Russian hackers shitposted on Hillary's FB. oh noes!
Im more worried about who the hell is gunna get voted in next just so it doesnt have to be trump again; i doubt theyll have a decent agenda.
I literally just said cnn numbers will be skewed dude... It's right there... They'll even act like it's not. I'm not disagreeing with that
But I'm talking about political scientists as well.
I studied political scientist.. they don't pull their numbers from their assholes.
There are a lot of factors measured to calculate outcomes, and again, they give a *percent*. That means that by all precedent, such and such candidate should win, but still might not..
Everyone thought trump was going to lose, and his winning, again, doesn't prove everyone was lying. Underdogs win... It happens. A lot.
>I studied political scientist
Science. Durr. my bad.
>Doesn't realise Russia is a political enemy
>Doesn't realise their favoured politician is probably a problem for America
You don't have to like Hillary, a lot of Dem voters hated her too. This election was once again about a douche and a turd. Except Russia seemed super interested in the turd. That should have been scary for everyone.
It still should be
That was one large mistake they made. He is unlike any candidate before. You couldn't just use models from the past few elections,stick it in a blender,and publish the results. He used the media to his advantage every time he yelled or tweeted somthing "mean". The tactics that would have had McCain or W shut up or cower away like many other Republicans didn't work. He changed the playbook. Love him or hate him, it was fascinating to watch...and still is.
except for the fact that russia has done shit like this for every presidential election, and america does shit like this around the globe? its not a singular instance. its par for the course/
the truth of the matter is, if fucking up our elections is as easy as creating a couple hundred social media accounts. we have a much larger problem then Russian trolls
Agreed. To think the Russians are why Trump won are absurd. She was a horrible candidate and made more foolish steps than Trump did....So she lost.
You still.. should.. be scared.. of their .... Choice..
>If it's that easy bigger problems.
Fully agreed 100%
Their objective was turmoil not choice. Everything that came out of Russia that year wasn't pro Trump. See how a 2 year investigation based on lies effects opinions?
i remembe near the end of the election cycle she literally quit campaigning because she thought she had it in the bag ( the sheer arrogance of that alone)
also ignoring the rust belt and focusing on the coastal areas really hurt her.
she was a poor candidate for her policies. her political controversies. her attitude, and retarded campaigning strategies. and her name. people in america arent the biggest fans of dynasties in politics
honestly im surprised she got as many votes as she did, which i chock up to people voting against trump, rather then for her
Yes those are fine examples.. but lets just blaim Russia instead lol
>american working class
>electing a president who's business's have gone bankrupt
choose 1,this idiot is as bad for business's as obama was
Again, that's why it's in percents. Because the data can never account for all factors...
If I told you rolling a 2 with 2 dice was a 2.8% chance, you wouldn't call me a liar because you think you've seen it come up more. That's the odds, it's probability..
The underdog with a low percent of winning won. That's not weird. It will happen again. Likely this century even.
Also I agree. I hate him. Thought his move to host rally after rally after fucking rally seemingly sleeplessly in the days leading to the election was an amazing move. I even feel that's what ultimately did it. He boosted his bases moral through the roof. It ensured an enthusiastic turnout.
We have what's called a motivated and j motivated voter. An unmotivated voter (Sanders voters after rigged primaries and hillarys after dnc leak) mope and drag their feet to the voting station quietly.
Motivated voters canvas advertise preach and drag friends off their couches to the voting stations with them. It's also a pretty big factor, and it's one we cannot calculate.
Foreign countries often interfere with the political processes of other countries. The US does it all the time. There is no evidence that Trump was involved in Russians meddling and that makes a big fucking difference. Pull your head out of your ass.
So are you saying you want him in trouble for something that someone did behind his back?
What is it like 6 out of hundreds of businesses he owned? Nice talking point though.....did CNN tell you that
keep making shit up when things don't go your way. Please never face reality and stay fucking stupid and mad.
>You still.. should.. be scared.. of their .... Choice.
he wasnt their choice anyway. they managed to hack hillarys emails because she was an idiot who didnt even basic cyber security.
trump was the republican candidate that benefited from them doing this, but only because he was the gop frontrunner,
they still would have done this if it was anyone else in that position
your using this to fear monger, but your taking it to the extreme
>be scared of the boogey man! he stopped a shitty candidate from getting elected!
please example to me how trump winning because hillary was stupid. and some Russians trolls exposed her stupidly and backstabbing means i should be scared?
So what you're telling me is the democrats knowingly sabotaged their other candidates to circumvent the voters and prop up their front runner of choice who sold uranium to russia, but it's fine because russia is the one who exposed it?
