How did Yea Forums look like before racists and alt right toke over the site ?

How did Yea Forums look like before racists and alt right toke over the site ?

What were Yea Forums orginal views on politic, or did 4channers largly ignore that shit ?

Also, what was an edgy meme back then ?

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Lots of cp

You tell me

Didn't much care about politics at all.
Anime was the shit, loads of cp and sillness.
We were direct, not rude - there's a difference.


The people were just less focused. When people talk about "political teams" it's cause these last few years really engraved that shit in peoples minds. The most apathetic fuckhead that doesn't know shit is on a side now and feels a sense of community in his political tribe rather than a music board or games or something. Really quite sad and I don't think it'll every really go back to the same.

Was mostly shitposting

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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Nigger was the only insult

Faggot was the only compliment

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Will you stop spamming this shit?

people knew the difference between oldfags and old faggots

>before racists and alt right toke over the site
Lol. You mean before leftists invaded and forced right-leaning people into the extreme?

Yea Forums is 40/60 left/right now but it used to much more centrist or slightly right leaning.

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Yea Forums was never good, dude.

And appreaciated the difference!


Ahhh, your childishly simple political views must be so easy to manage.

That wasn't the question.

“Before” you mean before anonymous became a faggot activist movement and the site filled with left faggots who don’t know how to meme? The answer is more OC, CP, raids, and mods who did their jobs.

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Oh absolutely.

Just as stupid of an ideology as any other.

>Let's pick and choose things we're for from either party, but we just don't wanna be called neoliberal.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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It was edgy and racist but people didn't mean it. It was fun to be a faggot when you couldnt do it irl. Then actual edgy racists and faggots moved in and it's what's you see today. Goddamn do j miss the meme days, when I would crack up seein the troll face.

>Let's pick and choose things we're for from either party
Literally the only sane option.
Politics isn't football you know. You don't have to pick a team and fight to the death for it.

>How did Yea Forums look like before racists
We've always been racist

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mostly cp, raids and a lot of gore you have to find below the surface web now a days

>mods who did their jobs.
Bring back snacks

Newfag spotted

There was more gore, people were still extremely racist, everyone was a degenerate.

Now its all moralfags, BLM apologists and normie tourists (aka OP)

Lol, alright man. Maybe grey Jedi will be president next time. Meanwhile, we just had a big win with regards to the collusion investigation.

You fucktard it was fine til the no life liberals started posting their cuck and trap porn ever 5 seconds.

Literally just bring back a sense of community. Mods who care what the front page looks like. People don’t know or forget mods used to purge when shit stopped looking good. And would urge OC.

hell .... annonymouse, completely forgot about those faggots. What did happen to them hahahahaha

It was a lot more random, that's for sure. Right now, there are 24/7 porn & politics, and they're constantly bumped. There was less porn and less identity politics back then, and the same thread wasn't repeated over and over. Dont get me wrong, it was still dumbass shit that got posted, it just wasn't so focused. I think it was a bit better, because weird shit got a chance to breathe. Now it's traps, celebrities, and american politics all day every day.

Hes kinda right. Before rage faces made "memes" mainstream there was certainly a counterculture on Yea Forums that wasnt socially acceptable

Like I remember when using "lol" or any emoticons would get you flamed.

Now the world is so fucked you can basically be a Yea Forumstard in public and everyone has to just deal with it.

Politics were mostly ignored, it was focused around anime, in jokes (memes before they were defined as memes), videogames and a shitton of porn.

The main prevailing idea was it was that Yea Forums was a free for all where people could say a of the things they wanted to from an anonymous position with no holds barred. It was amazing and hilarious.

> we just had a big win
Did you do that intentionally? Just to prove my football team analogy?
If so, then gj buddy. If not then you're actually an NPC.

Also you have no idea which candidate I supported.

The raids were epic. Bitches showing tits meant something, as they would usually be dubbed ~chan. We'd send boxes and pizzas to targets, en masse. Juvenile, but funny nonetheless.

10 years ago SJW weren't so active. We go forced to radicalize because of BLM, muh gender and the active liberal propaganda everywhere.
Yea Forums remains one of the place medias didn't take over.

tl : dr ; you kids are blinded by medias and need to lurk moar

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Yeah, it's the liberals I keep seeing draw maga hats on lolis and making gore threads dedicated to black people.

You forget that Yea Forums was bought by a useless cunt who doesn't give half a rotten turd what happens to Yea Forums.
He sells people's information and invites the twitter mob.

Naa iam also part of Yea Forums for a couple of years, but not that long - sitt big part of german shit posting scene on twitter and lachschon

Wouldn't consider me anything close to a normie :) YOU FUCKING NIGGER FAGGOT HOMO KLAUS SCHNITZELHAUS

Forced to radicalized? Holy fuck you all are brainwashed.

The difference being it was a joke back then, now it's damn near sincere.

not him, but how its views are childish ? They are simple, indeed, but not childish.

Childish is more like "muh racist policemen kill oppressed black people for no reason".

Hyper polirization of political views os a fact, and isn't childish.

Remember when you raff you ruse was considered cancer?

Now those are the only passable threads.

Oh, fuck, cp & frontal took. So sad i didnt knew Yea Forums before

Brainwashed ? Explain. You sound like you don't understand what you say.

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WTF are you on about Newfag

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hal turner would disagree with you, faggot.

Yea Forums is just underground reflection of the society. Every mainstream action gives rise to underground opposition.

Your memory fails you or the second newfaggot has been spotted pouring the likely rumor. Acronyms have never been taboo. The 100k get literally is “lol internet” and that shit was dope.

It was a joke made by 100% of Yea Forums back then.

Now it's a dead serious statement from 50% of Yea Forums, and the other 50% are leftist moralfags who thinks Yea Forums is their new holy land.

When people pretend to be idiots for larks, they will attract real idiots who will think themselves in good company.

So true

Times change, I suppose. The board is dead, and we're only here because there's been nothing quite like it ever.

I *sound" like that because you don't understand what I say. You don't understand what's happened. Fuckin sad mate.

Oh yeah that 1 guy proves me wrong.

well feel free to explain yourself any time faggot

palin's emails


Iam not but iam pretty sure he is talking about "sceptics" and all the fake News / fake News memes

People like Soygoy of akkad call them self "secptics" but think Breitbart is a credibal source

Learn to write first, then I'll dignify your question with an answer, you dyslexic retard aka moron

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Palin is an oldfag?

I can't save you. It's too late.

>Using my homosexuality derogatorily


True neutral: nigger faggot

Wait, Michael or Sarah?

basically, its sorta the best free speech platform that exists despite it being so shitty since forever.

Ideas are passed back and forth very easily on account of anonymity

the hacking of her emails were back in '08

Just because your young brain took it as “They’re just kidding, they didn’t mean it” doesn’t make it true. This board has always been a toxic, racist, swallow.

>being this much of a newfag

Everyone on this sight gets called faggot. I'm not even the same user you replied to you fuckin snowflake.

And the twin towers fell in 2001.

>Using my homosexuality derogatorily
nigger where do you think you are?

Yeah but the board is very aggressive with trolls and propaganda. Not that it was never around, but you have to admit the site is a bit more mainstream and fags have come here to much everything up way worse than it used to be.

See OP, this is what you brought

Swallow? Why not Duck or Swan?

Ok, i get it, you want to just play an idiot, but oldfags would remember how much bush was disliked here.

>free speech
Not since that spineless fuck Moot sold the site.
All your shit is being recorded and sold to the lowest bidder.


yea thats all true but sadly its still the best for having open air discussions

What else is there? Youtube comments? Jewbook? Twitter? (lol)

I'd argue it's not so much about free speech, because we don't really stand for something, you know? It's about letting the facade drop and getting some free room from oppressive normality. Like dropping of the masque of being a good upstanding citizen and just screaming nigger at the top of your lungs because it's funny.

I'm not going anywhere. Snowflake isn't being used properly.

>Using my homosexuality derogatorily
Is there any other way?

Thats what politics are and have been for a long time user...

Spineless? He was a gentleman and a scholar.
It was his board, he could just have shut the whole down, but opted to let it live in other hands - so shut you whore mouth!

Cp, raids, people were army- posted people's information would call, call pawn Stars asked if they had battle toads.

Maybe you hated him. The other half of the old fags who knew how to meme were pushing the rumor that he played WoW. Don’t speak for me ever again, nigger.


Some use it... sexually!