I agree that momentum was key. For almost that reason alone I predicted he would win.He did a rally in August I think that year...about a mile from my job. The sheer amount of people parking and walking through are business just to see him was incredible. Around that same time, Tim Kaine came to town ( blue as he'll west palm beach).he drew...20 people. I can't make this shit up.
Because by destabilising international alliances like NATO, the balance of power is thrown off which is one of those things that you'll never know is a thing and not realise how important it is if you aren't told.
Breaking down the trade agreements and weakening NATO is a huge blow to our international presence and interests and gives Russia more power. I'm not sure if you've been paying attention to their military conquests of late but they want NATO to break because they want to move further into Europe. And if they Dan cripple America they can do more damage.
It's exactly what they want dude.
Russia didn't interfere with the election, We did you fool.
>2 year investigation based on lies
Who twisted Don Jr's arm into seeking Kremlin connections?
Why was Trump unable to mention seeking a tower project in moscow worth hundreds of millions of dollars while running for office?
Why of all fucking people did Manafort seem a like a safe choice for campaign chairman?
The grounds for suspicion came directly from the actions of Trump and his circle, and they could not have been more stupid in conducting themselves under investigation.
Failing to meet the criminal standard for "collusion" is not a validation of their own virtue.
Kid, its time to move on. He is your president, deal with it.
>he wasnt their choice anyway.
They had one candidate who would be very hard on their actions on Crimea and Syria, and another that would struggle to find those places on a map.
Which of those two are in russia's best interest?
Trumps are good bois, day dindu nuffin, total exoneration n shiiiiieeeeettttttt mane. In other words, the Trumps are all low IQ due to their genetics, you have to make excuses for their behavior or else you're a monster.
>Being this much of a cuck
Holy shit
>Public support/ criticism is the same as thousands of bots posting shillarry memes
Lurk moar newfag, your trolling is pathetic
First two in a nutshell...The 35 million dollar investigation led nowhere. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Mulleuer knows alot more about them than you do. If true, I don't even think the first would be a crime anyway. What's next..Manafort..Trump hasn't been in DC all his life. This investigation was launched for political cover. The hopes were one of two outcomes. The first being actually finding somthing, even though in hindsight the evidence to launch a investigation was weak. The secondary goal would be to tar him so badly, he would be forced to resign.
>And it's not just about votes, this absolute state of total polarization with everyone at each other's throats is a result of all their fucking Facebook trolling and creating echo chambers and spreading fake news.
Exactly this. You Americans with all your libtard-conservitard-mentality knowing only two extremes that need to fight constantly are the epitome of cucks. Russia plays you like a flute and you don't even realize it.
Say what you want, but it's pretty pathetic. Your country is divided.
No shit sherlock
>The 35 million dollar investigation led nowhere.
It detailed a massive attack against our country that Trump as president refuses to acknowledge happened.
>I don't even think the first would be a crime anyway.
The ethics of it is far more important.
When a shady representative of a hostile foreign powers offers you assistance in an election, what other choice is there but to call the FBI?
>next..Manafort..Trump hasn't been in DC all his life.
Infantilizing. Trump brands himself as a keen businessman, and he had zero vetting process if a piece of shit like Manafort is allow into his circle.
>This investigation was launched for political cover.
There were grounds for suspicion, and the FBI did an incredibly thorough job of investigating it.
>would be to tar him so badly, he would be forced to resign.
Any government can map a psychological profile of Trump, and quickly realize he has no sense of shame and defiant of anything that contradicts his own narcissistic delusions.
As per his own words, he'd be perfectly fine with murdering someone on streets and still feel entitled to be President.
>they create massive amounts of social media pages/accounts that constantly try and turn public opinion one way or another.
THAT is interfering?
hate to break it to you, but every politician does that as they run for office whether it be in speeches, tv ads, or via political action committees or talk show appearances.
and guess what, many lie, or mislead.
>They also are behind the outrage culture we now see, and made many BLM pages.
>Basically their goal is to cause chaos and this is nothing new.
you've defined american politics,
>It's been their goal since WW2.
politics is older than that.
>It's been well outlined that they create massive amounts of social media pages/accounts that constantly try and turn public opinion one way or another. They also are behind the outrage culture we now see, and made many BLM pages. Basically their goal is to cause chaos and this is nothing new. It's been their goal since WW2.
>It's been well outlined that they create massive amounts of social media pages/accounts that constantly try and turn public opinion one way or another. They also are behind the outrage culture we now see, and made many BLM pages. Basically their goal is to cause chaos and this is nothing new. It's been their goal since WW2.
>It's been well outlined that they create massive amounts of social media pages/accounts that constantly try and turn public opinion one way or another. They also are behind the outrage culture we now see, and made many BLM pages. Basically their goal is to cause chaos and this is nothing new. It's been their goal since WW2.