>patriot act
>half of Yea Forums still liked him
quit trying to lie on the internet

It literally used to be endearing to be called that here. Specifically reserved for when moments were made amongst users in threads. You *newfags* haven't been around long enough to see how people treated each other here. It was. It was just different.

meant to respond to
the fact you think anyone on an anonymous image board gives a shit about your sexual orientation is what makes you a snowflake.

I remember seeing CP threads like every 20 min or so, was bad times.

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You're just naming random dates.
Did you read Palins emails? I sure as fuck didn't.
And even if you did, was Palin an authority on Yea Forums?

I'm telling you what I've seen in the last 15 years on this piece of shit site.

Yea Forums used to be egalitarian. We hated everyone equally. But black people slightly more. Sand roody-poo's were actually hated.

And then CNN-gate happened and the summerfags stopped fucking off. And now it's 50/50 morafag millenials, and racists on the other team.
Nothing gets made and everyone is miserable.

I'm not asking for anyone to care dipshit. I was laughing because that's all he could resort to.

He could have let it run for bottom dollar while still making money on it.
He chose to sell his soul because he wanted the big payout now.

Get a load of this faggot. I give a literal instance of some anons having fun, while he was butthurt. Yet he still focuses on his political agenda. I don’t need to lie. I remember countless threads about the anons who weren’t faggots staying true to fun and pushing a stupid “Bush plays WoW” rumor like it was yesterday. I don’t give a fuck if you believe me but don’t blanket claim you’re an old fag and all old fags hated bush because it’s not true

I think some of yous need to be nicer to mr palin. He's a good guy

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Whats wrong with gore

>but don’t blanket claim you’re an old fag and all old fags hated bush because it’s not true
never claimed any of that, can you read sir?

Shitty VP

Or perhaps because he was sick and tired of the same old shit, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year over and over and over..
If you think it's such an important site, YOU fucking buy it, and YOU run it.

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You're too new to know that

We use to site around on Google cameras watching a fucking postcard stand waiting for someone to tip it over in new york, which finally someone did.

Yea Forumswas find of always full of leftist types for the most part they were very liberal on most things but politics was kept to pol.

We use to have prank phone calls, with battle toads, all this was around the time anonymous was posting her rapidly to get people to join the irc channels.

Not the same guy but ya kinda fuckin did buddy
Get your shit straight

>only oldfags will remember how much bush was disliked
And here I am in the flesh telling you, no. Some of us didn’t give a fuck. We were here to have fun.

but i didn't, read my shit again. i claimed it less than half, not all.

I encountered a dude on k who got sent a pizza recently, he probably won the support of his boss because of it too

Don't be daft now - I just know I'm a bit smarter than that.

Give me 5 minutes


Before the fucking faggot ass cucks with the dick rate thread every 30 seconds that shit belongs on soc

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Most of us didn't give a fuck about bush. He sort of just invited people to make fun of him.

Y'all guys needs to calm down.



Here, take a Bang's

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i would agree with that, but i think there was also a strong anti-authority sentiment here, is simply what im trying to get at here.

It probably is a better fit on /fit/

I'll be there in 30minutes

>alt right

been here since 05 always hated nonwhites and white traitors american type liberals etc.

edgy would be cp, but it's not really edgy if you legitimately want to jerk off to it

specifically example of edgy i dont know maybe nikki catsouras

Oh you

That's an R not an N m8

Well Yea Forums was never politically correct, so there was allways allot of nig this fag that but back then it wasn't political just simply because it was funny. Oldfags will remember when moot changed that word to roodypoo, lulz were had.

Generally Yea Forums was incredibly politically diverse, we had stormfags sure but also plenty far left and a shitload of libertarians from across the spectrum ofcourse. I think i enjoyed the stormfag posts more because they were a weird obscure niche group, now being rightwing has become normie.

Unfortunately it was because of this use of extreme humour that when being 'alt right' went mainstream we had a fucking torrent of edgy rightwing trumpkins flood in around the time of the 2016 elections. Worshipping a mainstream public figure, a fucking president of all people, to this degree really wasn't in the spirit of 'old Yea Forums'. Gamergate also invited a huge earlier influx of altrighty users here holy shit i remember that.

Long before that, /news/ had become /pol/ to give the emerging far right demographic a place to post but with 2016 more and more people were shitposting on Yea Forums about far right politics that it just got really really fucking tedious.

There is significantly less innovation or creativity on Yea Forums now. Mudkips, puddi, boxy, battletoads prank calls, philosoraptor, caturday, knocking over the card stand (i seens it twice) just to name a few of the funny fucking things from here. I haven't seen much new or interesting like that in a long time. The front page is usually more than half "aoc is dumb, trump is great" "feminists/blacks/socialists/trans are taking over" now.

Holy shit i remember joining a shit load of anons ringing up a texan gay bashing call in radio show to spout dumb memes or say gay shit. Why? Because it was funny to hear him rage. That would definitely never happen now.

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The 'racism' has always been here Nigger. It just was without politics.

Anti authority exactly, holy fuck has that changed.



You didnt mention operation payback, that speaks volumes about the change in Yea Forums.

OPPB was about hitting back at large corporations, now half the anons here suck big corp dick constantly talking about how they should have all the power and money ffs what happened.

We need a whole month of the black overlay.
Anyone with a brain could remove it, but the retards would be fucking gone.

I remember that radio show, we also use to go into live streams (forget the site) that people had for shows and call in and watch them rage.

Or find cam girls and then find there Facebook profiles and submit the pictures to everyone on there Facebook page.

I miss the raids lots of lulz

Leftist and cucks.
Literally what has destroyed Yea Forums.

No one wanted anonymous to be an activist movement other than the new age lefties entering Yea Forums every summer wanting to be apart of that juicy hive mind they heard so much about. Your newfag is showing.

the word meme wasn't ever used. We just did and it became so.

Ylyl thread were great.

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No, just stupidity.
That's all really.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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look, a specific political leaning has nothing to do with todays awful Yea Forums, huge groupings of people who thought their political demagogue was above ridicule has.

Anonymous was a bunch of fags with there low orbit cannon of dicks.

It started off good then leftist came and fucked it up.

It was suppose to be the lulz and that's all. Then the 1% protest came here and somehow the anonymous and the 1% movement got merged.

Never was suppose to be about that.

Kek oppb took place over a far longer period than 'just summer' besides if you wearn't a newfag youd remember moot posting traffic stats that proved traffic didn't increase over summer.

I don't know where you are suggesting all these 'leftists' are on here nowadays, there is significantly more right wing posting here today than there was 10 years ago.

There was never really a posting of political shit here until around 2014

Yea Forums was always retarded.
Tech-savvy and retarded are not mutually exclusive.

It was only when Yea Forums came into the spotlight and all the normies (see: twitter leftists) came onboard and decided Yea Forums could be both PC and edgy.

They were wrong.

>a leftists saying there aren't many leftists, while complaining about the amount of right wing posts

You are part of the problem you raging newfag.
And yes I do remember that chart. Summerfag has been used since forever. You'd know that if you didn't wasn't such a summerfag.

You’re missing the point of what the majority of this thread has already said. We’ve always had a large amount of edgy racist people. It wasn’t until recently when politics even was considered. The difference then, when someone called someone a nigger it wasn’t “Ooh nice ad hominem, trumptard.” It was more like “no u.” We’ve always been here, nigger. To insinuate that the amount of right leaning anons has increased in the past four years is idiotic

Exactly, allot of people are claiming 'Yea Forums was always right wing' which just isn't true, it used to be allot more of a political mix.

Anons would participate in raids that they wanted to get behind...
Hate women want to make them rage? Then you'd expose cam whores.
Hate homophobes and want to make them rage? Then you'd prank the shit out of gay bashing radio shows.

There were raids to suit most agendas and then ofcourse a healthy crossover of people simply 'in it for the lulz'.

Anyone who ever tries to claim Yea Forums was united in one political direction wasn't here in the old days.

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Well "Nigger" has to be the most used word of all time on Yea Forums.
That by default makes Yea Forums more right leaning back then. Also the daily "glass the middle east" threads.

The other part of the equation is that politics wasn't this polarized back then. People were much closer to the centre before PC culture divided everyone into NPC's and edgelords.

this guy knows what's up

Yea Forums always been racist newfag

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Yes exactly most of the time it was just for the lulz Never really had a political motive behind it.

It wasn't until the recent election that it started to get really gay around here. The lefitst Twitter fags came here and destroyed it. Dick rates were never a thing here

Kek moot never posted a 'chart' as you claim to remember, he just typed out a post about when traffic increased the most and how 'it didnt change over summer much atall'.

fuckig this all day

As far as i see it the site became a lot more liberal. I think there have always been a lot of alt right people on here, people just didnt speak about political opinions that much.