You are one stupid fuckin 30 year old
Please don't edit my response like the first one.the investigation specifically concerning the two allegations you made came up empty. Thats it. Did you give the steele dossier such scrunity btw? For don Jr's meeting. If it's what I'm thinking of, the non government Russian citizen mentioned having somthing useful for him and it was a pitch for a business deal. Why call the fbi on a clown who's trying to sell you a time share....who happens to be from Russia? And yes I know it wasn't a time share. The rest of what you wrote is so rooted with blind trump hate its borderline nonsensical. I know you got upset by what he said. Sorry. Did you also get upset when he was mocking the media asking Russia for the 33000 emails?
>THAT is interfering?
Hacking both political parties and leaking the info of only one influences an election and is interfering.
Fuck your whataboutism, ignoring social distortion in this country by a foreign power is a problem and unpatriotic.
So they basically did what every left outlet also did? Also, speaks pretty shitty of the US if the Rrussians can do it that easily....
It's not okay, but it doesnt change the outcome. No do-overs, no give-backs. Do better next time, faggot. Hes the President. If you dont like it, vote him out. If you can....
Who's to say the other side had anything like that to leak? Who's to say exactly who did the hacking? Wiki leaks still claims it wasn't Russia. Doesn't mean it wasnt...doesnt mean it was.
Your country don't suffer a massive attack. You are just a bunch of lazy faggots trying to find a scape goat to blame, because you're unable to cope with your own mistakes. First off, almost half of you don't even care to exercise your right to vote. You literally sit down and spect someone else do the job for you. Second, you don't even cared about learn who are your own candidates at all. Learn about their past, their government plans, cabinet or anything. You literally sit down and spect your social networks told you how to think, how to talk, who is who and who is the good or bad one. You literally sit and waited that everything would work just like facebook and your virtual friends believed, sharing memes and jokes about how in the world Trump could win. But, you know what? Some people don't cared about your internet tantrums. They wanted the old days of glory back. And they changed everything.
This is your fault. You and you only. You become so dependent of internet to the point you're unable to inform properly by yourselves. You're unable to think by yourselves. Russia just sing a tune and you danced like the faggots you're.
Its your fault, deal with it.
>> specifically concerning the two allegations you made came up empty
What allegations did I make?
>Did you give the steele dossier such scrunity btw?
Yes. Nothing seemed implausible based on the actions of related parties.
>somthing useful for him and it was a pitch for a business deal.
You talking as if I'm someone that didn't read Don Jr's emails and listened to Trump's promises of speeches detailing dirt on Hillary.
>The rest of what you wrote is so rooted with blind trump hate its borderline nonsensical.
He assembled a commission based on his unwavering belief that three million illegal votes cost him the popular count.
He is a delusional narcissist that forms his worldview on the lowest quality conspiracy theories.
>Did you also get upset when he was mocking the media asking Russia for the 33000 emails?
Considering hacks started hours later after that speech, It was hard to dismiss what he said as a joke, especially since it was not his typical delivery.
Was his declaration that if he became President, Hillary would be in jail also a joke?
>Who's to say the other side had anything like that to leak?
An decades long precedent highlighted by things like Watergate and Iran-Contra of republicans hiring loyal idiots for schemes that backfire.
To their credit, the russians only managed to hack into old domains, but unable to breach anything useful.
>? Who's to say exactly who did the hacking?
The Mueller report.
>Wiki leaks still claims it wasn't Russia.
The current political trend is the best option for Assange to avoid being torn out of his hole in an embassy and drawn and quartered in the streets.
wtf i did it do you aswnser?
>Its your fault, deal with it.
That is my position.
captcha's glitching
Are you at least semi-suicidal?
How often do you masturbate to your sister?
The allegations were about trumps Russian land deal and don Jr trying to get dirt. You edited my response implying absolutely nothing was uncovered in the mueller report.i states concerning those two matters,it was a dead end. Second point...Trump is crazy so steele dossier sounded plausible to you? Ok..your bias is showing like comey don jr being tapped..yep..and Mueller report d idnt do anything with whatever may have been recorded. Nothing burger. Illegal voting. You deny it doesn't happen? If not,how many have? Doesn't really matter to you. Your bias is showing. Popular vote doesn't mean shit anyway. You play to win. Trump himself said that if popular vote was the law,he would have strategized differently. Finally the 33000 missing emails. At that point he said that, the fbi was already seeking them out. You know this. Her campaign was already trying to get rid of them...or had already.she never submitted them right?
Ok...soo....1st point your hatred for republicans is all you need 2nd point.. you read it already??? 3rd point...doesnt change what I don't know for a fact.