Anyway, i think the main difference was that there were CP threads going on all the time. Image Yea Forums now, but then CP threads instead of blacked threads. Thats roughly what it was like.

watch all the people that say "Yea Forums was always right wing" say "Yea Forums also loved zionism"

But it was done for a reaction, like the nigger hate threads you cannot actually say the b was racist. Because the motivation wasn't really there it was more for the reaction of others.

If you weren't a PC newfag you would know what I am talking about.

Your missing the point there, closing the pool was for ridiculous shock value, sure racists participated but allot of non racists participated too.

Yeah no shit well done dipshit.
It was like 7 years ago, I don't remember the actual post just the fuzz about it.

Doesn't change the fact that you are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums, talking about how cancer isn't a problem.

Yes this is what it was about just for reaction and laughs.

People need to realize be never had a political motive, we fucked with all types of people

And now 90% of those same people who did it just for the lulz back then actually got pushed into the alt right due to constant exposure to annoying SJW's on the internet. The joke became a reality.

Im interested in anons who think it has become more liberal here, in what way?

I mean i see the occasional post like 'aoc is a beautiful strong woman and is just what this country needs and if you dont vote for her your racist' but that is clearly b8 not sincere leftwing posting.

I basically never see sincere leftwing OPs, everyone knows its going to amount to nothing, i do see lefty anons replying to threads occasionally but the vast vast majority of shit i see here (especially in the last month) is altright style posting.

and they all niggered up as well

It was all about shitposting. Gore, CP and rekt threads with a lot edgy stuff just out of spite, twisted humor and pure silliness. But pretend long enough to be a bunch of racists, fags and kiddiefiddlers, real retards join. Now the mods are recruited to protect the paid shit, the bots and this crap in an attempt to fake content and to sell more of advertising shit. Yea Forums is sold out.

Nigger wasn't derogatory back then, it was a fucking filler word. It was funny to say because saying nigger in the real world was offensive. Yea Forums wasn't fucking right leaning, Yea Forums was casually disinterested in politics.


Post proof of this faggot.

It could be that but it could also be the complete opposite...

Asin alt righters read about those old pranks but interpreted them at face value and came here.

holy shit btfo user you should of just rage quit

Also why SJW's pretty much single-handedly got Trump elected.
People got sick of the PC bullshit calling everyone nazi and X-phobe, so they got pushed further and further into the right.

Furry porn

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Your ADHD seems to have kicked in because you didn't read the most important part.

Also the daily "glass the middle east" threads.

The other part of the equation is that politics wasn't this polarized back then. People were much closer to the centre before PC culture divided everyone into NPC's and edgelords.

Proof? I am one of them myself. I wouldnt actually call myself a racist, but i definitely became a lot more right winged.

Kek, thanks for proving my point for me newfag.

been here since 2005/2006.
Yea Forums has always been Yea Forums. always faggots and niggers, always cancer. always been what it is today

really nigger was racist when i was a kid internet didnt exist back then

Newfag detected. Yea Forums was never good.

Pretty funny you didn't even catch what I just did.

I've been here since December '04. It's always been this way, it just had more weeb shit. And cats. And CP.

The corniest thing ever. You can’t get pushed into thinking because some people espouse ideological garbage.

I argue with SJW’s and far left people all the time, but I’ve never been pushed towards alt Reich ways of thinking

It was never a “joke” to begin with. If what people say push you to a negative ideology over your actual experience irl, you were always there.

Simulations and Memes, there was nothing imbalanced.. Sentience and 'Contingence' were hand in hand, it was perfect harmony.

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Im not disagreeing with you as such, im sure it happened both ways to be honest.

kek sure kid, you done goofed

No they stayed where they were the politial parties went left.
The left is so socialist now they are starting to make hitlr look mild

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a lot of furry porn

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Some things never change I guess

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First try checking page 1.

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As someone who’s been on Yea Forums since the Habbo Hotel raids, Yea Forums was always filled with edgy white boys.

Thing is, back then, no one was really up and up on ideology.

It was only a matter of time before the hopeless, dejected, angry and autistic found their way to something that rationalized their beliefs and behaviour.


hurr durr cybah pohlice

puddi puddi candy-ass

Spewing urban dictionary isn't cool newfag.

/b has always been full of racists, alt-right, pedos, closeted fags, most of them all combined....

Wow what a fucking newfag. You sound like you're 12 years old.


The whole "pool's closed" meme was originally an anti-racist protest because moron on habbo would block dark skinned avatars.

but the biggest thing Yea Forums had back in the day was that it used to be wonderfully contrarian. When the mainstream is racist the Yea Forums fought it, when the mainstream was too uptight about pc shit, Yea Forums talked about niggers and jews.

This is what people misunderstand about cp on Yea Forums back in the day. The posts were always spammed with pretty intense cp, but this was basically to drive off the summer-fags that were to scared of anything actually edgy.

so ironically once the cp stopped, then the site became much safer and gave way to morons that are not the mainstay of this tame site.



That graph is crazy, all the new phone posters probably means far more teenagers posting here too.

I agree with the overall sentiment though, sure there were always racists here but all the media attention about Yea Forums has caused a flood of altright newfags that pretty much dominate the content here.

There is literally a correlation between the increase of alt-right shitposters and the decrease in OC. Its not even like the OC has subjectively changed in quality, there is literally less of it.

>hurr durr,racists and alt right

fuck off snowflake,this isnt your safe space

This is what I’m talking about. Cut the noble degenerate bullshit. It’s the literal most annoying kind of virtue signaling that exists.

^Yep, everything goes

I’ve been posting since s place has always sort of sucked. I feel like it used to be funnier, and more thought out, than now. Lots of pranks too, which were sometimes awesome. Very little politics. Lots of theism fights. Way worse gore. Occasional cp. occasional necrophilia. The edgy stuff then would be like live streaming a suicide, or fucking a skull you stole from the catacombs (both happened). Now it’s just ‘duuur libtards’ + post pics you shouldn’t share threads. Oh well.

die in a fire faget

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There were no noble intentions. It was a rebellion against society from the band of rejects and misfits that at first culminated in some dope ass hactivism.

But since all the real niggas are either dead or in jail (or hired by the government in plea deals) were left with the degenerates who were just edgy psuedo-racists, who evolved into the alt rights new idealogues.


Yeah but that stuff isnt actually 'liberals' its posted here as race baiting because the OP knows they will get a reaction out of people and the thread will be filled with black hate.

If you surf some actual leftist sites, sure there is plenty of bullshit in them but they dont actually talk about how 'black men are better at fucking and superior'. That kind of shit is usually fake screen caps to make people rage.

& less dick rating that came with the libtarded white knights

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Kek *thumbsup*

First try again.

Attached: asdf.png (737x278, 102K)

Fuck I hate whit knights. Haven't had a good hive mind in years.

you can never go back.

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Trips confirms.

>Yea Forums orginal views on politic
There was and never will be no boiler plate standard political viewpoint of a bunch of faggots posting bullshit on 4chin. The whole spirit of Yea Forums would be to just take the opposite position of someone else and make as autistic an outburst as possible

It was always subversive and anti mainstream. Lulz are all that matters.

a lot more hitler jokes, cp, racial jokes, and less tranny porn and cuck spam. Honestly it was a lot better before the """alt rights""" "took over"
I'm just glad putting sage in the options field still works

Yes but this is a pretty rare thread hence all the divided opinions and hundreds of responses.

Im not even trying to tell you your wrong here, i just harly see any 'leftist' ops on here, im curious on how you feel there has been a leftist invasion.

maybe stop telling people theyre not allowed to and they wont do it seriously you stupid faggot

push and people will push back, this isnt a place for specific idealology and the people will fight for their home, so fuck off nigger

ive literally never in my decade on Yea Forums seen anyone ever tell someone 'you cant say that'

What user said
...and the occasional raid on some asshats life for abusing cute kittens. ;)



>pretty rare thread hence all the divided opinions and hundreds of responses.

If leftists were that rare then the thread would have died after two posts.
The reason it's still going, and there are so many divided opinions, is because Yea Forums is normie and mainstream as fuck now.

Thanks to the leftists you refuse to acknowledge.

Because no one is stupid enough to say that on an anonymous board.

You can post all the cuck fanfics you want tho.

Racism, porn, and anime but it was all for the lulz. Feels like we kept going until we forgot it was a joke.

This is bait. Lol, can't believe I even replied.

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That's literally all Yea Forums is now.
Political bait and porn.

you're okay with the cp, but not okay with political discourse. we found the liberal.

Nice trips but a vast majority of people in this thread arn't saying anything liberal atal though.

I agree that Yea Forums is getting more normie but also being rightwing is getting allot more normie so personally i see allot more actual political altright posting (ie trump, anti tranny ect) rather than just 'nigger nigger nigger lulz' that i used to.

There are some leftists here there allways have been but i dont see them post on Yea Forums very often atall. Im literally curious about your insight here.

It was full of racist jokes and CP. Yea Forums comes from a tradition of futaba channels, meaning that it is basically a 'safe space' in todays terms to behave as horribly as possible outside of societal norms.

Altright didn't overtake Yea Forums. People from both sides of the spectrum did, this includes you.

Occasionally you get some oldfags with some "jew did it";the only reason I still visit

>'safe space' in todays terms to behave as horribly as possible

My thoughts exactly.

Lel did you not realise those are troll posts?

Or maybe anti safe space would be more fitting, since were supposed to do and say anything.

This is the truth, there are many bots and niggers for gov in this site trying to change views

Oh absolutely there are -more- right wingers.
But who are they baiting with all the Emperor Trump memes and AOC's failed green deal?

Sure there's a lot of circle jerking, but check the threads out and it's a fucking war most times.
Just like this thread.

Also Normie doesn't just mean the "average person".
Normies are Millenials, twitter activists, MSM shills, LGBT virtue signalers. That sort of trending SJW crowd.

There's a reason trap threads outnumber gore threads 100:1. Normies love their gay culture.

The Scientology bullshit was the true beginning of the end, that's how we've gotten to here. This place is supposed to be about the lulz (fucking Fox 11, remember the call in show? I do), and letting go of all the crap going on in your life. Now it's mostly depressing because alot of you take everything so fucking serious today. Whatever, my v-tech just kicked in.

For sure that's part of it.
The other part is leftist cucks who want their imaginary gf to get BBC'd.

There were always porn you idiot

Prjoect Chanology was the dumbest shit.

Yea Forums was never good

Yeah but Yea Forums wasn't mostly porn.

tbh this is a good representation of the average thread back then.

pure cancer

I wrote less you failed abortion

>If leftists were that rare then the thread would have died after two posts.
are you really trying to suggest that the only people that can be here are leftists or alt-right?


Attached: bigfurget.jpg (864x516, 49K)

Is this Drachenlord?

It was always racist. Moot even had word filters to such words. Peanutbutter was changed

Oh no you took the bait

Well for one Yea Forums was always racist.

A hell ton of cp we were edgy but not that edgy racism and shit like that wasn't super big and we were just very honest we never sugar coated anything

before politics entered the picture, we were mostly just random like the name applies, no real agenda, sometimes good, sometimes bad, still lots of porn, lots of camwhores. there wasn't this huge division of left vs right, lulz were still a thing and so was doing good. I don't know it was just better in every way.

stuff like this

Attached: 503290493-1_2.png (3840x2160, 1.36M)

was normal back then

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stoner threads where everybody made OC

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Yea Forums was never good

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But that was a feature, because everybody tried

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german leftist detected
no thanks

There's no such thing as an 'alt right'

This is just something SJWs have created to label people like they're an evil that needs to be exterminated or something. People are and always will be racist, the anonymity of this site just provides a platform for people to voice their unfiltered opinions so in essence you see what people are truly thinking and feeling.

People hate niggers and jews, and for good reasons that I won't get into because someone else can fucking tell you.

Also, if anyone has 'taken over' this site it's the so called 'left wing' SJWs who are trying to cuck everyone with subliminal messages. Also jews have always been here but now they've spread so far across the board nobody can escape their shitposting agendas.

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republicans labeled us far-left, but there were extremists back then too

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it's funny how nu/b/ tries to argue that Yea Forums was always right wing.


It's funny how an idiot can't post a real image.

I’m not going to lie, half of what you spewed out was nonsensical garbage.

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old Yea Forums still knew it was an image board.

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shut up nu/b/

that's just how the 'nu Yea Forums' alt-right operate they use propaganda quite effectively even if it's mostly retarded